Chapter 112
beep beep...

A motorcycle arrived at the door of the clinic and honked its horn a few times to alert the occupants.

Then a little chubby baby wandered in: "Hehe..."

Yan Changqing ran over in a hurry, and picked up the little fat baby: "Xiaopo is here, so good, brother, I'll give you a candy..."

As he spoke, he stuffed a cone-shaped 'sugar' into his younger brother's mouth, and Yan Changpo babbled, sweetly, and happily ate it.

Yan Erhe walked in and said with a smile: "Come on, give your brother some medicine!"

Yan Changqing smiled: "Anyway, it's not a waste to eat, what if it's useful!"

It’s impossible for him to bring candy with him. What he feeds his younger brother is not sugar at all. Although it’s called “Baota Candy”, it’s actually an anthelmintic drug for children.

These days, children will eat anything they see, basically as long as there is something in the field, such as Tianbao beans, Dibao beans, etc., the small fruits produced by weeds are delicious, and raw melons, pears, and dates are even more delicious. eat to death...

In addition, most of the adults are not too particular about it. When they see children, they will take out what is in their pockets, regardless of hygiene.

Anyway, it is very common for children to have roundworms in their stomachs now.

Although Yan Changpo is still young, children who can run will eat indiscriminately, so it is not unnecessary to take insect repellent.

By the way, the fruit of Tianbaodou resembles blueberries, and Yan Changqing later learned that it has a scientific name, nightshade.

In the future, when these children grow up, they will play a popular game and a popular TV series. They all know the name Solanum nigrum, and some even know that it is a Chinese medicinal material, but most of them will not call this name , and associated with the "fruit" in childhood.


Yan Changqing was playing with his younger brother, and Yan Erhe had already started to tell him about the market: "There are a few more factories coming to release the goods, but the price has no advantage, your uncle doesn't want to let them go, I think Everything is practical, there is a brand of electric fans we use in the market, and the wind can be strong."

"The steel mills in our county also came to ask if they could put some of their chucks here. I said that these are all daily necessities, so whoever wants them!"

Yan Changqing just listened, Second Uncle is like this, he can get to the point later.

As expected, the second uncle talked for a while, and finally got down to business: "By the way, Uncle Ni asked us whether the market is dealing with the electricity of the electricity management station. It’s not expensive. I heard that he plans to lower the price of electricity in the village..."

"Then let's talk about it, it will come in handy sooner or later." Yan Changqing said, finally the director of Po was changed, it turned out that the thing was too useless.Since the newcomer intends to do some good things, then give him some face.

Although it may not be used a few times when it is powered on, because the power supply time is too short.

Yan Erhe nodded: "Then I'll go back and tell your uncle."

Yan Changqing asked again: "Is there nothing else going on?"

"It's gone, I'll go back and see your grandma." Yan Erhe thought for a while, and it seemed that there was nothing wrong.

The main reason is that he runs back and forth too diligently, so there are so many big things to talk about——Chen Youliang doesn't care about the motorcycle when he's busy, he just rides around on it when he has nothing to do, it's easy to coax the baby, Anyway, he doesn't like to ride fast, so it's better to ride slowly than a bicycle.

Yan Changqing thought for a while: "You said that if the steel mills are in a hurry to make profits, how about letting them make iron rings and tops?"

"You asked the steel factory to make children's toys?" Yan Erhe's eyes widened.

"That's right, these things have no technical content at all, and the cost is not high. If they are made better, children who have a little money now will buy them, and they don't have to work hard."

There is really no technical content, the hoop is a simple hoop, and the children push it with the push hook, called the hoop push, or the hoop roll.

Not to mention spinning tops, children in rural areas can find a round ink bottle, put a sharpened wooden stick in it, and stick a steel ball to play with it.

The products of the steel factory are really single, so big a factory, once the state-owned enterprises that order from them are released from purchasing rights, they will have to close down in minutes.

Pushing the hoop to play the top is a mainstream toy, and everyone plays it.

Of course, there are also those who produce these, but steel mills have more advantages. After all, they will not rely on this as their main business in the short term. In addition, they have lathes and welding machines, and they can produce with just a few raw materials.

The iron ring only needs to be welded and calibrated to be round enough. The spinning top needs to find a piece of wood and stuff it into the big lathe in their factory. At most, a small steel ball can be nailed and dyed.

Even picking and pulling from the pile of scrap iron, there are large and small steel balls all over the floor, and it is no problem to use them for tops-there are steel balls that are big enough to be used as "iron gallbladders".

The two things can basically be made by any worker. Many children in the steel factory are playing with their workers. It couldn't be easier.

As long as they are willing to build, they can more or less persist in the coming tide of laid-off workers for a longer period of time.

Maybe it opened the minds of their managers, started to "not do business properly", and embarked on another path!

Yan Erhe always felt that it was unreliable. They are serious steel companies, state-owned enterprises, and you let them make children's toys, and they are still so untechnical. Can it work?

