Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 490 The lineup is absolutely strong

Tata Motors is very large, and it would be too big a move to change the entire system, including technology.

Before Tata Steel reformed, it was because Tata Steel had big problems and had to reform.

But Tata Motors has not reached that point yet.

Because trucks under the name of Tata Motors sell very well in China and have a high market share, accounting for more than 7% of the truck industry.

In everyone's opinion, it is definitely a high-quality enterprise that makes money.

So Ratan is in a dilemma now, Qiaogo is here, this is a wolf.

A jerk who can turn an industry upside down.

If one thing goes wrong, the seemingly great advantages on one's side will be wiped out.

We have to contact the people over there in the beautiful country to talk about this later.

If the other party really provides technical equipment, it may be possible to reopen a branch factory here at Tata Motors, so that the problem of mutual interference will be smaller.

According to Ratan's personal opinion, it is actually possible and the best choice to reform and upgrade Tata Motors at this time.

Although he hated Qiao Ge, Qiao Ge was right in what he said.

That is that large companies like ours are indeed a little too content with the status quo. This is a common problem among large domestic companies, and it is not unique to the Tata Group.

This is especially true for companies with a longer history.

Those like Reliance Group will be lighter.

In fact, it is still a matter of vitality, because Reliance Group is still a newly emerging force, maintains a strong enterprising spirit, and is naturally full of vitality.

As for the Tata Group, it is content to be the leader in the country as long as it is better than other domestic peers. This is indeed a huge disadvantage internationally.

But he also knew that his plan to comprehensively reform Tata Motors would definitely not pass.

The reform of Tata Steel had already exhausted its efforts and was finally passed with great difficulty.

If we take action against Tata Motors this time, the person above will not support it.

The family is really going to be in great turmoil. This is not what that person wants to see. He still hopes that the family can maintain relative stability.

Those old guys who were forced to retire by themselves are always thinking about seizing power and kicking themselves out.

At this time, I couldn't give them any leverage, so I had to be more steady.

Sometimes Latan feels that he is very tired. Even though he has used strong tactics and iron-blooded tactics, the intricate relationships within the family still make it difficult for him to use his full strength.

There were constraints and connections everywhere, which gave him a huge headache.

He clearly knows that Bego Automobile Manufacturing Company poses a great threat to Tata Motors. If Tata Motors does not make major reforms, it will end badly in the future.

But he just couldn't come up with such a plan.

We can only choose another less reliable plan and introduce some advanced technology and equipment from abroad.

If we could do what Qiao Ge did and replace all the current equipment, that would be fine.

But this goes back to the previous question. This is definitely a major reform of Tata Motors, and the funds involved are too great.

Those old immortals will definitely jump out to stop and attack themselves.

Because in their view, Tata Motors is very profitable and does not need reform at all.

Therefore, even if some advanced technology and equipment can be introduced, it will only account for a small part of Tata Motors, which will not be enough to fight against Qiaogo.

Latan still envies Qiao Ge very much. Although Qiao Ge is much younger than himself, he is truly the leader in the Bego Group.

No one can refute his words, and his decisions and plans can be implemented very quickly.

Such an opponent is really terrifying.

But Latan was just a little worried, not desperate yet.

No matter what, there are three companies joining forces here.

The Mittal family is weaker, but the Credibility Group is strong enough.

He didn't believe that he couldn't suppress Qiao Ge even in this way.

On November 1992, 11, the results of the American general election finally came out, and sure enough, Clinton won.

Of course, Qiao Ge knew this result.

However, he was still a little worried before, whether his move to persuade Rohatin would affect the outcome.

Now it seems that I think too much and think too highly of myself, so small actions cannot affect the overall situation at all.

In short, Qiao Ge is relieved now.

Rohatin supported Clinton, and coupled with Rohatin's own influence, it was impossible for Grams to use him.

As for what position to give Rohatin, Qiao Ge didn't know. I thought this position was unusual.

Qiaogo quickly forgot about this matter, and he was now busy with getting married.

There are still a lot of things to do before marriage, including various preparations and various ceremonies.

As a marriage between wealthy families, there are still countless etiquettes.

Many of them are related to religion and are very complicated.

Qiao Ge didn't care about these procedural etiquette, but that didn't mean that his parents and the elders in Beni's family didn't care.

So regarding these things, Qiao Ge just followed the wishes of his elders and did whatever they said.

Of course, with the master Ji Te in charge of the religion, there won’t be much of a problem.

Because of Kit, many masters have joined this time, and the lineup in the religious world is absolutely strong.

Git's influence in the religious world is growing. This is not only the continuous improvement of his personal reputation, but also the power of Dimri's charitable foundation.

