Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 123 What I wanted to pretend was robbed

Chapter 123 What I wanted to pretend was robbed
Zhu Xiaobin has always been a good student. This is the common understanding of all those who know him.

A child who abides by school discipline, studies hard, and has always been at the forefront of the class in exams, who can do this kind of student, no one will say hello!
Even though he is stronger and taller than other students in the class, and his family conditions are good, he never causes trouble or bullies others.

He has always been the kind of child who makes teachers and parents feel at ease.

Director Zhu was transferred to work in the city, so he naturally had to transfer to the city as well.

However, because of his good grades and good performance, Director Zhu felt that he should be given more room for growth, so he was not allowed to go to the school for the children of the oil factory, but let him go to the Seventeenth Primary School in the city.

As we all know, schools do not rely on the order of names to determine the quality of teaching. Seventeen Primary School is currently a key primary school with a good reputation in the city, and it happens to be relatively close to home.

Zhu Xiaobin entered the Seventeenth Primary School, and nothing happened at first, because compared with his peers, he was tall and strong!
Compared with most students in this era, his birth conditions are better. Director Zhu only got married after he moved to the oil field. This child has never been hungry since he was a child, and he surpassed most children in this year alone. .

In the Seventeenth Elementary School, Zhu Xiaobin was still the same as in the oil field. He studied with peace of mind, finished his homework ahead of time, and practiced his obsessed kung fu at home. He was a good boy who didn't make people worry at all.

But the problem is that the environment has changed. Unlike when he was in the oil field, others knew what was going on in his family, and he didn't cause trouble and no one provoked him.

After a period of time in school, the students gradually realized that the new classmate transferred was like a nerd.

And then for some reason, there was a naughty student who nicknamed him Big Stupid.

Zhu Xiaobin didn't mind either, he hadn't taken the exam yet, and when the exam came out, the results would naturally let these students know what they were capable of.

Unexpectedly, the naughty student didn't respond to him, and gradually started to get worse, even after his test scores were still among the best.

Zhu Xiaobin couldn't take it anymore, and ran to the teacher to complain.

The teacher paid a lot of attention to the student who was serious about his study and got good grades, and he did his duty, so he criticized the naughty student.

But the family education of this naughty student probably has some problems. He is not very afraid of the teacher, but he still thinks that the idiot is accusing him of being black, and continues to make trouble for him secretly.

Some small problems between students are sometimes not so easy to deal with, and it is impossible for Zhu Xiaobin to talk to the teacher all the time.

After talking about it a few times, the teacher asked the naughty student to criticize him again, but the effect was still not good. Instead, the naughty student became more hostile to the idiot, and even felt that the other party and himself had become "deep hatred".

Zhu Xiaobin was a little annoyed, and went home and told his dad that someone always said bad things about him, and he usually did things like pour water on his stool and put mud in the drawer of the desk.

However, Director Zhu has always used the style brought out by his army to educate the children. He feels that these are small problems. Small conflicts and pranks among classmates should be resolved by the children themselves.

What can Zhu Xiaobin do? I told the teacher. If the troublemaker doesn't change, how can he solve it?

Bear with it!
Anyway, time flies, and summer vacation is coming soon.

When you reach the fifth grade, you will be divided into classes. You may not be in the same class, so you will be fine.

But that naughty student always looks complacent, and brags to his classmates that he has a brother who is a jerk in junior high school or something, and from time to time he does some things that seem to be pranks, but are actually very bad.

When the final exam was due, Zhu Xiaobin couldn't take it anymore when the troublemaker made some paste on Zhu Xiaobin's stool.

The teacher doesn't care, my dad said let me handle it by myself, well, I will handle it by myself.

Boy, don't leave after school, call your brother, I'll single you out!

During the summer vacation of this year, after the final exam of the [-]th primary school in the key primary school, something happened that the people who eat melons would like to talk about.

The mischievous student is quite capable, he found a few friends, and called his brother to come, and his brother is also very good, he called more than a dozen middle school two boys, including some dropouts, who were going to teach some bad guys a lesson. Interesting elementary school students.

There were more than [-] people in total, standing at the gate of the school swaggeringly, with an imposing manner!
Zhu Xiaobin was not so imposing. He packed up his things after the exam, ran to a corner of the campus, found the stick he had hidden in advance, and walked out with it.

When I came out, I saw a lot of people on the other side, so I was not afraid. I thought carefully about what my little master had taught me, and then rushed up with a stick.

Don't hit the vital points, mainly hit the pain.

So basically there is no need to hit him a second time, he was thrown on his thigh by a stick at the troublemaker in front of him, and the stick flicked along with the trend, and a second-year boy next to him jumped up screaming and clutching his thigh.

The stick sweeps a large area, the stick can also poke a line, the stick is hard and soft, the stick hits the dog's legs, ankles, thighs...

If he didn't have a weapon, Zhu Xiaobin would definitely not be able to fight so many people, but now that he has a weapon and has more than a year of hard training, the situation is definitely very different.

