Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 495 Checking the Quality

"This industry is currently in a downturn. I believe we can still find some high-quality companies for acquisition." Qiao Ge said with a smile, "Also, the large mines you just mentioned are all under the names of several large companies. I don't agree with this. Agreed. I think we can definitely explore new mineral veins ourselves, especially in Australia. The area is so big and there are still many places that have not been explored. I believe there must be large-scale mineral veins. It is also okay to acquire some small iron ore companies. Although the output of some small companies is not large, the mines they own may not necessarily be small, and the reserves are still considerable."

Qiao Ge is still confident about the acquisition.

This is not the era of the three iron ore giants in the previous life.

Although they are very powerful now, they are not yet powerful enough to have a monopoly.

In fact, these three companies only grew in size in the following years when they took advantage of the downturn in the industry to merge and acquire other iron ore companies.

For example, BHP Billiton has not merged yet and is still two companies.

Vale has not yet been privatized, so large-scale mergers and acquisitions have not yet begun.

In short, now is the final good time to acquire, it is a feast.

In view of the current downturn in the industry, many iron ore companies are preparing to transfer.

If you miss this time, it will be basically impossible to squeeze into the iron ore market in the future.

Didn’t you see that in the previous life, China couldn’t do it as a country and could only be blackmailed by these three giants?

Lawrence didn't say anything immediately, but he still recognized Qiaogo's words.

When the industry is in a downturn, it is indeed the best time for mergers and acquisitions.

But this requires a certain grasp of the future development of the industry.

If this downturn lasts too long, acquisitions will become a burden.

However, he still trusts Qiao Ge's judgment, so there is nothing more to say. He supports it.

As Qiaogo said, the large-scale mines discovered now do have owners, but what about those that have not yet been discovered?

Australia has a vast territory, sparsely populated areas, and rich mineral content. If you go for exploration, you will indeed have the opportunity to discover large mineral veins.

Of course, these investments are also considerable.

Exploration is risky, you may invest a lot and get nothing in the end.

But once you find a large mineral vein, you will make a lot of money.

High risk, high reward.

"I have some connections and some influence over Australia." Lawrence smiled. "As for Brazil, our influence at HSBC is not great. You have to find Rohatin. I believe he has a way to solve it."

"Understood, let's ask Mr. Rohatin for help on the Brazilian side." Jogo said with a smile.

Rohatin is from the beautiful country, and he does have a great influence on the countries in South America.

In fact, the beautiful country is very influential in the world and is now the only superpower.

In this way, with the assistance of Lawrence and Rohatin, I believe the acquisition of the iron ore company will be much smoother.

"Speaking of Australia, I do have a candidate I can recommend to you." Lawrence said.

"Oh? Which iron ore company is it from?" Qiao Ge said in surprise.

If there is such a person, of course it would be the best.

"No." Lawrence shook his head and said, "The owner of a nickel company is one of the largest nickel ore exporters in Australia. He is not very young, he is only in his early thirties this year. I have been in contact with him and he is a rising star with great vision. Of course he is the same as Compared to you, it’s far behind.”

After Lawrence's explanation, Qiaogo learned that this man was named Andrew Forrester.

Half a year ago, Forrest approached HSBC for a loan, and then Lawrence contacted him and learned that he wanted a loan to invest in the iron ore industry.

However, due to the relatively large loan amount, it was finally rejected by HSBC.

Because the upper management of HSBC is not optimistic about the iron ore industry. After all, the sluggish steel industry has made life difficult for all major iron ore companies.

So the risk of this loan is very high.

"How about it, are you interested in getting in touch? I think he is from Australia and has his own company and has some influence, so if it is suitable, it would not be wrong to let him be in charge of the iron ore business in Australia. Can’t?” Lawrence laughed.

"I didn't expect that there are people who are as optimistic about iron ore as I am. I really want to meet you, a fellow-minded person." Qiao Ge was actually interested in this Andrew Forrest, "Do you have his contact information? What? Then I’ll go over there and look for him.”

According to Lawrence, after Andrew Forrest hit a wall with HSBC, he also looked for loans from some other banks, but unfortunately they were unsuccessful.

After all, no one is very optimistic about this industry now.

There was not enough capital, so Andrew Forrest could only continue to operate his nickel ore export business.

"What kind of status does he have that makes it worth it for you to go there in person?" Lawrence shook his head and said, "I'll contact him and ask him to wait in London. When our affairs are over, we can go there together."

"is this okay?"

"Why is it bad?" Lawrence said lightly, "If the negotiation is really going to happen this time, we will give him a chance, and he will have to thank us. And, brother Qiaogo, you don't have to be too humble now. It's just you Who dares to underestimate the wealth we have now? Our status is different."

