Chapter 105
Before May Day, Yan Changqing did a more important thing.

Go to Jiangcheng to collect goods, deliver goods to oil fields, collect payment, and earn a hundred thousand yuan by the way.

For the rest of the time, he didn't even bother to practice medical skills, which was wrong. He was still practicing medical skills and veterinary skills.

The chicken farm ushered in a group of yellow fluffy little guys. They chirped, stared at their small black eyes, walked with yellow paws, and chirped with their yellow mouths open.

Sometimes they huddled together and squeezed tightly, and suddenly they scattered into a ball and wandered around.

Some were still staggering when they ran, and they didn't waste any time looking for food.

Not only did Yan Haihai come, but even the grandparents, aunts, and uncles who were reluctant to come, the whole family took care of these chicks.

And just like in Yan Changqing's memory, my mother even extravagantly took out millet, which is now very precious in the countryside, and cooked it to feed the chickens.

Every day, I have to observe all the time, is there any chick who has diarrhea, is there any chick shivering...

Really hard work.

It's a pity that Yan Changqing had never worked in a chicken farm in his previous life, and he didn't know how to raise so many chickens in other chicken farms. If it was like this, it would be so tiring!

Then Yan Changqing was assigned by his mother to beat the big yellow and big black cats if nothing happened.

This is usually the case, bring two cats over and let them watch the chicks.

The fluffy little guy didn't know how to be afraid, and he ran over accidentally when he ran around, and then some curious guys would stretch out their tentative little paws.

At this time, a slap will come over, and the little paw will be retracted reluctantly.

Once, twice, three times, four times...

Until the little paws saw the fluffy, they no longer had the intention of reaching out.

And this process needs to be repeated several times. In short, it is necessary to ensure that the little claws will not claw at the fluffy at all.


In addition to beating the cat, you also have to drive out the bear children.

This season, many people will 'catch chicks', that is, buy a few chicks back, or let the hens at home hatch some chicks.

But there are only ten or eight of them, and there are not too many of them. No one has hundreds of them at a time like Yan Changqing's.

Moreover, the brats always liked to play with Yan Changqing, and now that he was at the chicken farm, the brats followed.

Yan Changqing had to drive them away to play, otherwise there would always be people who, like Big Black and Rhubarb, couldn't help but want to poke little paws, and they would easily scare the little chicken if they got too close.

Although it sounds like such a busy day, Yan Changqing feels pretty good.

If Chen Youliang hadn't come to him on a motorcycle, he wouldn't have wanted to leave the chicken farm.

Next to the grove by the river, the spring is shining brightly. Thinking about the location at this time of year, one cannot bear to leave!


Chen Youliang came to Yan Changqing to talk about a major event, and the position of the market encountered obstacles.

The township had to discuss with the village to which the land belonged before approving the approval, but unexpectedly, it was opposed.

Yan Changqing was overjoyed: "Then change the place! At the four corners of the intersection over there, just find someone who doesn't object?"

Chen Youliang explained: "Isn't this the position you set? Now that we can't reach an agreement, I want to talk to you first."

"As long as it's on the side of the national highway and belongs to our township, it doesn't matter where it is." Yan Changqing chose that location not because he liked it so much, but because there was indeed a small market in that place later. How long did it take to close down.

Since the villagers are not willing to occupy their land, it is better to change the land.

After thinking about it, Yan Changqing said: "In this way, whoever occupies the land of the village will give priority to opening it to their village for a month in the future. Anyway, we had little goods in the early stage. In the previous month, except for foreign customers, only four villages here , plus the people from the village where the land is occupied come to get the goods and sell them.”

At that time, the price will be cheaper, and the people in the village who give up the land will also get more benefits, which can be regarded as a return.

It is still quite profitable to do business now, and if you just give up some land, the people in the village who are willing to sell the land just need to do it, and the gains will definitely not be small.

In addition, one month is enough for them to seize a part of the market, and at least they can get acquainted with the way of doing business.

Chen Youliang just came to ask a question, and when he got the answer, he hurriedly got on the motorcycle again, and complained before leaving: "Whenever I have a phone call! This is running around..."

Then, under Yan Erhe's envious eyes, he ran away quickly - there was no way, Yan Erhe didn't have many opportunities to drive the tractor back.

Yan Changqing couldn't bear to see it: "Second Uncle, you should go buy a motorcycle too!"

Yan Erhe's face was agitated at that time, and then he felt a little helpless: "Then why don't you beat me up!"

"What are you afraid of being beaten, it's not like you haven't been beaten before." Yan Changqing smiled. "Then if you don't want to be beaten and want to ride a motorcycle, there's nothing you can do."

Yan Changqing felt more at ease with his second uncle than with his uncle. The second uncle simply likes machinery, unlike his uncle who purely likes to go for a ride. The second uncle drives a motorcycle, as long as he listens to the sound of rattling, he is satisfied, and there is no requirement for how fast he can run. , to highlight a stable character.

Now that the tractor is not driving, he has nothing to do to study the generator and the noodle maker and oil press. Anyway, he is very interested in exploring these things, and he doesn't feel bored.

As for the phone call Chen Youliang said before leaving, Yan Changqing couldn't do anything about it.

It’s easy to open a market and get a phone, but if you want to install a phone in the village, it’s a big deal. It’s a [-]-mile road from the village to the town. If you want to install it, you have to wait until the phone is further popularized.


In a blink of an eye, it was May Day, and it was time for Yan Changqing to perform.

He wants to take the whole family to go around the city, but now there are chickens in the house, and no one is willing to leave—some family members are voluntary, and can only continue to guard a few machines at home.

