Chapter 110

People from TV stations and daily newspapers came within a few days.

Chen Youliang was wearing a shirt and tie on a hot day, sitting upright, with a serious face, as if he was facing an enemy.

Yan Changqing watched from the side, always feeling that he would say something at any time: "The government, I confess..."

Don't think that way, or you won't be able to hold back your laughter.

The people in the township government next door are really there, and they can't laugh on serious occasions.

And there are people from the oil field, Director Zhu is watching by the side!

"Mr. Chen, let's get straight to the point. May I ask what you thought at the beginning of your business?"

"First of all, I want to explain that I was sentenced to labor education because of making mistakes and fighting. I have never shied away from this point. I hope everyone will not prejudice me because of this point. At least I have been paying taxes according to the regulations. I have never evaded taxes. .”

"I didn't expect Mr. Chen to have such a history, but I believe you must have learned a lesson from this incident, right?"

"Yes, I have made mistakes. I don't mean to encourage people to make mistakes, but I hope that everyone can learn from my mistakes and avoid making mistakes. After I was released from prison, I reflected deeply and felt that I could not continue to idle around. Going down, so I wanted to find something to do.”

"and then?"

"I sell Liangpi at a street stall."

"How's the business?"

"not too good!"

"What's the reason? It doesn't taste good?"

"The taste is good, but the business is not good. Through observation, I found out that the reason is that there are too few people who have spare money to eat Liangpi. Some people take their children to the market, and the children are obviously drooling, but because they have no money, they still don't eat it." I'm willing to buy it for my children."

"What were you thinking?"

"I don't think it can go on like this. I want to have a separate business. Then I have been looking around in the area, observing, and thinking about what should be done to change my life in the past. At this time, I got a message from my nephew. , I got a message that I can go to the more economically developed areas in the south to look for business opportunities."

"So you went?"

"Yes, with my nephew. You may not believe it. He was only six years old at the time. But at that time, he had already started to earn his own money, so I think what he said should make sense. Then With that trip to the south."

"Then you found a business opportunity, right?"

"Yes, at first..."


"Yan... President, hello, please forgive my hesitation just now, the main reason is that you are really young."

"It's nothing, I'm often looked at like this, just get used to it. At least you still call me Mr. Yan, thank you."

"Haha, then, let's talk directly, why did you think of making money in the first place? I mean, at your age, shouldn't you be having fun carefree, how could you think of making money?"

"Well, I told you not to laugh."

"Okay, okay, you say."

"I want to eat meat."


"That's right, I want to eat meat. I think meat is delicious. Why do people just refuse to eat meat? So I asked my grandpa. He said that we are too poor to eat meat. I said why Poor, he said he had no money, so I asked why he didn’t make money? He said it was because he had no education, no knowledge, and no way to make money.”

"And then you figure out how to make money yourself? How do you do it?"

"I went to worship the five-guarantee household in the village as a master and learned the erhu. Then I took the erhu and asked my second uncle to take me to the county town to perform on the streets. You may say it is begging, but for me, I don't think I'm a showman, I'm selling what I have learned through hard work."

"I didn't expect that your experience at the beginning was so difficult. Then what happened later?"

"Later, I went to the New Year's party in the oil field. It was the day of the first light snow last year. I was performing on the street. I met Uncle Zhu from the oil field. He was the director of the oil field propaganda department. At that time, he said that he wanted to Invite me to perform."

"Were you surprised at the time?"

"I'm not too surprised, because I have confidence in my skills. By the way, on May [-]st this year, I participated in the May [-]st party held by the oil field and won the third prize. That's why I always thought that I was not begging, It's a show."

"You're really... very confident. So what happened next?"

"This is about Uncle Zhu's help to me. He asked me a lot and helped me a lot... Later, my uncle and I started a business partnership, buying goods from the south and selling them in stores around the world. Later, we had With some money, I can finally eat meat."

"It's really an inspirational story, what about after eating meat?"

"I have eaten meat, but other friends in the village have not eaten meat at home! So I thought, let them learn how to do business! The next thing is... until the head of the village found us, He said that a well-off family is not called rich, and a well-off village is not called rich. Only when more people become rich can they be considered rich..."


The interview went smoothly and the reporters were quite satisfied.

The story is tortuous, exciting and inspiring.

The observers were also very satisfied, the main characters were thanked in place, and those who could be named were also listed. As long as they appear in the news, even if there is only one name, it is something to be happy about.

But the interview isn't over yet.

A reporter was still digging into the news: "When we came, we saw a lot of walking tractors parked here. Is this your main tool for transporting goods?"

