Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 510 Only 1 million US dollars are left

A few days ago, through various competitions with Qiaogo, Lakshmi discovered that Qiaogo was more interested in iron ore mines.

Qiao Ge's acquisition of mines is just like his own steel plant, with a completely unflinching attitude.

So he gave up. In his opinion, the iron ore reserves in Indonesia were not too big. Even if Indonesia was taken over by Jogo, he could still buy them from overseas without worrying.

Qiao Ge wants to monopolize iron ore, but he is thinking too much.

And he also discovered that Qiaogo was purchasing large quantities of coal mines in Indonesia.

Regarding this, Lakshmi could only feel helpless.

Although he received financial support from Goldman Sachs, he was still unable to compete with Qiaogo's financial resources.

He already knew that Goldman Sachs had learned that Qiao Ge had made a lot of money from speculating with Damao, which was said to be more than a billion dollars.

Lakshmi was also jealous of such amazing wealth.

How many years do you have to work to earn so much?

And that kid Qiao Ge made a lot of money just by going there. He was so lucky, it was incredible.

Jealousy is jealousy. All we can say is that Qiao Ge is indeed very powerful. Is this something that ordinary people can do?

Especially when Qiao Ge has a friendship with a big shot like Rohatin.

Although he also has contacts with people at Goldman Sachs, he has not yet been able to gain the friendship of Goldman Sachs' senior staff. This is the gap.

The capital was completely outmatched by Qiao Ge, so after he guaranteed the advantage of acquiring the steel plant, he had already consumed a large amount of capital, and other investments could only be temporarily stopped.

Coal is of course one of the raw materials for steelmaking, and it is indispensable.

However, unlike iron ore, Indonesia's coal reserves are terrifying, ranking sixth in the world, and its output and exports are among the best in the world.

He does not believe that Qiaogo has the financial resources to monopolize such a huge coal market.

This is just Indonesia, what about other countries?

There is no need to worry about coal. Even if Indonesia disappears, it can still be purchased internationally. Like iron ore, these problems are not big and do not need to be solved urgently.

He is now the boss of the steel industry in Indonesia. Next, he will integrate these newly acquired steel plants, carry out technological transformation, introduce advanced machinery and equipment, and improve efficiency.

Goldman Sachs has provided a lot of support in this regard, and many advanced technologies from Europe and the United States have helped him solve it. Lakshmi believes that the steel plant under his name will soon shine.

Only by quickly reducing your own costs and improving product competitiveness can you make money.

Lakshmi is still very optimistic about the future of the steel industry. The current downturn is a good time for him to expand at a low price.

Even if the steel plant seems to be acquired at a high premium now, in his opinion, it is worthwhile and a very good deal.

If this kid Qiao Ge hadn't stepped in, how could his current achievements only be this?

Think about it, if you could take over the Trinidad and Tobago Steel Plant before, how could you end up in this situation?

Although he had financial support from Goldman Sachs, the other party also had conditions, such as requirements for shares, which was a thorn in his heart.

If it had been before, he would definitely not have agreed easily, but there is nothing he can do now.

All this is because of Jogo.

However, he believes that as long as he becomes stronger, he can still take back those shares from Goldman Sachs investors.

I have to say that now we really cannot do without their financial support.

As long as their huge funds are used well and used correctly, they can help him rise quickly.

There are some disadvantages here, but they are nothing compared to the benefits you get.

Lakshmi is still very confident in herself.

Jogo provided Clark with nearly $2 million in funding to support him in attacking Lakshmi in Indonesia.

Qiao Ge asked him to use these funds mainly for the acquisition of iron ore and coal mines. As for the acquisition of steel plants, he mainly focused on causing trouble and raising prices without really getting involved.

Although there is an international joint mining company, this company is mainly from Australia and Brazil, and it targets large iron ore companies.

Therefore, like other places and other countries' iron ore, Qiaogo can personally purchase some, especially to deal with Lakshmi.

If Lakshmi wants to be based in Indonesia, then he will definitely create all kinds of trouble for him and cut off his opportunity to obtain a large amount of iron ore locally.

Although he can acquire overseas, the cost will definitely be higher.

The coal mines in Indonesia are very coveted by Qiaogo.

In the future, both power plants and steel plants will require a large amount of coal, which cannot be missed now.

Australia's coal reserves rank fourth in the world, and Qiao Ge also wants to get involved.

Unfortunately, he is now low on funds.

International United Mining Company invested US$12 billion, Hongkong invested a total of about US$5 million, and Indonesia gave Clark another US$2 million.

Therefore, the huge amount of nearly 20 billion US dollars in Qiao Ge's Swiss account now only remains at 1 million US dollars.

Hongkong's US$5 million in assets can be mortgaged by banks, and part of the mortgaged Qiao Ge will be invested in mainland investments.

If Qiao Ge really wanted a loan, he would have no problem getting a loan of hundreds of millions of dollars from Lawrence or Rohatin.

