Chapter 106
The performance was held at the Petroleum Machinery Factory in the city.

Zhu Changsheng originally wanted to tell Yan Changqing not to be nervous.

In the end, it turned out that this kid was calmer than anyone else, watching the people around him come and go with great interest, and even took pictures with his camera.

I couldn't help laughing: "What are you doing? Don't you worry that the performance will be messed up in a while?"

"Of course not!" Yan Changqing said with a smile. "I took a few photos and put them together in the future, so that people in the village can see what life is like in the city. If you don't work hard to make money, you can only farm. Compare and stimulate them."

Zhu Changsheng pointed at him with a smile: "You, you, I think you are taking pictures of other people's clothes!"

Yan Changqing just smiled and said nothing, now except for the formal clothes worn by some leaders, most of the people have already put on the denim clothes just issued.

No matter men, women, young or old, everyone has a denim outfit.

In the short term, these photos help sell jeans and give villagers a look at life in the city. In the long run, this is a characteristic of the times.

You can't just shoot small villages in the countryside.


The program performed is still very characteristic of the times, especially this event is more formal, unlike the last time it was purely improvised.

Many programs have oil characteristics. For example, the fire-breathing program last time is gone, and there are more sketches and operas that reflect that oil workers are not afraid of hardship or tiredness.

Yan Changqing watched it with great interest, this is a party of his own unit - we are well-organized people.

The program also has awards, the first prize is [-] yuan, the second prize is [-] yuan, the third prize is [-] yuan, and there is no bonus for the encouragement award.

Money is not the point, the main thing is honor and certificates.

When it was his turn to show, Yan Changqing cheered up and was quite involved.

No matter what, you have to win the third prize, earn 100 yuan, and earn the motorcycle oil money when you came, right?

The first and second prizes are fine, we are self-conscious people, and the second-level skills are not omnipotent after all, so let others give the big prizes!

We have never experienced galloping horses. The horses of the fourth uncle in the village only pull carts, and no one has ever ridden them.

But he still has experience in riding a mechanical horse—a motorcycle!
Why did he never advise his uncle to buy a motorcycle, because his uncle likes racing cars!

How long have you had the motorcycle?Now he has learned how to swivel his tail and turn. Yan Changqing was very excited when he was sitting, but when he was about to go home, he went to his aunt's house to complain, not only to his aunt, but also to their old man.

A horse race ended in his imagination all the way!
After a while, there was thunderous applause.

Someone below yelled: "This is a horse race, boy, I can already hear the smell of racing!"

Yan Changqing smiled and thanked, and said in his heart that what you said was really good, and he was really thinking about drag racing, haha!

While the show was performing, the evaluation was going on below, and after the end, the results were announced directly.

Because tomorrow is the May Day holiday, so finishing it early will not delay everyone going home for the holiday.

Yan Changqing really won the third prize, but he was not surprised, this actually cannot be called a party, it should be an internal tea party.

One first prize, two second prizes, five third prizes, and the rest basically have an encouragement prize as long as they are on stage.

The first prize is a long-prepared oil show, and there are two second prizes, one for chorus and one for group dance.

Individual performances can win the third prize at most, but it is not bad, at least 100 yuan!

At least Zhu Changsheng was very happy: "My good guy, I earned 100 yuan by coming here. But your erhu is indeed getting better and better, and I feel that it has improved compared to last time."

"Of course." Yan Changqing said jokingly without being modest. "I can only make progress, and it is impossible to regress. I will play a new song for you after the National Day, and then you will find that our progress is endless."

I wish Changsheng great joy: "Okay, I'm waiting for your endless!"

The program won an award, and he, the recommender, also contributed a lot, so he must be happy.

It's a pity that there is no erhu rating these days, otherwise Yan Changqing felt that he would have to get a tenth level certificate, and he would say arrogantly: We can pass the tenth level because the rating is only tenth level!

The two talked a few more words, and Zhu Changsheng said: "Okay, you are tired too, go back to rest early, and go back to celebrate May Day tomorrow happily. Our family will go out for two days, so I won't see you off tomorrow. Then we'll see you after Friday."

"Okay!" Yan Changqing nodded his head and sent him away.


Not long after May Day, Yan Changqing's family sold their cows. After feeding them for so long, they will surely make money. The family members are very happy.

It's a pity that the tractor at home can do all the work that the cow does, and it can also do the work that the cow cannot do. It is really useless to have a cow.

Another thing is that Yan Changqing received an invitation to a wedding banquet.

Yadan's younger brother, Man Yue, invited him to a wedding banquet because he named the child.

Yan Changqing also felt that he was a little messed up at the beginning, but he didn't think much about it when he got emotional - he easily forgave himself, but declined the invitation.

Ya Dan's father is Yan Songshu, seeing that he couldn't invite Yan Changqing, he found Yan Xingwang and asked him to invite him.

Yan Xingwang came aggressively: "If it weren't for your help back then, how could his family have such a fat boy? Besides, you are the one who leads everyone in the village to earn money. Song Shu is sincere in asking you, if it wasn't for him If he can earn money, his daughter-in-law can sit in confinement with peace of mind? Why don't you go?"

What did you say, old man, can you explain clearly?I tipped off the news and helped his family escape the catastrophe...

