Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 107 For Popsicles For Skills

Chapter 107 For Popsicles For Skills

This year the wheat threshing ground in Dayan Village was extremely lively.

Because there were no tractors in previous years, only the sound of cows and horses hissing and people roaring.

Yan Changqing looked at the envious eyes of the people around him, and believed that it would not be long before someone would be tempted to buy a walking tractor.

Harvesting wheat is really a race against time. From the moment the wheat matures, it is like a war. The sooner it ends, the more at ease.

Otherwise, when it rains, the wheat will germinate and become moldy after a little delay.

This year, Yan Changqing's family finished harvesting the wheat in two days.

One person in the front harvests and everyone in the back bundles and loads them into the truck, and then pulls them to the wheat threshing ground. The milling ground can even be left to dry at night. In previous years, it was invisible at night, but this year, electricity is free, and the tractor also has lights.

I used to bend over to harvest wheat all day, and I was so tired that I didn’t have the strength to work at night, but it’s different with the harvester, and I can work for a while.

As soon as others brought the wheat to the threshing ground, Yan Changqing's wheat had already started to be bagged, and the harvest season belonging to Yan Changqing's family was over. I was so envious.

Really saved a lot of effort.

And all this is because of a small walking tractor.


Yan Erhe successfully got a new job, helping people harvest wheat.

He knew exactly how much a piece of wheat land in the village was worth. Although it was not a lot to harvest a piece of land, he finally got his wish and could drive a tractor as much as he wanted.

As for the grinding field, it is even simpler. Even Yan Tiesheng Li Xiuni went up to try it, and they all said that it felt good.

So people in the village saw this, and those who had never driven a tractor before wanted to try it.

I don’t know what’s going on with the second uncle. Anyway, on the threshing ground, people paid for the milling and drove the tractors by themselves. Finally, they got off the tractor and thanked them for helping them grind the ground. It’s obviously them. DIY.

But everyone is still very happy, because the area of ​​the wheat threshing field is not enough for everyone to grind the wheat together, and they have to queue up in previous years.

After improving efficiency this year, the benefits are self-evident.


Yan Changqing was not idle either. On the day after his own wheat was harvested, he wandered around the village early in the morning until he saw the eldest daughter of Lao Ji's family, sweating profusely, binding the wheat.

This old man has a superborn child in his family. The two daughters in the family are the youngest. The eldest daughter is doing this job. She looks only in her teens, but she should actually be older, because the family conditions were not good before, and she couldn’t grow up well. Being skinny is normal.

This girl is quite clever, she once helped Yan Changqing speak when his mother was tidying him up, Yan Changqing still remembers it!
Seeing that the little girl was working too hard, Yan Changqing was going to find her a good job: "Da Ya Da Ya, come here."

Da Ya saw that it was him who shouted, and knew that she didn't have to worry about being scolded by her father, so she ran over quickly: "Qijin, what are you calling me for? What's the matter?"

Yan Changqing waved his hand: "I'm fine, I'll find something for you. Do you know that there is a popsicle factory in the town? Can you buy some popsicles there and sell them?"

A popsicle is just a popsicle, anyway, it’s just a lump of ice with a small bamboo stick inserted.

Da Ya hesitated: "Then I haven't done it either! I will only set up a stall with my dad."

Yan Changqing made a move: "It's very simple, I saw you learned how to ride a bicycle, right?"

Da Ya nodded very positively: "I can ride, but my family doesn't have a bicycle!"

"Ride my car. You find a box, get a clean mattress with a plastic sheet inside it, go find out where the popsicle factory is, and go buy popsicles. Negotiate a good price, at most two cents. You negotiate with the boss, and negotiate hard. When you come back, you go to Xiaoliwan first, a piece sells for five cents..."

Da Ya was taken aback: "No one sells such expensive ones..."

"No one wants you to come to me. I'll treat the whole village to eat popsicles." Yan Changqing waved his hand and said. "If you can't sell out Xiao Li Wan, go back to our village, and then go to the two villages inside. I think if you want to buy 100 yuan popsicles, it will definitely not be enough to sell around the four villages."

The old widow's daughter-in-law can only give birth to a baby, and the old widow went to set up a stall by herself and took her daughter there if she didn't know how to shout.

Running on a bicycle is tiring, but it is better than binding wheat. After all, you can always take a break when you are tired from riding a bicycle. If you want to be lazy while working at home, you may have to be scolded.

Of course, it’s one thing to not see the past, and the other is, how can there be no popsicles in summer?
In other villages, there are people shouting to sell popsicles during the wheat harvest season, but they don't.

Firstly, it’s too far away, and secondly, they were poor before they came here, and there were few people who sold them, so they didn’t want to come here.

In order to eat a popsicle in such a hot weather, Yan Changqing also took great pains.

He also kindly confessed to the girl: "After putting the popsicle in, you can fasten the nose of the box with a stick, so that if you fall while riding the bike, the popsicle won't fall out and become broken and can't be sold."

He came here to explain the matter in person, and he could earn money, of course, the old man would not object.

It's just that when I saw the little girl wearing a ridiculously big straw hat, because she was not big enough, she had to ride a bicycle awkwardly with her legs covered. There was also a look tied to the back of the bicycle, and she could be put in it casually. big box.

