Chapter 113 Winemaking Laba
Not long after Dr. Shen's White Flower Snake wine was soaked, Yan Changqing's wine was also out of the pot.

When the wine is steamed, the smell is very strong, and people who are still idle in the provoked village come to watch the excitement.

After the village became rich, some trivial things in the past seemed to disappear all of a sudden.

The men all joined forces to run business outside, and the content of the gossip of the women who stayed at home has also changed. Although there are still some grievances with the previous parents, it is obviously more harmonious.

Anyway, there is something going on now, a swarm of people has gathered, it can be regarded as a kind of unity!

After a while, comments on the wine came out one after another.

"It's a bit rushed, is it because of the head of the drink?"

"It tastes a bit spicy..."

"What you used to drink was mixed with water, but now without water, it must be spicy..."

"Why does it feel a little bitter at the end..."

"Pull it down, how many times have you drank wine, you say you have experience..."


Yan Changqing stuck out his tongue and tasted it, but he couldn't taste anything other than spicy and a little taste of wine koji.

He raised his head and shouted to the people around him: "Alcohol is on sale, it's on sale tomorrow, at fifty cents a catty, only for tomorrow, and the price will increase next time."

Although sorghum costs about [-] cents a catty now, and three catties of grain yields a catty of wine, but... Leaving aside the facts (costs), there is still some money to be made. good!
One hundred catties of sorghum, after the wine is completely released, only thirty catties, and a 'net profit' of 15 yuan the next day.

In such an obvious loss-making business, even Yan Tiesheng could figure out how much he lost, but Li Xiuni didn't count.

She only knew that her son could make wine, and she was so happy that she couldn't close her mouth from ear to ear. She even tried to sell wine for her son, thinking that her son was so good that the wine she made was not enough to sell.

There are not enough to sell even in this village, let alone people from other villages who came to buy wine when they heard that Yan Changqing had brewed wine. Those who came late could only smell the residual wine.

Yan Dahai didn't drink alcohol, and Li Xiuni had never bought alcohol, so she had no idea that even the watered wine at the canteen cost more than fifty cents.

Being happy for her son, she turned her head and saw her husband was still on the side, and she was still feeling very regretful: "Oh, I forgot to save some for your dad this time, let's do it next time! Next time, I must save some for your dad... "

Yan Haihai watched his wife and son messing about, the corners of his mouth twitched, and finally turned away quickly - otherwise he couldn't help but say something unsightly later, and his wife would nagging him for a long time.

His son is too powerful, and he has put a lot of pressure on Yan Haihai. Now in the room of his small chicken farm, there are several books on raising chickens, as well as a big dictionary, and he has been secretly working hard!

After Yan Changqing went to perform in the oil field on New Year's Day and came back after receiving benefits, the Laba Festival followed.

People in rural areas now attach great importance to the Laba Festival, and Yan Changqing's mother and grandmother began to prepare early in the morning.

The Laba porridge handed down near Dayanzhuang should not be called porridge in fact.

It is first cooked with rice, millet, soybeans, peanuts, etc. to make a pot of porridge, then add some noodles, and then add fried vegetables to make it salty.

Because the story about Laba porridge circulating here has nothing to do with any religion, it is the most frequently heard country story.

What the adults tell the children is that once upon a time there was a family that was very rich, but they had a very lazy child, and later the child married a wife who was also very lazy, and the young couple competed to see who was more lazy.

Later, their parents passed away, and the couple was still sitting on the mountain, ruining their family business.

Until the twelfth lunar month of this year, it was almost the Chinese New Year, and they couldn’t even eat at home, so they had to collect all the rice, noodle, and food bags at home, and made a pot of porridge with the leftovers. After eating this pot of porridge, they I had nothing to eat, and then died of starvation.

The day they ate their last meal was Laba, so people would drink Laba porridge on this day to remind themselves not to be lazy.

So the Laba porridge here in Dayan Village is to add whatever is available at home, in short, gather a few things, cook a pot in a mess, and after everyone eats, the old man will tell the children the story of hearing cocoons.

Yan Changqing is no exception. Although he is worth millions now, he just has to listen to it again.

And the children in the village probably all listened to it, anyway Erwa wanted to listen.


Because the second baby ran over before Yan Changqing finished eating, and said aggressively: "My mother told me the story of Laba porridge, and I said that I will just find a wife who is not as lazy as you in the future. She wants to beat her up." Me, I just ran away. I didn't say she was lazy, but my dad came back and said..."

A short sentence contains a lot of information, Yan Changqing is very pleased, it is very good, Erwa, under his leadership, can now speak concisely and go straight to the point.

The village was too poor before, and it is too busy when it gets busy. It is true that many women can't keep the house clean at home.

Everyone was used to it and it was fine, but Yan Shuixing and the others went out to do business and ran here and there, and now they all started to run to the big cities. After seeing the outside world, they returned to the cramped hut at home and saw the mess at home. Inevitably there will be some discomfort.

Some are more diligent and will do it by themselves, but it is obvious that Yan Shuixing is not that kind of person, he will clean up his wife when he is dissatisfied.