That can't be helped, people are so sincere, so let's go!
This wedding banquet is a low-key event, so apart from their relatives, there are not many people from the village who come - it is not appropriate for those who are born in excess of their births to make a big fuss.

But because of some money, the wedding banquet was still very good.

Yan Changqing misses it very much, because in his previous life, he liked to participate in this kind of event. Although the family had to follow the ceremony, he could eat and drink.

Although he sometimes had diarrhea after eating and drinking.


Then comes the most lively time in the countryside, the harvest season.

The students and business people in and out of the village returned home one after another, sharpened sickles, polished wooden forks, prepared wooden shovels, cleaned bags, cleaned empty granaries, and prepared to collect grain.

The rapeseed is harvested first, but now no one has time to oil it, because the rapeseed is not fully mature when it is harvested, and it must be covered first when the rapeseed is fully mature, and the rapeseed can be harvested after the rapeseed is fully mature, and then the rapeseed is completely put into the bag , began to harvest wheat.

But this year, Yan Changqing's family doesn't need to cut the wheat because they have a tractor.

Adding a front harvester in front of the tractor can completely get rid of the fatigue and pain of bending over to cut wheat. What a happy thing that is!
Yan Changqing was experiencing this kind of happiness, and Yan Erhe next to him was very unhappy. This was the first time that Dayan Village used a harvester to harvest wheat, and he was not allowed to come, so he was very upset.

Yan Changqing cheerfully tried the machine, and then rushed into the wheat field under the watchful eyes of a large group of onlookers.

This kind of harvester placed in front of the tractor can only cut down the wheat, which is a big difference from the large-scale harvester that can directly beat the wheat out in the future.

But it still feels great.

Playing dominoes?

That's right, it's more comfortable than that feeling,
The small tractor chugs past, and the wheat falls neatly in rows. When you walk over, a large area of ​​wheat ears around you is swaying in the wind. Only you are here, and wherever you go, the wheat falls to the ground.

Yan Changqing almost said to himself: The emperor is here!

Those scenes of wheat falling down are not the same as in TV dramas where countless people kneel down!

In the end, I was feeling very happy. I reached the end of the land, so I quickly turned around and did it again!

"It's amazing..."

"It's so fast, it's over in one go, and it's worth a few strong laborers..."

"It's so easy to cut wheat. You only need to tie it up and pull it in the field. You can cut several acres a day!"

"How many acres? I don't think it would be a problem to cut twenty acres..."

"Two rivers and two rivers, after you two have harvested the wheat, you will also cut the wheat for my family? I will pay for it, how much is an acre of land, which saves energy and time. Maybe it will be okay to go out and sell things these few days. Sell ​​more!"


Yan Erhe stood there dumbfounded and motionless, listening to the surrounding discussions, looking at the rows of wheat that fell to the ground neatly, shouting in his heart: Yes, this is the feeling I want...

Seeing his nephew coming out from behind the tractor with a big straw hat on his face, he couldn't help it: "Qi Jin, come here, let me try. Hurry up..."

He went up and grabbed it, squeezed his nephew aside, and put his hands on the handle of the tractor.

Then he laughed loudly, and the tractor rushed into the wheat field.

So the debate started again.

"It's comfortable to look at..."

"No wonder this thing is so expensive, expensive has its advantages!"

"That's right! Let's buy one here sometime, so we don't have to bend down to cut the wheat anymore..."

"Hey, it's the end, it's the end!"

"Abducted back..."

A group of people with scythes and carts don't go to work anymore, just stand here and watch it addictive!
There is no way, this charm is too great, the wheat falls down after walking there, how much effort and time is saved!
The sentence just now to save time to do business has reminded many people, and many people have surrounded Yan Changqing, asking how much it costs to cut an acre of land!

It takes a day to bend over to cut an acre of land. Tired back pain and leg cramps are mild. You have to face the sun and wear a long-sleeved shirt. Working for a day is equivalent to taking a few baths with sweat. Peel off a layer of skin - sunbaked.

Those who haven't done it can't feel the pain at all.

What's more, it's not that there is no way to make money now. If you are lucky enough to earn tens of dollars in a day's business, isn't it much easier than cutting wheat?

Others were anxious to ask how much to cut the wheat, but Yan Changqing was not in a hurry: "We have to wait until we finish harvesting first, you should do it yourself first! After harvesting, you have to grind the field!"


In the afternoon, people saw the scene of tractors grinding the field.

Usually people use oxen and horses to grind the field, and people pull the oxen and horses to follow. If they are skilled oxen and horses, they don’t need to be followed, but they still have to stand in the middle and hold a long rope, shouting and vigilant all the time.

Be wary of cows and horses pulling on the spot when they are grinding the field, after all, it is very troublesome to clean up.

Now, Yan Erhe sat on the small walking tractor, squeezed the handle with one hand, and turned away suddenly.

Looking at the eyes of the people around him, Yan Erhe was a little flustered, and almost wanted to take out a cigarette and put one in his mouth, so as to show his majesty.

It's a pity that he didn't dare, otherwise he would be rewarded with a lot of beatings, the kind that no one persuaded - smoking in the wheat field, that's not called smoking, it's called chasing.

In short, this feeling, one word: cool!

(End of this chapter)

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