Chapter 102 Rental Business
There is no agricultural machinery company in the small town, so you have to go to the county town to buy a tractor.

The credit union saved money, and the whole family got in the car and set off to the county seat.

Yan Erhe is the most excited. He feels that he is one step closer to his dream—now his ideal has changed, and his brother-in-law's motorcycle can no longer satisfy him. He hopes to drive a tractor.

Because the motorcycle is too small, he felt that the tractor should feel better.

Yan Changqing believes that tractors are not enough for him. If given the opportunity, he would definitely be more willing to drive large machinery such as excavators and cranes, because this is what he did when he had to go out to work in his previous life.

Li Xiuni was also very excited, staring at Yan Changqing's army green satchel from time to time, which contained a passbook of 10 yuan.

In fact, there are much more small coffers at home than this, but now that I’m out, I don’t feel at home.

The passbook is not in her name, and it was supposed to be saved for her, but the director of the credit union was curious about Yan Changqing at the time: "Why don't you use your name?"

Li Xiuni immediately inquired and learned that children can save money, as long as they bring the household registration book, she took out the household registration book at that time and insisted that it must be deposited under the son's name.

It's just that she is only worried about whether the passbook will be lost, and she hasn't noticed the eye contact between the three big and small men next to her.

As a result, when I arrived at the agricultural machinery company, Li Xiuni's eyes widened after a while, and she pulled Yan Changqing aside who was negotiating the price: "Why do you bargain and say that you want to buy three at a time? You will only buy one later. How about selling it to you?"

Yan Changqing plausibly said: "Mom, you see, I drive one, my second uncle has one, and my father has one. Do I need three?"

Li Xiuni's eyes widened at that time: "Buy you so much, have you stewed it at home?"

Yan Changqing chuckled: "Mom, don't worry, after I buy it back, I can earn this money back in a year, do you believe it? I don't earn it from doing business, but I earn it from this walking tractor."

"How do you earn it? Let your father pull bricks?" Li Xiuni didn't believe it at all.

"Really, believe me, when did I lose money!" Yan Changqing was full of confidence. "If you don't believe me, take the passbook, and I'll spend all my money. Our family still has 10 yuan as a deposit, right?"

Li Xiuni hesitated at that time.

What Yan Changqing wanted was this effect, to save some money to the village chief and the others, and to comfort his mother with a passbook, as long as the money was not withdrawn, she would feel that there was a way out for whatever she did. The motivation is much less.


So it didn't take much effort. After Yan Changqing gave a simple on-site teaching, he drove his mother with him, and the two brothers over there had one for each of them, and three walking tractors set off chug-chug.

Instead of going home directly, I came to the compound where the scrap iron was parked.

Then Yan Changqing picked and picked from the pile of scrap iron, and then pulled it over for electric welding. After one operation, several people including Li Mingfa, who was in charge of sorting the goods here, all stared wide-eyed.

Yan Changqing was very proud: "My design is good, right? After using this set, the plower can sit behind and press the plowshare to save effort; Run casually on the stone rollers. Usually, you still pick up the drag bucket, which doesn’t affect pulling things.”

In fact, they are all routine operations, but firstly, the number of tractors is small, and secondly, the conditions are not sufficient, and no one has started to think about various "configurations" for tractors.

In fact, the uses of walking tractors are endless. Pumping water from the river to irrigate the land, and small-scale power generation are routine operations in towns and villages. They will even be converted into various small excavators and cranes, including well drilling and so on.

After the working people of the country give full play to their imagination, there is nothing they cannot do.


The three walk-behind tractors ran to the town, and when the Yanhai brothers loaded the bicycles on the truck, Li Xiuni realized: "Damn child, you are just fooling me, right? Buy three tractors at once..."

Yan Changqing looked aggrieved: "Can't you wait until I get home before hitting me? At least you wait two days and see!"

"Can you really make money?" Li Xiuni asked in a low voice without actually beating her son in front of her sister-in-law. "If you want to lie to me, I will really beat you. Don't think that you are great because you are rich. I am your mother. If you want to beat you, I will beat you!"

"You will know after a few days when you go back!" Yan Changqing was full of confidence.


The three walking tractors have attracted many envious eyes since they left the town.

No way, driving a walking tractor these days is even more rare than anyone in the village buying a car in the future. It is no exaggeration to say that driving a tractor is more difficult than driving a car in the future—after all, buying a tractor these days basically does not require a loan .

When they arrived at Dayan Village, except for those who were out on business, everyone else came to watch the fun.

Yan Changqing showed them with a smile, and introduced to them: "The price is not expensive. One car costs more than 5000 yuan. I bought three cars plus the oil and diesel accessories, and the total cost is less than 8000 yuan." .”

"It's just for convenience, and it will be convenient to bring someone to the town in the future. After a period of time, it will save labor in the wheat milling field, and it will definitely be better and faster than cattle. My cattle should be sold if they are raised again. "

Selling cattle is a bit of a loss now. After winter, the cattle will lose fat if they don’t work. Now is the time to let the cattle grow fat, and after a while when the busy farming time comes, the price of cattle will be higher.

