Start with hooves

Chapter 656 Delicate and tender heart

Miss Aishwarya Bhaani has lived in a high-class environment since she was a child, and she is at the top of India.

Compared with her family, the chaebols in South Korea are not good enough.

Whether it is Samsung Group or other so-called oligarchs, they were almost hollowed out by the United States during multiple financial crises. They are still nominally Korean companies, but their profits flow to European and American shareholders represented by Wall Street.

This is also the reason why many Korean products have the opportunity to sell well in Europe and the United States without being suppressed by supervision. They are nothing more than high-level wage earners without much core technology that truly belongs to them.

Miss Aishwarya Bhaani's family's property is firmly controlled by her father, the richest man in Asia. At least in India, no one dares to ride on her father's head, and there is no need to look at anyone's face.

Over time, due to different perspectives, the way we treat things naturally becomes different.


Almost everyone in the Indian officialdom has great expectations for the Indian version of the "rise of a great power", dreaming of grabbing orders, investments, and markets from China, and achieving rapid development in a short period of time.

Originally, Ms. Aishwarya Baani also thought that as China's labor costs rose, the advantages of India's demographic dividend gradually became apparent, and it was only a matter of time before it took over labor-intensive and enterprise-intensive industrial chains.

Suri's simple sentence of "intelligence and automation" was a blow to her head.

Only then did he suddenly realize that the number of workers in his factory seemed to be continuously decreasing and being replaced by a large number of automated assembly lines.

If there is no way to provide enough employment opportunities, the so-called demographic dividend will turn into a huge disaster, causing serious negative impacts on social welfare, public security environment, economic development and other aspects.

Don't think that "the money you earn can only support your family" is already miserable.

The worst thing is that due to lack of job opportunities, he can only become a homeless person, unable to even support his family.

In India, workers with permanent jobs account for only one-fifth of the total group, which is close to the number of temporary workers without fixed jobs. There are also two-fifths of the people who are self-employed traders and workers. There are a large number of A young workforce that cannot find a job.

Before coming here today, Miss Aishwarya Bhaani was still thinking of persuading Suri to invest in an electric vehicle assembly and production factory in India.

After chatting, I learned that the localization rate of parts in the Shanghai Super Factory is close to 50%. However, it is difficult to find suitable substitutes in India. Even if the labor cost is cheap, the overall cost is higher.

Investing in manufacturing in India is a dead end in Suri's eyes.

However, India has such a large population, so he agreed to form a team in Silicon Valley to try his luck in the Indian Internet market and successfully invest some money in the financial field.


Caishen Capital will also launch an "India Select" financial product to provide investors in the international market with a convenient channel to invest in the Indian stock market.

Unlike investing in the mainland market, spending money in India is purely to reap a wave of development dividends. As long as he encounters a suitable opportunity, Suri can cash out and leave without mercy at any time.

of course.

The premise is that you can walk away.

Otherwise, Suri will definitely be buzzing if he holds a large amount of Indian currency rupees. Cooperating with Miss Aishwarya Baani's father is probably a good choice. If she gets help from her father, she might have a chance to escape successfully.

Or when the time comes, we can only find a willing taker in the international market and package the assets directly to the other party.

Except for some emerging industries, the profit margin for doing business in developed countries such as Europe and the United States is very small. If any company can obtain a net profit of 10% per year, it is already quite good.

In developing countries like India, the possibility of obtaining huge returns is greater. Unfortunately, both the infrastructure and the business environment make investors feel numb. It is no wonder that multinational companies are keen to set up factories and do business in China.
Skip the topic of helping to attract investment.

At this moment, Suri invited Miss Aishwarya Bhaani to come to the private vault in the basement of her home to admire the famous painting "Girl with a Pearl Earring".

This was Miss Aishwarya Bhaani’s initiative.

At this moment.

She stood in front of the small oil painting and admired it quietly, then asked, "How did you come up with the idea to use the girl in this painting as a prototype to create the best-selling novel "Girl with a Pearl Earring"?"

What else can you think, it’s just for hype.

While hyping the oil painting "Girl with a Pearl Earring", he can also reap the profits from a wave of film and television adaptations. If it goes well, he has the opportunity to earn hundreds of millions of dollars.

But in front of Miss Aishwarya Baani, Suri would definitely not be honest enough to tell her true feelings. Now she raised her head slightly and pretended to be serious:
"This is a very interesting experience. After I bought this oil painting, I was fascinated by the girl in the painting. Her eyes seemed to be full of stories. Not only did she have an extraordinary temperament, but she was also a little calm in her tranquility. Calmly, I was wondering what kind of story she had experienced, so I adapted the novel of the same name and made up a love story based on the girl wearing a blue headscarf in the painting. "

"I really didn't realize that you are this kind of Suri. You look very masculine on the surface, but you have a delicate and tender heart."

After Miss Aishwarya Baani finished speaking, she added:
"It's hard to imagine that such a wonderful story came from your head. My eyes were almost swollen from crying after reading it. Except for one time when I was writing a paper, I stayed up all night just for this novel, and then slept all day. I hope The second one will be released as soon as possible.”

Although it's bloody, the girls really like to watch it. The more sadomasochistic it is, the more they can't stop.

Su Rui smiled awkwardly after hearing this and continued:

"Well, I was only responsible for conceiving an outline. The real credit goes to the author. Its sales volume is almost half of that of the first "Holy Grail". This result is already very impressive. I didn't expect that I could also earn from publishing works. So much money."

Not only did these two novels sell extremely high sales, but the royalties and profit shares Suri received were also much higher than those of her peers.

Writing best-selling books in the United States can lead to ridiculously high incomes. For example, the legendary writer Stephen King has a total net worth of approximately US$2 million.

The British female writer JK Rowling who wrote "Harry Potter" has a total net worth of more than 7 million US dollars.

Many unknown street writers, as long as they can write a work that sells well, they will basically be able to live and drink in this life.

up to now.

Suri has earned tens of millions of dollars from these two books. Since the check from the publisher has not yet been sent to him, it is not clear how much it is.

Anyway, a total of more than 2000 million copies have been sold. Almost every fan of "Holy Grail" has a copy, and it has been at the top of Amazon's book sales list for a long time (end of chapter)

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