The wife has to bear it when she is dissatisfied with being taken care of by the man. After all, it is like this these days, and it is even harder for men to work outside.

But the son still wants to say, then... that's great, finally someone who can relieve his anger has come forward!
Yan Changqing was already accustomed to Erwa's repeated killings, so he pointed to the kitchen calmly: "Aren't you full at home? Go to the kitchen and serve your own food."

Erwa went straight to the kitchen in a panic, and then complained: "Brother Qijin, your family doesn't eat meat today, does it?"

This festival is called Laba porridge. How can parents tell stories when you stew a pot of meat?

Yan Changqing is too lazy to talk to this guy, if you still want to find a wife who is not lazy, then you have to find a wife first.

After they went to work for a few years, this guy finally talked about a girlfriend, and he was very devoted to him. He didn't even hold hands a few times, so he told him that in order to commemorate the first time he gave himself roses, he specially sent the roses to him. The rose pattern is on a part of her body that cannot be easily shown to others...

Erwa was quite touched by this guy, so she came to tell Yan Changqing about it.

Fortunately, the distribution was quick, and when Erwa ran out of her savings for a few months, she went back to her hometown because of the death of the old man in the family, and disappeared from sight.

Then the heartbroken Erwa took a little friend to drink wildly on the street in the middle of the night, lost her way when she was intoxicated, strayed into the depths of the alley, and went to the road of no return...


After the Laba porridge, Yan Erhe came back on his motorcycle.

When it's cold, you can't take your baby on a motorcycle, otherwise the baby sitting in front will become a windshield quilt.

When I ran over, I looked at Qiqi first: "Seven catties, how about brewing again? You only brew such a small amount at a time, who is enough to drink?"

After Yan Changqing made wine for the first time, he learned from the pain and changed the scale of wine making.

He made a set of smaller brewing equipment, each time a bag of sorghum was divided into several parts, and fermented separately.

Because more experiments can improve skill proficiency faster, and it can also reduce the trouble of frequently purchasing sorghum.

Yan Changqing handed over the wine casually: "Try it, does it have no bitter taste?"

Yan Erhe took a sip and nodded: "Well, not bad, not bad, it's so spicy!"

Yan Changqing: ...

I found the wrong person, my second uncle and dad are the same, basically don't drink.

Seeing that his nephew remained silent, Yan Erhe took another sip of his wine: "It's really quite spicy, with a strange taste."

Yan Changqing had no choice but to ask: "Is there something wrong this time?"

"It's nothing, just come back and have a look." Yan Erhe sipped the remaining wine in the bowl, looked at it and didn't want to drink it, but it was a pity to throw it away, and he was a little entangled.

Yan Changqing waited quietly, and after a while, the second uncle finally drank up the wine, put down the bowl and wiped his mouth: "I've been very busy these days, the Chinese New Year is coming, there are a lot of purchases, and there are a lot of things. There is also a person in charge of business in the county who often comes here. Your uncle said that he is probably here to fight the autumn wind, and he is so busy that he has to take care of him..."

"By the way, your uncle told you to go there when you have time. It's almost the end of the year, and you need to make an account."

The last sentence is the key!
Yan Changqing thought for a while and said, "Then I'll take your motorcycle there later!"


Yan Erhe agreed, and went for a walk. Many people in the village don't come back often. It is common for them to go out for a few times and then come back after a busy half a month.

Yan Erhe, who often went home, became their messenger, usually saying that XXX would be back in a few days, so that the family could rest assured.

The market model is also constantly being explored and improved. For example, Yanshuixing Zeng Shuangxi and the others have already reached Jiangcheng or even further away after a long journey.

They find suitable goods, pull them back and put them in the market to wait for customers, and share a part of the profits with the market after the transaction.

It is different from renting out counters in shopping malls. When renting a counter in a shopping mall, you have to pay the rent for the counter regardless of whether you lose money or make money. No matter how much money you make, the rent is fixed.

But the market here waits for you to earn money and give me a share. The more you earn, the more you will give me.

Those who are not willing to give the market a share can go out to run their own business, buy goods elsewhere and find a market for themselves. If you don’t rely on the market, the market will definitely not charge you.

But now there are very few people who are willing to leave the market completely. Most of them still feel that it is easier to rely on the market. In the past, they had to drag things around to sell. Now as long as they can find cheap sources, the goods can be placed here and wait for customers. , the transaction is supervised by someone, so they are more at ease.

Yan Changqing knows that it can be opened as a big market, and the rented stalls and shops will collect money directly.

But now this situation has been explored by everyone, and it is also a model that most people are happy with-they feel that there is no restriction in this way.

When you get the goods, you can store them here, and then you can wait as long as you want, and if you don’t want to wait, you can find customers. Relying on the reputation of the market, it is easier for others to trust you, and you can save a lot of worry when doing business here.

But Yan Changqing always feels that this will not last long, and sooner or later he will have to change.

But he doesn't intend to intervene too much. In the initial stage of economic development, everything depends on exploration.

(End of this chapter)

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