Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 496 The 4th Giant

Chapter 496 The Fourth Giant (please vote for me)

"I think there are countless mineral veins in this large wilderness of Western Australia. Although many ore companies have already started production there, this should only be a small part of them, and most of them have not been discovered yet." Frith Te circled a large area of ​​Western Australia with a pen, "Especially the Pilbara region, I think there is a lot of potential."

Frist himself comes from the mining industry, so he has a lot of research on the distribution of these minerals.

"Exploration?" Lawrence asked.

"Yes, we will do our own exploration," Frist said. "This is how we can maximize our profits."

"The risks are also high," said Jogo.

Qiaogo's words made Frist look a little embarrassed, but he immediately said: "Mr. Gupta, please believe that there must be rich mineral veins underneath this land."

"Why so sure?" Lawrence asked.

Investment in exploration may be lost, so everyone should be cautious.

Even if these investments are affordable for them, the risks still need to be minimized.

This kind of exploration must not be blind, it must have a certain basis.

"Although I have been engaged in nickel ore exports over the years, I have also been paying attention to the trends of other minerals. I also have a lot of friendships with some exploration companies. By chance, a friend of mine who was engaged in exploration leaked the truth when he was drunk. , it is said that there are still huge mineral veins in the Pilbara region. However, when they had some ideas, they ran out of funds and the exploration plan had to be shelved. In recent years, the market has not been good, although they have found people to raise funds and want to continue exploration. , but no one was willing to offer support.”

"I do know that there are quite a few iron ore companies in the Pilbara region now, right?" Lawrence said, "I don't deny that there are still huge undiscovered mineral veins in Australia, but does the Pilbara region need to be more careful? After all, there are so many mines operating.”

"Mr. Lawrence, the Pilbara region is very big." Forrest had to give Lawrence some knowledge. "It is precisely because there are so many mines here that we can see the richness of the subway minerals. In other unexplored areas, There must be a lot of undiscovered mineral veins waiting for us.”

"Iron ore exploration is one aspect. It's hard to say when or whether it will be discovered," Qiaogo said. "So I think that while exploring, we must also be prepared to acquire other iron ore companies and mines."

"Of course this is possible, and it is also the best option." Frist said, "It is a direct acquisition, and the capital investment will be much larger."

"Funding is not a problem, Mr. Lawrence. I think our goal of raising funds this time is set at 20 billion US dollars. What do you think?" Qiao Ge looked at Lawrence.

These words made Frist open his mouth. As soon as he opened his mouth, it was 20 billion US dollars. It was US dollars.

Lawrence was also startled by Qiao Ge's words and said: "Brother, your hand is too big. Anyway, I can't make much. Even if Mr. Rohatin has more than me, it's probably only limited. And then Plus some other people, we may not be able to raise $10 billion here."

Although he and Rohatin have greater international influence and are more well-known than Djogo, in terms of personal wealth, they cannot compare with Djogo.

Lawrence was also very emotional about this.

No matter what his assets were in India, as far as foreign assets were concerned, except for the palm oil industry at that time, he was watching the growth of his other assets.

If he hadn't experienced it with his own eyes, he wouldn't have believed it to be true.

"Then I will make up for the rest, and I will come out." Qiao Ge said.

These words surprised Frist even more.

Just now Lawrence mentioned some of Qiaogo's amazing achievements to him.

But does this mean he wants to spend $10 billion at once?

This is the first time I have heard of such a rich man. I am really ignorant.

Sure enough, there are so many hidden rich people in the world that no one knows about. I met one today, and he is still so young.

What's even more shocking is that the other person is an Indian, which is simply unbelievable.

However, Frist was surprised for a moment and quickly recovered.

For him, as long as the funds are sufficient, it doesn't matter whether he is European, American or Indian.

Qiao Ge still supports his idea of ​​exploration.

After all, he also believes that there are still many mines that have not been discovered.

Moreover, Frist's idea is similar to his plan, and he is willing to give him a chance. This is a powerful person.

In fact, Qiao Ge didn’t know that Andrew Forrest founded FMG in 2003. In just a few years, it became Australia’s third largest ore exporter and the world’s fourth largest iron ore exporter. The fourth giant.

The reason why it was so successful was because FMG discovered several large mines through exploration, coupled with Forrest's continuous financing and clear positioning, he achieved great success and became the richest man in Australia for a time.

"Well, now that it's decided, we can take action first." Lawrence is also a decisive person, "Forrest, especially in terms of exploration, the sooner you prepare, the better, no matter which exploration company you are working with. Whether it’s a friend or someone else, it’s up to you to contact them, do you have any questions?”

"No problem." Frist smiled, "Just in terms of funds?"

"I will provide 5000 million US dollars first, which should be enough for the preliminary work, right?" Qiao Ge said with a smile.

"Haha~~Then I will also offer 2000 million US dollars, and we will establish a company first." Lawrence said, "Next, we will also find Mr. Rohatin and others to see how much they can offer."

