Chapter 124
Zhu Changsheng doesn't need to be told now, he himself knows that the root of the problem is actually himself.

He deliberately went to the oil children's school to find someone to ask for advice. An old teacher told him a lot of experience in teaching students, saying that some children are actually reluctant to tell their parents about their disadvantages and bullying.

Because they are afraid that their parents will feel that they have failed their expectations, and they are still a little nascent. For reasons such as face and self-esteem, in short, once they tell the parents, the matter is probably already a bit serious, and the parents must pay more attention.

So he let out a long sigh, and apologized to his son after a few days: "Xiaobin, it's all dad's fault. You shouldn't have left it alone and let you handle it yourself. In the future, your mother and I will definitely not be so careless." It's..."

The mother next to her also nodded quickly.

Zhu Xiaobin blushed: "I was too impulsive..."

The scene was very warm for a while.


Fortunately, there are no smartphones these days.

So although this matter was very loud at the time, the consequences were not very serious.

Anyway, Zhu Changsheng told Yan Changqing that the matter has been resolved!

For those children who were beaten, the parents would naturally have the school to deal with it, and if there was any more trouble, there would be the security department.

More than 20 people went to fight one, so why bother you?

The key hasn't been played yet, isn't it embarrassing?

Although many people have red marks and bruises on their legs and feet, it is nothing more than a matter of rubbing some medicine, what the hell!
What Director Zhu did was to apologize to the school, and the school is actually responsible, so it can only be said that they are apologizing to each other.

Because it is obvious that this child has good grades and has not caused any trouble for a semester. When he encountered trouble, he reported it to the teacher in advance, but the problem has not been resolved, which led to the final incident.

What was more unlucky was that the gatepost that ran the fastest had a badly injured leg. When he saw the accident, he ran over anxiously, and when he hit him with a stick, the one with the most severe injuries was a bit fractured.

This is his responsibility and his enthusiasm, so Director Zhu prepared to take the initiative to bear the compensation, but the school didn't let him bear it. In the end, he could only bring some gifts to visit.

Nothing else mattered. The last thing Director Zhu said was that he was considering changing Zhu Xiaobin's school, or he might just go back to his children's school.

The sensible child who was immersed in a warm family said: "Dad, I have to find someone to intercede when I transfer to another school. I will not fight when I go to school..."

Yan Changqing didn't say a word, he had something in his heart: You really don't have to worry about fighting at school anymore, from now on, who would dare to mess with you?

Yong'an Road is the road where the Seventeenth Elementary School is located.


During the meal, Director Zhu suddenly said: "You just said that you want to change the program on National Day, which is very good! It happens to be summer vacation, and then I will let Xiaobin stay with you for a few days, rehearse with you, and come to everyone on the [-]th." a new show."

Yan Changqing thought about it and thought it was not bad.

Don't let the honest boy have any psychological shadow on practicing the stick technique because of the beating incident. After all, this incident is really not his fault. Now he guesses that the pressure is still quite high, so it's better to change the environment to relax.

So Yan Changqing simply said: "Xiaobin hasn't experienced rural life yet, right? Don't follow along, just come with me today, and take you to experience it for a few days?"

Zhu Changsheng was also a beneficiary of the establishment of the market at the beginning. He has been paying attention to the changes in Dayanzhuang, and he is quite clear about the situation there.

But now that Yan Changqing said it, he felt that letting the child go immediately did not give him time to prepare, and it was a bit troublesome for him.

In fact, this kind of thing is very common these days. It’s okay to throw children at relatives’ homes for the holidays, or even close friends. As long as there are children of the same age, anyway, it’s okay to bring one, and two…

Seeing that Zhu Xiaobin was obviously moved, Yan Changqing persuaded: "There is a telephone in the market, and people run to and from the market every day in the village. It is convenient to call when there is something to do. I usually take a group of children to play, and many new friends they more happy..."


So when Yan Changqing left, there was another person on the second uncle's motorcycle.

After walking not far, Yan Changqing stopped the second uncle, and then called Zhu Xiaobin to come down to the side of the road, and asked him seriously: "Be honest, is this matter really resolved? Parents of those students, Are you sure you don't want to trouble your family?"

Zhu Xiaobin immediately hesitated.

Yan Changqing continued to ask: "Tell me, I will help if I can. You don't want your dad to be in trouble after being transferred here for only half a year?"

Zhu Xiaobin hesitated a little longer, and said, "That Li Xiaogang's parents have been making trouble, asking my dad to pay him a lot of money, but my dad refused to agree, saying that they were the ones looking for trouble first..."

Li Xiaogang is that troublemaker.

Yan Changqing understood.

Obviously, the two children in the family are arrogant and domineering, and often lead others to fight. Most of the parents have some problems.

The matter is definitely not as light as what Zhu Xiaobin said. Zhu Changsheng is a big director after all, and this family has been making troubles, so there must be some support. Otherwise, Director Zhu would not let his son follow them back so easily.

After all, there are some things that cannot be solved by "law" alone.

So he asked, "Do you know where your classmate's home is?"

"I know." Zhu Xiaobin said in a low voice. "They run a big restaurant, and many of their classmates know about it. Are you going to find them? They're being unreasonable..."

