Chapter 101 The Skills Market
Afternoon is skill development time.

Yan Changqing came to the small clinic in Shenmiao Village on a broken bicycle, and greeted the doctor with a smile: "Mr. Shen is good!"

Dr. Shen's child is going to a health school in the city. He is not very old, he looks about 40 years old, and he replied with a smile: "Here we come! Find a place to sit by yourself."

Yan Changqing sat aside, reviewing medical books while waiting for someone to see a doctor and follow along.

Dr. Shen was actually quite curious. He was not familiar with him a few days ago, so it was difficult to ask him. Now that he is familiar, he couldn't help asking: "Changqing, don't you make a lot of money in business? Why don't you continue to do it? "

"When will the money be earned? I still have the mind to learn something, so hurry up, or I may be lazy in the future." Yan Changqing explained with a smile. "Don't worry about robbing your business. I'll at most see a doctor for my close friends. I'm sure I won't sit and open a clinic every day like you."

"I'm really not afraid of you snatching business." Dr. Shen laughed. "You quickly robbed my business, I will go to work in the countryside."

"Go to work?" Yan Changqing was taken aback. "What class do you go to?"

"The village health center!" Dr. Shen found it strange that he asked. "I was assigned to the township health center after graduation. I only came back to open the clinic after the old gentleman near our village passed away."

Yan Changqing didn't know about it yet: "The people nearby have to thank you. Our villages are too far away from the town, so we can't do without you. You also graduated from a medical school?"

"Yeah! Thank you, but it's not necessary. It's the same as being a doctor anywhere. I think it's pretty good to be at home..." Dr. Shen is quite open-minded.

The difference is huge. Calculate his age, if he has been in the township hospital, the dean will not be unable to consider it.

Not only can't I get promoted in the village, but I can't earn much money in the current situation. The account book that records the money owed to the clinic is getting thicker and thicker.

Unless the economy improves in the future, as long as the doctors are reliable, it will be easy to make money.

Yan Changqing admired this person quite a bit, and said casually: "Then when I make a fortune, I will build a hospital and ask you to be the president."

Dr. Shen laughed loudly: "Okay!"

After talking for a while, when the patient came, Yan Changqing quickly sat upright and watched him carefully for diagnosis.

After the diagnosis is over, the medicine is prescribed. After a while of busy work, the patient leaves with a few packs of Chinese medicine.

Only then did Yan Changqing ask the question that had been in his heart all along: "Isn't it faster to prescribe western medicine?"

"Western medicine is expensive." Doctor Shen explained. "Many of the traditional Chinese medicines I use here are free of charge. Some patients have no money, so they just find some traditional Chinese medicine to pay for the medicine. Otherwise, the clinic will not be able to continue to use Western medicine."

I am still poor, and Western medicine is not too expensive now. I usually have a cold and fever, and a few cents of medicine can cure it.

Yan Changqing remembered that when he was in school, there was a kind of medicine called Ganmaotong, which cost less than [-] cents for a pack of dozens of blue pills.

If you have a fever, use Analgin, and give a few pills for a dime, and the effect is quite good.

It may be that people took less medicine at that time, and felt that the medicine was very effective, and it was fine after taking it...

Thinking of this, he stopped thinking about it, and he remembered his experience of being covered in a quilt in summer when he had a fever in junior high school and was reluctant to buy medicine.

Learn the skills of medical skills!

Yan Changqing went back early in the evening, watching his second uncle start the generator, and when he got home, he saw a yard full of people watching TV.

Seeing him coming back and saying hello, he also replied and went to the kitchen, looking around: "Noodles for dinner, do you want to add eggs?"

Li Xiuni struggled for half a second: "Add, you can add two eggs if you want to eat."

Satisfied, Yan Changqing sat behind the stove and filled it with firewood: "I know mom is the best!"

Li Xiuni was just about to speak with a smile when another person came in: "Xiuni, what's for dinner tonight?"

"You don't know how to look?"

"It's noodles again!"

"Don't eat if you don't like it, wash your hands if you come back..."

Yan Changqing just sat in the back of the kitchen with a smile and watched his father being scolded. He used to be like this too. After running for a long time, he came home and asked at the door, and then he would be scolded.

So I used to think that my mother was aggressive every time in the kitchen, but now that I think about it, whoever is asked by two people in line every day, and asked three times a day, will be impatient!

Looking at Dad's expression of not feeling anything, he was a little gloating.

I won't remind you, we'll talk about it when we've had enough fun.

The rice is the taste of my mother in the legend, it always makes people feel... as plain as water, add some salt - because the time of being rich is too short, the seasonings bought by Yan Changqing, etc., my mother is not willing to let go, including Oil is still used in the usual amount.

Noodles under clear water, no seasoning or oil in the stir-fried vegetables, even if you add two eggs, how delicious can it be?
However, Yan Changqing still ate with relish, put a bowl of noodles with a chopsticks of pickles in it, then took a steamed bun and put it behind his hand, and walked towards the main room while eating with chopsticks.

While walking, I came up with a sentence: "Did XXX eat? Have some here?"

Among the people watching TV, many of them were eating and watching with bowls in their hands, and they would not eat here if they hadn't eaten, just to say something casually.

No one pays attention to the rules of eating, but watching TV.

Some people also asked about the real thing: "Changqing, there are too many people going out now, and the business is not easy to do. Is there any other way to give us advice?"

