Chapter 120

In front of the generator room in the threshing field.

Yan Changqing used his brains to give Erwa an idea: "Hurry up and go back with your brother and fill in the hole in your house, where is Tie Dan? Let him fill it up quickly, or we will all be beaten."

It's not easy for this child. If you think about it, you will know that if you want to go to school during the day, you must dig a tunnel at night.

Presumably, they dare not act unless their mother is asleep, and their mother must have watched the brothers fall asleep before going to bed.

Dig a little like a thief, yes, there is soil?

Yan Changqing was curious, and asked the troubled Erwa: "What did you do with the soil you dug?"

"Sneak it out while my mother isn't at home!" Erwa, who was struggling, said casually.

In fact, the brats know what they are doing, just like the second child, he also knows that he cannot tell his family about it.

But when he wanted to do it, he didn't think about the consequences, he just thought about having fun, and he thought it would be fine as long as no one knew about it.It's pretty strong to act as soon as you say it, but now that Brother Qijin pointed out that he was about to be beaten, he suddenly started to feel that something was wrong.

But I still feel it is a pity: "We have been digging for several days, and we will finish digging again. Why don't you tell my mother?"

Yan Changqing wanted to beat him up: "Aren't you afraid to dig the house down? Then it's not a beating. Go back and fill it up secretly, go back with your brother, hurry up. Let Tie Dan also fill in the hole quickly , or you will be beaten."

That is to say, their father is doing business outside, otherwise this matter must have been discovered long ago.

Seeing Erwa's tangled little figure going away with a little desolation, Yan Changqing wiped the cold sweat that didn't exist on his head.

Fortunately, this guy is not a material for great things, otherwise he would have kept silent and kept digging, who knows what would happen.

Fortunately, he listened to the persuasion, otherwise he would have to struggle, should he file a complaint or file a complaint?
After all, it seems too disrespectful to file a complaint...


After all, Erwa was beaten again!
And his brother and Tie Dan.

In Yan Changqing's regret and worry.

It's a pity that he wanted to take a photo of the 'Tunnel' as a souvenir, but he was worried that the incident would be exposed and the three brats would be beaten, and he was worried that the three would not be able to fill in the hole.

It's really a pit, a pit where you will be beaten once you are discovered.

Unexpectedly, they were beaten the next day.

Because what Erwa said is right, it is too difficult to dig a hole at home, how much strength can two bear children have, let alone under the bed-although the space under the bed in rural areas is quite large, it is not convenient after all.

So the two of them couldn't dig much every day, so they just smuggled out that bit of soil just by finding something.

But it is easy to fill the soil back, so the brothers worked together to dig out half of the bag of soil from the outside, and prepared to go back and fill the hole.

It’s just that the two of them misjudged their own strength, and they put the soil into the bag smoothly, and brought it home smoothly at first, but as they walked, they couldn’t do it anymore, and they couldn’t bear to give up the soil they had dug so hard. I can grit my teeth and hold on...

Then it was discovered that the two children were dragging most of the bag of soil, unless the blind man couldn't see it!

However, it is said that the beating was not severe. It should be because the mother considered the two brothers' repentance.

Anyway, Erwa said very strongly: "I just hit it twice with a broom, and it didn't hurt at all! Tiedan only hurt. His mother was so angry that he pinched him several times, and his arms were red all over..."


As the saying goes, good things come in pairs.

No, it should be that misfortunes never come singly.

It's too early for Erwa to say it doesn't hurt.

After going to school, Yan Changqing went to the small clinic as usual to continue practicing his medical skills.

Erwa was a little bored, because there happened to be a physical education class, and the teacher asked the students to play by themselves. He has become addicted to digging in the past few days, and feels that the games he usually plays are a bit boring.

So I took out the digging tool that I carried in my schoolbag at any time in the past few days, a small digging shovel with many years of history.

Then, a hole was dug beside the school playground. After digging, some "golden trash" of unknown origin was made, and some floating soil was covered.

Originally, he wanted to call a certain classmate to experience his 'land mines', but Principal Shen saw him holding a digging shovel and came to tell him not to bring digging shovels to school in the future - after all, the brats bring these things ,dangerous.

It's just that Principal Shen's luck is not very good this day, and he stepped on a landmine!

When he went to brush his shoes, he asked Erwa's brother to go home and tell his parents about it.

Later, the second baby's mother asked the eldest baby to tell the principal: Please rest assured, the principal, I have been beaten up, and I promise not to do it again.


Just a few days after Erwa was beaten continuously, Yan Changqing decided to skip two trips to school and concentrate on brushing up his hidden weapon skills.

I didn't expect that throwing stones turned out to be a little faster than the stick method. Is it because I used more types of 'hidden weapons'?
Think about what I picked up and threw when I was walking recently. When there were no patients in the small clinic, I was also pondering various techniques and studying how to throw all kinds of gadgets farther and more accurately...

I didn’t run away, just like what I thought, if I want to practice throwing stones, then I can’t keep throwing stones, but I can also throw sticks, paper balls, chalk heads, silver needles and steel needles...

So it’s not wrong to practice more stick techniques by yourself. By analogy, if you want to practice medical skills, you can’t just cure diseases and save people, but also...