"I can offer $1000 million now," Frist said, "but I should be able to raise some more later."

"Okay, try to finalize this matter within three months." Lawrence said.

The three of them discussed the name of the company and decided to call it International Consolidated Mining Company.

Originally, Lawrence proposed to call it the International Consolidated Iron Ore Company, but Qiaogo made a change.

He said that in the future, the company will not only start producing iron ore, but also other metal ores, so it is not appropriate to just talk about iron ore.

Hence the current name.

Lawrence and Forrester also felt that Jogo's proposal was more appropriate and more ambitious.

So it was settled. Next, everyone split up. Forrest went back first to start exploration activities immediately. Qiaogo and Lawrence invited some powerful people to join them to discuss investing funds and holding shares.

After traveling abroad for half a month, Qiaogo returned to Mumbai.

The Bego Motors truck is finally unveiled.

Advertise in newspapers, TV stations, radio and other channels.

Especially the data on trucks are listed one by one, clearly telling everyone that this has reached the international advanced level.

Regarding these, Tata Motors naturally slandered them in various ways.

It means it's just some data, it doesn't explain anything.

But the problem is that they dare not come up with data.

Because even if it is fake, such data cannot be created.

After all, the level of Tata Motors is far behind the international level.

If you really want to fake it, you can see the problem with this data at a glance.

Because there are so many Tata cars running in the market, everyone can know how they perform.

However, Qiao Ge has just come out, so these data have yet to be verified. Even if some people have doubts, they cannot say that they are inaccurate.

Regardless, the emergence of the Bego truck has given Tata Motors a huge chill.

It's definitely a hungry wolf, it can really eat people.

Qiaogo didn't care too much about Tata Motors' counterattack.

Because the pricing of his trucks is about 10% cheaper than Tata Motors' products of the same tonnage.

Price is the last word, which immediately attracted many buyers.

Then Qiao Ge made some adjustments to the direction of the personnel under his name to optimize management.

Fayez Gulmad was originally responsible for the Malaysian palm oil industry, and now he is also responsible for taking over the Indonesian industry, including the construction of palm plantations, paper mills, wood processing plants, etc.

Zalbek Clark, who was originally in charge of the Indonesian business, will be put in charge of the subsequent acquisition of overseas steel plants and coal mines by Jogo.

The main business direction of International United Mining Company is metal minerals, so Qiao Ge decided to do it himself in terms of coal mines.

Compared with metal minerals, the acquisition of coal mines is relatively easy. You can do it by yourself. If you really have any problems, you can ask Lawrence and Rohatin for help.

International Consolidated Mining Company will hold Andrew Forrester responsible, which he, Lawrence, and Rohatyn both recognized.

However, you definitely need to send someone to represent you in the company, so this person is Maurele Maupassant.

The domestic steel plant is under the name of the Bego Group and Kurosawa Parva is in charge.

Therefore, the overseas Gupta Steel Company belongs to Qiao Ge personally, and the specific management and operation of the company is handled by Mitt Makovsky, who was recruited by Damao.

The projects he and Clark are responsible for do not overlap. Clark is only responsible for acquisitions of steel plants and coal mines, and is not involved in specific operations.

Gulagja Bader, who was originally in charge of Ermao's business, was recalled by Qiaogo. He will next be responsible for the investment business of Panda Investment Company.

Panda Investment Company was renamed from the original Panda Foreign Trade Company. This offshore company will serve as Qiao Ge's personal investment company to invest abroad, cooperate with foreign companies, etc.

Some domestic investments were originally done well by Gulaga's men.

As for Ermao's business, Dusse Wal-Mart, formerly of Gupta Foreign Trade Company, took over.

Next, Du Se will be responsible for connecting with Yulia's business and so on.

"Beni, shall we go to Hongkong in a few days?" Qiao Ge said while hugging Beni.

He knew that Penny had been a little angry with him recently.

Regarding this, Qiao Ge also knew that he was somewhat wrong.

He had just gotten married, and after only paying her for a while, he took Sophia and ran abroad.

Although Beni knew that Qiao Ge had business to discuss when he went abroad, she felt a little uncomfortable when she thought that there was a woman following him.

Seeing that Beni didn't say anything, Qiao Ge couldn't help but continue: "Just take it as my apology, let's go out for a walk again?"

"Okay, don't I know yet? There must be some business, right?" Penny then said, "But why did you suddenly think of going to Hongkong?"

My husband often goes abroad, but this is Hong Kong’s first time, right?

She didn't know what business Qiaogo had there.

So, Qiao Ge told Li Shenjing about inviting him.

"I won't delay your business discussions, but you have to accompany me well. Hongkong is a good place. I'm looking forward to it." Penny said with a smile.

"No problem, I'll make it up to you now."

"Ah~~The beard is prickly~~"

(End of this chapter)

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