Start with hooves

Chapter 522 Winery

After sending off director Christopher Nolan.

Secretary Amanda was responsible for recording this matter and recorded the details in the booklet. She said with an envious tone:

"You can earn 3000 million US dollars by filming two movies. Even if you have to pay a very high tax, it is very amazing. If I had known, I should have gone to the Art University with my ex-boyfriend and applied for the directing department."

I have heard countless versions of her ex-boyfriend's deeds from her mouth.

The most exaggerated part is that these are all true. Suri has seen Amanda's secretary and her ex-boyfriend meet by chance on many occasions.

If Aquaman has a rank, then Secretary Amanda obviously belongs to the "Legendary King" level. Thanks to the many feminist movements in American history, people's ideas are no longer conservative.

In the Middle Ages, she might have been regarded as an evil spirit that had entered her body and was directly burned in a pile of firewood.

Su Rui responded calmly:

"You only see thieves eating meat, but not thieves being beaten. There are so many directors in the world. How many of them can make movies with a global box office of more than 12 billion US dollars? Compared with male directors, it is more difficult for female directors to become famous."

"If I had known that Director Nolan was so easy to talk to, I should have signed three movies with him at once and tried giving him the script of "The Wandering Earth" again."

"If I make another movie with a total box office of more than 10 billion US dollars, he will become the target of many film companies. If I want to ask him to help me film, it will not be so easy."

Please help me if you can, but the price you need to pay will definitely be much higher than it is now.

Suri was the same way back then. He earned 20 to 30 million US dollars from releasing records and was so excited that he couldn't sleep all day and all night.

Now, even though Netflix Entertainment's market value has soared by US$20 billion in a single day, he is still unhurried and even feels a little empty, lacking the passion when he first founded the company.

People's pursuits always change with different situations.

When Director Nolan truly becomes a world-renowned director with tens of millions of dollars in wealth, he will probably try to pursue more interests.

For example, George Lucas, the great director who became famous for filming "Star Wars", founded his own studio. Steve Spielberg, who is also a great director, also co-founded DreamWorks with friends and has developed rapidly. very nice.

Even if Director Nolan doesn't start his own business and become the boss, he will definitely have to be given a basic salary and box office dividends if he is asked to make a movie. It will be difficult to impress him with only 1500 million US dollars.

Let’s talk about the future later.

Now that the two major projects of "Interstellar" and "The Martian" have been basically completed, Suri no longer has to worry about choosing a director.

Netflix Entertainment is expanding in an orderly manner, the S electric car is still in the research and development stage, and companies such as Caishen Capital and Tweet do not worry Su Rui too much.

His recent attention is mainly on Daju Film Company and Dongjing Mall.

The latter received a large amount of funds from Suri, and plans to get involved in group buying and takeout, taxi hailing, Internet finance and other fields can be prepared in advance.

As for Daju Film Company, they plan to shoot 16 movies in the next two years. Due to the long preparation period for movie projects, Suri will be busy for a while.

Secretary Amanda knows that he has been particularly leisurely recently.

At this moment, he handed the tablet to Su Rui and introduced:

"I asked Jia Ya, you haven't made any arrangements for the next few days. A European delegation came to California, and Governor Schwarzenegger once again invited you to attend a banquet in Sacramento, the capital of California. You should really attend more There are some activities of this kind. The businessmen in "House of Cards" are not as wealthy as you, but they seem to be much more powerful than you and can directly affect certain decisions." Suri rolled his eyes at her, and said with a smile:

"No wonder many big shots are easily dragged down by the people around them. You'd better watch less "House of Cards". This show is not suitable for you. Europe sent a delegation, mostly to seek financial help for the European debt crisis. I sent it to your door. Aren’t you asking for trouble?”

"Not necessarily. Maybe we can find some bargain-hunting projects that you are interested in. I heard that the Portuguese energy company is selling shares, which is a core asset."

Governor Schwarzenegger wanted to move up a level. His assistant found Secretary Amanda and persuaded her to help.

A top rich man like Suri is enough to support a formal official banquet. Even Washington has invited him again and again to participate in certain official exchange activities.

Although the power company's earnings are stable, there is not much room for growth.

Suri has little interest in Portuguese energy companies, but Secretary Amanda is right. He is very influential in many aspects, but has too little contact with California officials, which means that he has shut out many potential allies.

Moving around occasionally would really help improve his status.

To prevent it from happening again like last time, when he applied for an electric vehicle research and development subsidy, but was directly rejected, he was clearly bullying no one above him and lacked deterrence.

After hesitating for a moment, he looked at the banquet arrangements and attendance list.

Su Rui relaxed, nodded and said:

"Okay, then I'll go there. Anyway, it's up to me to decide whether to invest. Appropriately increasing my exposure in Europe will also be very beneficial to many of my projects."

As Suri suspected, the European delegation sent this time is indeed to resolve the European debt crisis.

The United States has already issued a knife, and it will be difficult to take it back without cutting some flesh.

The European debt crisis has been brewing for so long, and the value of countless assets has fallen. In many key industries, American multinational companies have begun to hunt down European core assets in advance, and there has been constant news about acquisitions.

This delegation just went to Washington a few days ago and seemed to have hit a snag, failing to get any substantive commitments.

Wall Street representatives only went through the motions, indicating that many people are still waiting and watching. It also proves that European assets have not truly hit the bottom.

Suri has no interest in this low-yield business.

Before setting off for Sacramento, he made preparations in advance to make a token gesture if necessary, so as not to disgrace Governor Schwarzenegger.

Whether it was the location of the Warriors' new home stadium or the issue of subsidies for electric vehicle research and development, the tough guy superstar Governor Schwarzenegger once helped him a little. Favors can only be strong if they come and go.

If nothing else happens, Suri will need to ask Governor Schwarzenegger for help in promoting electric vehicles in California. He can build a good relationship in advance.

Therefore, at the banquet, he behaved quite enthusiastically.

During the conversation with the middle-aged blonde female representative from Italy, she took the initiative to reveal her interest in Gaja Winery and hoped that the other party would help with the matchmaking process.

This historic winery is one of the four major wineries in Italy. Due to an accident involving the owner, it was recently announced that it was for sale.

Suri knew nothing about this winery before, but he noticed it because he thought the name was interesting and bumped into Jiang Jiaya's name.

After checking the information, I found that the scenery is quite beautiful and is suitable for occasional vacations, so I tried to acquire it. (End of this chapter)

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