Chapter 114

The wind in winter is still very cold, especially on a motorcycle.

But Yan Changqing is not afraid. First, he hides behind his second uncle. Second, he has the ability to "anti-freeze".

Back then, he ordered a basking skill on a whim. He didn't know how good the effect would be, but he felt that he had basked a lot in the sun, and he really didn't get much darker than before, and he felt a lot easier when he was exposed to the sun.

So after the weather got cold, I gave myself an anti-freeze skill, which cares about Sanqi 21, whether its effect is good or not, let's talk about it first when I have the skill.

Of course, for the time being, he has no plans to practice anti-freeze skills shirtless in the winter, or simply find a cold storage to improve his proficiency, let it take its course, don't worry.


When Chen Youliang saw Yan Changqing coming over, he took out an account book without saying a word: "The nearest one, you read it first. I'll get the money later, we have to purchase the goods ourselves, and we need to reserve a part of the payment. Is it enough for you to take 50 for the New Year?"

Yan Changqing was speechless: "Are you saying enough? Uncle, I think you are swollen, really. Be low-key, don't just open your mouth and get hundreds of thousands, a big tree attracts the wind!"

Chen Youliang laughed loudly, and then scolded: "It's already attracting attention, #@¥#@¥#@, there is a manager in the county, who has been here twice. I just take care of his food, and I don't think he will come again. If you do something good, it’s time to find trouble in the future.”

Yan Changqing immediately asked a few words, and then said: "Then I will solve this trouble for you later, otherwise you work so hard every day...Are you sure you don't want to change the share?"

"It's a good deal, why are you a mother-in-law now." Chen Youliang said. "If you don't need the money, you should save it first. We won't need so much money to buy goods in the future. If you divide the money that should be divided early, you won't have to worry about it."

Yan Changqing thought for a while: "You wait first, don't worry about the money, I will talk about it when I go back in the afternoon. I will look at the account for a while, and then I will go to the county to have a look and solve that trouble first."

"How to solve it? How much are you going to give him?" Chen Youliang asked. "I'll get it for you."

"Then don't worry about it, how much appetite he can have." Yan Changqing said. "I have it in my bag, enough."

Chen Youliang gave the address, and then said: "Then you take some more when you leave in the afternoon, and save it in the credit union by the way. Tell Lao Zhao that we will use it after the New Year, and let him prepare it when the time comes."

"No problem." Yan Changqing nodded.

"Then you look at the account! Check to see if there is any problem. I am a slow learner, and I still can't see if there is any problem." Chen Youliang walked out as he said. "Why don't you stay here for a few days if you have nothing to do? It's the Chinese New Year, and I'm always a little worried."

Yan Changqing didn't care: "That's fine, but I still have to take the exam, forget it, I'll talk about it later if I fail the exam."

Chen Youliang snorted and walked away. It was obvious that he was still thinking about the elementary school exams, so he was quite speechless.


Yan Changqing has also read the accounts a few times, and now he can understand it clearly. Anyway, it is simple, just need some accounting skills.

The accounts in the market are not complicated, that is, the payment for incoming and outgoing goods, pure commission, wages of employees, etc.
As for the usual expenses, Chen Youliang didn't keep small accounts before, but when the accountant proposed it, he would roughly estimate the total amount reported every month, and the rest was the accountant's business.

After lunch, Yan Changqing asked his second uncle to take him to the county seat.

When I arrived at the place where the troublemaker they said went to work, I waited at the door.

Standing across from him, Yan Erhe was a little puzzled, his nephew was going to give someone something, but he was still hiding it from himself?Can't it?
It has been a long time since Yan Changqing squatted on the side of the road like this. It feels good for a person who started out as a busker to squat on the side of the road again.

The sun is warm, and the Chinese New Year is coming soon, and people go to the market no longer as before, they only come in the morning, and there are still quite a few people on the street at this moment.

Although it was winter, people wore thick clothes, but many women on the street were wearing fitness pants, regardless of whether they were fit or not.

It’s okay if you are thinner, but if you are fat, wearing long johns and fleece pants on your legs, and wearing a pair of fitness leggings, it’s really...

The picture is so beautiful, I dare not look at it!
If you look at the better-dressed people on the street, you will find that they can be regarded as fashionable now.

For example, bat shirts that are popular in big cities are also worn on the streets of small counties.

Popularity is really a big cycle. In fact, many things that are popular now will become popular again after many years.

Bell-bottom pants are also popular now. Yan Changqing remembers that there were still people wearing denim bell-bottom pants until he was in junior high school.

There are few popular things in this era, which is also beneficial. Many popular things have been popular for a long time.


He was squatting on the street watching with great interest, when suddenly out of the corner of his eye, he noticed that his second uncle was gesturing to him.

This was an appointment, Yan Changqing didn't know anyone, so he asked his second uncle to give him some advice.

After confirming that the person wearing a Chinese tunic and riding a bicycle was the target, Yan Changqing continued to wait with his head down. When the person reached the gate and was about to enter, he raised his hand and shook it.

Then he stepped towards the man and said with a smile, "Guard Yang, hello!"

The person riding the bicycle was a little flustered. Just now, he felt that he saw a flash of light out of the corner of his eye. Just as he was about to look again, he heard someone calling.

So he got out of the car and looked up, and he immediately thought that this should be the 'child prodigy' who opened a market beside the national highway——Yan Changqing didn't know him, but they knew him.