Qiao Ge is the major shareholder of International United Mining Company, but to the outside world, Qiao Ge’s investment is hidden and not so direct.

Like Lawrence, Rohatyn, etc. are more conspicuous.

To outsiders, this is the company controlled by Rohatyn and Lawrence.

Since the company is not listed, much of the data does not need to be disclosed to the public at all.

Rohatin and the others understood what Qiao Ge was thinking, which was to keep a low profile.

In fact, in their opinion, Qiao Ge has no need at all.

Although the investment of US$12 billion is not small, in the eyes of the real big guys, it is just that. Financial tycoons like Rohatin often involve billions or even tens of billions of dollars in various stock markets, futures, bonds, foreign exchange and other markets.

Just like last year, financial tycoon Soros attacked the British pound and made more than 10 billion US dollars in one fell swoop. Money comes quickly.

Precisely because money comes quickly from the financial industry, Rohatin is not that interested in industrial investment.

United Mining's investment was just for Qiao Ge's sake, and it was a little bit of fun.

After all, Baima Investment Bank made a lot of money from Da Mao and Er Mao.

It's just that Qiaogo has his own worries, mainly because he is afraid of arousing Lakshmi's alert.

Jogo actually didn't have much confidence in suppressing Lakshmi.

After all, he has the support of international capital, and there is no doubt that he can make great achievements in the steel industry.

Of course, Qiao Ge is confident that with his intervention, he will not be able to reach the heights of his previous life.

Qiaogo himself also wants to become the Iron King.

A huge steel empire consumes huge amounts of iron ore.

If you cannot prevent Lakshmi's achievements in the steel industry, you must prepare in advance. While restricting him in the steel industry, you must also make early arrangements in other related industries.

This layout is for raw materials such as iron ore and coal. As long as you control as much of the share of source-related raw materials as possible, you will have the right to speak on international prices.

Then use these to limit Lakshmi's growth.

When he really wants to compete with Lakshmi's steel plant in the future, he will be in an advantageous position.

Qiaogo knew that Lakshmi in the previous life had many mines of his own, which could provide most of the iron ore needs of the steel plant under his name.

This shows that he still attaches great importance to the supply of raw materials such as iron ore.

Then he should try his best to acquire high-quality companies with these source materials while his funds are still limited.

At that time, when he really wants to acquire these, all that will be left will be some small companies, and the impact will not be big.

As for those iron ore giants in the future, it is obviously not that easy for Lakshmi to get benefits from them.

No matter how bad it is, it can raise the price paid by Lakshmi.

Of course, Qiao Ge believed that by that time, he would also be an iron ore giant and would have a say in this industry.

Having the right to speak means having pricing power. This is the biggest weapon.

At this time, Beni brought good news to Qiaogo, that is, she was pregnant.

The two have been married for almost a year. Although Qiao Ge is also busy during this period, he still spends most of his time with Beni. Even if he sometimes goes out to do errands, he will take her with him.

Both Beni and Qiaogo attach great importance to making children.

For Qiaogo, he has such a huge wealth, it is not safe if he has no descendants.

Although he is still young, many people can breathe a sigh of relief now that Penny is pregnant.

Especially his parents.

As for Beni, both herself and her family must hope that she can give birth to a son and a half daughter to Qiao Ge as soon as possible.

This will ensure a stronger marriage.

You don’t need to think about it to know that as long as Beni has a son, he will inherit Qiao Ge’s huge wealth in the future.

When he learned the news, Qiaogo immediately put down what he was doing and went home.

When he got home, Penny gave him an even bigger surprise.

Because she was pregnant with twins.

"I just don't know if it's a boy or a girl." Penny was a little uneasy.

No matter what, having a son is definitely the best thing.

"It's all the same." Qiao Ge smiled.

That being said, there is a serious preference for sons over daughters in India. Besides, sons are still needed to inherit the family business.

But Qiao Ge is not worried about this. After all, he and Beni are still young and can always give birth to a son.

It is still early in pregnancy and it is not possible to know the gender of the fetus, but it should be possible in a few months.

With Penny's pregnancy, the two families were extremely excited.

In particular, Qiaogo's mother and Beni's mother came to take care of them personally.

They left Penny at home, preferably lying still for fear of bumping into her.

As for Penny's work, she must have given up on it, it didn't tire her at all.

Finally, under Qiao Ge's suggestion, Beni could be allowed to participate in work normally, but her daily working hours would be halved.

Qiao Ge knew that if Beni was really trapped at home and couldn't move this or that, she might get sick.

Even if you are not sick, a bad mood will affect the fetus.

Besides, Penny wasn't that delicate.

After there was a good news in the family and Qiao Ge was excited, he still had to do business.

He went to New Delhi specifically to find Manmohan. He wanted to seek some help from the government, which was a guaranteed loan from a domestic bank.

Jogo wants to borrow dollars from a foreign bank. (End of chapter)

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