Chapter 109 Fame Arrangement
In fact, anyone who has experienced it in life knows it.

Sometimes when you choose a certain path, you just have to keep going.

Life is not an exam, and many times there are not so many options in front of people to choose.

But for those who have been doing business for a few days to earn some money, basically no one is willing to go back to the days of earning money from chicken butts, so these villagers who have run away will basically never go back to the past.

Since there is no way out, we can only move forward bravely.

Although many things seem a little ridiculous, such as when you go to run a business, you bring your literate child to help you write and do calculations, and you learn Mandarin with a small radio in your pocket—even though there are not many people who learn Mandarin.

Yan Changqing is very pleased, everyone is working hard, so that I can lie down and study skills with peace of mind.

It's a pity that I have to go to the town, and I still have to go to the market to see it.


"%%%%%%, what a piece of shit, his wife looks like a turtle, what else can I do to her..." Yan Changqing and his second uncle had just entered the market, and they began to hear their uncle cursing and complaining.

The reason made them a little dumbfounded.

The market is built, the scale is enlarged, and the types of goods are also more.

The two of them had already gone to the county to register a trading company. From the purchase of waste products to clothing and various daily necessities, they wrote three or four lines of business scope, anyway, they wrote everything that could be written.

The only thing I haven't done now is to advertise on the TV station that Yan Changqing said at the beginning.

Because it is not needed for now.

Just to inform all the stores that I have cooperated with before, and then lower the price a little bit, which is enough to attract people to buy. After all, the products are more abundant now, and there are high, medium and low-end products, so there are more choices.

For the merchants, they may not be able to get the price here if they go to the further provincial capital to buy goods. They can go anywhere if they make money. There is no communication problem of language barrier.

Then comes the issue of market management.

The big bosses have no problem doing other things, including some of Chen Youliang's cronies, they can do rough work, but it is quite difficult for them to do the work of writing and calculating, and figure out the ins and outs of so many goods.

I also found a few people who can do things a while ago, but these people are discussing with Chen Youliang that we don't want salary, no amount of money, don't worry, we will do a good job for you now, and you will never make mistakes.

Even when the market is opened to the outside world, we also want to do this business.

Including Li Mingfa and his group.

For young people, I have never seen the outside world before, I only know the small pool where I am.

Now that I have a vision, I still listen to all kinds of knowledge from those who come to buy goods all day long, so they also want to go out for a run.

Whether they are working in the market or willing to go out on their own, in the short term, at least until they have no plans to go to other places to contact the source of goods, they will still make money for Yan Changqing and the other, and there is no reason for them to stop them.

Just need to keep recruiting.

Especially those with some management skills, and accountants—there are more and more accounts, and more and more things need to be done. Whether it is salary statistics and sharing, etc., accountants are needed, which is the top priority.

Now Chen Youliang is complaining about the accountant he wants to find.


As we all know, Chen Youliang has been behind bars, and his original reputation was not very good.

This reputation is good, at least when selling Liangpi, she was not afraid of being eaten for nothing. Now that Aunt Yan Changqing has gone to work in a cotton factory, she is not afraid of being bullied openly or secretly.

But now the downside is coming, the people he originally hired to help him were some familiar and courageous people who dared to do it with him—so seeing that the business could be done, these brave people were ready to go too Dry.

Then he went on to find someone else, for example, the accountant he was looking for now was a female accountant from the flower factory.

The person was assigned in the early years, and there is no problem with his major. According to Aunt Yan Changqing's inquiry, because her mother's family and her husband's family are both from the countryside, they don't have much support in the factory, so they don't do well.

When Chen Youliang heard it, it was just right, he was an accountant, and it was better to be timid.

Give her a high salary and let her take a leave of absence to work in our market.

The female accountant agreed after hearing what her aunt said, but she had to go home and discuss it.

After finally convincing her family members to suspend their jobs and earn high wages, the problem came again. Her family members came to the town to inquire, who is in charge of the market now?

Good guy, a prisoner released from a labor camp!

This family is timid and fearful, otherwise the assigned woman would not be uncomfortable working in the factory, and now they heard that the man who was released from the labor camp was in charge, and the man who was the female accountant dared not let his wife come!
I don't know what to be afraid of, anyway, Chen Youliang is so angry that he can't suppress it.

Yan Changqing was speechless, and could only give a suggestion: "Why don't you find someone from the government as a guarantee?"

Chen Youliang nodded: "If it weren't for the difficulty of finding a suitable accountant, I would have thought..."

It doesn't matter what you think about, now the family is big and the business is big, it's not like before.


Most of the goods in the market are shipped to Jiangcheng every week, and the scope of purchase also includes some small factories in the surrounding areas of Jiangcheng.

This is no problem, as long as the price of the local supply is low, it will basically not hold the goods for too long.

There are millions of payments in the market, which is enough to turn around.

As the business grows, in the future, if the turnover cannot be opened, the supplier can also be pressed for some payment. Anyway, the wholesale here is cash, so there is no need to worry about the issue of payment.

It is also because of cash settlement that there are more people watching the market now.