Thinking of returning empty-handed twice, this person couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable, and deliberately asked, "Who are you?"

"I'm Yan Changqing." Yan Changqing said with a smile. "I heard that you went there twice, but I didn't see you, so I came here to recognize you. By the way, I came in a hurry this time and didn't bring anything. Manager Yang will go next time. We will definitely thank you for your usual care. "

"There is one more thing I want to tell you, Steward Yang, rules are rules, if someone breaks the rules first, then don't blame others for not following the rules in the future."

Then Yan Changqing smiled again, and waved his hand before he could speak: "Goodbye, Manager Yang. By the way, I have recently succeeded in studying medicine, and I have a nickname, Yan Shizhen."

After finishing speaking, he ran, ran to the motorcycle in a few steps, got on the motorcycle and said, "Let's go!"

Yan Erhe stepped on the motorcycle with some puzzlement: "Isn't it a gift? Why stand so far away and leave after saying a few words?"

"Go!" Yan Changqing urged.

The biggest advantage of Yan Erhe is that when he is not allowed to ask more questions, he does not ask more questions, puts the gear on and twists the accelerator and leaves.


Watching the motorcycle turn around and disappear into the street, Guanshi Yang was a little annoyed. What does this kid do?

Threatening me?

It's really childish, what rules are you talking about, if you have rules, you won't come to say these things!
Ha ha!

What are the rules, do you understand?
Cursing in my heart, I pushed my bicycle into the yard and parked it.

While greeting people, they walked towards the office.

When he was about to arrive at the office, a female colleague suddenly said with a smile, "Ah, Manager Yang, why did you change the style of the clothes you are wearing today? What is that shiny thing on your collar?"

Steward Yang subconsciously lowered his head, but didn't see it.

But I did feel that there was something on the collar, and it was a little uncomfortable to touch my face.

He stretched out his hand to feel it, and he came across something cold. He fumbled to take it off, but he took it off easily.

Then the female colleague was surprised and said, "Oh, Manager Yang, what are you doing with so many silver needles in your collar? There are more here, don't move, I'll pull them out for you..."

Speaking of this, the female colleague stepped forward and carefully helped him take off the collar on the other side.

Sure enough, it was still a silver needle, counted, five.

Look at the one in your hand, four?

The female colleague has already taken another silver needle from the collar he touched just now, enough for five.

Add up, it is ten!
Some are long and some are short, but they are all shiny and swaying in the sun.

Steward Yang's face darkened immediately, he grabbed the silver needle from the female colleague's raised hand, turned around and walked to the office, leaving only the inexplicable female colleague behind.

Entering the office, sitting on a chair, his face was gloomy and unpredictable...


Yan Changqing waited for a while before telling the second uncle: "Second uncle, stop at the medical building over there. Buy something, I'm sorry, people are impulsive, and my silver needle was bought with money!"

There is another sentence in my heart, it is a little embarrassing to return ten needles!

But it's also very cool, if you don't show your skills, others will think that we can only throw stones, and don't know the truth that everything is universal!
So he easily forgave himself, after all, he was not a capable person, he was a person who relied on hacking, as long as he accepted this persona, doing some brain-cramping things was nothing.

It was only when Yan Changqing walked towards the medical building with his second uncle that he told what happened just now.

Yan Erhe was startled: "If you do this, nothing will happen?"

"Did anyone see it?" Yan Changqing was confident. "He knows it in his heart, what else is he thinking about this matter? How can he explain that I go to him when others don't?"

Yan Erhe was a little speechless: "Then you..."

"He was the one who didn't follow the rules first." Yan Changqing said. "My uncle manages a big stall in the market. He knows what to do and what not to do. If he doesn't know, his old man will give him advice. Has he never given anything out in the market? Some people are not satisfied, okay?"

These are things that are inconvenient to explain clearly, but everyone understands it, even Yan Erhe understands it after staying in the market for a while.

When it's time to be meaningful, Chen Youliang will definitely not be uninteresting.

Since I have already used all the meanings that I should have in normal times, then the meaning of running here is that I want to have more meanings?

Anyway, Yan Changqing felt that this was unruly.

We have always talked about rules, even these not very rules.

Now that you are starting to be unruly, well, let's be unruly together!

Ten needles are given away today, it is decoration.

What to send next time, what is it, whatever you want to go!


After buying a new set of medical equipment, Yan Changqing went to the market and told Chen Youliang again.

Chen Youliang sneered: "What's wrong, you didn't tell me before you go, because I'm afraid I won't let you go?"

"No!" Yan Changqing said with a smile. "If you don't know what I do, it has nothing to do with you. If I tell you, it has something to do with you!"

Chen Youliang was speechless for a long time: "Okay, you should die and seek to be upward, and you will not die for thousands of years. If you offend, you will be offended, so let's do it!"

Yan Changqing thought about it all the way again, and felt that he was not wrong: "I have expressed everything that should be expressed normally, and we have to express our attitude, right? Otherwise, anyone can come to fight the autumn wind, what should we do in the future?"

Chen Youliang nodded: "This is indeed the reason. Now that I have been doing business honestly for a long time, I have forgotten some things."

Yan Erhe understood everything, and nodded beside him.

Obviously, when he was in the market, some of the things he saw were not so beautiful, and he probably felt unhappy.

That's the end of this matter, the three of them didn't say anything more, and of course they didn't intend to say anything to others.

Follow-up words, watch the follow-up!
(End of this chapter)

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