Start with hooves

Chapter 752 Unexpected disaster

Every day is very fulfilling.

In the blink of an eye, a week has passed since the official start of "Alone in the Wild".

Not only did Su Rui have an untidy beard, but his clothes were also scratched in several places by tree branches, making them look dirty. He looked nothing like his usual elegance and refinement.

When he was lying on the rocks by the stream and basking in the sun, his overall temperament could not be said to be exactly the same as that of the homeless man, but it was about 70% similar.

After a short rest.

Suri began to face the portable camera and counted the gains of the week.

These included a snow chicken, two hares, and eighteen freshwater fish. In addition, they also collected enough berries and some edible mushrooms.

I just made a pot of mushroom and fish soup at noon, it was so delicious.

There is bad news too.

For example, the weather was getting colder, the shelter was still not completed, and the traps dug with a wooden shovel, which had cost him a lot of energy, yielded nothing. He still hoped that a wild boar or a deer would fall into them.

The dam in the stream has been operating stably for two and a half days, helping Suri catch a total of seven fish of various sizes. This is much easier than fishing, as you only need to wait for the fish to flow down the stream and then be entangled in the fishing net.

Since it concerns his own job, Su Rui dare not take it lightly.

Because he was worried that bears would snatch food from him, he often stayed here personally and "released water" everywhere, imitating the way animals use scent to mark their territory.

This shows that he has indeed adapted very well here.

The sun feels warm on my body.

After observing the movements around him, Su Rui thought about his recent plans, such as setting up a shelter and a fireplace in the next two days, and then looking around to see if he could encounter elk, porcupines, wild boars, etc.

As the weather turns colder, fishing will become more difficult and streams may freeze and stop flowing at any time, so you will need to stock up on food in advance.

If the little otter that Suri picked up was unable to help catch fish in the Great Slave Lake, then Suri would have no choice but to release it back into the wild, allowing it to find food on its own and avoid continuing to consume the limited rations.

Although the little otter is small, it has a big appetite. Fish entrails alone are not enough, so Suri has to feed it fish meat while feeling sorry for it.

The benefit of raising a little otter is that since its appearance, there are no more rats in Suri's camp, and it can also help keep watch at night.
Just when Su Rui felt that everything was going well and the years were peaceful.

Like many ordinary poor people, they often encounter unexpected misfortunes without realizing it, which can easily destroy their lives.

At first, he only heard a slight noise. When Su Rui turned his head, he found that there was a flood!

The river water rushed over, carrying with it countless dead branches and rotten wood, which frightened him so much that he ran away.

Although it was called a flood, the stream only rose by 70 to 80 centimeters at most. The sound of the river water rushing over, accompanied by the sound of wood breaking, sounded a little scary.

After reaching the safety of high ground, Suri, holding a portable camera, said:

"Well, maybe there was a heavy rain upstream? The river water came up quickly. If I hadn't run fast enough, I might have been washed downstream."

"Now I'm worried about my dam and my gillnets. I'm afraid it will be difficult to save them."

"Alas, this is probably life. No matter how hard I try, no matter how much I care, there will always be a sudden flood that takes away everything I have."

While Su Rui was talking, he unexpectedly discovered a huge beaver lying on a piece of wood.

He immediately understood the key point, and laughed and scolded while filming:

"I think I found the culprit. It must be this bastard beaver who built a poor quality dam upstream." "Now its dam has burst, and I'm affected too. I really want to shoot it with an arrow and roast this big rat."

"Wait a minute. Damn it! Where's my bow!?"

It never rains but it pours.

Just while basking in the sun, he not only watched the fishing dam he had worked hard to build for several days being washed away in the blink of an eye, but also lost the bow and arrow that could have helped him hunt large animals.

Under the double blow, Su Rui immediately had the idea of ​​withdrawing from the competition and going home, simply not playing anymore.

But he also knew that this was just a momentary angry remark. Fortunately, the fishing rod was still there, and when the stream became calm, there would still be a chance to build a fishing dam again.

If you think positively.

Without beavers intercepting the fish upstream, the catch downstream might be greater.

The situation has become what it is now. Suri can only try to comfort himself and find ways to make up for the losses.

It takes some time to adjust your mood.

Suri still had a few fish as food reserves, and he was busy building a shelter that afternoon. Thinking that perhaps some lucky fellow contestants had already hunted wild deer and wild boars, he felt confused about his future.

outside world.

The first episode of "Wild Survivor 4" was successfully aired a few days ago.

The main shots were of introducing the contestants, introducing themselves, and then leading them to the camp.

Since Suri decided to participate in the competition at the last minute, the entire "Wild Survivor 4" of course revolves around him. Not only has the length of each episode been lengthened, but the total number of episodes has been tentatively increased to 6 episodes to avoid editing out his wonderful shots.

The news had already spread.

Regardless of whether they have watched "Wild" before, many viewers came to watch it, expecting to see Suri eating wild grass in the wild while hungry.

The second episode of "Alone in the Wild" is finally here. It starts with Suri building a dam and ends with him taking in a little otter.

Because it was shot on location, the images presented by Su Rui in this reality show seemed both down-to-earth and real, quickly attracting countless viewers. Even Penguin Video rushed to spend a high price to purchase the mainland broadcasting rights.

The thought of the world's richest man sleeping in the wild, eating and drinking one meal at a time and not having enough food for the next makes people happy, causing the ratings to surge in a short period of time. Many viewers who like to follow "The So Rui Show" came to watch the fun.

Su Rui's naturalness made many passers-by feel good about him, and "Beggar's Chicken" even topped the hot topic list, with some internet celebrities following suit and teaching how to make this dish.

Suri knew nothing about the news from the outside world.

With no other food source and berries and mushrooms almost all picked, he had to spend more time fishing and trying to train the little otters to go down to the river to catch fish.

The little otter has never been in water since he was a child. Every time he touches the water, he tries hard to climb onto Suri's arm.

Fearing that the little otter would be scratched, Suri had to give up temporarily. After the little otter calmed down, he let the little otter into the water little by little.


The hunting instinct has not yet been unlocked. The little otter just swims, rubbing his little paws and calling out to Suri.

As soon as the idea of ​​releasing it into the wild came to mind, Suri was melted by it (End of this chapter)

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