"No, you probably want to join forces with Lakshmi, right?" Qiaogo's heart sank.

The competition between me and Lakshmi in Indonesia has been a bit fierce recently. It can be said that it caused a lot of trouble to Lakshmi and made him pay a lot more when acquiring the steel plant.

Although Lakshmi got a lot of loans from Goldman Sachs, no matter how large the loans were, they were still far behind compared to his own funds.

During this period of time, he should have consumed almost all his funds.

So Lakshmi asked the two of them to get funds and continue investing?

This is very likely.

For both of them, they don’t have much experience in foreign investment. Lakshmi’s investment experience in the overseas steel industry is obviously obvious to all.

In addition, the three of them are already in an alliance, so it is very possible to choose Lakshmi.

If he wanted to snipe his other industries, Qiao Ge thought it was unlikely.

They probably don't know about International Consolidated Mining Company.

In other aspects, my investment is nothing more than iron ore and coal mines in Indonesia. I have not invested in other places yet. After all, I am short of funds now.

The scale of these investments is not large, it is just one place in Indonesia.

If their US$10 billion really wants to fight them in Indonesia's iron ore and coal mines, Jogo has nothing to worry about.

However, if they and Lakshmi engage in the steel industry together, then Qiaogo will be a bit over the top.

As long as Lakshmi is given sufficient funds, this guy will definitely jump out of Indonesia and set his sights on steel plants around the world. He will definitely launch major acquisitions.

Qiao Ge is very clear about his ambition.

The remaining US$100 million in funds he has now is far behind them.

Although I could get more than a billion US dollars through domestic guarantees and overseas loans from Lawrence, Rohatin or even the National Bank, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to get a deal if I really went up against them.

At least there will be a huge price to pay, which is something Qiao Ge doesn't want to see.

This means that the suppression effect on Lakshmi will be much weakened.

Thinking about it, Qiao Ge felt that he had underestimated the Tata Group and the Reliance Group. He was indeed an old fox, and his methods were really clever.

"Are you worried?" Seeing Qiao Ge's face looking a little solemn, Shia couldn't help but asked hurriedly.

She was still very happy when Qiao Ge came over today.

Qiao Ge was too busy some time ago, flying around the country and abroad.

Since Qiao Ge mainly stayed with Beni, he came to her less often.

Not only her side, she knew that Qiao Ge also went to other women's side much less often.

She also understood what Qiaogo was doing, which was to let Beni get pregnant as soon as possible.

Well now, Penny got her wish.

Next, Qiao Ge should be able to come to his side more.

Of course, this has to be divided with other women. Thinking of this, Shia felt depressed again.

Who doesn't want to occupy more of his man, but unfortunately this is unrealistic.


"He said it was okay, and it was all on his face." Siya said, "Let me give you a massage. Are you too tired from being busy with business these days?"

"It's nothing about the business, it's just you, the little goblin, that makes me a little bit overwhelmed." Qiao Ge laughed.

"People say it's serious." Shia said angrily.

"Of course I am serious." Qiao Ge took a breath and said, "To tell you the truth, I am actually looking forward to what happens next."

"What's the matter?" Siya asked, and hurriedly added, "If it's a business secret, I don't want to know. You pretend I haven't asked."

"It's a secret. Even if it's a secret, it's only for outsiders." Qiao Ge said with a smile, "Of course I'm telling you, just don't tell anyone. I'm going to have a big fight with the Tata Group and the Reliance Group."

"Ah?" Siya exclaimed, "You~~ don't mess around."

Although she knew that Qiao Ge now had astonishing wealth, those two major groups were very prestigious in the country. It would be too dangerous for Qiao Ge to face two of them.

This is too scary.

"I won't mess around. I've been prepared for it." Qiao Ge comforted him.

"But they are two families?"

"What's wrong with the two families?" Qiao Ge said solemnly, "Actually, there will definitely be a fight between me and them. It is unavoidable, because none of us will surrender. It depends on whose fist is stronger."

"But~~" Shia was still worried.

After all, the reputation of those two families is too great.

Qiao Ge has only risen in recent years, so how can he not worry Shia?

"I'm really strong." Qiao Ge understood Siya's worries.

I definitely didn't tell her everything about some things. After all, she was not like Penny.

Especially some foreign capital investment situations, Xia did not understand.

She doesn't know her strength overseas.

Even with regard to the domestic forces, her understanding was actually limited. Seeing that Shia still looked worried, Qiao Ge hugged her directly and said, "Don't you know whether I am strong or not? I am strong in all aspects."

