Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 117 Photos of Historical Significance

Chapter 117 Photos of Historical Significance

Yan Changqing ran to the park early in the morning to practice Erhu.

It's not that he is addicted to performing arts, and he always carries the erhu with him wherever he goes.

Instead, he found that it is very beneficial to bring a work permit when going out, but he is too young, and it is easy to make people suspect that the work permit is fake. The purpose of bringing the erhu is to prove that he is really a literary worker.

As for practicing erhu.

It's true and it's an excuse, it's purely for the good of parents!
When parents arrive in a big city, they dare not take big steps when walking. How can this be done?
To exercise, to let them get used to it.

First of all, it is necessary to cultivate the independent spirit of parents, so that they no longer rely only on themselves and give full play to their subjective initiative.

Secondly, let them have more contact with people in big cities and discover for themselves that in fact, people in big cities and people in small places have the same nose and two eyes.

So how to start?

Let them start by asking for directions!

So Yan Changqing ran away early in the morning, put a note on the door, and deliberately left two addresses.

In fact, I asked about these two places at the front desk when I came out, and then I explained it to others. If my parents come down to ask, remember to make it clear, otherwise they can't find it.

When traveling, other families are parents who are worried about their children. This family is because the children are afraid that their parents will not find a place. It is such an interesting thing, so the front desk is smiling happily!

Moreover, Yan Changqing didn't dare to go to the breakfast shop written on the note to have breakfast at all, for fear that if he went to another place, his parents would not be able to find him, so he had been waiting here all this time!
As a result, no one came after eight o'clock, and he began to panic!
I knew that I should find a corner to hide in front of the hotel, and when my parents came out, I would quietly follow them, lest they find the wrong place.

However, with such a big place, you can't make a mistake, right?Not far away?

Be patient, wait another 10 minutes, and go back to find them if they don't come, don't really teach your parents to learn, and lose your parents in the end...

Another 10 minutes, another 5 minutes, another 3 minutes...

Fortunately, just as Yan Changqing was packing up his things and was about to run back quickly, he finally saw two figures who seemed to be walking timidly.

Not bad, but also found it!

Yan Changqing suddenly felt that he did not do their best for nothing. Looking at it now, couldn't he find the park by himself?


When Li Xiuni heard her son's greeting, she turned her head and picked him up: "You didn't call us in the morning, why did you run out by yourself? What if you lose it in such a big city?"

Yan Changqing laughed straight: "Mom, look at the people in the big cities, they are not like ours. When they are free, they just gather around to chat and talk nonsense. Everyone who is not working here exercises!"

Let's divert attention first.

Li Xiuni felt relieved when she saw her son, and only then did she have the heart to watch those exercising.

But Yan Changqing just wanted to divert her attention, and didn't intend to let her study what those people practiced.

Everyone practices Qigong!
He took his mother and left: "Mom, I'm almost starving to death. If you don't come, I don't dare to eat. Let's eat quickly!"

As soon as she heard her son say she was hungry, Li Xiuni instinctively forgot about other things, and turned her head to look around: "Where is there food? Where is it?"

"Just follow me, it's on the way you came just now."

When eating, Yan Changqing gave full play to his eating skills, probably because of his sun-bathing skills to resist heat, anyway, he ate it all up and down, and then he stood up, paid the bill and left: "Mom, I Go back to the hotel and put the erhu there, and look for me later when you come back."

Alas, in order to train parents to be independent, being a son is also heartbreaking!


On the first day, I actually took my parents around the neighborhood, and then found a park to watch the excitement.

Yan Changqing feels that when traveling now, there is no need to look for scenic spots. In fact, there are scenic spots everywhere, and every city has its own characteristics.

For example, here in Shanghai, there are many old buildings with stories, such as the former residence of a certain celebrity, and what major events have happened here.

And alleys, streets and alleys, watching the life of the local people here is also a kind of tourism.

Of course, it’s okay at this time. After most cities look the same in the future, if you want to see this kind of pure local characteristics, you can get some folk streets. After walking a few more folk streets, you will find most of the folk customs. The streets are actually pretty much the same...

The main thing is to let parents familiarize themselves with a small area of ​​the environment first, and then slowly expand the scope of activities.

Otherwise, if you go around too many places at once, you won’t be able to leave any impression after a quick tour.I only know that there are many people, tall buildings, and many cars...

Li Xiuni also pointed to the big jeep and said to her son: "Look at the jeeps in other big cities...

Yan Changqing explained to her: "This is a Pajero, a foreign Jeep, and the price is expensive. A car costs hundreds of thousands, which is different from ours."

Of course it's different, for example, don't look at their imported cars, which look big and stylish, but in fact they can't even compare to the jeeps in the town, and they don't exercise.

After all, the jeep at home consumes [-] liters of fuel per [-] kilometers and needs to add a few boys-the pusher is more exercise.

But it feels quite outrageous, this car costs hundreds of thousands, and now the house price in Shanghai is only [-] to [-] per square meter, and a house of [-] square meters can't afford this car.

