Chapter 103 Just Another Word
The next morning, when Li Xiuni came out, she saw Yan Changqing coming in with an erhu, and she was a little unhappy: "Qijin, we bought a walking tractor for thousands of dollars, why do you want to rent it to others?"

Yan Changqing wondered at the time: "Mom, did you not sleep well? Why can't you rent it out?"

"The things bought for thousands of yuan are still new." Li Xiuni repeated. "If you let people use it, can they take care of it? Besides, you only charge 15 yuan a day. When will you get back the money?"

"Didn't you count?" Yan Changqing's eyes widened this time. "We spend less than 15 yuan on a car, and we charge 500 yuan a day, and we can charge [-] yuan in [-] days. We can recover the cost in more than a year, and start making money in less than two years. Why can't we?"

"Huh?" Li Xiuni was a little surprised. "Can you make money in less than two years?"

"Didn't you count?" Yan Changqing patiently explained. "You do the math! We saved 10 yuan, and the daily interest is not 30 yuan. Now we spend 8000 yuan on a tractor and earn 45 yuan a day. Is it a profit..."

"It seems to be!" Li Xiuni muttered, probably feeling that it was wrong to blame the child early in the morning, and she was a little guilty. "I'm going to cook, Qijin, what do you want to eat, I'll cook an egg for you!"

Yan Changqing also has to thank his mother: "Mom is the best, I just love eggs..."


As a result, Li Xiuni had a new idea during the meal: "Son, can we buy a few more tractors for rent?"

"Someone else will buy it in a few days." Yan Changqing reminded his mother. “It’s good to buy a few tractors for others to see, and gradually others will buy them.”

"Then what will happen to our tractor when everyone else buys it?" Li Xiuni instantly changed from the expectation of making money to the fear of losing money.

"People who rent it to other villages will not be able to afford it for the time being." Yan Changqing comforted him, because his mother made him so patient. "Right now, we are only doing business with the four villages, and we have been taking care of them for a while. After the market is completed, we will release it and let others come to get the goods."

"Then you will be offended..."

"The business is mine, and I don't know how to be grateful for being taken care of. We don't talk to such people, and we won't talk to them in the future."


After eating, Yan Changqing ran away quickly.

It's a bit of a struggle to explain to my mother, because my mother always focuses on the present and keeps the house frugal. Although she also plays by ear, and occasionally retreats when difficulties arise, she is always a mother, so you have to be patient.

Changed to someone else, hehe, short-sighted, not willing to invest, and blinded by self-interest and greedy, not thinking about solving the problem if something goes wrong, only thinking about temporary gains and losses, wishing to run away immediately...

Such a person is not uncommon for him to deal with.


There is no need to eat eggs at noon, because Yan Changqing is playing, and someone in the town is running errands to send a message, and the oil field called and asked him to go.

On the way, Yan Changqing began to think about whether to open a chicken farm or not. If he ate eggs every day in the future, he would not be so happy.


Thinking about arriving at the oil field, Zhu Changsheng said to him when he saw him: "I'm afraid you will be delayed for two days this time. I was afraid that you would not arrive in time tomorrow, so I called ahead of time."

Zhu Changsheng approached Yan Changqing because his superiors wanted someone to come to the oil field to inspect the work on May [-]st.

This work definitely includes the construction of spiritual civilization, so I also have to watch a few May Day programs prepared by the oil field.

The opportunity is very good, and it happens that Yan Changqing's staffing problem can be completely solved by the way.

As for the issue of doing business, the current requirements for this aspect are not too strict.

Besides, the same thing depends on how it is said.

If it is said that someone in Yan has a staff and goes to "do business to make money", at the current stage of economic development that has not yet started for a long time, it seems not very pleasant, and it seems a bit ungrateful for profit.

However, if Yan Moumou's statement of "do not wait or rely, rely on self-reliance, and lead the villagers to a well-off life together", it will make people feel that if this is not commended in the news, it will be a shame!

For the oilfields, there is no need for explanation.

Because we are "while keeping in mind the mission of 'I donate oil to the motherland', in order to enable the people in poor areas to become well-off as soon as possible, the oilfield people take the initiative to go to the masses and lead everyone to become rich together, which fully reflects the belief and responsibility of the oilfield people. Contribute new power to realize rural revitalization, and write a new chapter!"

At this point, things began to become simpler. Next, Yan Changqing only needed to show off his own job skills and play the erhu, and then everything became logical.

Not only that, but in the process of "leading everyone to a well-off life", if necessary, the oil field will provide some help. Small problems such as lack of oil for tractor generators are not worth mentioning. After all, everyone It's an oil field guy.


Yan Changqing didn't pay much attention to the skill assessment that Zhu Changsheng said, how simple it is, he has never given up the skill to let himself eat meat, and the second-level erhu skill will still increase his proficiency to some extent.

He even wanted to make a phone call to tell his parents the good news. To be honest, he didn't need to care about this arrangement, but for the family, it would make them happy for a few days and they wouldn't be able to sleep well.

