Chapter 111

Yan Changqing's house was very lively at night.

The city TV station is what everyone often watches, but everyone was not interested in the news before, but this time it is different, everyone watches together.

I don't even take care of scanning (skills) and blind (ability) classes, and I have to watch people in the village on TV!
There are still other people in the village who appear on the screen, such as Yan Shuixing, Yan Qinggong, etc. sitting on a walking tractor, and the old man Zeng Shuangxi, who used to be the craziest in business, and now I heard that there are interviews , Not even doing business.

I guess he is watching TV at home now. After all, he has been wandering around for a day. He is not tired, and others are tired of watching him. He keeps dangling around the camera on a hot day, just wanting to mix the picture. Fortunately, he got his wish, otherwise Yan Changqing would have Afraid that he would have a cerebral hemorrhage.

Yan Changqing was also very happy, and saved a lot of advertising expenses at once.

Then he began to organize some medicinal materials.

These are the medicinal materials he bought at the township health center when he came back. They are all used for conditioning the body and are going to be given to the five-guarantee households in the village.

This is the person who made Yan Changqing learn the erhu and embark on the road to earn money. He will never forget it. Even though the old man has a bad temper and doesn't like people to visit him, Yan Changqing's family will still give him something at ordinary times.

I didn't buy the medicine randomly. I asked Dr. Shen. He has practiced medicine for many years and is familiar with people in several nearby villages. For example, he can name some patients who often go to see old patients.

When it comes to the five-guarantee households in the village, Dr. Shen can tell Yang Zhili's name, including his physical condition and whether the medicines he uses are suitable or not.

That's why Yan Changqing dared to give medicine to people with confidence. Whether it works or not depends on the skills, and then considers whether to give it in the future according to the proficiency.


After the news was broadcast, it was no surprise that it went to the provincial TV station again.

However, the provincial TV station didn't give so much broadcast time, it just briefly broadcast it in the news.

But no matter how simple it is, the words Taoshu Township Wholesale Market in Xiyang City will always appear, and this address is enough.

Soon Chen Youliang had no time to bother Yan Changqing at all. Except when he needed to go out and buy goods, he could stay at home at other times, raising chickens, feeding pigs, repairing machines and practicing skills.

Then the farmers waited for a summer's cotton to be picked.

The adults are busy picking cotton, and the children continue to be Yan Changqing's research subjects—he is now learning to help the pulse, and he will help everyone when he sees it. He is known as the number one genius doctor in Dayanzhuang.

The cotton is going to be sold to the flower factory. This year is very good. I have acquaintances here in Dayanzhuang, so I don’t have to worry about queuing for several days. I can also help with things like ratings.

Paying public grain, selling cotton, and selling tobacco leaves are things that Yan Changqing is reluctant to participate in. These are all characteristics of the times. Some experts will say that this is the "labor pain" of the times. In fact, anyone who has experienced it knows that memory Not nice.

After the children grow up, some people still miss the scene of selling cotton and paying public food. No one who is older is willing to think about it.


The sale of cotton and the start of the school season are almost at the same time.

The bear children who have not gone to school are very happy to be able to go to school, but few of them who have already gone to school will be very happy.

But no matter happy or unhappy, school still has to start.

Yan Changqing will be called Yan Changqing from now on, and he is a freshman in the first grade of Shenmiao Primary School.

Originally, the start of school was a big event, but at Yan Changqing's house, the family members were very calm about his going to school. He had his schoolbag, pens and notebooks, and he just took his household registration book and reported it.

The road is very familiar, he has only been to the school two days ago-to connect an extra power line to the school, so that the school can use its own generator when the power is out in the future.

In the future, the school will not worry about power outages for evening self-study, and can switch to the circuit of Dayanzhuang at any time to ensure that there will be no power outage before evening self-study and school.

There is electricity in the morning, which is something that the school did not dare to expect before.

Early self-study is unified across the province, and early self-study begins in the third grade of elementary school.However, the situation in rural primary schools is special, and students from nearby villages can only be allowed to go. Those who are far away have no choice but not to go, and study at home early.

For example, in the village of Dayanzhuang, if you go to morning self-study, you arrive at school at [-]:[-] in the morning, school ends at [-]:[-], and the morning class starts again at [-]:[-], there is an hour in between, and it is too late to go home for breakfast.

There are many benefits to electrifying schools.

First of all, Yan Changqing considered that he might have to ask for leave frequently, so he first established a good relationship with the teachers and principals. In the future, as long as the test scores are guaranteed, it is easy to ask for leave.

Secondly, it is the people who take the lead in getting rich now, so that the electricity used in schools can also accumulate a good reputation.

Three times, the bear children in several villages here do not need to go to morning self-study, and few of them obey the required morning reading, and they all like to use the lack of electricity as an excuse-we will supply them with electricity in the future, and see if they still find it. What are the excuses for not reading early, as long as you can bear the beating, you can read or not.

Fourth, many people in the village leave early to do business, and it is convenient to have electricity...


Going to school has not changed Yan Changqing's life much.

Because not long after the start of school, there is the Mid-Autumn Festival, and then the National Day, and there is a solar term in between, the autumnal equinox.

No surprises, it's a holiday!

Autumn is busy!
There are also moon cakes as hard as steel, the usual visits to relatives and friends, and the usual autumn harvest - for Yan Changqing, the first item can be crossed out. As an oilfield worker, he can go to receive welfare moon cakes.

There is no way to be lazy in the autumn harvest. Walking tractors can at most transport and grind the field (soybeans), and other things such as cutting soybeans and cutting corn cannot be done.

