Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 118 Breaking the Illusion Little Change

Chapter 118 Breaking the Illusion Little Change
In fact, after a few days of tossing, Yan Haihai and Li Xiuni have gradually adapted to this place.

The clothes of the two of them are considered fashionable here. As long as they don't feel intimidated, they are completely two foreigners who come to travel, and they don't look as rustic as they imagined.

The biggest reason is still emboldened.

The last stop Yan Changqing took them to was the small park.

Then he said with a smile: "Actually, the average salary in this city last year was only about 200 yuan. They only earned about [-] yuan a year, which is not as much as the old man in our village who brought his daughter to set up a stall!"

The old listless ones are the poor ones in the village, and of course there are those who can't do it at all. Needless to say, they can only go to the market, help move goods during the day and carry guns as guards at night.

Yan Haihai and the two were a little dazed, and Li Xiuni couldn't help but asked, "Is this the only salary in a big city?"

It's really the time of Chinese New Year, a group of country bumpkins who run business can easily earn thousands of dollars, and it is estimated that anyone can make tens of thousands this year, which improves Li Xiuni's vision.

What's more, Yan Erhe went home for a stroll every now and then, and told the two of them a lot about the situation in the market, what kind of payment, salary, who did what business and how much money they made.

The old man Zeng Shuangxi in Yatouwa was the first to buy a large truck in several villages besides Yan Changqing.

It was he who took the lead, and the other people started to unite, pooled money to buy a big car, and started running after being dizzy.

How much is a big car, and how much money is earned for a trip.

Yan Haihai and Li Xiuni are now the parents of the richest child in the village, and they can't hide this news from them.

That's why Li Xiuni made such outrageous remarks. She had forgotten that when the two of them combined, they couldn't even get together the money for a bicycle.


"The salary for going to work is low, but there are many rich people. You forgot that there are so many cars on the road!" Yan Changqing reminded his mother. "The economy here is developing fast. Some of the foreign trade companies are doing big business with foreign countries. Those who go to work are incomparable with the big bosses."

"Yes." Li Xiuni nodded. "I don't know when we had so many cars, hundreds of thousands of cars, tsk tsk..."

"Sooner or later." Yan Changqing said with a smile. "Our business is still small now, and it will grow bigger and bigger in the future."

"It's not good to be too old, too much to worry about." Li Xiuni said worriedly. "Look at your second uncle, he runs around on a motorcycle every day. If the business is bigger, he won't have to run every day!"

"When it develops in the future, we will install a telephone in our house, and there will be no need for him to run back and forth to send messages. Besides, I didn't see that there are big brothers now, and those big bosses have them. Technology will develop in the future, and big brothers will sooner or later It has also been popularized, and we will all be able to use it by then.”

"It's as simple as you say..."

"Then did you know that there are so many cars in big cities? There was nothing in our village before. Look how much it has changed now. It will change as soon as it changes. It will be hard to say what will happen in the future."



Seeing that my mother started to think deeply, Yan Changqing waited for her to think for a while, then said with a chuckle and whispered: "Let me tell you again, those people over there, the qigong they practice is all fake. These city people are actually It’s not much better than us, you see, the one who instructed them is actually a liar, and they still charge them money!”

This is to let them get acquainted with the city first, and then break their illusions about the people in the city, so that they can truly realize that everyone is human and there is not much difference.

Regardless of the surprise of the two of them, he continued: "The qigong they talked about is not as effective as the breathing method I taught you! Really, I don't believe you are looking at that old liar posing..."

He put the erhu on his lap with a smile, then motioned for the two to watch, and with a flick of his wrist, a note floated out.

Then, the cheerful erhu sounded.

Yanhai and his wife couldn't help but smile after hearing it twice, and they forgot how shocked they were when they heard their son's words just now.

What a familiar rhythm, Yan Changqing often played in the village, Zhu Bajie recited the piece of his wife, it was very cheerful to listen to.

As we all know, sometimes when people walk on the street, the rhythm of music and drums on the side of the road can't help but make people's footsteps chaotic.

The qigong teacher over there was demonstrating magical skills when he suddenly heard familiar music not far away.

I'm really familiar with it. Journey to the West is played countless times every year. It's really not only released during the winter and summer vacations. It's just because children can only watch it during the winter and summer vacations, so I think it's only released during the winter and summer vacations.

In fact, it is often broadcast. Those local stations have no programs and they will broadcast this. Some newly established TV stations have no other TV series, so they will turn over and over again the TV series they have...

Yan Changqing still remembers that later on, not only did the county set up a TV station, but the town also set up a TV station. The town TV station had no programs, so it simply showed pirated Hong Kong and Taiwan movies every day, and even let a certain movie of XX Guan XX go, that Scenes of torture to extract confessions...

Anyway, when Yan Changqing thought of this, the erhu tune instantly became a little less serious.


The qigong master didn't care about the sound of the erhu next to him at first.

He has been tested for a long time, he must be calm at all times, and he will definitely not fail at this critical moment.

It's just that the sound of the erhu seemed to have a magical power, which made him unable to bear the distraction of listening.

I was doing my exercises in the horse stance, and felt that the tone of the erhu suddenly changed, and the rhythm seemed to change with my movements.

