Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 511 Guarantee of hundreds of millions of dollars

When Qiaogo borrowed US$5 million from the country, he reached an agreement to provide domestic guarantees for overseas loans.

Qiaogo now wants to exercise this power and plans to use domestic assets as collateral and ask the National Bank to provide guarantees, so that he will have the opportunity to borrow US dollars directly from foreign banks.

In fact, Qiaogo can borrow US dollars from Lawrence and Rohatin, but if domestic guarantees and external loans are available, Qiaogo must also consider it.

Regarding his next investment, Qiao Ge is still very clear in his mind, that is, he will need a large amount of US dollars.

Even though the US$12 billion invested in International United Mining Company seems to be a lot, it is far from enough for Qiaogo to become one of the iron ore giants in the future.

Next, we will definitely need to increase investment, and this increase will not happen once or twice, but will need to be sustained for a long time until we occupy a large enough market share.

In addition to iron ore, coal mines, mergers and acquisitions of steel companies, etc., are all such situations, requiring continuous investment, and the demand for funds is huge.

It can be said to be massive.

Rohatin and Lawrence can only help themselves with part of the funds, and the gap will be huge, so these gaps will hit the country.

Now India has recovered. It is not as miserable as it was back then. Foreign exchange could only be used for about ten days, and the country almost went bankrupt.

In any case, by using the country's efforts to make money, we still accumulated some foreign exchange such as US dollars.

It is more reliable to use the national guarantee and then go to those foreign banks to borrow money.

In this way, Jogo can mobilize his huge domestic assets instead of staying directly in India.

Qiao Ge's goal now is overseas, and this is the most important thing.

Time is money. Once you make a mistake, it will be too difficult to capture market share overseas in the future.

It is not that easy to wait until those resources are occupied by others and then seize the share from them.

The international competition is not that of India, which is ruthless. There are a large number of professional teams to make suggestions and have unique vision. Which one is simple?

Qiao Ge must take advantage of his foresight and invest early to ensure his advantageous position.

"Qiaogo, borrow so much?" Manmohan was shocked when he heard that Qiaogo wanted to borrow billions of dollars. "What are you investing in overseas?"

He couldn't believe it. What did Qiaogo want to do with so much money? What industry needed such a large investment?

"These funds are not meant to be borrowed all at once." Qiao Ge said with a smile, "I want to talk to you first. In fact, I will definitely borrow more money in the future. As for what to invest in, it should be mining. Kind of."

Manmohan was speechless. He wanted to borrow more, which was not heading towards tens of billions of dollars.

At present, the country’s foreign exchange has not reached tens of billions of dollars.

But Qiao Ge said it was not all at once, and Manmohan felt a little relieved.

After all, asking the state to guarantee billions of dollars in loans at this time may not work because the amount is too large.

If we were separated for a few years, given the country's current economic situation, it might be possible.

"Minerals?" Manmohan was stunned for a moment, "Steel?"

Manmohan knew that Qiaogo had invested in the steel industry, both domestically and abroad.

Of course Manmohan knew about some of the grievances between Jogo and Lakshmi.

In fact, the people in the country basically know about this.

Ever since the three Tata Group companies joined forces, newspapers have reported these things, including Jogo's interference and interception of Hu Lakshmi at the Trinidad and Tobago Steel Plant.

Later, Jogo invited Lakshmi to join, but was rebelled again.

Most of the people are on Chogo's side and feel that Lakshmi is ungrateful.

As for Jogo's interception of the Trinidad and Tobago Steel Plant, in the eyes of the people, Jogo is even more powerful.

Lakshmi has been running the business there for so long, and wanted to use some special relationship means to win it, but he didn't expect that even in this way, he would be defeated by Qiao Ge.

This is usually impossible, but Qiaogo did it, which made the people admire Qiaogo even more.

There is no way, Qiaogo's deeds in the country are too legendary.

Although Lakshmi's achievements in Indonesia are legendary, they are far behind those of Jogo.

Moreover, one is abroad and the other is at home. Isn’t it clear who you support more?

"Yes, iron ore." Qiao Ge said, "This time I formed a company with Rohatin and the others, mainly to invest in the iron ore industry."

"This?" Manmohan frowned slightly and said, "The steel industry has been in recession internationally recently. Many steel plants and steel companies have become unsustainable. Is it too risky for you to invest now? Of course, Rohatin Sir, they have also approved the investment, I think you must have your own ideas, and I just want to know about it."

"This is investment." Qiao Ge said, "No one dares to say that their investment will be 100% successful. Investment must also be forward-looking. If everyone sees that this industry can make money, then invest , basically there is no profit, and it is even a trap.”

