Chapter 125
Zhu Xiaobin opened his eyes.

When this honest boy arrived at Dayan Village, it was as if he had entered a new world.

When Erwa performed for him to paint with urine, he pissed a little and started to urinate a little, and then continued in another place. After changing so many times, let alone Zhu Xiaobin, even Yan Changqing admired him, saying that he could If you show less face like this, wouldn't your skills improve faster?

Has anyone ever seen this kind of meeting new friends and pissing on the spot?

Fortunately, there are not many children as weird as Erwa, there are only a few of them, and now they are showing it to new friends together...

Yan Changqing took the opportunity to snap a few photos. Not to mention, his photography skills have improved very fast without knowing it. Now he has taken several photos, and the brats over there haven't finished their performance yet!

He fully demonstrated what it means to cross the river and tear down the bridge. As soon as the photo was taken, he put away the camera and greeted him quickly: "Let's go play in the river today and let Xiaobin learn to swim."

The child's father is busy, and he doesn't have much time to take him to swim in the river like other children. He can't swim yet!

When they heard that they were going to play in the river, those few special children immediately became excited, shook their calves, and started running with their trousers in their hands: "Let's go play in the river!"


Walking on the road, Erwa was very enthusiastic to introduce the rural characteristics to new friends: "This is the big carriage Valley Wheel, and this is Maoya. If you come early, you can smoke Maoya tip to eat. This is Huanghuangmiao. When we come back, we will give it to you." Dig it back, you can make tea and drink it, this is the thorn bud, if it bleeds, use this to rub it and cover it up..."

Yan Changqing watched him actively perform, after all such an opportunity is relatively rare for Erwa.

The big carriage grain wheel is the plantain, and I don’t know why it is called such a strange name. The yellow and yellow seedlings are dandelions, and others, such as peach blossoms, white flowers, ghost needles, fire charcoal, and echinacea, are common in rural areas. The weeds of different species are also called in various ways.

Yan Changqing didn't try to correct Erwa's idiotic statement, anyway, seeing that Zhu Xiaobin was happy and interested, as long as he was happy.

Before they reached the river, some of the brats had already taken off their vests, and even worse, they even lost their trousers. They shook their clothes naked and ran forward wearing only sandals, screaming as they ran...

Then he jumped into the river with a plop.

This is the place Yan Changqing chose. There is a beach by the river, and the bottom of the river inside is also sandy.

Once in the water, Yan Changqing suggested to Zhu Xiaobin: "You are here in a shallower place, supporting the bottom of the river with your hands, flopping your legs, and walking forward slowly with your hands, yes, keep your head up and don't drink. Get into the water, splash around for a while, try to loosen your hands later..."

The bear children in the village all learn this way, very simple.

Xiaobin is a very athletic kid. With the encouragement of a group of new friends, he started swimming with dog paddles not long after.

The dog planer is where most kids swim these days, and many kids continue to use it.

Another commonly used method is backstroke, because it is not tiring, and you can row yourself as a boat by lying on the water and moving a little.

But the scene is a bit unattractive. After all, the rural children are all naked when they go down the river. When they are swimming on their backs, Mavericks are showing off their might to the sky...

We met naked in the river. After a while, everyone became familiar with each other. No one regarded the children from the city as outsiders, and it was easy to call Xiaobin's name.

Zhu Xiaobin also memorized a lot of nicknames, and started learning backstroke with the help of his friends...

This is the purest happiness of the children in the village!
This is why Yan Changqing likes to stay in the village all the time.

The purest smiles, the purest happiness, and their cries when they were beaten... everything feels very real.

Although he may have lost such a pure smile when he was reborn, but he likes to watch it.


The sound of sticks colliding with each other sounded beside the small pine forest, and Tie Dan dubbed the voice to himself hahahaha, and had a fight with Zhu Xiaobin.

Yan Changqing was holding a stick by the side, ready to help if anyone lost his mind, otherwise this would be Xia Tian, ​​and it would hurt too much to hit him.

Of course, these children are not newbies, because they have all been hurt, so they are actually quite measured in their fights.

In less than two days, Zhu Xiaobin played with these children regardless of each other, including some older children who were on vacation.

Speaking of which, since people went out to do business, not only the women in the village have become harmonious, but even some children who were originally "feuding" have gradually begun to become harmonious.

On the third day, Yan Erhe came back, Yan Changqing and Zhu Xiaobin got on the motorcycle and went straight to the market.

Zhu Xiaobin was having so much fun, he almost forgot to call home. He picked up the phone and called Dad, but he didn't know what to say.

It was Zhu Changsheng who asked, and he started to answer, and he kept talking for a long time without stopping.

Finally, reluctantly, under the command of his father, he handed over the phone to Yan Changqing.

Zhu Changsheng and Yan Changqing's first words were: "You are not an ignorant child. I can solve this problem by myself. Are you willing to take risks by yourself? The parents of that child came to us to apologize. You, you, let us How should I say, do you say that you are very ruthless?"

Knowing that he was going to say a few words, Yan Changqing replied with a smile: "Uncle Zhu, this is a treatment that will benefit me for life. Maybe in the future he will not only correct himself, but also educate his two children well. I am saving them. ah!"