Shia didn't react at first, but soon realized the meaning of Qiaogo's words, and her face turned slightly red: "It's not serious."


In the past, Sia and other women did not dare to get pregnant before Penny, so the contraceptive measures were still in place and they did not dare to be careless.

Needless to say, Qiao Ge said that they were all prepared.

"If I really have to have a baby, I'm afraid my work will be delayed." Shia curled up in Qiao Ge's arms and whispered.

She was a little confused. Penny had a child. Of course, they should be happy that their restrictions were relaxed.

But she is currently on the rise in her career. If she gives birth to a child, it will definitely have an impact on her work.

Of course, that doesn't mean that Qiao Ge will be able to catch her this time.

Therefore, I was too confused whether to be pregnant or not.

"What are you thinking about?" Qiao Ge said with a smile, "If you really can't bear to let go of your work, you can also take care of it at the same time. Just find a few more assistants. You can take care of the big things yourself, and let the people below do the small things."

"I'm overthinking it," Shia said with a smile.

As a woman, of course she wants her own children.

But she also wants to be a strong woman with a successful career.

"By the way, the TV station has planned the Miss India beauty pageant. Do you want to be a guest?" Siya said suddenly.

"Oh, beauty pageant, you did a good job. This show has great influence in the country." Qiao Ge said with a smile.

This kind of beauty pageant must be very eye-catching and cause the TV station's ratings to skyrocket, so advertising fees and the like will also increase.

There were reports in newspapers and so on, attracting countless young women to actively participate.

You know, the top few will not only receive high bonuses, but also have the opportunity to enter the film and television industry or endorse product advertisements under the name of Bego Group, which is extremely attractive.

"I said, I will definitely achieve results on the TV station, and I will not be worse than your celebrity women." Sia said.

"If you let me be a guest, aren't you afraid that I will be attracted by those beauties?" Qiao Ge laughed.

There must be some secret rivalry between these women. As long as it is benign, Qiao Ge will definitely not care.

They are all smart people, so they don't need to worry too much about this.

After all, there was still Penny pressing down on them, so there was no need for them to fight.

"They are all beautiful women. You are really attracted. If you are angry, it is also Beni. What does it have to do with me? I really want to be jealous. Can I get jealous?" Siya curled her lips and said, "I just think so, you This national popular idol coming to participate in the show can make the show's ratings even more amazing."

"No problem, I will definitely make time to support my woman's career."

"Then it's settled, you can come over on the day of the finals. I know you're busy and I won't delay you at other times." Siya said happily.


"I will release this news tomorrow to stir up the atmosphere first." Siya is full of confidence in this program.

"I think the TV station can definitely create other eye-catching programs," said Qiao Ge.

“Isn’t it a beauty pageant?”

"You can't choose this every day, right? Just do it once a year." Qiao Ge said with a smile, "I think it can be like this, for example, let more people or celebrities participate..."

Qiao Gotti's suggestions are naturally some variety show ideas for later generations, especially Qiao Gotti's previous life, which was deeply impressed by India's Got Talent. It is so vigorous that it can be developed.

Of course, you can also win huge bonuses by answering questions like in "Slumdog Millionaire".

Qiao Ge believes that this is very reliable and can completely make a poor man become a rich man. This will definitely trigger a carnival among people across the country, and the reputation of the TV station will skyrocket.

And these can be used to shoot movies.

Listening to Qiao Ge's plan, Shia's eyes became brighter and brighter, and she suddenly sat up from the bed.

"What's wrong?" Qiao Ge asked.

"I have to write down these thoughts of yours on paper, so as not to forget them, and then think about them carefully." Sia just took a few steps, suddenly clamped her legs, jumped back on the bed, and lay down.

Watching Siya put the pillow under her hips and raise her lower body, her posture was a bit weird.

"What are you doing?" Qiao Ge asked a little strangely. He was a little confused by Sia's behavior.

"Don't worry about it." Sia blushed slightly and said.

Qiao Ge was stunned for a moment, then laughed and said: "We have plenty of time. If we can't get pregnant this time, we can do it next time. I have a lot of inventory. Come on, I'll give you some more..."

Yasi and others soon learned about the internal guarantees and external loans of the Tata Group and Reliance Group.

For this reason, Qiao Ge summoned them, and everyone needed to discuss this matter carefully to deal with their next actions.

Since the two companies borrowed US dollars, Yas and others basically agreed that the direction of their investment was overseas.

In other words, it is mainly aimed at Qiaogo’s overseas investment.

As for the Bego Group, it should not be their target this time. (End of chapter)

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