Manmohan agrees with this.

It seems that Qiao Ge and the others are very optimistic about the future of the steel industry, otherwise they would not invest in the iron ore industry.

"Can I ask how much you invested?" Manmohan couldn't help but ask.

"About 10 billion U.S. dollars." Qiaogo replied immediately.

It's okay to tell Manmohan some things. This is also a way to show his strength.

Although Manmohan must be aware of their strength at home, they actually know that their strength abroad is very limited.

Sure enough, after hearing Qiaogo's words, even Manmohan, one of the top bosses in the government, lost his composure. His eyes widened. He knew very well that Jogo was talking about dollars, not rupees.

One billion rupees is nothing to Jogo.

Besides, foreign investments cannot be made in rupees.

One billion dollars.

After a while, Manmohan slowly regained his composure and his breathing became steady.

It was too shocking.

"Did you earn all this money in Russia?" Manmohan asked thoughtfully.

Qiao Ge knew that he couldn't hide some things about Damao from Manmohan and the others.

I have no choice but to move too many things from Da Mao these days, such as the machinery and equipment from the car manufacturing factories and shipyards, as well as the technicians and workers from Da Mao's family, etc.

These are all huge, how could they be hidden from the government?

Besides, Qiaogo also reported this to the government.

These things make countless people jealous, especially large companies like Tata Group and Reliance Group.

It's a pity that jealousy is useless. They are very capable at home, but when they go abroad, they have no advantage.

Manmohan had previously thought that Qiao Ge had made some money from Damao, and the amount should be quite large, but he had never thought that the amount was so large.

Qiao Ge invested US$10 billion in iron ore, and the factory equipment and other equipment moved to the country were a large amount of assets. Doesn't it mean that Qiao Ge made more than US$10 billion in Damao in one fell swoop?

So scary.

Manmohan feels that Qiaogo alone can earn foreign exchange better than the entire country, and it is easier.

Tata Group and Reliance Group are also powerful in the country, but compared with Qogo, they are not on the same level at all.

Moreover, from Manmohan's perspective, if things continue like this, Tata Group and Reliance Group will not be able to compete with Khogo even in the domestic situation.

Tata's car was challenged by Jogo.

Not to mention Tata Steel.

Qiaogo's goal has even been set abroad.

Such a large investment in the overseas iron ore industry shows Qiao Ge's confidence in the steel industry.

Most of Tata Steel can only show off its prestige domestically, and the gap between the two is too big.

Although Lakshmi's steel business is abroad, it is obviously much worse than Qiaogo's.

However, Manmohan feels that Lakshmi has more prospects than Tata Steel because he has received the support of foreign funds. I heard that it has acquired many steel plants in Indonesia and expanded the company's scale a lot.

Reliance Group has invested hugely in the petrochemical industry to serve as the core of the group.

But Qiaogo also invested heavily in this aspect.

Qiaogo not only invests in domestic factories, but also deploys oil fields and other resources abroad.

For example, in Damao, Manmohan knew that Qiao Ge controlled some oil and gas companies.

Reliance Group’s previous investments were mainly in Kuwait. The war that year caused serious damage to the oil field facilities they purchased with large sums of money, resulting in huge economic losses.

So in this regard, the gap between Reliance Group and Qiaogo is also huge.

There is also a large number of ports being built in Jogo, especially Mundra Port, which is close to the Middle East.

Taking advantage of the port, Jogo can definitely suppress Reliance Group.

Moreover, the Bego Group builds power plants, lays railways, builds roads, improves transportation, etc. in these areas.

All of these show that Qiaogo is ambitious in the future.

Manmohan couldn't help but lament that when major domestic newspapers reported on the three companies, they would be listed alongside them under the name of the Big Three.

But in Manmohan's view, Qiaogo's strength surpassed the other two.

And this gap will get wider and wider.

This is not only a domestic gap, but also a larger gap abroad, which is difficult for the other two companies to make up for.

Manmohan knew that Ratan of the Tata Group was planning to try to invest overseas, but it was still in the planning stage. There was still considerable controversy within their group about whether to invest.

Manmohan is a bit disappointed with the performance of the Tata Group.

What's so controversial about this?

Haven't you seen Qiao Ge prospering abroad?

However, he also understood that Ratan Tata was different from Qiaogo. Qiaogo could speak his mind. He had the final say in the Bego Group, but Ratan could not.

Even though Ratan had carried out major reforms to the group before and forced the older generation to retire, their influence was still there.

Latan is destined not to be able to control the company as he wishes like Jogo. (End of chapter)

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