Yan Changqing always felt a dull pain somewhere on his body, could it be the legendary conscience?

Impossible, absolutely impossible!
He firmly told himself: I am helping people, I am helping people...


Although he gave up his conscience a little bit, Yan Changqing still ate popsicles when it was almost noon that day.

It's true that Da Ya is a clever girl.

Anyway, she went out to set up a stall and sold things, so she is quite capable.

She honestly followed what Yan Changqing said, and only bought a hundred popsicles, which were almost sold out before arriving at Dayan Village. These two pieces were specially reserved for Yan Changqing.

Yan Changqing didn’t want to give her money. It’s not our style to eat for free, so he gave an idea: “You can buy popsicles for less than two cents, right? You tell your dad that you can get it for two cents, and keep it for yourself.” Some pocket money."

"By the way, go early in the afternoon, come back when the weather is hot, and sell faster. This time it sells fast, next time I will buy more and continue to sell. There are so many people in the four villages! Remember to keep some for yourself secretly. pocket money!"

Seeing the big girl nodding her head seriously, Yan Changqing was relieved. This girl didn't go to school, and she learned arithmetic after doing business, but she is quite clever, so there is no big problem.

The money earned by the old family has to be fined, and he is not willing to give pocket money to the big hero who earns money in this family. Yan Changqing feels that if he encourages (incites) (incites) (incites) him so much, he will definitely make up for the little conscience he lost just now. When I came back, maybe I made up a lot more.

Maybe this girl will save some private money in the future, which will save her from selling clothes and earn a lot of money, and she doesn't even have to wear new clothes.


Yan Changqing, who ate the popsicles, was in a good mood, and was also busy with a big straw hat.

He prepared a lot of thorn horn buds, as well as iodine bandages, and started his journey of healing and saving lives (skills).

Busy farming time is also a time when problems are prone to occur. It is common for wheat harvesters to get their hands and bumps.

Most of the minor wounds do not need to be bandaged, just rub the horn buds and press them on.

However, Yan Changqing believes that their solution is too simple, so he is eager to help people disinfect with iodine for free.

As a result, people avoided him within two days.

Originally, it would be fine to wipe the arm, but after washing it with iodine, it would be hot and painful. Is there anyone who does this?

So Yan Changqing had no choice but to take the next best thing, saying that if he saw blood, he could ask him to treat it with thorn horn buds.

This is okay, although it is a bit troublesome, there are thorny horn buds on the ground, and he still has to come to him, but if he is willing, there are still people who are willing to let him come.

Speaking of which, there are some vague rumors in the nearby villages, saying that a certain person is the reincarnation of the God of Wealth, and some say that he is a boy of good fortune. Anyway, following him will make you rich.

And the facts have proved this point, at least now many people don't need to rely on chicken butts at home to afford salt.

So now basically no one is willing to offend him, he is willing to toss about anything, and anyone who can cooperate is also willing to cooperate.

Yan Changqing didn't care about anything else, as long as his skills could grow.

The thorn horn buds are also medicinal materials, which can be regarded as treatment anyway.

Occasionally, some unlucky people cut their fingers or something, or the children accidentally pricked their feet, so they should be cleaned and bandaged with iodine.

Minor injuries are also diseases, anyway, I have experience.

Even if the adults are bandaged, they will be removed within one night at most - if the injury is not serious, the bandage will affect the work instead.

In any case, this was the beginning of a barefoot doctor. At any rate, he had read a lot of medical books and even stole from his teacher many times. It was better than the laborers in the village fooling around with their wounds all day long.

He also made a lot of tea capsules, which he usually collected with the children.

Now take it out, boil it into tea, and put it on the side of the threshing field to cool. If anyone runs out of tea, they can come and drink it.

The scientific name of tea pods is Scutellaria barbata, and it is a medicinal material for clearing away heat. If someone gets angry, isn't it a cure for yourself?
Regardless of whether it's useful or not, anyway, it doesn't cost any trouble or money, and if the proficiency of medical skills sneaks up by a tiny bit, it's all money!

After all, it is not enough to rely on reading books alone, and we still have to gradually move towards practice.


At night, the threshing field is still brightly lit, and the three walking tractors are not idle, turning in circles in turn, and adding some water quickly when they are resting.

After all, this thing is fully manual key start, water-cooled single-cylinder engine, although it has a panoramic 360-degree sunroof without dead ends, and many advantages such as no need for horns when walking, it can be rested after a while, and it is easy to malfunction if there is less cooling water. Always pay attention.

Few people watch TV, and only the weather forecast is what everyone cares about.

Although the current weather is not bad, people still feel that the grain bags will be returned to the warehouse as soon as possible.

Yan Changqing also found a problem, in fact, he should prepare a big fan.

Now the field is all about waiting for the wind to come. Although there is a small river near Dayanzhuang, there is usually wind.

But it is also inevitable that there will be times when the leaves are still, and at this time, it is also a time when people who have confiscated the wheat panic.

There is nothing wrong with the others, anyway, Yan Changqing himself feels pretty good.

At least this year, the efficiency of the villagers harvesting wheat has improved a lot.

When the pellets are returned to the warehouse, people will be happier.

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  Thanks to the book friend "08a" for the reward!
(End of this chapter)

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