Chapter 104

As soon as Yan Changqing went to work in the oil field, he went to get a work permit, then took a car back to the county and then transferred to the village.

When Yan Changqing saw his uncle, he took out his small notebook and discussed some of his plans with him.

In fact, it was mainly a question of market location. Yan Changqing had already thought about the location, at the intersection next to the national highway.

It can't be in the town, the six or seven li road down from the national highway is not only bad, but also narrow.It is difficult for two carts to run side by side, seriously affecting transportation.

The rest is the problem of area. The area is very empty, and the land can be allocated randomly. Yan Changqing considers that he plans to advertise in the provinces and Taiwan. In the future, there will be a large traffic volume of goods and vehicles, so a larger area will be required, so he plans to allocate about a thousand acres.

This is in consideration of the fact that it is more difficult to approve the application for a thousand acres of land. Some people may swipe and swipe at it, and finally it becomes [-] mu to [-] mu. It may even be smaller for a pilot project, and I will get you a few tens of mu. Not impossible.

If you are engaged in wholesale, the address of several thousand square meters is not enough, and there is no place to park a few cars.

After a brief discussion, my uncle discussed the remaining matters with the village, and then I got on my bicycle and ran home.


It was cooking time at noon, and the stove in Yan Changqing's house was still freezing!
Li Xiuni was very busy and was talking to a group of people watching TV. Originally, electricity was generated for power supply when it was almost dark, and she could only watch TV at that time, but today she was in a happy mood and turned on the TV with a wave of her hand.

When someone came, she began to talk about it with her work card.

"I just said that when I got up early today, I kept hearing magpies calling outside. I didn't expect the child to bring this back. Oh, this child is really real. He didn't tell us before. He didn't say anything. The work permit Got it all!"

Yan Changqing was also speechless. In the past, he used to go out to find people to show off, but now, with a TV, as long as the TV is turned on, people can be tricked into the house to show off.

But whoever makes mom happy, let her say it!

"Will the seven catties eat imperial food from now on?"

"That's right! People said that he is a young artist. He has to go to school at a young age. He doesn't have to go to work. He only goes to performances. If he doesn't, he can stay at home and get paid on time..."

"That's envious of the dead, that's great! Then, will his household registration be commodity grain household registration in the future?"

"Qi Jin loves his family too much. He said that he has to go to the oil field to change to a commercial grain account, and he will be there when he goes to school. He doesn't want to be too far away from us, so he won't change his account for now, but he can do it anytime if he has a work permit. go."

"This child is filial, because he is afraid of leaving you, you will worry! I said he has been sensible since he was a child..."

Now the iron rice bowl is still very attractive to rural people, and the commodity grain household registration is also something that rural people can't ask for.

But it doesn't matter to Yan Changqing, he can still divide the field at home, but he went to be a commodity grain, but he has nothing.

In fact, according to the requirements, it is necessary to transfer to a commodity grain account, and the location of the account and the working relationship should be consistent.

But at present, Yan Changqing is considered a special treatment. He still wants to "take root in poverty-stricken areas and lead everyone to become rich", so he will not transfer it for the time being.

In short, this is the case with many things. If someone nods at the top, it will be a lot of convenience for the bottom to do it.


Yan Changqing saw that his mother had no intention of cooking at all, so he might as well practice cooking by himself!
When he came back, he cut some meat in the town and made lo mein at noon, but he needed to knead the noodles first and roll them out by hand.

After kneading the noodles for a while, I felt that I would have to roll the dough later, so I was lazy and planned to change it to sliced ​​noodles.

Anyway, strength is not, not afraid of tiredness.

Not long after, Erwa, who was concentrating on watching TV with Tiedan, sniffled, looked left and right, then stood up and came to the kitchen: "Brother Qijin, you are cooking, and there is meat, so delicious!"

Nonsense, fat meat should be fried on the bottom of the pot first, and then some oil will be fried to taste. Not only is the meat delicious, but the rice is also more fragrant.

As for eating too much fat is unhealthy, let’s put it down, I can’t help but look at it, and I will know if eating this little fat will be unhealthy!

Yan Changqing was willing to use things for cooking, and made a lot of noodles, so he immediately greeted the two boys: "Let's eat here later, today I will make sliced ​​noodles."

The two boys twitched a bit before agreeing.

