Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 115 I wish director Gao Sheng women's clothing

Chapter 115 I wish director Gao Sheng women's clothing
Next, Yan Changqing stayed in the market for a few days to observe the current situation of the market.

To sum it up, it looks messy. There was originally a row of houses built in the market, and now another row is built.

No matter who it is, as long as they bought goods here before, and now they have some capital and can find the source of goods by themselves, they can find a place to store their goods.

If there is no empty warehouse, then discuss it with others, it is not impossible for a few people to get together.

They are probably just starting to do business. Although there is competition between them, they are generally in harmony.

After all, before buying the goods, I basically know the existing goods in the market here very well. If I find a cheaper one, I will discuss it with the original goods after I get it. When the time comes, the shipping price will be set according to the quality. Look at the merchant's choice.

Obviously, this model can still make do now, because there are still few people who go out to find the source of goods, and most of them are still working hard as porters, taking the goods directly to find customers.

If the supply of goods increases in the future and more people use warehouses here, then the rules must be re-established.


But Yan Changqing didn't have time to observe more, because he still had to go to the oil field.

After waiting in the market for a few days, he found that the person who gave him the nickname Yan Shizhen didn't respond at all, so he went back to bring some wine and went to the oil field.

The Chinese New Year is approaching, and there are always more things to do.

This year because there is a New Year's Eve party, there will be no more activities during the Chinese New Year.Now Director Zhu is busy with some pre-Chinese New Year promotional activities, etc., and Yan Changqing doesn't need to do anything, he just goes to collect his head and show his face.

I can’t say that I don’t have to go at ordinary times, but I really have to go every time I have something to do. It’s almost Chinese New Year!

He also gave the wine he brought to many acquaintances in the Propaganda Department, including the logistics director Hu, and the masters and brothers in his maintenance department.

When you see someone, you will give it: "I brewed it myself, I learned it recently, try it."

The workmanship is good enough. Although it has not been blended, it must be fine to drink. The previous bitterness or particularly spicy throat feeling is gone. It is nothing more than a taste of distiller's yeast.

If you have the patience to put it on for a period of time, the taste will be better.

Zhu Changsheng also asked him cheerfully: "What's the matter, now I'm learning more and more things, even wine making?"

Yan Changqing was also cheerful: "There are so many skills that you don't overwhelm yourself. Besides, wine making is very useful. I have also studied medicine! The doctor who took me can make wine, and he brews medicinal wine to make wine himself."

Zhu Changsheng teased him again: "I see that you have made a lot and sent a lot of people. Why, are you planning to open a winery?"

"Maybe!" Yan Changqing laughed.

Now Zhu Changsheng understood a little bit: "Okay, when the winery is ready, make the wine better, and then we will all drink your wine."

Before Yan Changqing could reply, he gave him another big news: "After the Chinese New Year, I may have to transfer away!"

Yan Changqing was taken aback, then smiled and congratulated: "Congratulations, congratulations, then I don't need to call you Director Zhu in public from now on, I just call you Uncle Zhu, anyway, you are not my director anymore!"

Zhu Changsheng laughed loudly: "No, I still have to shout. I was transferred to the city, and I am still the director."

"Ah, this..." Yan Changqing actually had some guesses in his heart, but he still looked pleasantly surprised, which made his acting proficiency increase a little bit. "This is a high promotion! Congratulations."

Zhu Changsheng's promotion to the city is also good for Yan Changqing, at least the new director from the oil field will not have any objections to Yan Changqing.

Anyway, it's not far away, and it won't delay future visits.


Back from the oil field, when passing by the market, Yan Changqing and Chen Youliang discussed the next year's affairs.

First of all, everything is going well now, and I will advertise again in the next year. Anyway, I have acquaintances, and it would be good to add some ad performance to acquaintances.

It is also necessary to advertise in the province and Taiwan to further expand the market.

Chen Youliang now feels that his market is too small, even a little fly with a bigger fart dares to harass him.