"Okay, I'll listen to you." Qiao Ge smiled.

Indeed, wealth is actually a symbol of status. Not counting others, he has 20 billion US dollars in his Swiss bank alone. No one dares to underestimate such assets.

Since Rohatyn has served as the chief economic adviser to the White House, the position of White Horse Investment Bank is no longer held. Yuri is now the president of White Horse Investment Bank, whose assets include various banking and investment industries.

Now Yuri is definitely one of the most influential people in Damao.

Today's oligarchs have begun to take shape.

In the previous life, Da Mao had seven oligarchs, so now Yuri should be added to make it eight oligarchs.

The industries under the name of White Horse Investment Bank are not only mining, energy and other industries, but also TV stations, newspapers, and radio stations.

This is a battlefield of public opinion, and you must have some control over it.

Five days later, Sophia came back.

That night, she was so enthusiastic and proactive that even Qiao Ge couldn't bear it.

This is Sophia's gratitude to Qiao Ge.

After she returned home, she saw that her family's life was very good, everything was taken care of, and her mother's condition had long been cured, but she still needed to recuperate for a year and a half to completely eliminate the root cause of the disease.

Compared with other people in the country, her family is very happy.

She knew that Ivanov was taking care of his family, and why did Ivanov do this? Wasn't it because of Qiaogo?

"I went to St. Petersburg the day before yesterday and met that uncle." Sophia curled up in Qiaogo's arms and whispered, "He wanted me to stay, saying that he could help me find a job in St. Petersburg, even in Moscow. It's fine here, he can ask some friends to help. I refuse, I want to go with you."

"If you really want to stay, I won't force you." Qiao Ge said.

"Now I want to see a bigger world, and I won't be limited to one country." Sophia hugged Qiao Ge tightly and said, "I think with you here, my dream will definitely come true."

Qiao Ge did not go to see Pu Jing. It would be better for Sophia to handle this matter by herself.

However, Pu Jing asked Yuri to convey some words to him, which was to take good care of Sophia.

No need for him to tell me, he would do it himself.

Qiao Ge felt that Pu Jing had acquiesced in Sophia being his lover. In fact, he also felt that this should be a good destination for Sophia.

At least Sophia's family's current life is definitely treated like a master.

Although Pu Jing works in the government, his salary is limited. He cannot provide this kind of life no matter what.

Especially with the current state of the country, he himself felt uneasy and might not be able to really help Sophia's family.

So letting Sophia follow Qiao Ge may be the best choice.

When Jogo and Lawrence returned to London, Andrew Forrester had arrived the day before.

After receiving the news from Lawrence, he flew over in a hurry.

In his opinion, it may be that HSBC has changed its loan situation, and this change is definitely a good thing.

Because I was rejected before, and I came specifically to come here this time, it is very likely that there is hope for a loan.

But when Lawrence introduced the young Indian next to him, Andrew Forrest found that he had guessed wrong.

However, this result is almost the same as what I hoped for.

Unexpectedly, this young Indian man was ready to invest in the iron ore industry.

I don’t know how this young man named Qiao Ge convinced Lawrence that Lawrence would invest in shares in his own name.

What shocked him even more was that Mr. Rohatyn from Beautiful Country wanted to join, which was simply unbelievable.

Of course he knew Rohatin's name, but his identity was not enough and he had no chance to meet him in person.

Although I am not investing alone, if I have the opportunity to become a member of such a team, of course I cannot miss the opportunity.

As long as you are not a fool, you can understand that the energy of this team will be extremely terrifying, and it will be many times more perfect than your previous independent plan.

Later, he also learned about some of Qiaogo's brilliant achievements from Lawrence, which made him full of admiration for Qiaogo.

In fact, Andrew Forrester is still very conceited. He is only in his thirties and has already accumulated a lot of wealth.

But now compared with Qiao Ge, his achievements are nothing.

The amount of capital each will invest in and how the shares will be distributed will be discussed later. These need to be discussed carefully by everyone. It is impossible to determine now that there are not many people involved.

Qiao Ge and Lawrence asked Andrew Forrest specifically about iron ore.

Since Forrest is planning to invest in this industry, he must be familiar with it, and can even be said to be professional.

Moreover, there must have been in-depth research into this industry beforehand, and they should have mastered a lot of detailed data. These are what Qiao Ge and the others want to know.

Of course, Qiao Ge and Lawrence also wanted to take the opportunity to test Frist's quality and whether it was really reliable.

Frist did not hesitate at all and explained to Qiao Ge and the others on the map of Australia. (End of chapter)

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