Since most of this fund invests in Qiaogo's companies, it can generate high returns every year.

A clear part of this revenue will be distributed to major temples for maintenance and other matters. There are great benefits in this. Even if many masters don’t care about money, they still have to take care of the feelings of the people below.

Therefore, it is very necessary to have a good relationship with Git, so that you can get more funds for your temple.

Having money in hand is confidence.

Jeanget's status has been unprecedentedly strengthened.

Nowadays, only a few older masters can surpass Git in terms of prestige.

But these masters are old and generally won’t show up.

As for Git, he is still young and full of energy. In terms of influence, he is a well-deserved leader in the religious world.

On this day, Qiaogo suddenly received news from Yuri.

The content of this news surprised Qiao Ge.

Yuri said that Pu Jing actually found Sophia's family a few days ago.

According to Pujing, Sophia’s father was also a member of the KGB.

Yuri really doesn't know these things.

Although he was also from the KGB, many members did not know each other and their identities were kept secret.

Sophia's father and Pu Jing had a good relationship at that time, because both of them had been sent to work in East Germany.

Since the two were responsible for different tasks, there was no further contact.

Only recently did Pu Jing learn that Sophia's father had died in missions in previous years.

So he spent a lot of effort to find Sophia's family.

He also learned from them that Sophia had followed him to India.

Qiao Ge didn't expect Sophia and Pu Jing to have such a relationship, which was a bit embarrassing.

Pu Jing's meaning is very clear, that is, he wants Sophia to go back.

If your best friend's daughter becomes someone else's lover, you, as an elder, must not ignore it.

If it were anyone else, Qiaogo would definitely not bother to pay attention.

This is the future boss, and Qiao Ge still wants to have a relationship with him in the future.

If he was disgusted by this matter, he didn't know how the other party would deal with him.

At least his property in Damao will definitely suffer.

Sophia is good, but compared to the consequences of offending this boss, Qiao Ge can still see clearly what is more serious.

After all, it was impossible for him to marry Sophia, so he could only let Sophia go back.

Qiao Ge is not a heartless person, and will give Sophia a lot of wealth when the time comes.

This is a personal reason, but also to give Pu a face.

Qiao Ge soon arrived at Xili Daiyu’s residence.

Sophia has now entered the Bollywood film and television industry. In order to learn acting skills, Qiao Ge handed her over to Sirideyu.

Usually, Sophia is asked to learn acting knowledge from Xili Daiyu.

Of course, this is also to let Sophia have a companion. After all, she doesn’t know anyone here.

Xili Daiyu is the one with the best personality and the most stable among the women. Qiao Ge feels relieved if he leaves it to her.

Qiao Ge looked at Fuli who opened the door and couldn't help but smile: "You are here too."

Soon he heard screams coming from the living room.

He couldn't help but look around hurriedly, and saw Sophia, Tapu and Maduli wrestling in a ball on the carpet in the living room. Their hair was messy and their clothes were messy.

Xili Daiyu just came out of the kitchen, holding a fruit plate in her hand.

"What's going on?" Qiao Ge came in and asked.

After Fuli closed the door, she said, "It's not just the first or second time they've made such a fuss."

"Okay, okay, you can stop." Xili Daiyu said with a smile.

Although the four girls now have their own residences, they usually rush to the door, but I didn't expect that they are all here today.

Only then did Qiao Ge realize that the three women were not really fighting, but just joking.

However, the three of Sophia struggled together, but it seemed that Sophia alone had the upper hand.

Maduri and Tapu were obviously on the same team, and the two of them dealt with Sophia together.

Now, one of the wrists of the two women was pinched by Sophia, and they were screaming. It was obvious that Sophia's hand was very strong, and it was obviously a grappling technique.

When Sophia saw that it was Qiao Ge who was coming, she let go of her hand.

"It's just a little bit close. We will definitely defeat you next time." Tapu stood up and rubbed his wrist.

"What's going on?" Qiao Ge asked Sophia, "Do you know how to fight and grapple?"

Sophia's face turned slightly red and she said, "My father taught me a little bit when I was little."

"This is just a little bit. Tapu and I can't beat you together." Maduli said from the side, "You will have to teach us later. With this trick, I can deal with ordinary people with confidence."

As she spoke, Maduli waved her fist, as if she would be invincible after practicing it.

"That's right, that's right, you can defend yourself this way." Tapu also said seriously.

"That's not bad. Although there are bodyguards, it would be really good if you could learn one and a half moves." Qiao Ge laughed.

Qiao Ge is not surprised that Sophia knows this now, after all, he has such a father. (End of chapter)

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