Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 108 New Skill Brush Skill Class

Chapter 108 New Skill Brush Skill Class
Harvest season is over and the weather is getting hotter.

Even though popsicles are often eaten in the village now, Yan Changqing still looks worried at the hot sun outside.

What a sun!
Near Dayan Village, there are not many trees. Once you go out of the village, there are only a few sparse trees on the side of the road, and they are all not very big poplars.

And like the section out of the village, the big vehicles can't get in, so they can only take the tractor's path, and there are not even trees on both sides.

So the opportunities for people to sunbathe, that's just so much.

It's a pity that after the wheat harvest season, people are peeled off from the sun, and no one wants to enjoy this kind of welfare.

Yan Changqing was also reluctant, because the big straw hat couldn't cover her whole body, so she still didn't want to go out wearing the big straw hat.

When the sun was setting, Yan Changqing was about to soak in the pond for a while, when suddenly he was shocked, and stood in the sun and was dazed.

He called out his own little jade plate, and looked at the skills that seemed to be a little too numerous.

Skills such as eating, drinking, lassing, and dressing are slow because they don't pay attention often, and Yan Changqing generally doesn't bother to look at them.

There are also some life skills such as cooking, which he only pays attention to when the skills have just appeared and the fastest improvement speed. After that, he only studies the skills that he thinks will be more useful in the future.

Some skills like breathing have been deliberately practiced, and the proficiency has finally barely exceeded 80.00%.

After 80.00%, the improvement speed is even slower, and he turns to practice the ones he is particularly interested in. These slow ones can be accumulated slowly over time, anyway, he is not in a hurry.

Skills such as medical skills, martial arts, breeding and driving are his current focus.

Martial arts is a hobby. Another reason is that there are three skills in martial arts. Fist, foot, stick and throwing stones have reached more than 90.00%. He wants to see the effect of the full level.

But now he is not studying the proficiency of these skills, but thinking that as long as he thinks, he can form skills.

What about basking in the sun?

If this becomes a skill, will I not be afraid of sun peeling and heat in the future?

Well, in the game, this should be fire resistance?
No, basking in the sun is not just about fire resistance, there should be other things, such as basking in the sun to supplement calcium, increase cell vitality, and so on.

No matter how much I can't think of it for the time being, I don't bother to think about it. In short, besides sun peeling, sun exposure also has certain benefits.

And if I click on this skill, after the skill proficiency is high, will there be something like absorbing light energy?

can you?won't you?

There is no need to worry about it, whether it will be something in the future, Yan Changqing is now thinking about this skill.

No matter what happens, anyway, skills will not harm you, but will only increase your benefits. Believe in yourself, you will not be wrong.

At least, he felt that it was worthwhile to alleviate the pain of being exposed to the sun.

Don't overwhelm yourself with too many skills!
As he thought, the skill of basking in the sun quietly emerged from the small jade plate.

It's a pity that there is no reminder, and the effect is not yet known. I can only see that the proficiency is only a little bit-this also fully proves how lazy he has been since the weather became hot.Every day I move my mouth to encourage others to do this and that, and hide by myself, and the sun doesn't shine much.

Just a little bit of regret for his recent lazy behavior, he saw two brats running over.

While walking, he shouted, "Brother Qijin, are you going to the pond?"

The two brats look the same, they are tanned and have fleshy vests on them - they usually wear vests to bask in the sun, but now they are going to soak in the pond, so they leave the vests at home, and the exposed flesh is white. Everything else is black.

Yan Changqing didn't even need to think about it. Waiting for a while to reach the pond, soaking for a while, and rubbing the backs of these two bears, a layer of skin can be rubbed off.

Not plaster, but human skin.

The sun was too harsh, some peeled directly from the sun, and the lighter ones would fall off after soaking in water and rubbing.

Thinking about it this way, I didn't feel that there was anything wrong with being lazy.

Yan Changqing agreed, and went straight to the pond with the two brats.

Swimming skills are limited by existing conditions and can only be improved in summer, so they can't be wasted.

By the way, winter swimming will work if you order a cold resistance skill in winter, right?

Erwa was very excited on the road: "Brother Qijin, do you know that just now my dad beat my brother again?"

The word "again" made Yan Changqing startled: "What's wrong, now you won't be beaten, and brother Ni?"

"That's right!" Erwa's own brother was beaten, and his younger brother was so beautiful that his nose was bubbling. "My dad asked my brother to teach him how to write and count, but he started fighting after teaching him..."

Tie Dan also gloated: "Brother Dawa said that his father is a big fool, he is not proficient in multiplication formulas, and writes wrong words all day long... Later, Brother Dawa said that he was a teacher when he was beaten, and beating him was bullying. Master Miezu..."

Dare to say that it is unforgivable for his father to deceive his teacher, and if he destroys his ancestors again, he will not be beaten to death?

Erwa's next words proved Yan Changqing's prediction: "The beating was so ruthless. After the beating, I will let you teach me. I will teach you while beating..."

It should be taught while being beaten, right?
It's so miserable, but it's a pity that the pond is right in front of you. If you go back and look at it, it's a bit of a detour?
Forget it, we are not people who gloat. After all, we have typed it all once. If we want to take pictures in the past, if we finish typing, we have to ask a few more words to type it again. It is not worth the money.

Yan Changqing was not surprised that Yan Shuixing and the others wrote wrong words in their accounts. The things written by these people were so strange that no one could understand them except themselves.

Things like Kuzitou×Mozi/Zi often appear in some people's account books, and some directly draw symbols. You don't know whether they are keeping accounts or studying pictographs.