But he won't refute his nephew, just nodded: "Then I'll talk to them later and see if they are willing."

Seeing that the second uncle was about to take his younger brother back to the village, Yan Changqing suddenly stopped him again: "Wait, you just said that the electric fan factory is also here? Aren't they very profitable? Is it the one in Baishu County?"

"Yes! What's the matter?" Yan Erhe asked in confusion.

Yan Changqing asked again: "Is their price still a bit expensive?"

"Yes!" Yan Erhe nodded. "But their stuff is pretty good, the wind can be strong."

They are pretty good. Ceiling fans that can be used for decades, desk fans and floor fans are all durable guys—all of them are iron guys. Floor fans and table fans are not only the blades, but also the protective shell of the outer cover, which is guaranteed to fall even if you fall. No deformation, highlighting a reality.

Sales are pretty good now, but like steel mills, they are about to close down!
Yan Changqing thought for a while: "Tell them, let them research plastic fan blades, use plastic shells, replace the motor with a smaller power, if not, replace the copper wires with aluminum wires, and try to reduce the cost. See When they meet someone, it’s enough to say it, but if they don’t meet them, forget it.”

To be honest, I still admire these conscientious manufacturers, but only conscience is not enough.

Yan Changqing just ran into it, and mentioning a few words is a tribute to the conscientious manufacturer, although there is a high probability that he will not listen to the opinions of laymen.

After Yan Erhe nodded, he finally remembered another important matter: "When you go back, tell me about repairing tractors! Now that there are so many tractors, some people don't pay much attention to them. After tossing around, all the new machines they just bought start There is something wrong! There is also a big car..."

Finally, ready to start your repairing journey?

Yan Changqing felt very happy, the second uncle's hobby is so unique.


After Yan Erhe left with his little cousin, Yan Changqing continued to see the small clinic.

Dr. Shen was very relieved of him, and felt that he was learning very fast, and had already started to let him practice acupuncture.

Either acupuncture is used to treat serious illnesses, or to save patients money on medicines—Dr. Shen means to save money as much as possible.

Yan Changqing is very happy, here I am, and I am about to start my career as an acupuncture doctor - this kid has been poisoned by reading online novels in her previous life!

It's a pity that the small clinic manages so many villages in a radius, but the business is very mediocre, few people come a day, most of them still can't use acupuncture, and there are not many opportunities for him to practice.

Dr. Shen is happier than Yan Changqing. It is different with a little helper. He feels that his life is much more free, and he can leave whenever he wants: "Just wait and see, the White Flower Snake Wine is almost gone, so you have to prepare some in advance. "

"I'll help you buy a bar!" Yan Changqing stayed here all day, and he didn't ask us for anything, just pay a little for something, so that he would feel better.

"Don't buy it, don't buy it, I made it myself." Dr. Shen waved his hand.

"Do it yourself?" Yan Changqing was taken aback. "Brew your own wine?"

"It doesn't take much trouble." Dr. Shen said casually. "The cheap loose wine is mixed with water. I will make some undiluted wine myself. The medicinal wine will be more effective and save money."

That's true, what's the point of selling loose wine without water.

But brewing... Yan Changqing became interested: "Can I go and have a look?"

"Then you come!" Dr. Shen did not hesitate at all.

In the backyard, there is a small wine stove. There were medicinal herbs on it to dry, and there were other sundries piled up in front of it. The small wine stove was completely blocked. Yan Changqing always thought that this was a platform for piles of sundries!
The two of them removed all the things piled up in front of them, and only then did they reveal the firewood opening.

Then Dr. Shen cleaned it up, pulled out a bag of sorghum, and started pouring it in.

Seeing that Yan Changqing was interested, he introduced it to him: "Put it in and soak it first, and then turn it on tomorrow. Finally, sprinkle with koji, and the wine will be steamed after a few days of fermentation. I told you that it will be easy."

It's really easy. Listening to what you said, I think I can make wine now.

Of course, Yan Changqing didn't think that he really knew how to do it. He thought he knew how to rebel. He had a lot of experience.

Immediately, he took the initiative to step forward: "Come here, let me help..."

Very enthusiastic.


When he came home from school at night, he asked someone to help him make a small wine stove. It was not complicated, and he knew how to do it after seeing it.

Life in the village is better now, and the masons have the opportunity to practice their skills. It is easy to get such a small stove.

It happened that the second uncle was at home, so he drew a few simple blueprints by himself, which were all tools for brewing wine, and asked the second uncle to help him go back to the market and find someone to get them out.

Don't overwhelm yourself with too many skills, learning the same is the same.

Then I went to play with my little cousin. The little doll who is less than two years old is the most fun time.

Now he is curious about everything, he can scratch the tails of the big black and big yellow cats for a long time, but he can't catch them every time, and he is still grinning and giggling happily.

Unlike older brats, it's hard to cheat if you start mischievous!

(End of this chapter)

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