Chapter 126 The Happy Life

Summer is a good season.

By the small green grassy river, after breakfast in the morning, Yan Changqing watched the children playing in the river under the sun.

He was out of the water, thinking about something.

There is a small bridge here, the kind built by the rural people themselves. A few wooden piles are built on the bottom of the river, and the wooden boards on it are old and new.

It looks dilapidated, but Yan Changqing has seen that the bridge is still very strong and strong.

The bear children jumped up and down on it, and some stood on it and jumped into the river.

Because of the fear of rising water, this wooden bridge is still a bit high, but now in summer, the water level is relatively high, and the bear children are not afraid of danger by jumping around.

Watching Zhu Xiaobin run a few steps on the bridge, then soar into the air screaming, kicking his legs in the air, Yan Changqing smiled and said nothing.

When the kid fell into the river with a plop, his cry stopped abruptly, his brows frowned, and the expression on his face suddenly became exciting.

The expression on Yan Changqing's face was also wonderful, with a look of schadenfreude.

The bear children have to go through this experience, after all, only when they experience it personally, the memory will be more profound.

Diving without a swimsuit, and jumping with legs crossed, you can feel the sadness of the ball if you are not careful, but don't worry, I will remember it next time.

Those children who dive with their legs together or with their legs curled up are not all taught by others, but most of them are summed up by themselves.

After all, it is human nature not to listen to advice!

After watching the bear children for a while, Yan Changqing's eyes turned to the wooden bridge again.

Then let a few older children pay attention to take care of the younger ones, he walked across the bridge, spread his legs and ran towards the east.

Basking in the sun is a skill, as is walking and running, so he is like a fool, running all the way under the sun on this small road that only wooden carts can pass.

The road is relatively straight, with no twists and turns, and there are villages on both sides, but none of them are on the side of the road.

The path is a bit small, but because there are few people walking, it looks very smooth, which also makes the grass on both sides of the path very arrogant. Except for the narrow strand in the middle of the path, other places are occupied by them.

Yan Changqing ran on the grass, feeling quite comfortable.

Then it leads to a main road, which is a provincial road.

Yan Changqing was here for the first time.

Both lifetimes add up.


He didn't know until he got to Yatouwa that he could walk straight across the river and reach a road.

So I wanted to take a look and see if I could find a better way out for the winery. After all, it took more than 20 miles of rural dirt roads to transport things from Yatouwa, but it only took about ten miles to get to the provincial road here. .

It's a bit exaggerated to say, a provincial road that is only a dozen miles away from Dayan Village, he didn't even know about it in his previous life.

But that's really the case. Everyone is used to going to Peachtree Town, whether it's going to the market or going to school.Because coming here, in addition to taking the trembling little bridge, the bigger reason is that this side is a 'foreign country'.

People's habits are sometimes so incredible.

Even the newly laid wooden planks on the dilapidated wooden bridge were brought by Zeng Shuangxi. When he first led people to do business, he walked by here, so he went to repair the bridge, otherwise the bridge would be a waste of time. Pedestrians should be careful.

After watching for a while, Yan Changqing saw a few farmers carrying hoes. Yan Changqing stepped forward to inquire again, and got a little understanding of the surrounding situation.

After the questioning, I had a rough idea in my mind, and that's it for the time being. Whether it will be useful in the future depends on the situation.

If it is really necessary, it is nothing more than building a small bridge, which is not a big problem.


Go back to the small river, call out the brats whose hands and feet are white and wrinkled, and go back to the winery together.

Do the homework that should be done, and practice martial arts or play games after finishing it.

Yan Changqing is going to instruct others to make wine, even if others know the process, he still has to guide it himself, and strive to be meticulous in every step-otherwise, he will not improve his skills!

I also need to check from time to time when the wine is out, whether the fire is too hot, smell the smell of the wine, and see if it is still normal...

It's not pretending, it's serious.He can fool himself, but he can't fool the skills panel, and walks around pretendingly, without giving any proficiency increase at all.

Even when mixing wine koji, every time you have to try it as your first attempt, be serious.

In addition to skill proficiency, there are other benefits. Because of his serious attitude, none of the workers he led dared to be perfunctory, including his relatives, but he cultivated a group of serious and responsible workers.

In fact, the work in the winery is not very tiring, but it is time-consuming. For example, when cooking food and when the wine is out, you need to light the fire, and you must pay attention to the temperature of the fire. People need to stay here to watch.

Any rural person can do these jobs. The only problem is that it is easy to be careless after working for a long time, because there is no technical content and it is very boring.

Yan Changqing needs skill proficiency, and needs to carefully observe various situations all the time, and look at it from time to time, which just solves the problem that workers tend to be careless over time.


The biggest advantage of the countryside in summer is that you don't have to worry about running out of vegetables.

It's just that many people have special feelings for certain dishes, such as Yan Changqing, who used to dislike winter melon.

But now I like it. When I came home at noon, I stewed a pot of winter melon soup with meat in the pot.

Winter melon soup with meat is not the same food as the winter melon without oil and water that I ate before.

Put a bowl of winter melon soup, add some chopped green onion, put some sesame oil, if you want to eat chili, there is homemade bright red chili oil, and then grab a big steamed bun, it tastes delicious.

Zhu Xiaobin couldn't help looking around every time he ate.