Then slowly, just so unknowingly, he felt that the erhula was really good. It reminded people of the scene of Zhu Bajie carrying his wife, even as if he was in it...

Then, when he came to his senses, he realized that the sound of the erhu had stopped at some point.

If you stop, stop, and continue to generate gong.

But why are the students a little... shocked?
The master master was about to perform his gong again when he realized the real reason why the students were not paying attention.

I don't know when, my horse stance posture became like twisting yangko, and the position of my two hands was not in the usual position for performing power, as if I was beating the time.

What did you do just now?


Yan Changqing on the other side smiled, "Although our erhu is only a second level, it's okay to be next to you and want to divert your attention."

There are very few people who can turn a deaf ear.

He also secretly happily explained to his mother: "I have never seen other people's qigong is real or not, but this master's must be fake. Look at him, he can't help twisting when I pull the strings." If you twist it away, you can still teach disciples with this power!"

Li Xiuni thought of the appearance of the old master just now, and couldn't help being secretly happy. She was afraid that people would find out that her son was doing something weird, so she endured it very hard.

After laughing for a while, I felt something was wrong: "Didn't those people realize that they were cheated?"

"Because they were cheated!" Yan Changqing said. "It will definitely be found out in the future, but not yet. People are like this when they are deceived, and they don't feel that they have been deceived at first."

That's true, anyway, although Li Xiuni and Yan Dahai don't see much now, they hear a lot!
After thinking about it for a while, I always felt that this matter was a bit bizarre, but I couldn't figure it out, so Li Xiuni didn't think about it: "Son, then you practice Qigong, don't you?"

Yan Changqing thought for a while: "Yeah, the breathing method I taught you is that you drove me away every time you practiced for a while. Look at other people here, they have been deceived for learning Qigong, and they probably have been deceived. A lot of money."

"You don't learn if you have the conditions, what a waste! I will teach you when I go back, maybe you can also perform gong in the future..."

I'm doing it for the good of my parents, not deceiving them on purpose.


Once there is doubt in the heart, some things seem to be full of flaws.

Li Xiuni began to whisper to Yan Haihai: "Oh, just now that person said that he can cure diseases with qigong, he can cure all kinds of diseases, and our son only dares to cure diseases after learning from doctors. Can he be as good as our son?"

"If you want me to say that our son is the best, he can knock down the birds in the sky with just a throw, he is not much better than this liar! These people are people who have eyes but don't know gold and jade, and don't know how powerful they are. Just watch them from the sidelines!"

"Hey, hey, look at that, that..."

Yan Haihai had no choice but to listen.

Just listening is not enough, you have to echo a few words, and you can't just nod your head, but express your opinions appropriately.

Otherwise you will be nagged.

Yan Changqing was very satisfied. Now that his parents are in the park, they are not at all as enlightened as they were when they first came to the big city.

At that time they were trembling, but now my mother started to gossip, looking at those qigong practitioners, she couldn't stop gossiping, and she was secretly happy.


After coming out of the park, Li Xiuni and Yan Dahai became more calm.

Yan Changqing is very satisfied and can almost leave. There are a lot of things at home, so I can't stay here all the time.

Let parents have a preliminary impression of the big city first, and see both the good and the bad.

Waiting to come back after a while, gradually, they will become used to it no matter where they are.

When they walk with the same calm pace no matter whether they are on the streets of the city or in the fields, it will be considered a success!
It's not that they have to become like the people in the city, but Yan Changqing thinks that a family can live together in a small place, but they can't limit their eyes to a small place.

At least you have to see the outside world. After seeing the big world outside, and then go back to your own small world, life will not only be trivial, but also poetry and distant places.

If you don't know there is a distant place at all, why talk about a distant place!

It's like after the people in the village have all gone out to see it, although they haven't seen much, but the things like before when everyone throws food and make a noise, and other trivial things, are less and less.

People's vision is different, and the eyes of seeing things are naturally different.


The rumbling train stopped, and the family of three reappeared in the dilapidated small train station in Xiyang City.

After getting out of the station and looking around, Li Xiuni sighed, "The gap between our place and others is really not small!"

Yan Dahai was eager to return, and urged: "Let's go! Hurry up and go home and take a look, my chicken farm doesn't know what they are looking after!"

"Is it okay for me to see? Is it delaying your departure?" Li Xiuni retorted instantly. "I know about your chicken farm. You see how filial your son is, and he took me out to see the big cities. How about you?"

"You know about your dilapidated chicken farm all day long, and when you come back, you still complain about the poor food. Why don't you do it if I don't do well? Then you still..."

Obviously, the mother who just came back from the big city actually has such a sense of superiority.

Probably the same as when I first went out to work and came back, I always feel that I have gained insight, and I feel that everything is not as good as outside.

So I wanted to make a comment.

But she didn't expect that her father would dare to interrupt her comment, so she was very upset.

This is all over the old account, what happened to Yan Haihai and her when he first got married...

It seems that the change is still small.

Yan Changqing lowered his head and took the initiative to help his father carry the things he brought back from Shanghai.

After all, Dad is under a lot of pressure, so let me relieve the pressure for him!

 There are only three chapters today, thank you for your support, I wish you all a healthy Dragon Boat Festival!

(End of this chapter)

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