Yan Changqing smiled: "I'll try."


The motorcycle arrived not far from a restaurant that seemed to be quite large in size. Yan Changqing asked his second uncle to ride the motorcycle to take Zhu Xiaobin far away and wait, and walked over by himself.

When I was about to reach the place, I bought a popsicle on the side of the road, tore off the popsicle paper and threw it to the side without merit. I took a bite, it was very sweet.

It's not meal time, and there is no one in the restaurant.

Inside, a big, shirtless young man who was sleepy and squinting, raised his head when he heard footsteps and said, "Boy, there's no food right now."

Yan Changqing looked around: "Are you the parent of Li Xiaogang? What about your child? The student who beat your child was taught by me. I heard that you still want compensation. How much do you want?"

"Hey!" The fat boss yelled strangely. "Where did you come from, you little brat, you're here for a big clove of garlic, right? All right, then I'll talk to you and get 3000 yuan... oh "

Yan Changqing held a piece of ice in his hand, and watched him cover his face and hands with a sneer, without caring: "Swear again, I'll kill you now. Do you believe it?"

"Hiss..." The fat boss didn't pretend to be a snake to scare people. He was in pain. He had an extra wound on his face, his hand, and his arm. "What the hell... ah..."

This time it was even more ruthless, a piece of ice pierced directly into the fat belly.

Yan Changqing hehe: "I'm really going to test whether I dare to kill people, right? Continue?"

There was a pop while speaking, and the ice cubes made a hole in an oil-stained table.

"Okay, okay..." The shirtless screamed, watching the ice cubes on his stomach fall, raised his head and said something, suddenly flew the table in front of Yan Changqing towards Yan Changqing, and immediately rushed towards Yan Changqing. come over. "Fuck the fuck, I'll kill you bastard...Ah!"

Yan Changqing easily dodged across the table, picked up a bench, then dodged to the side and jumped onto the table, hitting his shirtless head.

once, twice...

The second time he fell shirtless, Yan Changqing jumped down and kicked the table away, then the third time, the sixth time...

Amidst the screams, a woman's voice came from the backyard: "What's wrong..."

Seeing the person coming out, Yan Changqing smashed the bench over and picked up another bench from the side, the tenth time, No.11 time...

Counting while counting: "Three thousand, right! I will pay you back three thousand, is it enough, is it enough!"

There was the sound of banging, and the screams of the woman who was smashed behind, and the restaurant was very lively for a while.


It is difficult for people who have not been bullied at school or been bullied to feel that feeling.

The most impressive thing about Yan Changqing's junior high school, besides being sick and having no money to watch, cover the quilt and fight hard, there is another thing that he remembers more clearly.

That was when he had to go shopping after his evening self-study and school. Unexpectedly, when he left the school gate, in an alley not far from the school gate,
Coincidentally, he really has a few catties of meal tickets.

At that time, most of the students in the school had no money, and they all used meal tickets, which were exchanged at school with Maizi at home.

But this meal ticket is common around the school, whether you go out to buy things, or see a doctor to buy medicine, you can use the meal ticket as money.

Ha ha!


Yan Changqing was basically merciless in his strikes.

Hit it, hit it, if you really hit it to death, then kill it!

The woman cried and got up and rushed over, but was knocked down by him on the bench, then turned around and continued to hit the bleeding man.

The woman got up again, but this time she didn't dare to come again. She knelt down on the spot and kowtowed to him again and again: "Please don't hit him, don't hit him, you're going to kill him..."

Yan Changqing raised his head, his eyes were faintly red: "Is it dead? Isn't it just right to be dead?"

He raised the bench, and the figure holding his head squirmed under his feet: "I'm not dead, I'm not... Please, I'm convinced, I'm really convinced, don't beat me..."

As he spoke, he didn't dare to show his head, and kept curling up his body.

Yan Changqing threw the bench on top of him, and his figure suddenly trembled again, wishing he could shrink himself out of sight.

Then he pulled a bench aside and sat down: "I taught Zhu Xiaobin. He hit someone, and I took care of the trouble. Don't you want money? 3000 yuan?"

"No more!" the woman howled.

Yan Changqing hehe: "Don't, I'll give it. I only gave less than a hundred just now, and it's still far away!"

"No, no, no..." The man on the ground also shouted.

It's not serious, after all, it's fat enough.

This is also a person who often hits or is beaten. When he is knocked down, he curls up with his head and chest covered.Except for the first few hits that made his head bleed, the injuries behind him looked serious, and he probably couldn't die, but he was still very angry after listening to the words.

Yan Changqing stood up: "Today's one hundred, and the remaining two thousand and nine, for you to remember. I'm Yan Changqing from Taoshu Township, remember, don't make a mistake when you report the crime. I have plenty of money. , you can afford to kill yourself. That's it, let's go!"

As soon as he said it, he left, and there were already a few people from nearby stores who came out to check the situation outside. When they saw him coming, they all dispersed in an instant.

Yan Changqing smiled, didn't take it seriously, and continued on his own way.

He said that Zhu Xiaobin was an honest boy showing off his power, but in fact, he forgot himself.

In essence, he is also an honest man, always has been.

After walking a long way, he suddenly let out two more hahas, like a fool.

(End of this chapter)

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