He has never experienced this kind of life where rural people gather together for a meal.

When it’s time to eat, people are holding bowls and holding steamed buns, or serving a bowl of food, or squatting or standing, and some come out and creak a small bench in the nest. They chatted a few words while eating.

There are chickens and dogs around here, trying to find something to eat here, but they are usually driven away, because some children are careless, and they will be stolen from the bowl by tricky chickens. food.

The cats of Yan Changqing's family are an exception. These two guys who have become fat cats unknowingly have become trickier with their weight. They are here just to guard Yan Changqing, so they don't get along with chickens and dogs. In that way, they also eat things that fall out of other people's bowls.


The activity in the afternoon is to catch cicadas.

The hotter the weather, the louder the cicadas chirp.

They can be found wherever there are trees.

Yan Changqing was busy in the winery, so Zhu Xiaobin didn't need him to take care of him. He happily went to catch Maji Liao'er with a group of brats, and he didn't have to go far, as long as there were trees.

The tools are a bit crude, but a better one is to use a plastic bag with a loop of iron wire to support the mouth of the bag, and hold it up with a long bamboo pole. When you see a cicada, you carefully cover the mouth of the bag against the cicada. They will run rampant in the bag, chirping and screaming, and some are lucky enough to run out of the bag, but most of them are not so lucky.

A simpler tool is a bamboo pole.

Then look for Chinese toon trees everywhere. In this season, there will be openings on those thick Chinese toon trees, and some transparent yellow gum will flow out of them.

The bear children scraped off the gum and wrapped it on the head of the bamboo pole. When they saw the cicadas, they aimed at them. As long as they touched them, they would stick to them.

But the cicadas caught in this way are not fun, the gum can stick to the cicadas, and it can also stick to your hands.

After Yan Changqing had been busy for a while, he came out to join everyone, walking and catching all the way, he was happy as soon as possible, but he didn't gain much, but no one cared, and started to jump into the river again.

Although life is much better now, with the TV and toys that they couldn’t play with before, the happiest thing for the bear children in summer is splashing in the river!
Sometimes Zhu Xiaobin also likes to watch Yan Changqing go fishing, and the joy of catching fish is no less than that of jumping in the water.

However, there will be bears to disturb, like Erwa, who fluttered a few times and came to fish again. After a while, he became anxious and started to make crooked tricks. He felt that earthworms were not good, so he went to catch a grasshopper, or Just get a little 'air toad' hook and use it as bait.

'Qi Toad' is a small gray toad, which is different from the frogs and toads in the textbooks. It is only the size of a finger belly, and it can jump not far and slowly, so it is very easy to catch.

Every time Zhu Xiaobin sees the second baby, he feels very happy, and wonders how the child's brain grows, and why there are always some unique operations.

The most outrageous thing is that he has seen Erwa keep throwing the fishhook into the river and pulling it out again and again. Finally, he caught a small fish called 'eye pills'. up.

The fish called eye drops are very small, with a flat body, and the largest one is no longer than a finger, like a shrunken and flattened crucian carp.

This kind of fish is said to be unpalatable and bitter to eat, so I just put it there for a while when I caught it, and then threw it away.

Any fish can be caught in the river, and the names are also strange.

In addition to the common carp, grass carp, catfish, etc., there are also those called Huotouhuoxizi Daomao, some with three thorns, which are particularly painful. At this time, yellow catfish is rarely seen specially bred for sale, and rural children do not I know, anyway, I hate this kind of fish that can pierce hands.


In addition to watching fishing, Zhu Xiaobin also catches grasshoppers. There is a big, slender green grasshopper, and the long-famous locust. Anyway, he catches them on skewers, and roasts or frys them when he goes home.

For him, life in the countryside is very interesting. There are a large group of children, and no one knows who will come up with some weird ideas in the next second, and then a group of people will put them into action.

For example, Erwa, who likes to dig pits, had the biggest achievement this summer vacation, was to dig a tunnel with Tie Dan and his group on the river bank that could allow two people to get in. He also said that this was his secret base, and he planned to continue to expand it.

So Yan Changqing's original worry was really not unreasonable. If he hadn't stopped him in time, the child might have dug his house down.

It's a pity that Erwa's expansion work didn't last long. They dug a water hole, and water began to seep in it. After digging a few times, the water came out faster and faster.

Soon Erwa's secret base became a small puddle, and then a big puddle.

However, he was not disappointed, pointing plausibly at his 'water base' and said: "This place is higher than the river, and what comes out is not river water, but spring water, and spring water is the best drinking water. If you don't believe me, just wait and see."

When he came again, he saw that the water became clear, and immediately proved what he said with his actions, lay down on his knees, took two sips of water, and then said happily: "It's really sweet, not deceiving. "

Now that he drank it all, a second person soon tried it and also said the water was sweet.

Then other brats stepped forward one after another, fighting for the ground and starting to hold water to drink.

Until Zhu Xiaobin was asked to drink a few sips by a polite little friend, he suddenly found that there seemed to be something slender and red moving on the soil at the surface of the water, and upon closer inspection, it turned out to be an earthworm... …

If you take a closer look, there are more than one or two!

And how fast a group of brats were scrambling to drink water just now, they vomited so loudly now.

(End of this chapter)

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