Chapter 122
With three secondary skills, Yan Changqing was very happy.

In the following days, he studied wine making and studied medicine, continued to improve various skills at his own pace, and lived a very stable life.

He lives his own life when others are busy farming, and he still lives his own life when others are doing business. He checks his skill proficiency from time to time, and feels that if he works hard for a day, he will feel a little progress, which is great.

There is a winery, there are several groups of people to help work, and with money in their pockets, they are not afraid of wasting costs and dare to try.

In particular, you don’t need to do the work yourself. If you have new insights and ideas here, a group of people there will immediately complete the execution. In this situation where you only need to concentrate on exploring the craft, the proficiency in brewing technology will improve very quickly.

Just like in a laboratory, when you have an idea, someone immediately presents the idea to you and shows you the verification results. Can the results be produced quickly?

Soon, the wine from the winery began to become famous, not very famous, that is, it was circulated among the people around who often drink, and it was spreading quietly.

Even if we exclude the problem that most other wines need to be mixed with water, let’s just talk about the craftsmanship.

Most of the other people live to make money. Winemaking is done step by step and according to the process. As long as the taste is not particularly difficult to drink, few people are willing to spend money and time to concentrate on researching winemaking technology.

Even those who are willing to improve are rarely willing to experiment like Yan Changqing regardless of the cost, and most people are unlikely to be like him, do nothing, concentrate on every process of the brewing process with patience Seriously and meticulously do our best.

This is naturally because the requirement for improving skill proficiency is that the more you concentrate, the faster you can improve.

My proficiency has improved, and I still make wine with my heart. It's no wonder that the wine is not good!

The key point is that the wine is delicious, and the boss is still concentrating on research without mentioning the price. Such a good thing doesn't happen often!

When the wine is easy to sell, you can do more. The more you do, the faster your skills will improve.

A perfect cycle is established.

When Yan Changqing occasionally stops to play with the brats, he thinks that he can live on like this until he earns himself the title of master brewer—he thinks that reaching 90.00% proficiency is at least Gotta be a master.

Not yet, but sooner or later, it's just a matter of time.


On this day, looking at the hot sun in the sky, Yan Changqing felt that he should go out for a walk.

In a blink of an eye, it's summer vacation again, and I haven't wandered around for a long time. It's time to bring my own good wine, let others taste it, and give some opinions.

It wasn't that he was impatient because of the boring skill brushing, it was Chen Youliang who asked Yan Changqing to go to the market, saying that Feng Yigui came from Jiangcheng, he was an old friend after all, and he had to meet up.

It was still morning when Yan Changqing arrived at the market, and Feng Yigui didn't come!

He happened to discuss with his uncle about the next step in the development of the market.

The specific negotiation process is as follows.

Yan Changqing said: "Go to Lantian Province to develop, and go to the TV station there to advertise."

Chen Youliang nodded: "I'm also thinking, I'll make a call later and ask first. Why don't we just advertise for half a year, and then focus on a few high-quality and fashionable products until the end of the year?"

"Well, let's do it like this!" Yan Changqing affirmed his uncle's idea.

Well, the discussion is over!
"Hahahaha..." Yan Yuhuan next to him suddenly laughed. "The two of you are discussing things, but it's really fast. After all, you are the big boss, and you can't be serious like others..."

Cousin Black Preserved Egg is on summer vacation and wants to stay here with his father. As a mother, he can only work harder and often runs here.

My aunt was very happy to see Yan Changqing coming. Seeing that the two of them were going to talk about serious business, she thought about making tea for them to talk slowly, but the conversation was over before the tea was brewed.

Yan Changqing and Chen Youliang also laughed, and then explained to her.

Because there is really no need to think too much, there are not so many options for the current development direction of the market.

The Taoshu Township Wholesale Market is located here, and the goods are all imported from Jiangcheng, so we don't consider going south first.

If you go north, the wholesale market in the provincial capital has a geographical advantage. The advantage of the wholesale market in Taoshu Township is that the goods from the south are cheaper, and there are no other advantages.

If it is further north, the neighboring province is next to the capital, and it also has a large wholesale market. Now the people in the market in Taoshu Township have already rushed over to exchange goods there!
As for going east, forget it, the closer you go to the east, the closer you are to Shanghai City, and you will have to go there to buy goods in the future!

The best direction can only be west.

After all, Journey to the West is often broadcast, and it is sung every day on TV. Dare to ask where is the way?

The name is called Journey to the West, and if you ask where the way is, it must be the West.

The economic conditions of Lantian Province and Yudong Province in the west are similar. Speaking of which, the inland provinces are almost the same now. These years, the coastal areas and metropolises are the first to develop, and there are various preferential policies for attracting investment. The inland provinces only eat transportation. Inconvenience, and the loss of various positive strategies.

As for Lam Tin Province, further to the west, the area is even bigger, which means that the market prospect is very broad.