It seems wrong, forget it, concentrate on throwing things!

I also started throwing strange things, stay away and stick the shovel into the soil, throw a brick to see if it can be placed on the wall, dip a drop of water to see if it can be thrown to the target - of course it is just to practice the head, I don't expect it to hurt people.

He also learned a trick from the mason, throwing bricks.

After the wall was built higher, the bricks had to keep up with it, and the craftsmen thought it was too slow to pull it up with a basket, so they just threw it up.

At the beginning, it was shaken by hand, and then a simple wooden shovel was used, that is, a wooden board attached to a stick. One person was responsible for putting a few bricks on it, and the other person threw it directly, and someone on the top continued to place it.

As long as you are skilled enough, this speed is much faster than installing the bricks and then pulling them up.


The skill little jade plate that is not very smart, there is no flash of light when it is upgraded, and it will not be extravagant with some background music.

The hidden weapons thrown out did not have special effects, and there was no streamer, and it seemed to be what it was.

Just so silently, the skill became level two.

Feel like your arms and hands are more flexible?more powerful?Has the hidden weapon speed increased?
It's a little uncertain, anyway, all kinds of skills have been transforming the body, some subtle things, it's hard to detect.

Excited, Yan Changqing packed two bags of soybeans, found a wooden board, and shook his hands 30 meters away, like the hidden weapon master Avalokitesvara in a movie he once watched, crackling the wooden board Turned a little golden.

By the way, the heroine in that movie is very good, very hot!

I was thinking about the movie, and there was a nagging voice in my ear: "If you have money, you can't waste food. If you can't see you, you will start tossing around, right? The stones by the river are not enough for you to throw. If you can't, you can play with sand... "

Yan Changqing came back to his senses, feeling a little regretful, this is not a master at all, not all the soybeans were beaten into the wooden board, it's not good!
But at least it's a second level, and it's a small achievement, so don't worry about it too much.

Try not to catch so much next time?Or get closer. After all, if you take soybeans, stand 30 meters away, which is still a little far away.

I don't care, let's go for a while and practice stick skills.


Level-30 skills improve very slowly, and now the erhu only has more than [-]% of level-[-] skills, which is unbelievably slow.So Yan Changqing decided to let go of the skill that had just changed its name from throwing stones to hidden weapons, and continued to attack stick skills instead.

After all, he didn't intend to switch careers to become a killer now.

It's a pity that I have to go to the winery to see it first. Basically, it is almost built, but there is no equipment yet.

The basic building is actually very easy to build. There are more than one winery in Xiyang City, so just follow others.

However, in terms of machinery and equipment, like capping the bottle, Yan Changqing was a little hesitant.

Do you want to start now, or wait until you improve your brewing skills?

After much deliberation, it is not yet possible to sell bottled products.

Because once the market price positioning is recognized, it will be impossible to start your own big plan.

You have to take your time, and you need to practice your skills in the short term. After all, half-baked people don't have much competitiveness.

Now that the wineries are up, then stick method, just wait?

No, think of a way to get the best of both worlds.


Brewing is necessary, and factories have been built, although it does not cost much.

In this poor and remote place, first of all, no money was spent at all.Yan Changqing wants to build a factory, and Zeng Shuangxi, on behalf of all the villagers, said that the wasteland can be used freely.

Not only that, but Zeng Shuangxi also expressed that he needed help. The left-behind women in the village are not incapable of doing hard work, such as simple tasks such as leveling the land.

The only requirement is that when the winery opens, it means to recruit a few workers from the village—because the village has few people, Zeng Shuangxi carried wooden sticks from the east end of the village to the west end of the village, and recruited workers who could go out to work. They were all taken out for business.

Of course, there must be old man in the village who can't shout, but Zeng Shuangxi said, as long as my stick is strong enough, your mouth will definitely not be as strong as my stick-that is, this person is leading the village to do business, if he does crooked ways , then you have to be called a village tyrant.

Not to be outdone, the people from the other nearby villages all ran over to say hello - those who don't support what the little God of Wealth wants to do are fools.

The second is bricks and tiles for building factories. As I said earlier, there are brick kilns nearby, and those in neighboring villages buy them at low prices. There are more goods, and a little cheaper.

Next is cement, which is not a big deal. Like Yan Changqing's 'face', it has to be cheaper to buy things.

For other things that need to be purchased outside, there is a market, and there is now a bit of fame in the surrounding areas. The Taoshu Township businessman brigade, which many people envy, can basically buy at a low price.

Now the market is developing too fast. You must know that in today's era, many people are still working hard for commodity grain accounts!

So looking at a group of farmers who don't even plant the land well, but go into business, is quite an unusual thing. Many people think that these people are a bit crazy.

If you look at it from a higher angle, hundreds of people are like locusts, starting from carrying goods and setting up stalls, to bicycle scooters, and then to tractors and large trucks...

From the beginning when I didn’t know how to calculate accounts, I used a pencil to calculate accounts in my homework book, and now everyone has a small calculator in their pockets...

From going from villages to villages to market towns, to going straight to big cities, sweeping the surrounding is indeed a bit crazy.

Yan Changqing is very calm, it's right to be crazy, he doesn't move, it's like a pool of stagnant water, what's the energy in that!
(End of this chapter)

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