Reborn as the richest man in India.

Chapter 513 Domestic Guarantee and Overseas Loan

When Jogo wants Tata Steel, he doesn’t just say it, he really wants it.

Although Qiao Ge's focus on the steel industry is abroad, if he can win Tata Steel domestically, he dare not say that he can do it in one step, and his share of the domestic steel industry will suddenly increase.

By then, if we acquire some steel plants, we will basically be able to control the domestic steel industry.

Of course, Tata Steel has undergone reforms and introduced new technologies and equipment. It is among the top steel plants in the country.

Even some large state-owned steel plants cannot compare.

Many of these state-owned steel plants are large in scale, but their technology, machinery and equipment, and management are far behind Tata Steel.

The output may be nowhere near that of Tata Steel.

The acquisition of those state-owned steel plants is basically a burden.

It would take too long to build a factory by yourself, so I still care about Tata Steel Chogo.

With India's economic development, the demand for steel will also increase significantly. It may not be as good as that in China, but it will be enough to satisfy the large domestic steel plants.

Qiao Ge naturally wants to take down the biggest piece of meat here.

If Tata Steel does not agree, then even if it takes more time, it will suppress them and force them to withdraw.

Qiao Ge has this confidence.

As for the petrochemical industry, the demand for future products will also be huge.

And compared with the steel industry, the petrochemical industry has fewer employees, so the market is larger.

As one of the core industries of Reliance Group in the future, Qiao Ge will definitely get involved, so as to prevent him from reaching the heights of his previous life.

In short, Qiao Ge wants to weaken the two families.

As for why Tata Motors was not acquired, it is because Tata Motors is mainly in the field of trucks.

This point overlaps with my own. It is of no use to win Tata Motors by myself.

Moreover, his next goals must include various small commercial vehicles, sedans, etc. In short, all types of models must be involved.

If the Tata Group surrenders, it can cede some low-end areas of the truck market to Tata Motors.

Qiaogo has high requirements for his trucks, not only in the domestic market, but also in overseas markets, especially third world developing countries.

Due to the design characteristics of Damao's trucks, they are most suitable for these third world countries with insufficient infrastructure, so there is still a market for them.

When Manmohan reported Qiaogo's intentions to the Tata Group and Reliance Group, everyone from the two companies became angry.

Within the Tata family, countless people clamored to continue fighting with Qiao Ge.

While shouting, they also opened fire heavily on Ratan Tata.

What they meant was that all this was due to Ratan. If he hadn't gone to Manmohan as a middleman to contact Qiaogo, how could he have been so humiliated by Qiaogo.

If you want Tata Steel, which is the core industry of the Tata family, can you give it to them?

Isn't this a slap in the face of the Tata family?

Ratan Tata's behavior is incompetent, he wants to ask for peace, he has lost his power and humiliated his family. He has simply lost the face of the Tata family for more than a hundred years.

Ratan Tata did not respond to the overwhelming accusations within his family.

But his assistant's face was full of worry.

There was too much pressure on the boss in the family, and almost all the old immortals joined forces.

But he knows that this is because his boss wants to resolve some crises in the group.

Qiaogo's truck hit Tata Motors so hard that for a while he had no effective way to crack it.

Reconciliation with Qiaogo is obviously the best choice.

The boss also mentioned these ideas to some old immortals before, but those guys didn't say anything at that time.

Then everyone acquiesced at that time.

Now, if something goes wrong, they will blame everything and put all the blame on the boss.

He really wanted to cry out for his boss. The boss’s intention was good, but Qiaogo’s asking price was too harsh, and he felt that Qiaogo didn’t necessarily mean that he really wanted Tata Steel. He wanted to pay the high price on the spot. This was It's a means of negotiation.

It's a pity that his status in the Tata family is too low and he is ignored.

"Is there any news about the Ambani family?" Ratan asked aloud.

"Yes, Mukesh Ambani's assistant called just now and said that Mr. Ambani wants to meet with you. When do you think he will be free?" the assistant said.

The Mr. Ambani he refers to naturally refers to Dhirubhai.

"Understood." Ratan Tata replied, "Prepare the car, I will go there now."

Dhirubhai suffered a stroke and has difficulty moving. He usually stays at home and rarely goes out.

So Ratan Tata wanted to visit him personally.

Afterwards, according to some well-informed sources, Ratan Tata and Dhirubhai Ambani talked for three hours in the study, and even brothers Mukesh and Anil were unable to enter. It was a private meeting between the two of them.

Therefore, the specific content of the conversation is unknown.