While I was doing it, I heard a voice asking, "What are you cooking for lunch? It's delicious..."

Yan Changqing almost wanted to imitate his mother and tell him to look at it by himself, but unfortunately he didn’t have the confidence of his mother, so he answered honestly: “Didn’t you finish making noodles with a knife? Why don’t you go to see it every day?”

"Go around more often to make it more popular over there." Yan Haihai replied with a smile.

I wanted to say more, but when Li Xiuni saw him coming back, she went straight to the kitchen, and started calling him, "What are you doing, Hai Hai? Come and see our son's work permit. Every day, I know how to go to the kitchen to disturb other people's cooking..."

Yan Changqing: Alright, the Qi is smooth!


Yan Changqing felt that he was quite prescient, and put a thin plastic bag on the small book of the work permit, otherwise, it would definitely be cut into two halves in one day.

Li Xiuni held on to her work permit until dark, and she was reluctant to let go of it.

Even the parents were so happy from ear to ear, let alone the second uncle who is more active.

At last, the hard work was not in vain to get back the work permit, it was worth it!

In the afternoon, the bear kids were watching TV, and Yan Changqing saw that his mother did not stop showing off at all. What was even more speechless was that the second aunt brought the baby after dinner, and the cooperation of the two of them was really...

Anyway, a few people came to show off, so the people who came came to greet and chat with me in a cooperative way, so they simply dismissed the meaning of being at home and continued to go out for a stroll!
I can't bear it and I can't hide it!

As a result, he got up together and started playing the erhu, but when he put on the fishing gear, Erwa couldn't sit still.

The second baby is impatient to do anything, even watching TV. The main reason is that TV dramas often have no beginning and no end. Adults watch them rely on reasoning, but children seem easily confused and can’t tell what’s going on. .

Turning to look at Tie Dan, Erwa touched him: "Brother Qijin is going fishing, are you going?"

Tie Dan shook his head: "I'm watching TV! You go!"

Erwa turned around and followed out.

In the end, he was not the fastest. The two cats, big yellow and big black, were similar to him at the beginning. Seeing that the owner was very calm when holding the erhu, when Yan Changqing took the fishing gear, the ears of the two cats pricked up with a swish. Walking outside, they followed silently.

If there are fish to eat, hurry up, keep up!


When they got to the place, Erwa took the fishing gear and went to find earthworms first.

Yan Dahai is strolling around his future chicken farm, and it is quite strange to see his son running over: "Aren't you very busy, don't you come here all day?"

Immediately, he reacted and let out a haha: "Is your mother still showing off with your work permit?"

Yan Changqing put down the erhu smoothly, did not answer the last sentence of his father, and looked around for tools: "I'll try to see if that piece of wolfberry in the forest can grow by itself, and plant a little in the field outside, so that it will grow in the future." If it is successful, it may be another source of income.”

Yan Haihai was noncommittal: "Then you can toss about it! I'll check and check and prepare to buy the chicks in a few days, and they will be raised here in the future."

I originally planned to raise the chicks at home for a few days, and then come here when they are older.

But now there is a TV at home, and there are too many people coming and going every day, so we can only transport the chickens directly.

Yan Changqing thought, and had already started to act.

It’s not in vain that he ran around, he had inquired clearly earlier, the current temperature is almost the same for cutting goji berries, anyway, he has no experience to explore, the number of goji berries in this piece is not small, take your time, cut some cuttings every few days, always There are those who can live.

The small river in spring is very refreshing. The water in the river is no longer as gentle as in winter. The green grass on the ground and the birds flying in the sky seem to increase in the blink of an eye, making the world a little more Smart.

On the reclaimed land, there are already a lot of greens, those are vegetables, but there are still many that look like grass, there is no way, no one can completely exterminate the grass in one go.

Yan Changqing called it a day, which was not a big job.

Then he picked up the erhu and squeaked and pulled it up by the river, with a fishing rod in front of him.

This is called killing two birds with one stone, and the proficiency of the two skills is improved together.

Although it is necessary to concentrate on improving proficiency, the effect of dual-purpose distraction is not good at all, but who makes him happy at this moment!
It's not a dual-purpose, but a three-purpose one. Erwa is still complaining: "Brother Qijin, you scared the fish away by pulling the string!"

I didn't come and I didn't see you catch a fish, did you?
Yan Changqing was speechless, and simply put down the erhu.

