Start with hooves

Chapter 753 Fishing Dam 20

If you live in the city.

Suri will definitely be busy surfing the Internet and paying attention to fans and netizens' comments on her participation in the variety show "Alone in the Wild" and will be affected positively or negatively, just like during the filming of the "Ex" series or the "Suri Show" series.

However, in the wilderness near the Great Slave Lake, the outside world's comments on his performance in the show "Alone in the Wild" had no impact on his life in Suri's eyes. It could neither bring him prey nor a soft mattress.

A week ago, when he was away from the Internet and mobile phone, he felt very uncomfortable.

Although he still finds it inconvenient now, when his mind is free, he has more free time to carefully examine every aspect of his life in the past few years.

Since human society entered the Internet age, life seems to have become faster and more convenient, and every day seems to be fulfilling and exciting, but while gaining something, we often also lose something.

After just one week of living alone in the wilderness, he found that his mentality had changed a lot, better than the more than three months of self-cultivation on Lanai Island at the beginning of the year. He had more time to think and feel, instead of being trapped in an information cocoon, exposed to seemingly colorful but actually meaningless junk information all day long, wasting precious time in vain.

of course.

From a businessman's perspective, Suri naturally hopes that users of products such as TikTok, Tweet, and Netflix will continue to use his products more.

Facing only the portable camera, he talked about his recent insights, and advised everyone not to be addicted to the online world, but to spend more time with family and friends around them, go out more often, and focus more on the essence of life.

Although it may seem a bit easy for Su Rui to feed the audience with chicken soup for the soul with the resources he has, he did feel something and slowly washed away his impetuous mentality in recent years.

The setbacks of losing his bow and arrows and the collapse of the fishing dam did not discourage Su Rui.

While the grass and trees were withering, he collected some grass seeds to use as bait for fishing and spent an extra 2 hours every day on fishing. To be honest, after persisting in fishing for several days just to fill his stomach, Su Rui had begun to feel bored with fishing and was prepared to not touch a fishing rod for three years after returning home.

The use of grass seeds as bait had some effect, and an average of 4 fish were caught in the next few days. Next to the newly built fireplace, the number of smoked fish was increasing.

Despite the extreme shortage of supplies, which made Suri think of withdrawing from the competition early more than a dozen times a day, he still took good care of the little otter and deliberately cultivated the habit of letting it give the fish to him in order to get more rewards.

Fishermen use cormorants to help them catch fish by tying a rope around the cormorant's neck to ensure that these large birds, which are good at catching fish, cannot swallow the fish directly into their stomachs.

This trick obviously doesn't work on otters, because otters like to tear fish into pieces, which is different from cormorants who like to swallow fish whole.

So Suri wanted to teach the otter to hand over the captured prey to him while it was still young, and then distribute it.

The little guy is growing much faster than his daughter Ivy.

By the time Suri started building Fishing Dam 2.0, the little otter already loved playing in the water, diving underwater to chase small fish, and trying to feed himself.

For the 1.0 version of the fishing dam, Suri used pure stone to build it, and a total of more than ten meters long pebble dam was laid.

Based on version 1.0, he learned his lesson this time and directly used the dead trees by the river to block the river water, saving a lot of physical energy consumed in moving stones.

The key gillnet was eventually washed away by the water, so Suri chose to use vines and tree bark to weave a large fishing basket with pores so dense that only fish fry the size of a little finger could escape from the basket.

There was no other way. Although Suri was not interested in the small fish and did not have enough oil to fry them, they were very suitable for the otters as food.

With the gill nets lost, bows and arrows washed away by the water, and traps unable to catch animals, Suri's only hope, besides patiently fishing for a living, is to train otters to help catch fish.

Day 13 of participating in the "Alone in the Wilderness" program.

The 2.0 version of the fishing dam was finally put into use again. Judging from the morning's harvest, the work was not in vain. There were two palm-sized fish in the fish basket. Su Rui was not sure what species they were.

Suri felt a little relieved that he should be able to stock up on some dried fish before the stream freezes.

If he retired in disgrace before the 20th day, it would be very embarrassing if the news got out. Besides, he still had a lot of things he wanted to do, and he didn't want to go back to his big house worth tens of millions of dollars just because of food problems.

At this moment.

Suri held a portable camera in her hand and talked to herself in front of the camera, saying:
"The water here is good, and the fish is very delicious, but I've been eating fish for more than ten days in a row, and I'm almost sick of it. I really want to have a bowl of hot shredded pork noodles, radish and pork bibimbap, beef brisket rice, or something like that."

"Since the fishing dam has started working, I'm going to be extravagant today and use my fishing time to look for other prey around, such as the beaver that escaped last time. It caused me so much trouble."

"But beavers are similar to otters. They are not only docile but also cute. I can't catch them without a bow and arrow, so forget it."

"First, let me show you the house I built. It has a simple shape and a small interior space, but it's not drafty and warm enough. The dozen or so fish next to the fireplace represent my entire savings, which makes me feel at ease."

Living alone and unable to talk to others, Suri feels comfortable talking to herself in front of a portable camera.

Feeling that the weather was good today and the temperature was relatively suitable, Suri took everyone to visit the simple camp and took some time to make handicrafts to kill time, such as combs, spoons, hammers, etc., and then took clothes to go to the river to take a bath.

It was a little after 1 p.m., the temperature was the highest during the day.

Suri stood in the Great Slave Lake in his shorts, showing off his body to the camera. For nearly two weeks, his daily consumption has been greater than his replenishment. If it weren't for his untidy beard and greasy hair, he would have barely qualified to be a male model.

As for the "kidney-nourishing journey", after living alone for nearly half a month, Su Rui was full of confidence, let alone fighting one against two, even if it was one against three.

The water temperature was a bit cold, so Suri took a quick bath and left a classic quote after getting ashore.
——"I am clean now, but the Great Slave Lake has been tainted by me. The water around me is obviously black. I feel a little sorry for the Canadians."

After taking a shower and feeling refreshed, he went out alone to look for prey.

Using the ropes he had recently collected, he set traps in several places where animals seemed to frequent. On the way, Suri also came across the skeleton of an elk, and the scars on it looked like it had been hunted by wolves.

This reminded him that according to the program crew, there are not only bears around the Great Slave Lake, but also ferocious British Columbia wolves and Canadian timber wolves, which will become particularly ferocious in the winter when there is a lack of food.

Rather than worrying, Su Rui wanted to taste wolf meat. Not only were hungry wolves scary, but hungry humans were even scarier. (End of this chapter)

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