However, Manmohan got their answer, which was to reject Qiaogo's proposal.

Manmohan had already expected this result.

If it were him, he probably wouldn't be able to accept Qiao Ge's request.

So Manmohan told Qiaogo about this. After hanging up the phone, Qiao Ge frowned slightly.

Like Manmohan, he could certainly predict this outcome.

To be honest, the conditions I gave them this time were actually pretty good. I just wanted to take the shares of Tata Steel and Reliance Group Petrochemical Holdings. These can be bought with money, and they are not taken by force.

But they haven't reached the point of despair yet, so they feel that their asking price is too high.

Since they want to struggle again, when the time comes to beg for mercy, they will not give such favorable conditions again.

Qiaogo is no longer the young man with insufficient background.

Now he has grown into a predator.

Although the pond in India is not small, for Jogo, he does not allow other crocodiles to exist alongside him.

The Big Three and so on, it sounded pretty good to me before.

Because those two companies are old brands after all, even the Reliance Group has a much longer history than itself.

That is the feeling of catching up with them, and I feel naturally happy.

But things are different now. As he continues to invest overseas, Qiaogo no longer looks down on them as far as the Tata Group and Reliance Group are concerned.

My next focus will definitely be on foreign countries, so domestic matters must be resolved to stabilize my basic base and rear.

Here, the only ones that can challenge him are these two companies, so he must suppress them.

Suppress them so that they can no longer compete with themselves.

He wants to be the largest crocodile in India. The others, even if they are second or third, can only be crocodiles with their teeth pulled out and cannot pose much danger to themselves.

In this way, I can march overseas without any distractions.

Qiao Ge certainly has a plan in mind on how to deal with these two families.

He is not short of funds now, and of course, those two companies are not short of funds either.

Then we have to fight from other fields.

Speaking of which, it is still a cost issue and a product issue.

Regarding these, Qiao Ge has an overall advantage.

Because he has worked hard in the upstream and downstream fields of various industries a long time ago.

If this continues, victory or defeat has already been decided.

Of course, Qiao Ge knew that they would definitely have a big counterattack. They couldn't just admit defeat without doing anything, they just didn't know what they were going to do.

Regarding their tracking, Qiao Ge was not at all careless.

Tulu's people have always made arrangements. As long as there is any movement on their side, they can't escape their own eyes.

Their movements cannot always be hidden, there will always be trouble.

Sure enough, there was news three days later. The news was not from Tulu, but Manmohan called Qiao Ge again.

He told Chogotata Group and Reliance Group to seek government guarantees, and they also wanted to provide domestic guarantees for external loans.

Of course, this was mainly the Tata Group, which also received this commitment from the government at that time.

Reliance Group and Tata Group are together, so they both want to get a government guarantee of US$10 billion.

Manmohan is opposed to this amount.

But they finally convinced the Prime Minister and agreed to a guarantee of US$10 billion.

"Mr. Singh, I understand." Jogo said into the microphone.

"Qiaogo, you have to be careful, they must have reached some agreement." Manmohan reminded, "This is decided by the higher ups, and my objection is of no use. I'm really sorry."

"It's not your fault. I will be careful." Qiaogo said, "I know they will not admit defeat so easily."

Jogo knew that Manmohan was trying his best, after all, Rao was the boss.

Those two families had a very good relationship with Rao, so it was normal for both families to come forward to persuade him at the same time.

At present, the country's foreign exchange is quite good, and a guarantee of one billion US dollars is actually affordable.

So their application was approved.

"As long as you have an idea." Manmohan sighed and said, "I still don't want to see the three of you fighting. Of course, if it comes to this point, I also hope that you can make them realize how powerful you are as soon as possible, so that They are desperate. In that case, this war should end faster, which is better for everyone. I have full confidence in you."

"I believe I won't keep you waiting too long." Qiao Ge smiled.

After chatting with Manmohan for a while, the two ended the call.

He spoke to Manmohan with full confidence, but Qiao Ge still dared not be careless and felt a little heavy.

It has to be said that Tata Group and Reliance Group are engaged in domestic guarantees and external loans and are preparing to borrow US dollars abroad. This is really beyond Qiaogo's expectations.

Do you want to invest overseas?

Before, Qiao Ge had made various arrangements in the country to prevent the two companies from joining forces to impact him. For example, they sought large loans from domestic banks. Qiao Ge was prepared for these.

Unexpectedly, they turned overseas, which caught Qiao Ge a little unprepared.

Are you trying to attack your overseas investments? (End of chapter)

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