Chen Youliang nodded: "That's right, now there are five villages who buy goods from us, and then go out to sell them. Through this, they can improve their family environment. Many people have bought walking tractors as a means of transportation."

"This is the change. As far as I know, walk-behind tractors are not cheap, and those who can afford them are all ten thousand yuan households, right?"

"Almost! This is not our credit. We just provided an opportunity, mainly relying on their own hard work. There are not enough walking tractors in each village now, and I believe there will be more in the future."

"I believe it too. Then you said just now that only five villages come to buy goods, right? Why?"

"Because at the beginning we were afraid that people would not trust us, so we could only start with the people around us. We want to let more people see through their changes, and then more people will embark on the road to a well-off life."

"Then you mean that the market itself is not limited to people from these villages to buy goods, right?"

"Yes, it was a matter of trust before. But everyone has seen the changes now. We also hope that more people will come to the road of prosperity through their own labor."

"Then do you buy the goods by yourself now? Have you never thought about attracting investment?"

"This is also something we are going to do right away. Because we have limited manpower, we don't have enough types of goods. What we hope is that more people trust us and give us products to sell..."

Obviously, what the reporter asked was all explained by Director Zhu, and he was helping to advertise and spread the word about market investment.

Finally, the reporter asked with great concern: "So the market has developed to the present, have you encountered any difficulties?"

Yan Changqing answered first: "With the strong support of the township chief Yang, and the help from the oil field, especially Director Zhu, our market development has not encountered any difficulties so far."

The reporter frowned: "But I saw, do you use electricity or generators here?"

Yan Changqing looked hesitant to speak: "This is mainly because our market is too far away from the town, so we use the generator."

The market has been in the market for several months now, but there is still no electricity?
But this question, the reporter can only point to the end, can not go deep.


Next, the reporters conducted a series of interviews with Township Chief Yang and Director Zhu who were at the scene.

Finally, some villagers were interviewed.

After the interview, Yan Changqing also provided a lot of photos as news materials. For example, a villager found another way to get rich and opened a small chicken farm, and an old villager opened a noodle and oil pressing workshop in the village, etc. ...

When the reporters were having a light meal at the market, Chen Youliang also expressed his gratitude in kind to the reporters for their hard work, which made them even more satisfied.

It's just that when the reporters were about to leave, the reporter who interviewed Chen Youliang at the end and mentioned the use of electricity pulled Yan Changqing and stuffed a small bag into his pocket: "Boss Yan, we are colleagues, so there is no need for this. I wish the director did Let me tell you? One of our departments dispatched me to the daily office in order to build a good relationship with the local government, and I will come back in the future.”

Yan Changqing knew it a long time ago. After all, it is broad daylight now. How could the reporter know fortune-telling? Since there is no electric motor developed in broad daylight, he knows what kind of electricity your household uses!
He smiled and stuffed the small bag back: "Everyone has them, you don't want them, are you out of group? I sent you there to improve your relationship with colleagues, so don't leave everyone. Don't push, we sincerely thank you , do you know how much advertising costs you saved in the latter part of your question?"

Director Zhu smiled and said something next to him, and the reporter accepted the packet embarrassingly.

Yan Changqing couldn't help but sigh with emotion, as expected, there are people who are easy to handle.

If someone asks a few questions, it will not only save advertising costs - appearing in front of people through the news is equivalent to directly filling the credibility of the market.

The key point is that I also filed a criminal complaint, although I don't know if it will be broadcast, but it doesn't matter, anyway, I said it.

The facts are there, the market just isn't plugged in right now.

Although I didn't apply for electricity from the beginning.

But no electricity is no electricity, hum!


That night, the Taoshu Township Wholesale Market was featured on the municipal TV station.

The news was very short, with only a brief introduction, but at the end, the newscaster said: "For related information, please see the interview with our reporter later."

That's right, maybe there are too few TV programs, and there are only a few advertisements over and over again, or the oil field has added some fuel to them. In short, this interview was simply made into a separate interview program.

Moreover, Township Chief Yang, Director Zhu, and some of the villagers interviewed at the end also appeared on TV.

For example, Yan Er, a villager who first bought a tractor in Dayan Village, Yan Da, who opened a chicken farm, and Yan Tie, who opened an oil press shop, etc.

These villagers generally said that at first we had little knowledge and had no way to make money. Since we had someone to take the lead, we have embarked on the road to wealth and lived a good life.

Thanks to the people who made us rich, thanks to the township government, and thanks to the oil field...

The attitude is very sincere, and you can tell at a glance that what you are saying is the truth.

(End of this chapter)

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