The sun is warm on the body, the small river is flowing slowly, the wind in the river is always stronger than the wind in other places, but now the willow wind blows on the face, and it is comfortable to blow.

The wheat waves composed of countless earing wheat seedlings undulate in the wind, like a green ocean.

No wonder people say that spring is not a day for reading. The wind is blowing, not to mention playing the erhu, and even the fish are floating. I don’t bother to pull the lever.

But it can’t be like this, you have to work hard, Yan Changqing stood up: "Er baby, do you want to practice stone?"

Erwa immediately closed the shot: "I'll pick it up!"

As soon as he poured out the water in the small bucket that originally contained the fish, he ran to the river beach.

The four eyeballs of the two cats, big yellow and big black, have become round. Where are the fish?What about fish?

I thought I could eat fish when I came here, but I followed so far and waited for so long, and I didn't even smell a fishy smell?

The two cats came together as a hungry tiger to prey on food, and then they rubbed back and forth at the owner's feet, raised their heads, stared and meowed...

Yan Changqing was taken aback by them, so he quickly picked up the fishing rod and caught them a few small fish to send them away.


Yan Haihai watched his son put away the fishing rod, and walked over slowly. Together with him, he watched Erwa happily pick and choose on the beach, and watched the two cats yell at Xiaoyu: "There will be a job in the future, yes Don't you want to go to the oil field often?"

"That's not true, I only go if I have something to do."


No more talking, the father and son are like this.

Yan Changqing had nothing to say: "Dad, what do you think about raising chickens, if it doesn't work, you can change it to something else."

Yan Haihai shook his head: "It's too slow to raise other things, chickens can lay eggs very quickly!"

No more words.

Fortunately, the second baby was very efficient and had already come up with the small bucket, breaking the little embarrassment between the father and son.


The purpose of Erwa's practice of throwing stones is very simple, just to play with glass balls.

So I asked Yan Changqing to guide him to play with his thumb. This is how glass balls are played, and the price of glass balls seems to be a bit high for rural children, even more expensive than sugar.

It is also because the parents in the village have a little money that the children can buy this kind of "expensive" toys. They used to play with mud.

The bear children in the village play tricks to win or lose by digging three holes, and then starting from a distance, to see who is the first to put the glass ball into the three holes in turn.

Whoever hits the glass ball into the first pit first can measure from the edge of the pit, and then bounce other people's glass balls at the measured place, so as to make it more difficult for others to enter the hole.

One swipe is the distance between the thumb and the middle finger.

Whoever wins in the end will follow the agreement, have a brain crash or scratch his nose.

But sometimes I also bet on glass balls. Knock on the wall. The glass ball that bounces the farthest can hit other people's glass balls first. If it hits, it wins. Lose the glass ball to the hitter.

Erwa used to not put much effort into practicing anything. When she got interested, she played for a while, and when she lost her interest, she did other things.

But now that there is a game of winning or losing the glass ball, Erwa started to study after losing a few times, and found that Brother Qijin didn't play much at all, so she immediately became curious.

After he asked a word, he discovered the New World.

So now let Brother Qijin teach me how to play rocks—the glass balls should be cherished, and if they are broken, they have to be bought again, and the rocks on the river beach do not cost money.

After Yan Changqing gave Erwa some guidance, he found a rope and hung a small wooden stick, and practiced his head.

The proficiency of all skills increases very slowly after reaching the end, especially now that the proficiency has passed 90.00%, and simply throwing stones and birds will not increase the proficiency very much.

Yan Changqing tied a wooden stick to hang it, and he didn't hit the stick directly. He had to hit the tree next to him first, and then rebounded and hit the stick.

In short, it is to increase the difficulty for yourself, the more you play, the faster your proficiency will increase!
So Yan Changqing felt a little melancholy. If he became an adult in the future, he must have skills that adults only have. How many tricks would he have to play to quickly increase his proficiency?

My waist hurts just thinking about it!

 Sorry, the price of the tractor in the front is less, I have changed it, according to what I asked, we bought it in the countryside, and it cost about 6000 yuan in 3200... One author said that the appearance price found was 1000 ~~ In short, the more than [-] I wrote can’t be bought at all~~ In order to make up for the mistake, I am going to make amends today~~
(End of this chapter)

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