Since it can make them happy, why not this system?
It's a pity that it's a bit troublesome to call now, and I have to call the cotton factory as before, and have someone notify my uncle's family, and then let someone notify the village.

Yan Changqing could only comfort himself, don't worry, just wait a few days.

A telephone number must be installed in the construction of the market, and it will be convenient to use the telephone at that time.


If I have nothing to do, I go to the market. Now there are stalls in several villages in Taoshu Township in the oil field, and some of them are here permanently. I don’t know how they solve the problem of food and accommodation. Go to the market in the morning and set up a stall as soon as possible, and only go back every few days.

Take a small notebook and write it down while walking, and see what everyone is lacking these years.

As a result, I remembered that I found that there were quite a lot of missing.

For example, many commonly used items, such as buckets and washbasins, are still made of iron sheets.

The plastic ones are the kind of plastic basins that seem to be more than one centimeter thick, and there is also a plastic bucket that is also half a finger thick.

These two things are made of different materials, but they both have three notable characteristics of this era, they are expensive, bulky and unattractive.

There is only one advantage: durability.

Iron buckets will rust and break, but in today's age when the industry is underdeveloped, tin buckets are quite popular, although when carrying water, just two iron buckets are heavy enough.

As long as the rubber pots and barrels are not broken, it is normal to buy good quality and not break for 30 years-but there are often some cheap ones on the market, the quality cannot be guaranteed, and they will not last that long.

Don’t be afraid of those with poor quality. These days there are still several occupations, such as glue pots and barrels, repairing iron pots and iron barrels, replacing the bottom and repairing leaks...

That is to say, if something is broken, it can be repaired. Unlike many years later, the used things will break after a short period of time.

Yan Changqing just thought about it for a while, and planned to look for products such as plastic basins and buckets that will be more popular in the future.

Mainly beautiful and generous, although the quality is a bit poor, but the price is cheap and beautiful!

These plastic pots and buckets are either purple or green, and they look ugly. People buy one and put it at home for decades. It's a scam!
After thinking about it, I'm afraid I have to go to the manufacturer to buy it.

It is too troublesome to produce, and it is too busy to produce everything.

If you have to make it yourself, then choose the one with basically no technical content, and it is best to rub it by hand, that is, labor-intensive products. After all, the local population is large, and the labor price cannot be high.

Thirty years later, there are still some factories in the local area, with wages of 30 to 3000 yuan, and there are people rushing to enter, not afraid that no one will work.

Going around in a big circle like a street runner, the little notebook has already memorized a lot of things.

Almost enough!


When assessing the professional level, Yan Changqing chose the familiar horse racing.

This song is played with joy, and many people like it.

Bow slightly, introduce yourself, and start playing.

When the performance is over, bow and thank you.

The venue was silent for a while, and then applause broke out, and the person in the middle stood up: "Okay, okay, really good."

Then he looked left and right, especially Zhu Changsheng: "I don't think you need to discuss the problem you mentioned? It's really good. What else is there to consider at this level? I'm looking forward to the May Day performance. When I heard such a good piece, it was played by such a small artist, the surprised expression..."

Yan Changqing smiled and expressed his thanks again.

This matter is stable!
The matter of going to the city to perform was settled, and the issue of the organization was completely resolved.

It's really steady, wait for other shows to finish their performances.

Zhu Changsheng was very happy: "Okay, let's go and get a work permit first, and the work permit will come out tomorrow. You should prepare for the performance, and I will notify you when the time comes, and strive to maintain this level and make a blockbuster. "

That's too easy, and our skill can definitely guarantee stable performance.

Yan Changqing nodded in agreement.

Zhu Changsheng smiled and said again: "When the goods from Jiangcheng are ready, they will be shipped here as soon as possible. Our side has already notified it. Now the employees are still looking forward to it."

This is fine, as long as Feng Yigui doesn't speak, he is absolutely reliable.

There is also the issue of leading the villagers to get rich. Zhu Changsheng is quite concerned about this: "I see that there are more and more goods on the street now. Are there any changes in your villages? For example, building new houses and the like ?”

Building a new house is the most intuitive and visible, and the news will be convincing.

"It's not that fast." Yan Changqing said with a smile about holding the tractor. "They are all people who are used to living a poor life. If they don't stimulate it, they would like to dig a well to hide the money they earn, and they are not willing to spend it at all."

"But now the enthusiasm has been mobilized. There will definitely be a big change in half a year at the most. The village has a little money, and more people from the surrounding villages come to kiss young boys. It won't be long before someone will cover it. A new house, buying a tractor, etc.”

Zhu Changsheng nodded: "Yeah, you all have photos, right? Haha, if you want to do news at that time, just find a few photos from you, right?"

"That's no problem." Yan Changqing agreed this time very happily. If you want to market, you have to publicize. News is the best way, and the key is free!

After the photo is taken, all that remains is to wait for the work permit.

Yan Changqing counted the time, and it was the weekend, so he simply stayed for a day to give Zhu Xiaobin another guide, and wait for his work permit by the way.

Only when you get it can you go back and show off, so that everyone in the family will be happy.

(End of this chapter)

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