Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 497 The Great Benefactor

Chapter 497 The Great Benefactor (please vote for me)

After Qiaogo adjusted the management personnel of the Gupta Group, he also made a big move against the Bego Group.

That is to prepare to form his own private bank, Bago Bank.

The country has relaxed restrictions on private banks, so naturally Qiaogo will not let it go.

Kunal Singh is now considered one of the few people with great power in the National Bank, so he will give Jogo a lot of help in this regard.

Of course, the same is true for Manmohan, who will provide various conveniences.

Of course Yas and the others have no objection. Everyone can see the huge benefits that setting up their own private bank can bring.

The simplest one is to attract people's deposits, so that the financial problems of related companies such as the Bego Group can be effectively guaranteed.

In short, there are many benefits.

Not only Qogo, but also Tata Group and Reliance Group, they have also begun to enter the private banking industry. Everyone is a smart person.

After arranging domestic matters, Qiaogo and Beni flew to the red sky, accompanied by Gulaga and his team.

As the person in charge of Panda Investment Company, he will definitely have a lot of things to do next.

Because Qiao Ge is going to discuss business and investment, which will definitely involve various matters, all of which have to be handled by Gulaga.

Qiao Ge had already contacted Li Shenjing, so when Qiao Ge arrived at Hongkong, it was Li Shenjing who came to pick him up.

Li Shenjing, a friend Qiao Ge didn't know in Hongkong, was not actually from Hongkong, but he had been in Hongkong during this period.

Originally, Qiao Ge would definitely arrange for his subordinates to go ahead and prepare everything at the destination before setting off, but Li Shenjing told Qiao Ge that he would arrange everything in Hongkong.

So Qiao Ge was not polite and bothered Li Shenjing.

After all, he now has a very close relationship with Li Shenjing.

Under Li Shenjing's arrangement, Qiao Ge and his party quickly settled in Hongkong.

According to Li Shenjing, there will be a charity banquet tomorrow, initiated by the Malay boss Robert Kuok, who will take Qiao Ge to meet some friends from Hongkong.

Some of these friends are from Southeast Asia, as well as some local big guys in Hongkong.

"It's very late, why are you still tossing and turning? What are you thinking about?" Penny woke up from her sleep and found that her husband beside her seemed to be still asleep.

"It's nothing, just go to sleep."

"It's nothing?" Penny was still sleepy and immediately woke up. "There must be something on your mind. Are you in any trouble?"

She knew Qiao Ge quite well, and judging from his appearance, it was obvious that he was worried.

"It's not a trouble, I'm just thinking about the people I'm going to meet tomorrow, and I'm looking forward to it," Qiao Ge said.

"Are those people Mr. Li mentioned?" Penny said with a smile, "Why do I feel that you are a little nervous? Could it be that those people can still eat you?"

Beni knew that the people Li Shenjing introduced to Qiao Ge, whether they were from Southeast Asia or local Hongkong, were all powerful bosses.

But even so, Qiao Ge's wealth will probably not be less than theirs, so he won't be so nervous, right?

You know, Qiao Ge can chat and laugh with a big man like Rohatin.

Therefore, Beni is a little confused about Qiaogo's current reaction. Doesn't this reaction seem a bit big?

"I'm really a little nervous." Qiao Ge said with a smile, "The people I'm about to meet are almost all self-made big shots back then. I still admire the older generation very much. It's not an exaggeration to say they are my idols."

Beni didn't expect Qiao Ge to give them such a high evaluation.

In her opinion, among the people Qiao Ge knew, except for domestic leaders, the one with the highest status abroad should be Rohatin.

In fact, she didn't know Qiao Ge's previous life experience.

There is no way, these characters in Southeast Asia are all Chinese, not to mention the big boss of Hongkong, they can be mentioned from time to time in the news media in previous lives.

These characters left a deep impression on Qiaogo.

So how could Qiao Ge not be excited to see most of these people at once?

Even if his current wealth is comparable to theirs, or even far beyond them.

"Then you don't want to ask them for autographs, right?" Penny chuckled.

"Okay, you dare to make fun of me." Qiao Ge laughed loudly, turned over, and pressed directly on him, "Let's have a baby..."

The next night, Qiao Ge and his wife went to a charity party hosted by Mr. Guo with Li Shenjing.

Robert Kuok, a Malay Chinese, was the richest man in Malay for more than 20 years in his previous life, and was known as the 'Asian Sugar King' and the 'Hotel King'.

Over the years, he has basically lived in Hongkong. Because he is Chinese, he is naturally familiar with various local bigwigs in Hongkong.

"Mr. Gupta?" Robert Kuok saw the young man coming with Li Shenjing and couldn't help but greet him.

Li Shenjing had already mentioned Qiao Ge to him. Although it was the first time he saw Qiao Ge in person, he still recognized him at a glance.

"Mr. Guo!" Qiao Ge took two quick steps to meet him. He said it in Chinese, and the two shook hands.