In a few villages, there are always people who can’t do business—it’s natural, some just can’t, he thinks very well when no one is around, and he has a set of theories, and when people come, they won’t give people Bargaining, but you can't say anything in a hurry.

When the person left and regretted it, why didn't I think of saying it just now?
It's almost like some people start to regret when they go home every time they quarrel with someone, because they didn't refute the other party much.

But these people are in the market, and it is no problem to do some step-by-step tasks, including guard work at night.

So before dinner at night, when the generator rang in the market and the whole market was lit up, Yan Changqing felt a little blind to the situation in front of him.

The generator is of course self-provided. Now that the power supply is insufficient, the power supply time is short, not to mention that I have offended the power management office, so I can generate electricity myself. Anyway, the money to buy a generator is not more expensive than pulling the wire from the town, let alone that. gas money.

What Yan Changqing didn't notice was that there were a few people looming in the light, strolling around with shotguns on their backs!
Those who didn't know thought it was a bandit den!
There is no way. The current situation can only be said to be in the initial stage of economic development. Some problems exist, but they will be resolved sooner or later.

On the street, people can be beaten to death for a few dollars. In the countryside, when encountering thieves, it is not known how many things were stolen, and people were beaten to death.

When there is a lot of money in the market, it can cost as much as 10 yuan, and it will not work without any deterrent effect.


While eating, Chen Youliang also urged Yan Changqing: "When will the advertisement you mentioned be launched? I have basically sorted it out here. When the accountant from the flower factory comes over, ask her to help bring a few people, nothing else. Problem."

Yan Changqing was very calm: "Don't worry, how is the truck driver team doing now?"

"No problem, but if the purchase volume is large, you have to continue to follow for a while." Chen Youliang said. "There are a lot of goods over there, and it's not enough for me to follow alone."

If Chen Youliang goes out, the person watching the market will become his old man.

Don't think that something is wrong with the old man because he has a bad reputation. He is a retired man, and he was not an unknown person in the factory before. After a few days, he is still fine.

Yan Changqing nodded: "I don't need the advertisement for the time being. In a few days, I will ask the oil field to say hello, and let the daily and TV stations do an interview. As long as it is on the news, businessmen from our surrounding areas should come. "

"Don't worry, let the oil field be famous in the news. They won't try to plot us, and they will help us promote it to the province. If the news is favored by the higher authorities and enters the provincial station, then the advertising fee will be saved. gone."

The old man of Chen Youliang's family was sitting next to him, and he slapped his thigh: "This is good, this is good, as long as it can be published in the newspapers, who will say that your uncle is a prisoner in labor reform in the future, it will be called a new life..."

Chen Youliang didn't care about this issue a long time ago. If it wasn't for the female accountant incident, he would be so busy that he would almost forget his identity.

Now what he cares about is: "Erhe, your baby is grown up, can you bring it out? You bring your wife over here and live here in the market. Can you help me look after it?"

Yan Erhe hesitated: "I still have to manage the machine at home!"

"Let your nephew take care of it." Chen Youliang gave him advice. "Anyway, he doesn't bother to go out when he has nothing to do. Let him check it often, isn't it much better than you guarding it every day."

"Then there is a chicken farm!" Yan Erhe said again. "And pigs."

"My brother and I are both here. The pigs are brought to the chicken farm. If they fail, they will be sold." Chen Youliang helped him. "If you all come over, Changqing's grandma will be free! Normally, his grandpa calls to the noodle shop and asks his grandma to help cook a meal, so there will be manpower."

"If it's not possible, recruit someone who is idle in the village to help look after the chicken farm and so on. It's no use for you to guard the village one by one, just like guarding a gold mine."

In fact, there is no need to make such a detailed arrangement. Now Yan Changqing's family is not short of help. If there is any work to say hello, a group of old women in the village will rush over to do the work.


Yan Changqing had been watching, and saw that the second uncle was a little moved, so he said: "Second uncle can come here if he wants, anyway, there are not enough people here."

Yan Erhe struggled for another three seconds: "Then what's the matter with you, send someone to send a message..."

Every day, people come to run from several villages, which is not something to worry about at all.

It makes sense to have more reliable people in the market. All transactions are made in cash. What if you encounter someone with a wrong mind and run away after taking the money?
Although people's abilities may be lacking, let them manage with confidence.

The two of them have always thought this way, so they have never let go of looking for talents who can manage outside. If they encounter a strange person who is strong enough but rushes to copy their hometown, it will be a big trouble.

The news that Yan Changqing read has such an example. People who have been imprisoned because of economic crimes studied hard there, found a job after they got out and got promoted quickly, with an annual salary of 30 yuan. Run away...

That was the information age, and it was relatively easy to arrest people.If now, if you meet such a person, take the money and leave, then there is no way to find him!
In short, there will be more cumbersome things to do now because of the restrictions in various aspects of transportation and communication.

But everything is difficult at the beginning, and now we are on the right track. When we encounter problems, we solve them. The road is always getting wider and wider.

(End of this chapter)

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