No wonder there is a saying these days: "There is a building sitting under the butt."

If the money to buy this car is taken to a small city, it is indeed more than enough to replace a building.


Li Xiuni gradually got used to it on the second day. Anyway, there are many people here who have never seen or heard of it, just get used to it.

And my son found a newspaper and pointed it out to her, our family is also rich, don't look at this is a big city, just look at the prices on it, as long as we want, we can buy a house here at any time and live here In the big city.

But on the third morning, she started nagging again: "Is this kid stupid? You can't have a good day and run out early every morning. Where did you go today?"

"What stock trading counter, what place is this, have you heard of the sea?"

"If you haven't heard of it, go down and ask. Sigh, this kid is not worrying at all. In such a big city, I don't know what to do..."

In the end, when I went down to ask, I found that the place was a little far away, not just ordinary. Li Xiuni was shocked at the time: "I still have to go by car, is it that far away?"

They explained to her that the bus is not too far away.

Fortunately, Li Xiuni didn't ask. Since it's not far away, what kind of car should I take? Just walk over there!

Start spending money when you go out, and now you are used to spending money, just take a car!
Anyway, my son has already told me that if he really can't find his way, he can't worry about money and take a taxi.

This is a big city, and there are taxis. My son has shown them to know what kind of car is a taxi.

Just tell the taxi the place and people will know it, which is very convenient.


The two of them experienced what it means to wander around again this day.

Before taking the bus, you have to ask if you can go somewhere, otherwise you dare not take the bus, for fear that you will take the wrong direction.

After turning around on the bus, it takes a long time to distinguish the south, east, and northwest—in fact, Li Xiuni can't tell the difference, it all depends on Yan Haihai.

But fortunately, after wandering around the hotel for two days, they adapted quite quickly.

At least it proves that Yan Changqing's painstaking efforts were not in vain. Getting to know them in a small area first will help them calm down and avoid being in a dazed and nervous state all the time.

Also ask from time to time.

Yan Changqing taught the experience of the two, and he wanted to find the one who seemed to be in a good mood and was more enthusiastic.

There may be some language barriers, but the two of them were very lucky. They also met an enthusiastic aunt who felt that they couldn't understand, so they yelled out and found an old man who could speak Mandarin, and gave them some directions.

It was a bit difficult, but it was worth it the moment I saw my son.

Of course complaining is indispensable, but Yan Changqing said it was worth it.

At least when my mother complained about herself, she no longer dared to speak loudly like before.


When the mother stopped talking, Yan Changqing pulled the two of them with a smile and stood at a door with a sign, wanting to take pictures of them.

Li Xiuni muttered: "How many photos have you taken in the past two days? You don't need money for film, and you don't need money for developing!"

Yan Changqing plausibly said: "Look, did you know what a film is before? You just use it when you bring it. If you don't take pictures, I'm not here with this stuff on my back! Come here, look here, laugh one time……"

After taking the photo, I was very proud: "Mom, you two remember this place, and it will disappear soon. This photo will have historical significance in the future."

Li Xiuni glared at him: "Shi Shi, do I have to take another photo for you? Bring it here, I'll just stand here, and you stand where I was just now, so I don't have to focus!"

In fact, changes have always been there, but the people in it didn't pay attention.

Just listen to Li Xiuni's words, what about focusing, who would have thought that she was a rural woman in a remote village not long ago, she didn't even have electricity at home, she didn't even touch a camera, and she didn't even go to the county town!

Yan Changqing also stood there with a happy grin, and asked his mother to take a picture of himself. Worried about his mother's skills, he asked her to take a few more pictures.

Yan Haihai just stood and watched his wife and son bickering, anyway, the two of them had always been like this, he was used to it.

As long as you don't bring the topic to yourself - seeing your son being nagged and being nagged are two different things.

Although Li Xiuni was a bit nagging, she seldom really objected to what her son said, at most she objected verbally.

Yan Changqing took the camera with a smile: "This is a place where you can buy and sell stocks. There are still few stocks and the place is a little small. It will develop in the future. When the time comes, you can buy Take this photo and tell them that it was still like this back then..."

There is no securities trading center yet, only the securities trading counter here, and there are less than ten stocks so far.

Only by the end of this year will a securities trading center be established.

Then, this place will become a wealth center that people can't even imagine now.

Why Yan Changqing is so clear, because he used to know that there is a Yang Wanwan who made a fortune by speculating in stocks after he went out to work.

So he worked hard to make money, carefully studied Yang Wanwan's family history, and finally stepped into the stock market in a certain year.

After fighting bloody battles in the stock market for more than a year, he devoted himself to part-time work again with greater enthusiasm than when he left the small village to work.

From then on, I firmly believed that only by sweating can I make money. From a wage earner who always had fantasies and always thought about the pie in the sky, he became a wage earner who never dreamed again and worked hard!

(End of this chapter)

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