However, Yan Changqing didn't set off alone. When he went to the town with his uncle, he happened to take a motorcycle, so he could go faster.

The performance was secondary. After the two of them settled down in the guest house, Chen Youliang went out to do some research to see the prices of various small commodities in some markets in the city.

Yan Changqing reported his arrival, then strolled to the central hospital in the city, stealing a teacher!
Seeing a patient entering the consultation room, he followed behind to the door, and then stood there listening to the patient's presentation of the problem and the doctor's analysis of the condition.

The doctor thought he was a family member, and the patients thought he was queuing up to see a doctor, and no one noticed such a thief.

This is much more than what you can learn in a small clinic. If the whole city has a serious disease, everyone will come here to see it.

When it was almost noon, there was a sentence that reminded Yan Changqing.

A middle-aged doctor came to find the old Chinese doctor Yan Changqing was seeing: "Director Chen, there is an important patient coming this afternoon. Director Liu asked me to ask, can you come for the consultation?"

The old Chinese doctor smiled and said, "No matter how important it is, you forgot that I have classes in the afternoon."

The middle-aged doctor smiled a little humbly: "Then let's postpone the consultation time for a while, can you come back as soon as possible after class?"

"It will be fine after class." The old Chinese doctor agreed with a smile.

"Then trouble Director Chen, I'll tell Director Liu the good news." The middle-aged doctor nodded gratefully.


have class?

Yan Changqing was stunned for a moment, the old Chinese doctor is not too young, what class do he have?

Immediately realized that he should be teaching others...

Thinking about it again, there is a medical school here in the city, and everything is understood.

At that time, I wanted to give myself a slap, how good it would be to go directly to the school, how could it be better to go to the class openly and aboveboard to steal a teacher here.

He had heard that in his previous life, he had a few classmates who didn't get into university in high school and planned to take the self-examination. They still paid tuition for the first year, but they didn't pay for the second year.

Rent a house directly next to the school, go to school on time every day to attend lectures and study, and it turns out that getting a graduation certificate is faster than many serious students-does it have an exam bonus effect if it is free?
Thinking about the old Chinese doctor just now, he was still a director. The people in the hospital couldn’t talk to him politely. If he wanted to see a doctor, he had to pay for it. But when he arrived at the school, he only needed to call the teacher, and he could ask whatever he wanted... …

Don't say anything, go back to eat quickly, anyway, there will be performances in the evening, so I will go to the school to check out the spots in the afternoon.


The health school in the city has been established for 40 years, and the campus is a bit dilapidated now, but all the students there are very energetic.

Although this is just a technical secondary school, it is more difficult to get admitted than key high schools. These days, secondary normal technical secondary schools are the most difficult schools for junior high school graduates to enter-the schools assigned by the graduation package. How many students dream of an admission letter , Those who can enter are the top academic masters.

The students inside are all promising, so of course they have different spirits.

Yan Changqing's spirit was different. He was carrying a satchel with a few books he bought temporarily. He ostentatiously asked someone to inquire about the content of the course. Then he chose a class, found a seat, put books, notebooks and pens, and prepared to attend the class seriously. .

As long as he pretends to read the book seriously, no one will pay attention to him—he is busy with his classes, and those who will be assigned work in the future will not be assigned a good job if they don't study hard.

The ages of the students in the school vary. Some of them didn’t even know how many times they repeated their studies before being admitted in the third grade of junior high school. They looked like they were definitely in their 20s. Some were gifted students who were admitted when they were fifteen or sixteen years old.

But it had nothing to do with Yan Changqing, he was still a little uneasy, he had attended the high school in the town in his previous life, and he had heard everything about the university.

Then something happened that he didn't expect.

"That classmate, you, you, you are talking about you, why haven't I seen you?"

"Ah?" Yan Changqing was dumbfounded. Didn't you say that you can attend lectures casually in the university?Why is this medical school, oh, this is a technical secondary school...

Yan Changqing stood up foolishly, quick to make sense: "Teacher, I am a student of No. [-] Junior High School. I am going to apply for our medical school. I have determined to study medicine since I was a child. I wanted to experience the classroom atmosphere in advance. I didn't disturb the other students."

No matter what the teacher's status is outside, he is still very tolerant to the students in the classroom.

At least the middle-aged teacher Yan Changqing met said: "Oh, then sit down! Don't be nervous, I thought I was negligent, and I didn't know the students! Sit down, I think you still remember If you have notes, listen to the class carefully, and if you don’t understand, you can ask me after class.”

And this good thing?

Yan Changqing quickly expressed his gratitude: "Thank you teacher, I will listen carefully."

In fact, there were students in the class secretly having fun. Yan Changqing, who only wanted to be a fun person all day long, did not expect to become a fun person himself, so he sat down and listened to the class very attentively.

After class, he really had the cheek to ask, but instead of asking about the content of the class, he asked the teacher to recommend basic medical books-in fact, he bought some books, but he would never go wrong by listening to others.

The teacher was really enthusiastic. After recommending it, he warned him: "If you want to study medicine, you have to get in first. Our school is not easy to take the exam. You have to work hard!"

I will definitely work hard, and I will work hard when I turn back, and I will talk about it when my skills improve.

Although I failed to step on the spot, I also gained something. After all, I mixed up a class and asked a few questions.

Then I didn't go to other classrooms to listen to the mixed classes. I went out to find the bookstore recommended by the teacher and bought a few books. I honestly rolled back with my bag and went to prepare for the show!

(End of this chapter)

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