Start with hooves

Chapter 521 Double the happiness

The remuneration for making two movies is a full US$3000 million.

Director Christopher Nolan, who had just become a hit, felt Suri's sincerity deeply.

He had received millions of dollars in remuneration for filming "Inception" and thought he was at the peak of his life at that time, but he didn't expect the surprise to come so suddenly.

This time, the remuneration has tripled, and I have signed a contract with two big-budget commercial films at once, which equals twice as much happiness.

Although artists want to talk about feelings, ideals and distances, they cannot fill their stomachs by drinking the northwest wind.

Some directors of literary and artistic films seem to be prosperous and often participate in film festivals around the world, but the works they produce are often well-received but not popular. In order to fill the financial gap, they sell their houses and cars, and live in poverty.

A few Oscar-winning directors also do not have high commercial value. In fact, their status after winning the award is not much higher, and they are still not popular with capital.

Director Nolan doesn't want to be that person.

He wants to be a successful commercial film director like James Cameron, Steve Spielberg, or George Lucas.

After listening to Suri's quotation, Director Nolan was instantly moved and asked:

"Does the filming have to be completed within three years?"

Seeing that he was most concerned about this, Su Rui immediately realized that there was a high probability of something happening.

The reason why he is willing to give the other party so much money is purely because Christopher Nolan is worth the price.

"Inception" made Suri earn more than $5 million. Although its success is not entirely due to the director, the script, actors, and marketing promotion are also important.

However, Director Nolan's solid shooting skills and control of the rhythm of the plot can indeed be called "big director level".

If the scripts of "The Martian" and "Interstellar" were handed over to others, Suri would always be a little worried, worried that they would not be able to achieve the heights and honors they deserve.

Suri shook his head and replied:

"It doesn't have to be within three years, but this time you have to use some computer special effects technology, and I think three years should be enough."

Hearing the word "must", Director Nolan was a little angry and felt disrespected. He frowned slightly and said:

"Computer special effects are not suitable for me. I don't understand them at all. They will only appear false and affect the audience's experience."

When Su Rui heard this, he immediately became happy and joked:

"It doesn't matter. Then you can create a black hole, or you can follow God's example and wave your hand and shout that there should be stars on the set. I would like to see how you shoot in real action, lying outside the window of the space station?"


After listening to Suri's words, Director Nolan choked up a little.

It was only in hindsight that I remembered that both of these movies were space science fiction movies, so they were a bit embarrassing.

After scratching his nose, Director Nolan coughed dryly and said:

"Although I don't know much about it, I can find an assistant director who is proficient in computer special effects technology. A friend is very suitable. By the way, when I lived in an Amish colony, I heard them talking about you. To say you are hyping a new god is blasphemous.”

Su Rui sneered and said:

"In our Chinese culture, the God of Wealth is a serious god, and his status is much higher than that of Zeus and Odin. When we had the God of Wealth in China, the ancestors of the Amish were still playing in caves Mud.”

Director Nolan doesn't care at all whether he is the God of Wealth or not.

Anyway, in his eyes, if there really is a God of Wealth in this world, then it must be the super-rich financial lord in front of him.

After all, stock god Buffett was still working for others at Suri's age. It is obviously Suri's rise that makes him even more legendary. Directly ignoring the vague racial discrimination in Suri's words, Director Nolan continued:

"As far as I know, the Amish appeared in the early 16th century. They were more like a group of weird guys who united to reject the development of technology because of their beliefs."

"I think there are obviously many more Americans who believe in the God of Wealth than the Amish in the United States."

"There are a total of 20 Amish in the United States, but many of them are fakes, choosing to join them just to refuse to pay taxes..."

Su Rui listened to it for fun and felt that he had learned some useless knowledge.

However, nowadays, there are indeed many people who have spontaneously formed a small circle of believers in the God of Wealth, and use him as the spokesperson of the God of Wealth.

Ordinary people would just laugh happily after hearing this, fearing that some lunatic with abnormal brains would believe it.

The Amish are not extreme, but they are also very concerned about this kind of thing. Some mysterious small groups may not just talk about it.

When he thought that he might be affected by the "War of Gods", he smiled in confusion.

Suri suddenly realized that it was best to be more careful in the future and stop joking about these things.

After all, the culture and customs are different, and they are different from those in China where no idle gods are raised.

Thinking of finding a team in charge of crisis public relations to try to reduce the heat on the God of Wealth, Su Rui added:

"Actually, I have considered in advance whether I should cooperate with you in the form of fixed income + profit sharing."

"But you also know that I have a lot of projects in my hands. If I open this hole, I won't be able to manage it in the future. As long as I get some achievements, people will want to ask for dividends, but they are not willing to take any risks."

"So I think it's best to solve these troubles at the source and not sign a profit sharing agreement with anyone..."

Perhaps the offer of US$3000 million for two films was too tempting for Director Nolan. He suddenly understood Suri very well and replied:

"I understand your difficulty. If you give me a share of the box office dividends, the directors and actors of other projects will be very unbalanced mentally."

"In fact, the reason why box office dividends appear is that film companies transfer risks and reduce production costs."

"Although I am very confident in my work, who can refuse 3000 million US dollars? I like real and visible rewards..."

Suri was originally worried that "Inception" had made a lot of money, and he would want a piece of it this time.

It seems like I'm overthinking it.

In fact, the probability of science fiction movies hitting the streets is higher than that of urban dramas, action dramas and suspense dramas, and these are what director Nolan is good at.

Director Nolan is not willing to gamble with his own money when he thinks of the illusory profit dividends that will shrink if he is not careful and go somewhere.

The cooperation has been initially negotiated, but whether the contract will actually be signed cannot be determined until after reading the script.

Suri was deeply impressed by "The Martian" and "Interstellar" and almost reproduced 80% of the plots of the original films.

If director Nolan doesn't like it, it only means he has no vision, and not cooperating would be a good thing.

Therefore, Su Rui was not in a hurry and let the other party take his time and wait for the final decision to be made before contacting him.

...(End of chapter)

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