Zhu Changsheng didn't have anything to say, so he said a few more words, anyway, to tell him not to do this kind of thing again.

Yan Changqing said that Xiaobin was taught by himself, and said that if he taught, he would solve these little troubles.

It was not until he hung up the phone that Zhu Changsheng whispered, "Thank you!"

Yan Changqing smiled: "Uncle Zhu really sees the outside world!"

After hanging up the phone, Yan Changqing smiled at Zhu Xiaobin: "It's okay, do you want to learn how to drive a tractor? It's everywhere here. Let my second uncle teach you how to drive a tractor?"

Zhu Xiaobin looked outside: "Can I drive a big truck?"

"No!" Yan Changqing ruthlessly rejected him. "At the most, you don't need to use the handrail, but replace it with a four-wheeled tractor."

Zhu Xiaobin fell into Yan Changqing's trick without knowing it. Now he is a little unwilling to reconcile, and wants to discuss again: "Then can we stop using the hand-held tractor and replace it with a larger tractor over there, the one with four wheels?"

Yan Changqing originally planned this way. It is actually not easy to drive by hand. It is more troublesome than a four-wheel tractor. Although it is now popular in this land, it is already on the verge of being eliminated in Dayanzhuang. .

Zhu Xiaobin, who felt that he had won benefits for himself, happily went to learn tractors from Yan Erhe, while Yan Changqing continued to make calls.

He wants to contact several wine tank manufacturers and plans to order a batch of wine tanks.

It doesn’t need to be too big, it’s about the same size as the water tanks commonly used in rural areas that can hold a few tans of water, because this size is relatively large in production, more mature in technology, can guarantee quality, and is easy to carry—of course it’s empty of.

The production speed of wine tanks is not so fast, and if you need a little more, you have to book in advance.

However, the same is true in Yan Changqing's plan. The wine produced at home cannot be produced all at once. According to the money in his pocket, he slowly buys the wine tank and then fills it up. Store it first.

The main reason is that skill proficiency will increase.

So I plan to store the wine for a period of time, and when the technology is better, selling them together will not make the taste much worse.

As for how much to store, it depends on how much money you have.

If the production is too smooth and the funds are insufficient, it is not impossible to borrow some money at that time.

He just wanted to take a gamble. If he won the bet, he would lie flat. If he lost the bet, it would be no big deal.

However, he felt that he was unlikely to lose, because the name of his winery was very auspicious, it was called Backgammon Wine Industry, which had a good meaning, step by step!

Anyway, the name is not used now.


After making the phone call, seeing Chen Youliang walk in with his black leather cousin, his eyes lit up: "Uncle, are you doing other business?"

"What else are you doing?" Chen Youliang's eyes lit up, and he complained immediately. "You won't let me build a building, and you don't think it's the right time to buy a car. Now most of the goods in the market are only commissioned. I have no use for my money!"

The goods that can only be collected by rake belong to others. Chen Youliang is busy with the market and has no time to go out, so the goods belonging to the two of them are gradually decreasing.

But in fact, it's all the same. Why not do it if you can make money without using your own capital?
The key is to be much more relaxed, otherwise my uncle wouldn't have time to spend with my aunt and my cousin.

Yan Changqing turned a deaf ear to his uncle's complaints, anyway, he would have to thank himself soon: "Go buy stocks!"

Chen Youliang was taken aback: "What? What is a stock?"

Yan Changqing was heartbroken: "Uncle, you can't do this! Anyway, you are a big boss, and you don't even know about stocks. Even if you don't know about domestic stocks, you must know that there are stock markets abroad, right? Don't you read newspapers again? ?”

Chen Youliang was so angry that he almost vomited blood: "I'm busy running around every day, do you know how many things happen in the market every day? Don't I have to accompany your aunt and baby when I'm free? I don't care about domestic news. I care about foreign countries. The stock market, that's none of my business, as if I can sell goods abroad..."

Yan Changqing was wronged immediately, and apologized insincerely: "I was wrong, I was wrong. Uncle, I just plan to go to Shanghai City, let's go together this time! No matter how much money the market makes, you can't stay here all day by yourself. He doesn't even leave home, does he? Pengfei's grandfather has only retired for a few years, he's still young! You can't let him just retire like this..."

In the middle of speaking, my ears suddenly moved, and the voice suddenly became louder: " aunt is much better than you, you think you are so amazing for doing this, and you have worked so hard. Let my aunt come, and you can do it with your fingers. Manage the market better than you, if you don't believe me, try it... Grandpa, you guys are here!"

My heart rejoiced again and again.

Fortunately, in order to practice pulse diagnosis in medicine, the skills of hearing, seeing and smelling were synthesized into the five senses - including sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch.

Then for wine-making technology, wine tasting also uses the five senses, so I put a little thought into this skill.

Sure enough, skills are what I rely on. There are no useless skills, only me, a useless person!

 The fourth update is here, thank you for your support!If you find any mistakes, please point them out, and I will fix them as soon as possible.

  Thank you again for your support, and thanks to all the friends who subscribed, rewarded and voted for this book!
(End of this chapter)

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