"Haha~~ I won't introduce them." Li Shenjing walked to the two of them and laughed. They all recognized them, so he had nothing to introduce.

"This is my wife Beni." Qiao Ge introduced Beni.

"What a beautiful lady. I heard that the wedding of the two of you not long ago was really shocking. It's a pity that I never saw it. It's a pity." Guo looked at Penny and said.

"Mr. Guo, you are really flattering." Beni also replied in Chinese, but her pronunciation was not very standard.

Ever since she learned that Qiao Ge could speak Chinese, she also learned it.

Because she knew that Qiao Ge had special feelings for China. When Qiao Ge was able to rise from millions of debts, his first business was with the Chinese.

If it weren't for them, Qiaogo wouldn't be as successful as he is today.     So she also has a good impression of China in her heart.

"I heard Shenjing say that Mr. Gupta can speak Chinese, but I didn't expect Mrs. Gupta to speak Chinese so well." Guo said a little surprised.

"Actually, I know a little bit." Penny smiled.

"It's already very impressive. I often hear foreign friends complain that Chinese is difficult to learn..."

As the host of this charity party, Guo naturally attracted everyone's attention.

Those who can attend are either business tycoons or celebrities from all walks of life.

But when they saw Mr. Guo going to greet the visitors in person, they became curious about who the big boss was.

But it turned out that my husband was having a lively chat with a young Indian man and woman, which was really surprising.

The reason why they immediately recognized the identity of Qiao Ge was because Beni was wearing traditional Indian clothes and was very conspicuous here.

Qiao Ge was wearing a suit, so it didn't look that obvious.

Some people present already knew Qiaogo's identity.

After all, Li Shenjing had been in Hongkong for a while, so he naturally mentioned Qiao Ge to some friends he had been in contact with.

Moreover, Qiaogo's investments in Malaysia and Indonesia, especially his achievements in the Malaysian palm oil industry, have spread his reputation from Southeast Asia to the ears of some business tycoons in Hongkong.

After all, the relationship between the wealthy Chinese circles in Southeast Asia and Hongkong is relatively close, so the information is naturally relatively well-informed.

People in the business world will know a little about it, but people from other walks of life are unfamiliar with Qiao Ge. If they don't know him, it wouldn't be a surprise.

"Mr. Gupta!" At this time, a man came over and shouted.

"Mr. Hu~~?" Qiao Ge looked at Hu Lin who appeared here in surprise. He had not seen him for several years and he almost didn't recognize him.

Hu Lin was still a counselor stationed in India at that time.

Because of his deal with Zhao Rui and the others, Qiao Ge and Hu Lin still had many contacts later.

However, after Hu Lin finished his work in India and returned to China, there was no contact again. After all, the current communication is not developed yet.

Unexpectedly, we could meet in the red sky.

Hu Lin is obviously an official of China. Hongkong has not returned yet, so he should have some official duties when he appears here.

"You two know each other?" Guo asked a little surprised.

"We know each other, we have known each other seven years ago." Qiao Ge said with a smile, "Mr. Hu is my great benefactor."

These words made Guo even more curious.

"It's a long story." Qiao Ge said with a smile.

"Then let's talk in private sometime. Sorry, I'll go away for a moment." Guo said with a smile, "Brother Shenjing, please introduce Mr. Gupta to Hongkong's friends first."

Now is obviously not the time to talk about this. He is the master and is very busy.

Qiao Ge and Hu Lin talked about it and would find time to catch up on old times later, to which Hu Lin agreed.

To be honest, he was quite curious about Qiao Ge.

He returned to China two years after he met Qiaogo. At that time, Qiaogo had already made great achievements in India.

After returning to China, the news was not smooth, and he didn't know much about Qiaogo's news.

Now that Qiao Ge appeared here, and seeing Guo's attitude towards Qiao Ge, he knew that Qiao Ge's achievements were probably even more amazing.

For such a rich man, an in-depth exchange may bring unexpected surprises.

Even if the other party is Indian, everything can be seen from two aspects, some good and some bad.

He thought he could fight for it.

Guo first stood on the stage and loudly announced Qiao Ge's identity to the people present, such as India's richest man, the youngest business wizard, etc.

He didn't introduce much, mainly about Qiaogo's achievements in India.

But even so, everyone present became interested in Qiao Ge immediately.

Most of them don't know much about the situation in India, but as the richest man in a country, it's not easy.

Because Guo didn't say much and wasn't detailed enough.

So some people are wondering whether this Indian became the richest man after inheriting his family's wealth.

What is the youngest business wizard?

It is unrealistic for this young man to become the richest man in the country.

Besides, there are still some people here who know some of the domestic situation in India. For example, the two families of Tata Group and Reliance Group should be richer, right?

I haven’t heard of anyone with the surname Gupta. They are probably from the younger generation and are rich.

Doubts remain doubts. There is one opinion in everyone's mind, that is, these young Indian men and women are not simple.

So, some people came over to say hello and communicate with Qiao Ge and his wife, wanting to know more about them.

(End of this chapter)

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