Chapter 116 For Your Good

woo woo woo...

Besides, besides...

At Xiyang Railway Station, a green leather train started slowly.

In the bustling carriage, after the initial surprise of a couple, they immediately looked worried when the train started.

The woman is wearing a fashionable windbreaker, but others can still tell that she is an authentic peasant woman. The man next to her is wearing a down jacket that many people envy. Although he has a serious face, he can't help but pull the down jacket The hem is obviously a little uncomfortable.

This is Yan Hai and Li Xiuni and his wife.

Li Xiuni's new clothes have already been worn once during the Chinese New Year, so she is quite used to it. Anyway, she doesn't think it's inappropriate, and she can't detect it no matter how others look at it.

Yan Haihai's down jacket was also prepared years ago, but he never wears it.

In his opinion, the fluffy down jacket doesn't feel like wearing it, and it doesn't have the heaviness of the thick cotton jacket he wears all year round, which makes him feel very insecure.

It's warm enough to wear a down jacket though.

Now that the train has just left the station, Li Xiuni said to her son: "Tell me about you, how good it is to stay at home, why do you have to come out, when I got on the train just now, I couldn't find the southeast, the northwest!"

Yan Changqing doesn't need to answer, anyway, my mother will continue talking.

After complaining a few words, Li Xiuni began to worry about her family again: "I don't know if they can take care of the chicken farm, there are so many chickens!"

Yan Changqing then explained: "Mom, don't worry! Let them feed the chickens, and give them all the eggs they have collected during this period. They are so excited! Isn't Chunni just in need of eggs, so her family doesn't have to buy them now. .”

In addition to the people from Chunni's family, they also found people from Lao Ji's family, and asked the two families to help take care of the chicken farm and take care of the house along the way.

They are all well-known honest people in the village, so don't worry about them messing around.

Li Xiuni had an answer, and immediately had a new question: "I don't know if Master Ni can take care of the generator. What if it breaks down and you're not at home?"

"Just checked, he only needs to turn on and off the machine every day, and it's definitely fine. If it doesn't work, then stop the electricity for a few days, it's not a big deal."

"You asked me to tell people about farming, and now they are ready to do it. If you run away, I don't know what they say about us..."


What Li Xiuni is worried about is that Yan Changqing started talking again during the Chinese New Year.

Don't say it in person, let my mother go, encourage and support the left-behind women in the village, and engage in breeding.

Because the chicken farm at home was pretty good last year, the chickens were well taken care of, and the loss was not much at first.

Now the fat chickens in the chicken farm contribute a lot of eggs every day, and many people who sell eggs are a little jealous.

Yan Changqing's goal has been achieved, proving that farming is a way to get rich.

So he asked his mother to persuade others to engage in farming.

Li Xiuni believed that what he said was right, and asked people everywhere to persuade people not only to raise chickens, but also to raise pigs—pigs can eat distiller's grains.

Yan Changqing announced here that he was planning to build a winery and would buy sorghum at a high price in the future.

When visiting relatives during the Chinese New Year, I will tell my relatives who have not gone to business so far that I will build a winery nearby in the future, and then I can come and find something to do.

The purpose is to let others do the work that can be done by others, and try to save yourself as much trouble as possible.

He also asked Zeng Shuangxi to help him find a suitable place, saying that he wanted to build a winery.

In short, there are many things arranged.


No wonder Li Xiuni complained that Yan Changqing asked others to do this and that, and then ran away with her parents.

Go to Shanghai, let parents experience life in a big city.

He proved one thing with facts, as long as you think about it, there is nothing you can't let go of.

This world is turning away from everyone, if you want to go out and have a look, go immediately, the sky will not fall.

Yan Changqing turned a deaf ear to his mother's complaints. Because of the travel, his parents didn't want to run so far at first, so he nagged every day in a strange way: "I'm doing this for your own good, I'm all for your good, I'm just For your own good..."

I don't know how many times my mother used this reason in her previous life to clean him up.

Now he didn't say anything else, just used this reason to pester his mother, and the consequences were obvious, and he was chased and cleaned up by his mother for a few days.

But it finally came out, everything is a foregone conclusion, he doesn't care what his mother says.

The green leather train didn't go fast enough, but he didn't want to take a plane, and he always felt that flying in the sky was more reliable than walking on the ground.

Slow down, in fact, it feels good to look at the scenery on the road, even though it takes about [-] hours to look at it.

But at least there are hard sleepers to sit on.

Don't think that there are not many people traveling these days, and think that train tickets can be bought casually. There are few people traveling, but there are also few travel methods nowadays, so it is not so easy to buy tickets.

And the facts have also proved that there is an establishment these days, which is really beneficial. If you buy a train ticket with a work permit, the service attitude of others is different, and you can also buy a hard sleeper.


Fortunately, my parents didn't suffer from motion sickness, but after the car arrived in Shanghai, the steps of the two of them were obviously a little sloppy when they got off the car. They walked like walking in space, and their eyes were also confused. They always wanted to turn their heads to look more at things. A few glances.

Yan Changqing can understand their feeling. It was the first time they took the train and they sat for [-] hours at a time. Now they feel that things on both sides are running behind when they look at things, and they always feel that their bodies are still moving with the train.

Just wait a while.

Find a hotel that Yan Changqing thinks is not expensive but Li Xiuni is very distressed and settle down, find a place to eat...

Along the way, Yan Changqing seemed to be carrying two puppets. The two who came to the big city for the first time were a little afraid to walk in crowded places, and everything they saw seemed strange.