There are also sweet potatoes, handing in sweet potato poles to the school and so on.

Yan Changqing is not a white-collar family's moon cake, he also has to prepare for the eleventh program, participate in performances and so on.

So this year he doesn't have time to take the children to catch crickets, but he doesn't need to take them, they are all elementary school students!
Then there is wheat planting. After the number of walking tractors in the village increases, wheat planting has of course become easier.


By the time the wheat is planted and the slack season has really entered, the end of October has arrived.

The wholesale market has become more and more formal, and Chen Youliang has now started to place orders from various suppliers step by step according to the sales situation.

There are also some small businesses in the surrounding area, who directly send the goods here, and wait until the next delivery notice to receive the final payment.

The more formal the market, the more leisurely Yan Changqing is.

As a result, Yan Changqing became impatient even in elementary school courses.

In fact, Principal Shen has even approached him: "It's good for you to skip a grade, and now the lower grade courses are a waste of time for you..."

Yan Changqing said: "This is a beautiful childhood memory, and it is a very important stage in life. Why do you want to skip a grade?"

Principal Shen was speechless: "You can go to junior high school, high school, and university earlier!"

"And then?" Yan Changqing asked again.

"Allocate work for the four modernizations..." Principal Shen couldn't continue.

The classmate in front of him, let alone how much money he has now, just talking about his job is more enviable than his principal, and his salary is higher than his salary if he doesn't go to work, and the key is that he can get paid every month.The benefits are good, and the Mid-Autumn Festival moon cakes are the kind that are basically never seen in rural areas.

It is said that there are bean paste mooncakes and date paste mooncakes - the principal heard it from the bragging of the children at school.

After thinking and thinking, Principal Shen continued to persuade: "You are so smart, you can definitely get admitted to a good university and do scientific research in the future..."

Yan Changqing replied: "Now that I have led so many people to become rich, how many people's lives have I changed? Let's not talk about it, just talk about things in our school."

"Don't you think there are more students in the village primary school than before? And there are more students who know how to study hard. I went around the school, at least the naughty and mischievous children in our nearby villages will be serious in class. point."

"I do research alone, or I make a few more families rich, let a few more children go to school, and maybe even change their future, which one is better?"

Principal Shen found it difficult to answer this question.

According to his thinking, if the children don’t go to school, they will have no choice but to farm at home—he still can’t imagine that most of these children will have another choice in the future, that is, to work as a factory screw instead of farming. .

Therefore, he thinks what Yan Changqing said is not an exaggeration. Letting students who can't or don't want to go to school originally is really changing their lives, even though these children don't realize it now.

But as the headmaster, he still knew.

Forget it, don't persuade me!

Love it!
The tired principal has left!


So Yan Changqing was completely free, and he began to report to school every day.

When others started their classes, he appeared in the small clinic in Shenmiao Village.

It's all about school anyway, it doesn't matter what you study.

In the small clinic, Dr. Shen would also give him the opportunity to intern and ask him to prescribe medicine for the patient's Fumai.

Of course, in the end, Dr. Shen had to help the pulse and check the prescription again.

Of course, the premise of all this is that it is not a sudden illness.

Yan Changqing has already accumulated a lot of theoretical knowledge, what he lacks now is practice.

Dr. Shen is the most suitable instructor. He may not be able to guide major diseases, but he is an "omnipotent doctor".

How versatile is a doctor who graduated from a health school and has been practicing medicine in rural areas for nearly 20 years?

In addition to prescribing medicines for common colds and fevers, and needing acupuncture for back pain caused by overwork, he can also go up to tooth extraction to see eyes, down to corns and beriberi, and he also takes care of some young couples in rural areas who have been married for a long time and are infertile, which is unspeakable and so on.

By the way, sometimes I have to be responsible for some delivery work.

As for some traumas caused by accidents, as long as the internal blood vessels are not damaged, it is a small problem for him. It is not impossible to sew a few stitches when necessary, anyway, the wounds do not pay attention to appearance.

So Yan Changqing, who felt embarrassed by his patient guidance, could only add some books to the clinic and replace some of the simplest medical equipment, such as silver needles for acupuncture and stethoscope sphygmomanometer thermometers.

Dr. Shen was not polite to him, and asked if he could replace the "breathing ball" that Yan Changqing hadn't noticed.

It's not that Yan Changqing didn't pay attention, but he didn't recognize it.

The breathing ball is the simplest respirator in this era. It is a leather bag that helps people breathe by pressing.

It is rarely used, but once it is used, it may save a life.

The price is not expensive, Yan Changqing wrote this on the purchase list casually, and after buying the item, he also learned how to use it.

Time passed by so unhurriedly, and the days were very comfortable.

Learning something new every day and improving your skill proficiency will make you happy for a long time.

Finally, one day, when Yan Changqing came to the clinic as usual, Dr. Shen said with a smile: "You can help me look here for a while this morning, and you can prescribe a medicine for common minor problems, and I will go to catch a set. "

Yan Changqing looked down at the medical proficiency that had already passed, and nodded: "Okay, don't worry, I won't mess around."

Seeing his still calm expression, Dr. Shen breathed a sigh of relief, stretched his waist, rubbed his hands together and said, "I'm leaving, I haven't gone to the market so easily in a long time, let's go shopping a little longer today, haha..."

 Four more updates, it may not work tomorrow, the time span is shortened, and the content needs to be sorted out.

  Please let me know if there are mistakes or omissions, thank you for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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