There is no need to discuss it at all. At present, the road in Taoshu Township wants to go further, and the only way is to go west.

Then the two talked about some market matters and various trivial issues. Yan Changqing would give his opinions if he could, and most of them would depend on Chen Youliang himself. After all, he was not as experienced in management as Chen Youliang.

Then I went to play with my little cousin and my little cousin.


In the afternoon, a classic old Santana slowly drove into the market.

No, Santana is not old at all these days. The market price of a car that has just entered the market for a few years is 20.In the era when the average monthly salary of employees across the country was [-], and more people in rural areas could only envy commodity grain household registration, it was a proper luxury car.

With a monthly salary of more than 100 yuan, a car can only be bought with a salary of 100 years.
Yan Changqing and Chen Youliang went up to meet them and helped them park the car. There are tractors and trucks in the market now, and there are several types of tractors, big and small, and there is not enough space.

When Feng Yigui and the two of them opened the car door and came down, Yan Changqing's smile became even brighter: "Uncle Feng, you've got a lot of money to buy such a nice car! Mr. Yang, Mr. Zhu!"

Feng Yigui grinned: "It's far worse than you guys. But you two are too stingy, and you don't enjoy it when you have money. Mr. Chen, when will you buy a car and go to Jiangcheng, I will definitely let you Buy the best car at the best price, no matter what kind of car, you can guarantee that even if you get a car on the road..."

"Wait for two years, at most two years." Yan Changqing hurriedly interrupted him, acquaintances belong to acquaintances, and when you should not be allowed to speak, you will not be allowed to finish. "My uncle will definitely buy it at that time. I don't need it, I'm going to school!"

Old Feng chuckled: "Okay, I'll see if you envy me then. I think you haven't been there for a long time, so I want to come over to see you. It seems that Mr. Chen is still handsome, and Mr. Yan is also thriving! Boss Yang Boss Zhu heard that I was coming, so he must come and see..."

The two who came with Feng Yigui are also suppliers that the market has cooperated with from the beginning, and they are all acquaintances.


Lao Feng took people on this trip with the pure purpose of visiting acquaintances and hoping to continue the relationship.

Now the cooperation between the two parties is very pleasant. There is no need to stop work in his factory, and a lot of new styles have been added to the products. When they are produced, they will wait for the car to be brought back here, and they have always been cash transactions. Pay after delivery and the like.

The other two are also in a similar situation. They were introduced by Lao Feng at the beginning, and they are both suppliers who have known each other earlier.

As Lao Feng said, now that Chen Youliang and Yan Changqing will not go for a long time, if they don't make a trip, they probably feel a little worried.

Nothing has changed. Chen Youliang has been busy in the market from the very beginning. He doesn't even have time to float around when he has money. No matter how much money he has, he has no time to enjoy it.It is estimated that this kind of life will continue for a while, unless a few reliable and capable helpers can be cultivated in the future.

Not to mention Yan Changqing, he was happy to brush his skills, and didn't think about anything else at all.

A few people met and just chatted for a while, and the visitor was relieved.

That's right, the two people they knew didn't change their attitudes because of the changes in the status of the supply and demand sides.

Yan Changqing took out his own wine that night and asked Lao Feng and the others to give some advice.

Those who can set up factories are basically people who have never been poor. When it comes to drinking, they are definitely more experienced than most people Yan Changqing knows.

Lao Feng's evaluation is: "This wine can be sold for at least a dozen yuan in a bottle."

The other two guests gave a higher evaluation, thinking that they were better than several local brands of wine, and it would definitely be a loss if they sold it for 50 yuan, and it would cost [-] yuan a bottle.

Yan Changqing still believes in Lao Feng's words.

Wine worth more than ten yuan is considered good wine nowadays.

Next, Yan Changqing and his uncle went to the city to play with Lao Feng. Xiyang City also has some historical and cultural relics. Although the development is not very good now, the historical relics are only dilapidated smell.

Before leaving, he brought them a lot of gifts. After all, when it comes to their family history, Lao Feng has definitely contributed a lot to it.And besides speaking, this person really can't say anything about being friends.

Among other things, all the trucks on this side of the market went to Jiangcheng, and Lao Feng took them to buy them.The car has been running for so long, and I have chatted with the drivers I met, and I have never met a car with a lower price than theirs.

For this point, it is appropriate to prepare more gifts for them.


After sending Lao Feng away, Yan Changqing started his own journey.

First go to the county town and then go to the oil field. All the acquaintances will look at it, especially the oil field. It is my work unit after all. The new director has also dealt with him a few times. He has always given face. The native products are shown below.

Then go to Xiyang City to see the former director.

As a result, Yan Changqing was caught off guard by big news: his apprentice Zhu Xiaobin, who has always been very honest, got into trouble!

 Thanks to the book friends "afreshuai" and "08a" for the reward, thank you for your support!
  Thanks again!

(End of this chapter)

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