Originally, this kind of people didn't need to talk to them, but at least they were at home, Yan Changqing still replied: "Go somewhere else."

"There are people elsewhere too! Those people in Yatouwa are too ruthless, and they have already done business for them." The speaker didn't wink, and continued to ask.

Yan Changqing glanced at him: "Then there is no other way, let's go to the river to open up wasteland! There is also a way to order a variety of dishes to sell."

In fact, there were sensible people laughing in low voices behind, and someone couldn't help it: "Er Zhuzi, what Qijin said is quite right, and selling vegetables is also quite good."

Erzhuzi was about to refute when he turned around, Yan Changqing looked up and said: "Sibo, you can discuss with the three villages to divide the territory. For example, if they like to go to the remote places in the southeast, you can Go northeast and try to divide them as clearly as possible, so as not to affect each other because of this."

The fourth uncle is a carriage driver. He has a carriage, which is simply the biggest advantage. He has stopped pulling bricks for a long time--pulling bricks is dirty and tiring, and he can’t get cash. Just like Li Xiuni once said, he will ask for money to pay back It's boring to be humble.

Selling goods is so convenient, not only people are happy, but horses are also happy, because the goods must be lighter than bricks, and people can ride in the car and walk around slowly, which is more cost-effective than pulling bricks for a day.

After hearing Yan Changqing's words, the fourth uncle was a little embarrassed: "Will people over there listen?"

"As I said, divide it clearly to save trouble in the future. The place is very big. If you have the ability, you can sell it to the seaside in the east, and to Qiansu in the north. Don't just focus on small places, as long as the price is lower than yours, You can go anywhere." Yan Changqing pointed with his chopsticks.

Anyway, no one said that he was not good at eating, and they all listened very seriously.

"Everyone in the world has one nose and two eyes, including foreigners with golden hair and green eyes. Others can do business, why can't you? Everyone eats the same food, I can do it, why can't you do it? Such a big place , why do you have to do business within a radius of a hundred miles?"

"Go and discuss it, divide the land, form a team and go out without competing with each other. After returning, we will have a meal together and chat, see who has what experience to talk about, and learn from each other."

"Three cobblers are as good as Zhuge Liang. Don't talk about one person's disadvantages and others' advantages all day long. When you encounter problems, you only think about who earns [-] cents more than me. Open your eyes, otherwise you can only run around as hawkers every day. You can’t do anything big at any time.”


The next day I ran to the town, ready to discuss business matters with my uncle.

After Chen Youliang happily greeted Yan Haihai and his wife, he turned his head and said to Yan Changqing, "Did you come up with another trick to persuade me to come?"

Yan Changqing also hehe: "There is no recruiting, but I don't care, you should think about it!"

"You can do whatever you want, as long as the share is yours. And in the future, it can't be divided into four or six. If you are a partner, you will be a partner. It is easy and easy to split half of it." Chen Youliang probably felt that his nephew wanted to do something, so he took advantage of the situation and continued to make demands.

"Anything is fine." Yan Changqing had completely figured it out. The money now is small money, so it doesn't matter. "Then build a wholesale market, buy two trucks in the early stage, and buy from Jiangcheng. How about asking about it later, and transporting it to a farther place?"

"That's easy." Chen Youliang nodded. "However, if we do it in the village, do we want to partner with the village? I think Village Chief Yang means that he wants to partner with us?"

Yan Changqing was taken aback: "He didn't tell me either?"

But then he said: "We are determined not to partner with others, no matter who comes. We need money from the township to provide manpower and material resources, and make it clear to Mayor Yang that he wants to do things. We are not afraid that he will not support us in doing things, but he wants to leave. What if someone else wants to tell me what to do? He will definitely understand."

Chen Youliang babbled: "That's okay. Actually, it doesn't take much, just build a warehouse on the ground, and find a few people to watch it. How do we start in the early stage?"

"Let's deliver the goods in the early stage! When delivering the goods, leave them the address. If you want to save money, you can get the goods yourself. Then you will advertise on TV and make two phone calls. Whoever calls will tell them what the goods are and the price. Simple."

Nowadays, the advertising fees of TV stations are very cheap, especially for local stations. The advertising business cannot develop. As long as you pay, you can do an advertisement for half an hour and an hour.

Chen Youliang got excited: "I said I should do it a long time ago, but you have to say no to it awkwardly, and you are not allowed to do anything. Look now, you say a few words, can I go to run errands? Are there any more?" ?”

"Yes!" Yan Changqing chuckled. "I'll talk about the purchase later. I don't think I can always buy other people's goods, but I have to make something myself. For example, shoes and clothes, etc., pull raw materials back, process them locally, and sell them wholesale. But this will wait for the market to rise. There is no rush. ..."

"Yeah, then I have a plan in my heart." Chen Youliang nodded his head. "By the way, did the credit union look for you? They came to me, and I said I had no money. Haha, I was not happy. I saved him 1 yuan, so he didn't let him go for nothing..."

Yan Changqing was speechless, saying that he would give [-] to those who have no money, and you can pretend to be like that...

It's a pity that we are worse than us, and we have no money, so we only plan to save [-]...

 In order to be exhausted recently at the tenth update yesterday, we will start with two updates today, and all future updates will be in the morning.Old time, 9:11~~
(End of this chapter)

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