Only numbers and writing are more formal. After all, I have been in business for so long, and it is quite stimulating to make mistakes in money calculations. Those who can stimulate people are serious and active in learning.


When there is no wind on a summer night, the heat can be unbearable.

What's more, there are nasty mosquitoes, which get excited at night and buzz around looking for targets. If you don't pay attention, you will be bitten by them and give you a big red envelope.

But Yan Changqing doesn't have to worry about this, he has an electric fan.

As a nouveau riche family, of course it is different from other families. Not only does he have an electric fan, but there are also rooms for parents, second uncle, and grandma.

At this moment, he was lying on the recliner, holding a book and blowing a fan to pass the night.

He doesn't watch TV, even if there are fewer people watching TV now - mainly for him, the current programs can be watched with nostalgia at the beginning, but after watching too much, he will find it boring.

It is better to read the book, not only to improve the skills corresponding to the knowledge in the book, but also to improve your own learning skills.

Killing two birds with one stone is very comfortable.

Actually not killing two birds with one stone.

It is countless in one fell swoop.


Not far from Yan Changqing, the light bulbs that were pulled over from the wheat threshing field were pulled out again in order to let everyone grind the field at night to harvest wheat.

A small blackboard was set up under one of the light bulbs, with chalk on it to write words such as clothes, pants, shoes, hairpins, etc.

In front of the small blackboard is a group of authentic peasants who can be seen at a glance.

Some are writing awkwardly with a pencil in one hand and a primary school student's workbook in the other.

Some simply use sticks to draw on the ground, which is simply a copy of the ancients practicing calligraphy on the beach.

This scene made those teachers who were running around in order to popularize compulsory education and literacy, cry when they saw it.

Just looking at the clothes on these guys, you should know that those who gestured on the ground didn't mean they couldn't afford paper and pens, nor did they have a bad attitude, they were just lazy and felt uncomfortable holding their homework while writing.

In the past, these people wore torn vests at night, and more were simply shirtless, but now they all wore fairly new short sleeves and big shorts—of course, this is also the same as the "students", there are a few little girls, There are even some older girls and younger daughter-in-laws on the periphery.

The brats were playing nearby, and some came over to learn how to write seriously, but no matter who they were, they didn't dare to disturb these big bosses.

The attitude of these big bosses is quite correct, because Qijin said: "Now that you are at this age, hurry up and learn a little bit, maybe you can make your business bigger, and you will be a late bloomer."

"If you don't learn now, and you want to be a late bloomer, you can only wait until the King of Hades, and see if he will let you do something wrong!"

"Don't laugh, you have to be able to read to be a ghost messenger, otherwise you won't be able to read people's names..."

The truthful words will motivate people to learn as soon as they hear them.


When this small literacy class first started, many children saw that adults were still learning such simple characters, and a few children who thought they were quite smart came up to give them advice.

Not surprisingly, because the tone was not sincere enough, these smart children who tried to be primary teachers, without exception, enjoyed the treatment of the second child and his brother, letting them know when to be humble.

The 'students' even included those who had gone to junior high school like Yan Youwen.

The process of his arrival was also a bit tortuous, as you can see from his current attitude, now he is very humble and polite, answering questions from the uncles around him from time to time, and writing and drawing demonstrations with a small notebook, his patience is comparable to that in school An old teacher who teaches and educates people.

If you think about this person's temper, you will know that he has not been beaten by his life and elders, how can he change like this?

Some students simply moved here to do their homework. There were so many people and it was lively.

There are even some old men and old ladies around, who don't come to watch the fun, and most of them come after following the example.

Because Qi Jin also said: "Don't keep saying that you don't need to study when you are old. Don't you get old if you don't study?" You can't even count it..."


People gather together, even if it looks like a joke, but in fact, whoever learns will know the benefits, at least when you go out to keep accounts, you don't have to draw symbols like before!
Of course, it is definitely not how good Yan Changqing taught Yan Changqing that they could work so hard to brush up his teaching skills. Personally, they all have to go up and beat people up.

It's stress!
People are forced out.

The market in the town has been built, and now the pick-up location has been moved to the market.

Everyone knows that there are only a few good days for the villages to get goods, and that is only temporary.

Soon, the market will be opened to the outside world, and business will not be as easy as it is now.

The days of lying down and being fed like this will soon be gone forever.

Now I have to clench my fists—with all my might.

Otherwise, you will be left behind, and in the future, you may even be robbed of your business from village to village.

Even in a certain batch of goods that Yan Changqing entered, those small radios were carried by some people, just like Chen Youliang did at the beginning, learning to speak Mandarin when he was free.

Because the business is getting farther and farther away, it is difficult to communicate without knowing Mandarin.

Really there is motivation when there is pressure.

 Thanks to the book friends "08a" and "Chengbeixi" for their rewards, and thank you for your support!Four more today!

  Thanks again for your support!

  Regarding the third prize for the protagonist's performance, some book friends suggested that the protagonist should be suppressed. This is really not true, brother!

  The rewards for the internal activities of the enterprise are all given to advanced collectives, and it doesn't matter whether the performance is good or bad.This is played behind closed doors, and the certificates are also for commending the advanced collective individuals in the past period of time. The collective first and then the individual is for sure. If it is a foreign performance, there is only an encouragement award if you are exhausted. The third prize for individuals is proof of performance. It's really outstanding... Unless the skills are improved to the point where people can listen to it and feel like being controlled, otherwise it is impossible to win the first prize~~

(End of this chapter)

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