Secondly, there was not enough space in the market, and Chen Youliang wanted to build a building.

He is ambitious and has a lot planned.

Yan Changqing expressed his support for other plans, anyway, he did less work - he used to be a escort, but now there are several carts in the market plus other people's carts. There is no need for him to escort the car.

However, he objected to the construction of the building: "There is no need now. First get the land and build it directly into the current warehouse. Let's gradually occupy a larger space and occupy the surrounding land first, so as to avoid trouble in the future. We will consider building it in the future." about the building."

Occupying land is a must. The market is up now, and there are smart people around who have started small businesses, such as simple roadside restaurants.

If the land is not occupied now, there will be more businesses around in the future, and it will definitely be troublesome to ask them to move the place. Don’t think that they rely on the market to make money. Let them move the place when the time comes. Such a person has to be guarded against.

Secondly, it is difficult to find a good construction team in the local area. Floors are still used to build buildings. Most of the buildings that look impressive now will have to be renovated in the future. Otherwise, it will rain heavily outside and light rain inside.

Just need to occupy the land, just wait, when the time comes, the real building will be directly built instead of the current nominal building—for example, the medical building that Yan Changqing went to has only three floors, and it is really not too big.

Chen Youliang just thought about it for a while, then nodded and agreed: "It is true that the land should be occupied first, so I will wait. I will talk to Yang Xiangchang during the Chinese New Year to see how much land I can apply for, and I will report more this time. "

The last time I heard what Yan Changqing said, the prophecy came true. I declared [-] mu, but it was not enough in the end. This time, Chen Youliang learned it.


Then when he was leaving, Yan Changqing casually mentioned: "I am going to build a winery, what do you think? We are still together, I will be in charge of production, and you will be in charge of sales when the time comes. If you can't manage it, hire someone to come Anyway, I will leave these things to you anyway, do you want to do it?"

"Just do what you want!" Chen Youliang was very supportive. "How much money is needed, I don't need much money from my side, I will give it to you later."

"I can't use that much for the time being," Yan Changqing said. "I'm going to find a place around the village. I'll produce it first, and then we'll talk about sales when we have more stock."

It is definitely inconvenient to transport in the village, but it is also simple. When the time comes, we will build a large warehouse next to the market and transport it slowly.

Chen Youliang is still immersed in the mood of the big market, anyway, he is relieved of Yan Changqing, and nodded: "You can make a plan, anyway, the wine will not go bad, and it will be more valuable if it is kept for a long time."

After finishing speaking, I realized: "There are big wineries in our area? If you build them again, won't you become a competitor with them?"

Yan Changqing was very calm: "It's okay, there are so many people in the country and the market is so big, there is nothing to compete with."

Don't worry, that winery will go out of business sooner or later.

Of course, in Yan Changqing's plan, his own winery might close down earlier.

Although the winery was thinking of closing down before it even started, Yan Changqing thought so, and he was just going to make a fuss.

It's a bit complicated to say, so he won't tell his uncle, otherwise it will make him worry for nothing.

Then I went to make a phone call and wish some old acquaintances who were far away.

There are not many acquaintances, and his New Year greetings are also fast.

For example, Feng Yigui, he hung up the phone after saying happy new year.


The New Year in Dayan Village this year is quite full of New Year flavor.

There were a lot of red lanterns hanging in a bunch, and that boy Yan Youwen found a small lantern factory. He made a fortune selling the lanterns before, and then shipped the rest back to the village for everyone to hang up.

The village is full of red lanterns. This scene wasted several rolls of Yan Changqing's film.

The women are busy preparing things for the New Year at home, and the men begin to summarize the various experiences, lessons, and knowledge of running business this year, and so on.

Yan Changqing waved his hand: "It's Chinese New Year, the new year is new, the tractors are moving, go to the kiln factory to pull some brick cinders and come back and repair the road!"