"Even though this tractor is small, it can run faster than riding a bicycle. It can run for half a day at a stretch, and it can also pull goods. Dongfanghong is a big brand. It is durable and can go on any road..."

The last sentence is still the key point.

Seeing no response from the people after speaking, he smiled and got out of the car to eat.


In the afternoon, he still went to study medicine. After dinner in the evening, the house was full of people watching TV, so he came to the threshing field after a stroll.

If there is nothing to do, check and check the machine, which can improve skills and eliminate potential safety hazards.

Then someone ran over: "Qijin! You bought three walk-behind tractors, and now it's not the busy farming season, and you won't be able to use them for a while, this..."

Yan Changqing chuckled: "Uncle Shui Xing, if you have something to say, just say it, why are you hesitating?"

Yan Shuixing was a little embarrassed: "I want to borrow a tractor."

"No." Yan Changqing chuckled. "My new one, if you want to borrow it, I will let you use it! If you want to borrow it, you have to pay for it, and I will rent it to you, 15 yuan a day, why don't you?"

Yan Shuixing's disappointed and dull eyes immediately lit up: "I just need to give something to show, it's best if you want to collect money! You won't lose money with 15 yuan a day, right?"

"No loss. I earned back my capital within two years of renting out. I usually don't spend much on maintenance. Whoever drives the gas will pay for it. Fill it up before I come back. Where will I lose money? In the next year I started making money!"

While talking, Yan Changqing still sighed in his heart, people, you can't have a little money, once you have money, you can't suffer.

When Yan Shuixing bought a bicycle, he was very cruel. He tied the scooter to the back of the bicycle and rode it with a manual trailer every day without feeling tired.

Now I guess I have some money in my hand, and I am not willing to buy a tractor for the time being, and I don’t want to continue riding and running, so I just saw the walking tractor and moved my mind.

What Yan Changqing wanted was for them to be tempted. They all made money and only knew to hide it at home. When will they make more money?
These walking tractors are also "leading nest eggs". If there is no Yan Shuixing coming today, others will come in a few days.

Moreover, it is estimated that in the few villages doing business, tractors will become the mainstream transportation vehicles in a short time - agricultural tricycles can pull goods faster, but the price is too expensive, so it is not the goal considered by the villagers for the time being.

Yan Shuixing was very quick, and immediately took out the money: "I'll try to rent it for three days first, do I need a deposit? Is fifty enough?"

See, people who have money are quick-witted. In the past, this guy couldn't even settle accounts, but now he knows to give the deposit voluntarily!

Yan Changqing was not polite: "Then the rules will be 50 yuan as a deposit for renting a car, and 15 yuan a day. You can drive wherever you want, as long as you can drive back, small problems are nothing, I can fix them It doesn’t cost any money, but if it’s really broken and needs to be replaced, you’ll have to pay more.”

Don't look at the money, Yan Shuixing still has to thank him, with a proud face: "I won't envy that guy Yan Qinggong in the future, you haven't seen him like that, sitting in a broken carriage, seeing us riding a bicycle tow Running in the car, he was so proud, I endured it a few times and I didn't beat him..."

Yan Changqing laughed: "You are not talking nonsense! Tomorrow you drive a tractor and watch others drag a cart, and you will make such a face!"

"Yes!" Yan Shuixing suddenly realized. "Tomorrow I will leave late, I have to show them all, hahaha..."

Yan Changqing looked at this guy with a speechless face, Yangtian laughed and went out, felt that the camera was not there, and could only call to him with a little regret: "Don't go! You have to learn how to drive!"


Yan Changqing looked at his teaching skills that had improved by leaps and bounds, and his thoughts were very complicated.

Yan Shuixing hasn't learned it yet, and a large group of people in the village don't watch TV and come to watch the fun--the smart ones have already started to learn, and even cheekily expressed that they want to try their hands too.

Teaching one is still teaching, teaching ten is still teaching, it is very simple.

And there are very few reckless people. Firstly, this thing is valuable, and secondly, they rely on Yan Changqing to make money. They are afraid that they will break his things and offend him.

They were very careful when driving, the one in front was driving, and Yan Changqing and a few others stood on the trailer behind, guiding and teaching at the same time.

After a few trips, even if you haven't had a chance to drive it for a lap, you know how to drive it.

Yan Changqing looked at Swish Swish's teaching skills that had improved a bit, and began to consider whether he should open some training classes for fun.

Mainly to teach this skill, the scope is a bit wide.

Usually instructing others to do business is also regarded as teaching. Some partners and a group of people can’t figure it out. Helping them figure it out is also teaching, including making handmade toys for children, guiding them in games, teaching them to write a few words, and counting How many numbers...

It seemed to be increasing silently all the time, and after not paying attention for a while, Yan Changqing discovered that the skills had reached [-] to [-]%.

If I go to school to be a teacher for half a year...

It's not right, being a teacher is not necessarily enough, because the children who sit in the classroom may not learn as fast as the adults who want to make money and the children who mainly play around.

 Thank you "08a" for the reward, and thank you for your support!

  There are still two updates for the time being, and we are working hard to strive for the third update as soon as possible!
(End of this chapter)

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