Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 121 Another Level 1 Skill

Chapter 121 Another Level [-] Skill

About how to quickly improve brewing technology?
Thinking about this is not enough, you have to practice, learn, and learn from it.

So the first thing Yan Changqing did was to let his second uncle take him to visit several wineries in the surrounding area.

If you don't plan to go empty-handed, you need to prepare several letters of introduction, issued by the county, proving that he is the one who takes the lead in getting rich and wants to visit and study.

There is also an oil field - the new director did not make things difficult for Yan Changqing, and was very polite to him.

There are also those issued by the village. Anyway, it is not an exaggeration to write more letters of introduction these days. At least it proves that you attach importance to this matter, and people who go to other places will think that you are reliable.

When I went to the township to open the letter of introduction, I was a little embarrassed. As soon as I entered the main gate of the township, the head of the township Yang trotted out. His attitude was too polite, which made him a little uncomfortable.

But there is no way, he also knows that in the eyes of others, he and Chen Youliang are considered to be the "behind the scenes" of the crazy businessman brigade in Taoshu Township. Although he is not seen, there are legends about him everywhere.

Hey, I'm a little proud when I think about it!

Satisfied, he did not expect that Township Chief Yang would also say: Go to study, bring one with you.

Yan Changqing thought it was right, there was a guide, and he was the head of the township, so it sounded better.

So it wasn't just their uncle and nephew who went there.


Most of the local state-owned and private enterprises these days don't have much awareness of confidentiality.

You said that those who come to visit and study will have a bad attitude, but most of them are quite happy, because they say: "Look, the boss and factory manager of such and such place, people from such and such unit, people from such and such township The head of the township, they all came to visit and learn from our experience! It proves that our place is good..."

If they come into contact with skilled workers, they have a sense of secrecy, and they don't really keep the factory secret. Most of them are afraid that others will learn their unique skills and make themselves unable to eat.

All in all, the learning process went smoothly. For example, wineries in the city and neighboring counties. I heard that a township head led a team to visit and study.

Yan Changqing wanted to express that he was not allowed to pay for the meal, so in the end he had to let his second uncle take his place, and thanked the person in charge personally.

There are also things that don’t go well. It’s not that the tour is not allowed, but the responsible leader is not at home. It’s fine to wait a few days before going.

In short, there is a letter of introduction, especially when I heard that it was a winery built in a small village in a remote area. Most people didn't even have a sense of competition, so they were allowed to enter the winery smoothly and let them visit. study.

Others watched the fun, but Yan Changqing was not, he watched it most seriously.

Since he was the only baby-faced person in the team, he was not polite at all when he opened his mouth to ask.

Not only asked about technology, but also inquired about people, and secretly took small notes.

Insinuating around, asking who is considered a good skilled worker in other people's factories, or asking the names of some old masters.

Then when he invited someone to dinner at a winery, he wrote down all the names he found out in his small notebook.

It's not that they want to poach people's corners while eating their meals, but it's mainly out of good intentions. After all, the future of these wineries is relatively rough.

Some wineries can make a comeback with a new look, some have been acquired, and some have simply disappeared... But no matter what, they have to go through a period of low lows that cannot be lowered, and the time is not short.

During this period of time, these skilled workers and masters have nowhere to display their skills.Think about how sad it is that Maxima can't meet Bole!
So Yan Changqing is preparing in advance, doing good deeds, so that they will not live in hardship when the time comes.

After all, people have increased their skill proficiency, and we can't be unconscionable people.

All good intentions!


After returning to his own winery, Yan Changqing began to toss.

With his hands behind his back, he directs people to work, from soaking to steaming, to mixing the koji after cooling, how to put it in the wine cellar for fermentation, and how much heat to use to make the wine, etc.

During the whole process of commanding, the fingers are used for gestures and pointing, and absolutely no tools are touched.

Facts have proved that this also increases skill proficiency.

After all, the people under his command are pure novices, such as his uncle and the uncles of several aunts, only one uncle's family conditions are considered better, and he often drank a little wine before, and the others didn't even drink a lot. many.

In the other group, Yan Changqing changed the method again. He sprinkled the wine koji with his own hands, and also did the work of turning the shovel and mixing it well.

In the other group, he was in charge of burning the fire himself, and adjusted the temperature of the fire to serve the wine.

Another group...

In short, as long as a person has a little achievement, it is easy to be tolerated by others.

Tossing back and forth like Yan Changqing, except for Li Xiuni who sometimes babbled a few words when she came to see it, no one else even expressed an opinion.

Because I don't understand!

Looking at the process is simple, but every time the wine comes out, if you find someone with experience to taste it, they can tell the difference.

So these people don't dare to mess around on their own. They are not afraid of breaking things and losing money, but they are afraid of ruining food—they are all hungry people, and the most important thing is food.


Yan Changqing adopts the most traditional wine-making method, which is to use whole grains to soak, cook and ferment to produce wine, so that the wine yield will be lower.It is said that if the grain is completely crushed, the liquor yield will be higher.