This proposal is very good, everyone responded with a bang.

Just laying a layer of bricks and cinders on the small road in the village, this job is very simple.

While paving and pressing stone rollers, it took more than a day to finish it, and then it was the official Chinese New Year.

The rules are still the old rules, but some internal things have changed, such as gifts for relatives visiting during the Chinese New Year, lucky money for children, etc.

There is another thing that Yan Changqing doesn't like very much, setting off firecrackers - bumpkins buy firecrackers if they have money, and he doesn't like to play this.

He is just a person with no future. He was bombed once in his previous life, and now he has been reborn with a cheat for more than a year, and he still has psychological shadows!
Then he asked people to kill all the pigs in the family and share the meat with every household, without any money.

That boy Yan Youwen gave away lanterns, and everyone else said so, so let's send some pork!
In fact, that bit of pork is really nothing, because soon, everyone came to their house to celebrate the New Year.

This year's life has changed a lot, because everyone knows it well, and it's the Chinese New Year that has to be expressed.

Including people from other nearby villages, many people have to come and have a look. It doesn't matter how much you bring, as long as people know that we are not ignorant people.

The result is that Yan Changqing's house is filled with all kinds of weird things.

Li Mingfa is the most thieves kid. He got a NTU tape recorder and brought a lot of opera tapes. The goal is very clear at first glance. He specially used it to curry favor with Yan Changqing's grandparents.

Speaking of which, it was Yan Changqing's fault. After having TV, the radio was only used by grandparents, and he didn't want to prepare a tape recorder for the family.

When Cao Erhu and his wife came, they brought women's clothes, several sets of fashionable clothes and shoes.

But Yan Changqing was speechless. Although the heel of that shoe is only three or four centimeters, it is too high for us rural people. The heel is still sharp, and the village is full of dirt roads. You can't take one step at a time!
Forget about the windbreaker, how come there is a suit that looks like business attire?

Looking at it again, it turned out to be just a set of women's suit fashion. The top is an elongated style with a popular large lapel, and there is a slim belt in the middle, and the trousers are wide-leg trousers.

The style is on-trend and the color is black without looking frivolous.

To be honest, no matter whether this clothes is worn in Shanghai, Shenzhen, or even Xiangjiang, it is still fashionable to walk on the street.

Even after 30 years, it will still not be outdated...

It's just that Yan Changqing looked at his mother who was laughing, and she was looking at the clothes happily at the moment, a little embarrassed, and liked the new clothes, and said politely: "Oh, what are you doing with this? Isn't it cheap?"

Yan Changqing just imagined what she would look like when she put on this set of clothes, added a windbreaker, wore high heels, and went to the field to weed and pick cotton...

I can't help it...

Can't laugh, those who celebrate the Chinese New Year, these people are doing it to save face, how embarrassing it is to be beaten.

Many people in the village have gone out, but to be honest, they still have a bit of rustic aesthetics.

For example, Cao Erhu's daughter-in-law, she must have given the clothes sincerely, and she didn't think the clothes she gave were wrong, let alone how out of place it is to wear in the countryside now.

Because her aesthetic is that it is popular in big cities, and it is also popular for us to wear at home, just like bodybuilding pants.

These people continued, and some gradually improved themselves and became entrepreneurs and businessmen that everyone envied. Those who did not improve enough became upstarts that people despised and envied in the future.

I can't help it anymore, after the new year, I must find an opportunity to take my mother out to the big cities.

Gaining knowledge also helps to improve temperament, and most importantly, it can also improve aesthetics, and we can't let parents stay at home all the time.

Although the home is comfortable, it can't be too comfortable all the time. You have to take a look at it more to keep up with the changes of the times...

 Another four updates, please forgive me if you find typos or something!I will change it slowly, and thank you for the reward, I will do it later, the code word speed is slow, it is too late!

  Thank you for your support, and I wish you all a healthy Dragon Boat Festival!

(End of this chapter)

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