In short, the stick technique that has been practiced hard since before May [-]st last year has finally shown its power today.

There is no need to use a second blow to hit someone, because a stick passes by, don’t expect a group of middle school teenagers to hide or bear it, the result will be crying, howling, screaming or cursing, anyway, few can rise up to resist again thought.

In the summer vacation season, students in small cities have no school uniforms to wear, and those who wear short-sleeved vests and big trousers are the mainstream. When a stick is hit on the body, the feeling, not to mention children, adults can't bear it.

As for those who are particularly strong, who want to try to resist, or who are yelling hard, then give another stick.

Zhu Xiaobin also specializes in kicking, as I said, he is really an obedient child, the very obedient kind.

Because Master Yan Xiao told him about his experience in the village, that he was beaten to the legs and feet, these places are not fatal but can still hurt people...

Zhu Xiaobin carried it out very seriously. Some of the beatings were squatting with their legs covered, those who couldn't bear it lay down, and some were jumping around...

The scene was once extremely chaotic.

Zhu Xiaobin played very relieved and refreshed.

Aren't you going to pour water on my stool to make paste?Wouldn't you secretly hide my books and homework?Isn't it great?Still great?
The two grown-ups next to him rushed over, he caught a glimpse out of the corner of his eye, and swiped the stick with his hand. Halfway through, he flipped his wrist, and the sweep turned into a poke. As soon as he sent his arm forward, the tip of the stick pierced one of them with incomparable precision. on the instep of the foot.

Then he dodged sideways, so as not to be hit by the person who fell, and knocked on another person's calf, hitting the bone facing the calf.

Another person is coming, I will call again...

Call again...

There's no one left!

Zhu Xiaobin raised his stick and looked around.

Except for the students who hid far away with shocked faces and the parents who picked up the students, there was no one around standing still.

The scene was extremely quiet.

And then……

Zhu Xiaobin, who was carrying a stick, was a little dazed. I did all these people hugging their legs and covering their feet?

For a moment, he was at a loss. By the way, the little master seemed to have said, what should I do after hitting someone?
Run after beating?
Ah, I can't seem to escape?

All the teachers in the school ran out?

The principal ran out?
Even the uncle of the security officer standing guard in the distance came here?

On this day, Zhu Xiaobin achieved an extraordinary achievement. In the days to come, he is destined to become a legend among countless students in Xiyang City. Even after many years, his achievements have never been surpassed.

Because according to the witnesses, the child took less than 5 minutes to knock down a total of 24 classmates and second-year teenagers, hit two gateposts at the school gate, and three enthusiastic passers-by—it went well, He just lowered his head and kicked his legs, and when he saw the figure, he instinctively threw the stick over.

5 minutes is definitely too much to say.

It didn't take 3 minutes, because it was really fast-this honest kid was inexperienced, and he didn't know how many times to yell, curse, etc. before fighting, and rushed up with a stick.

A group of sophomore boys over there were knocked over without even realizing it.

The door guard's reaction was fast enough, and they didn't catch up to stop the beating, but Zhu Xiaobin, who just happened to be knocked unconscious, gave them two blows.

There is no way, he is really an honest boy, he has no experience of fighting with others before, this is his first serious fight, it is not easy to keep calm and not hit the vitals, how calm can he be expected from a child?

When Zhu Xiaobin's mother told Yan Changqing about this, Zhu Xiaobin objected from the sidelines, saying that he really didn't fight that much, and some of them stood a little far away.

Yan Changqing: "..."

He really didn't know what to say, if Zhu Xiaobin hadn't been honest, he wouldn't have taught him so hard!
Anyway, as a reborn person, he still knows that sometimes when honest people get angry, the consequences are more serious.

But, this is still a child!
Yes, he was still a child.

Shocked, he didn't even care that Director Zhu was now a higher-ranking director: "Uncle Zhu, I think this is still the wrong way of dealing with the problem. The school is not in the army. Some brats just think it's fun to do things. , but the harm to other students cannot be ignored at all..."

Director Zhu didn't mind his tone, he just smiled wryly: "Didn't I know now!"

After Yan Changqing finished speaking, he was a little embarrassed: "I don't blame you, it's the first time to be parents, alas! In fact, children can't just focus on their studies, they still have to pay attention to their mental health. I wish you, Uncle, stay with me when you have nothing to do in the future Be with Xiaobin, don't think that he won't let you worry, you will really feel at ease, and you should care as well as you should."

It would be inappropriate to say any more, and this is a bit much to say.

Mainly it was shocking.

After he finished speaking, he was also a little helpless: "I was still thinking about performing a martial arts show with Xiaobin during the National Day this year! It's boring to play the erhu all the time. I wanted to show you something new, but I didn't expect..."

Unexpectedly, I didn't expect that I had finally mastered the stick technique to a second-level skill, and I hadn't found a chance to pretend to be that, but this honest boy snatched what I wanted to pretend in advance!

(End of this chapter)

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