But some people say that the wine made from whole grains tastes better, and the longer it is kept, the better it tastes, and it is more suitable for collection and drinking slowly.

After comprehensive consideration, Yan Changqing adopted the method of not crushing the grain.

Because no matter what the argument is, among the various advantages and disadvantages mentioned in the end, the non-crushed grain wine has no disadvantages except for the low yield rate.

This shortcoming is a big problem for some people who are eager to make money, but for Yan Changqing, short-term gains and losses are nothing, even if the drinking rate is low, he is not in a hurry.

All the wine produced by the winery is packed in several large wine tanks. The best ones are kept at the winery, and the rest are transported to the market, where they are slowly sold.

The price is a bit high, because it is not mixed with water!
But still the same sentence, Yan Changqing is not in a hurry to sell, and it doesn't matter how much he sells.

Anyway, he has no projects to spend money on recently, and the market is still making money continuously.

Unexpectedly, the sales volume was not bad, and people were very generous.

He is just practicing his skills now, and he doesn't brew much wine, and the people in just a few villages can consume a lot.

People who come and go in the market are also willing to drink this wine. Firstly, it is to give face to the big boss, and secondly, it is pure grain wine brewed in the village, without adulteration. The boundaries of sub-village groups are not as clear as before, because once you go out, you can only be a group.


In the end, Yan Changqing still found out that it was the most cost-effective to improve his brewing technology only by talking about it.

Because he can do other things!
For example, on weekends, if he was busy at the winery, some brats would come to the winery to play with him, and the hardcore ones like Erwa Tiedan even came here to do their homework.

There is no delay in pointing others to work, doing homework with the pointing bear children, and practicing kung fu.

The key is to continue to improve the proficiency of the stick technique that is only the last bit away from the second level.

After practicing for a while, I started to teach the bear children again, and watched them practice by myself, and sometimes I would have some insights.

For example, during sparring, Tie Dan tried to get close to grab the stick with his hands because he was too close. He had to teach him a lesson: "If you have a stick, you need to keep the distance. Don't give people a chance to get close, and don't try to get close to your opponent. , What if the opponent doesn't talk about martial arts? What should you do if you take out some individual weapons?"

"I really want to get close. You should prepare your backhand first. There are also nunchakus here. Do you want to practice?"

In fact, he is the one who doesn't talk about martial arts the least. He has skills, and he is now a master of the staff at any rate, and he is quite addicted to bullying children.

Then I encouraged Erwa: "Erwa is not bad. Although I am not proficient in stick skills, I have so many tricks, and I can even throw wine lees! Tie Dan, you have to study hard, you are too rigid, you have to learn and use it flexibly!" do you know?"

It's really encouraging, not sarcastic.

If you really want to fight with someone, what's the matter with this kind of trick, just use it if you can.

In the end, Tie Dan was still hesitating to use that trick of throwing things, it was too unruly, and the second baby next to him floated up first: "Brother Qijin, I think I can beat my mother with a stick!"

Yan Changqing was shocked at the time: "Erba, come here, I'll beat you up first. You want to go to heaven, don't you? Come here, I must beat you up today, and tell you, don't even think about what I just said in the future. You Mom beat you up, if you dare to fight back, I can't kill you!"

Don't dare, brother, if you are reborn once and teach a rebellious rebellious son, it will be a big deal!
The point is that their father also instigated it himself, so he went out to do business. When he returns home in the future, he will find that he has earned money, and his son has become a traitor, so what should we do?
Really beat this guy up.

He was beaten several times during sparring, but this guy is solid, he understood after a few hits, dropped the stick and ran away!

Yan Changqing looked at Erwa who ran away, and shouted: "Come back, I won't beat you up!"

Erwa stood far away and replied: "You really don't want to beat me up?"

"I really don't want to be beaten!" Yan Changqing said. "As long as you don't mention what you said just now. I'll treat you to meat later."

Erwa was a little disbelieving: "Really? I promise not to mention it, so you promise not to hit me?"

"Really, really." Yan Changqing couldn't help it either. Regardless of Erwa's young age, she also experienced ups and downs. He was often tricked into going back and beaten by such words at home, and now he doesn't believe similar words.

Yan Changqing repeatedly assured, Erwa came over hesitantly: "Tie Dan, you are a witness, Brother Qijin said..."

Yan Changqing didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "I really don't want to beat you up, I'm in a really good mood today, I must have a meal to celebrate later."

Of course, he was in a better mood. When he beat this guy just now, the pain was not too severe. When he controlled the strength, he felt that he could control it very well.

Then I looked at the skills subconsciously, hey, the stick technique has been upgraded!
That being the case, then don't continue to teach the second baby, anyway, the second baby still listens to her own words.

He shouldn't have that rebellious thought anymore... right!

 Thanks to "afrashuai" and "08a" for the reward!
  Thank you guys for your support!Thank you everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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