When we returned to the hotel after dinner, Li Xiuni started nagging again: "We can't even talk about it, we feel like idiots on the street, we don't know anything, we don't understand anything, there are so many cars here, Just now I seemed to see a foreign devil..."

"Mom, no racial discrimination is allowed now." Yan Changqing couldn't laugh or cry. "Parents, take a break first, let's go out slowly tomorrow, and you'll get used to it after seeing too much, what kind of foreign devils are called foreign friends now!"

"Yes, yes, you are right." Li Xiuni was very dissatisfied. "It's nice to be in the village, I'm not used to anything here..."

"I'm all for your own good!" Yan Changqing said confidently. "Slowly get used to it, you guys rest first, and I will go to sleep too."

"Go, go, I said you can live in one room, but if you insist on two rooms, you will have to spend money to live here..."

Yan Changqing at the back couldn't hear him anymore, he ran fast, anyway, there are other listeners in the room, I'm not afraid that my mother has no one to nag!

This night, Yan Haihai and his wife did not sleep very well. It was the first time they came to a big city two thousand miles away from home, and the hotel they found was not very good. In the room, they could hear the car horns on the road and human voices. , You can also see the city lights outside the window.

In the countryside, the nights in winter are very quiet, and when the lights are turned off, there is pure darkness and silence.

It is not easy to fall asleep in an unfamiliar environment.

When it was dawn, the two were awakened by the sound of the horn outside the window, only to realize that it was already dawn.

Looking at the time, it's eight o'clock.

The two thought of their son saying that they were going to look around today, so they hurriedly got up and took a shower.

When I came to my son's room and knocked on the door, I realized that there was a piece of paper pasted on the door.

It said: "Mom and Dad, I went to the nearby Laoshan Park to practice the erhu. I will go to Zhangji Xiaolongbao shop for breakfast later. If you want to get up, come out and find me. Seven catties."

The two looked at each other in blank dismay, and didn't even bother to read the two characters "Qijin" written on the back after changing the line.

Li Xiuni immediately complained: "This kid ran away by himself and didn't say he was waiting for us. How do we know where Laoshan Park is?"

Yan Haihai hesitated for a moment: "Why don't you go down and ask? Didn't Qi Jin say that if something happened, he would go to the door and ask?"

"Then ask?" Li Xiuni also hesitated.

The two struggled for 3 minutes before deciding to go down, but they had to clean up before going down, so it goes without saying that they brought their wallets, but they started to struggle again when they looked at other things, and finally discussed it, and felt that there were some things inside. Clothes should be fine here.

She came to the front desk with a little confidence, originally Li Xiuni didn't dare to ask, she planned to ask Yan Haihai to ask, but it turned out that the front desk was a man yesterday, but now it was a woman.

The two struggled for a while, and with Yan Haihai's encouragement, Li Xiuni plucked up her courage: "Girl...Girl, let me ask, where is Laoshan Park?"

The first sentence is the dialect I spoke when I was a girl, and the second sentence is the Mandarin I learned, and I can learn a little bit by watching TV often.

Although the accent is awkward, the difference between the dialect in Xiyang City and Mandarin is not as great as that in the south, and people can barely understand it when they speak slowly.

The woman at the front desk was actually older than her, but she just put on a little makeup, and she didn't say much when she called her a girl. She probably thought of something interesting and smiled happily.

Then he pointed to a direction and said, "Go straight ahead from here, turn left at the intersection in front, go straight to the second intersection, and then turn right, in fact, you can see it when you look to the right at that intersection. "

"Thank you, girl!" Li Xiuni was very grateful and wanted to leave while pulling Yan Dahai.

Yan Haihai pulled her again and reminded her in a low voice: "I still have to ask that steamed bun shop, what if my son can't wait in the park?"

"Ah, that's right." Li Xiuni quickly put on a smiling face again, and asked the front desk again.

The front desk gave them directions again. This time, Yan Haihai was smart. When he was at home, he would watch his son take a small notebook all day long, and write down things when he had something to do.Later, I started to learn the knowledge of raising chickens, and I also learned to take notes in a small notebook.

Now that he was talking, he hurriedly took out his small notebook and wrote down the directions he pointed out.


After asking clearly, the two officially set off.

It's a bit frustrating, after all, it's a big city, and the various buildings on both sides of the road, some look weird, some are tall buildings, and people speak with different accents.

There are cars on the key roads at any time, all kinds of cars, unlike when they are at home or going to the county town, the most they see are tractors or large trucks.

Even if a car can be encountered, it is basically a jeep.

There are also jeeps here, but they look much taller than the ones seen at home.

Li Xiuni was very surprised: "The big cities are different. The jeeps are bigger than the small place in our hometown."

Yan Haihai thinks it's not that simple. Although they all look like jeeps, this one is obviously different from the ones in his hometown. It looks very different.

But when his wife said it, he could only nod his head: "Yes, the building here is much taller than ours, and there are no such tall buildings in our city."

The two of them walked cautiously while talking, obviously they were walking on a spacious street, but they turned out to be more careful than walking in the stubble field - at least they are used to walking there and don't worry about getting their feet pricked.

Finally came to the second intersection, looked around for a while, only to find a place, it should be a park.

Because there are still people exercising in it at the moment.

Exercise is not like his son at home, he can practice as he wants.

There are still people in charge here, so it's strange that a group of people are exercising together.

The two of them didn't bother to look strange, they just looked around, trying to see where their son was.

 Thanks to book friends "OLDBUDDY", "afrashuai", "08a", "Little White Bear" and "08a" for their rewards!
  Thank you guys for your support!

  Thanks again!

  Thanks three times!

(End of this chapter)

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