Chapter 127
When it was almost dark, the bear children who had played for a day began to disperse and go back to their respective houses for dinner.

Usually, Yan Changqing has to choose a place to sleep after a meal. It depends on the situation. He has many places to sleep. If he wants to drink at night, he goes to the winery. Over there, sometimes at home...

In the last two places, he was going to accompany... the air.

With his many days of hard work, he nagged his parents every day to have a second child. Now that the two have not yet had their second child, they have abandoned their first child first, and they will hide from him when they see him.

In fact, grandpa doesn't need him to accompany him, it's purely his own affection, and grandma doesn't have to look after the children now, the old couple rarely even have red faces, so they are happy!
Unknowingly, the God of Wealth in Dayanzhuang has already gotten to this point. With so many places to sleep, the winery is where he belongs. Anyway, he can improve his skills here.


Zhu Xiaobin wandered around with Yan Changqing, and within a few days, he got used to the life of sleeping wherever he went.

The main reason is that Yan Changqing was not idle, and took him to find Climbing Cha at night with a flashlight.

At first, he was a little apprehensive about this kind of ugly-looking bug with a carapace, and he was a little afraid to catch it.But when Yan Changqing came to the kitchen with a climbing fork.

Then Zhu Xiaobin didn't need Yan Changqing to take him with him. When he came back from bathing in the river at night, he took a flashlight and saw the tree and took a closer look;
Walking on the road, I saw a small hole in the ground near the root of the tree. I had to pick up a small stick and poke the hole to see if there was a cute little climbing fork inside.

I worked until the dead of night, and when I got to the winery, I lay in bed and looked at the stars and the moon.

Zhu Xiaobin likes to sleep outside, even if there is an electric fan in the room, but the outside is more spacious, and you can lie on the mat and watch the stars and the moon.

If you are afraid of mosquito bites, burn some cypress leaves and homemade moxa sticks. You don’t have to worry about the wind blowing the smoke away. When there are no mosquitoes in the wind, you don’t need to burn them.

The kids from the city are interested in all these rustic things, and try to catch a few mosquitoes, put them in a bottle and smoke them, and study whether these things are reliable.

Of course, he usually can't look at the stars for too long, because the day is such a hard and busy day, and he basically falls asleep when he lays down at night.

A sense of dawn.

He didn't even know that Yan Changqing got up at night to check the situation of the wine.


Happy days always make people feel that time flies too fast.

Soon, when he called home again, Zhu Xiaobin's father told him that it was time to go home after playing enough.

Zhu Xiaobin was a little reluctant. He only learned a few new knowledge yesterday.

If a 'horse turtle' gets into the flesh in the pond, you can't pull it with your hands, you have to pat the place where it sucks blood with something, and you can pat it hard.

'Horse turtle' is the name of rural children, it should be a kind of leeches and leeches, not the thick and big ones, but the small ones, elongated and thin.

These things can be seen everywhere in ponds and ditches, and if they are not careful, they will climb onto their legs. By the time people feel it, they have probably already penetrated into the flesh, which feels very penetrating.

It was the first time that Zhu Xiaobin was taken aback when the horse turtle got into his calf. As a result, the brats didn’t worry at all. One child didn’t even need tools, so he just slapped the turtle a few times, and the little horse turtle fell down. He was held by the brats and burned to death.

This is not the scariest thing, the most memorable thing for him is meeting a snake.

But before he could react, a group of brats chased after him. The snake was lucky because there was a hole next to it, so it went straight in.

Even so, the brats didn’t let it go, and several brats took turns pulling its tail, trying to pull it out, but in the end they didn’t succeed—Zhu Xiaobin was in a very complicated mood at the time, and he didn’t know what to regret , or should be lucky for that snake.

Because Erwa told him how to peel off the skin of a snake, and said that even if the skin was peeled off, the snake would not die...

It sounded cruel, but he couldn't help thinking, Erwa said that the skin of the snakes was skinned, and the meat inside was white and tender, not as ugly as their skins at all...


After bidding farewell to a group of friends in the village, Zhu Xiaobin got on the motorcycle with regret and set foot on his way home.

When we parted, the brats seemed indifferent and gave him advice one after another, such as asking him to make trouble, break things, etc., so that the family would agree to let him come to play again.

There are even more outrageous ideas. A certain brat asked him to pee on the bed for a few days. Although he would be beaten, as long as he held back, he could get whatever he wanted...

Yan Changqing felt that these words were quite philosophical, and there was a taste of all hardships and hardships, and all the hardships finally come to fruition.

Then he felt that the camera was not enough to meet his needs. If there was a video recorder, it would be great to record these, they are all very precious childhood memories!

Zhu Xiaobin got home all the way with these unreliable ideas in mind.

As soon as I entered the house and called my parents, I came back, I felt that the house seemed to be eerily quiet for several seconds.

Just when he was wondering what was wrong, he heard the shocking voice of his mother, who has always been able to maintain his demeanor: "Oh my dear, are you back from digging coal?"

Yan Changqing put down the wine, greeted Director Zhu and left.

The city boy ran around with the brats all day long, happy to be happy, but also tanned.

Black and black.

Not only that, but the skin on the arms is peeling!
Take away a white and clean city baby, and return a black cub from a coal mine.

When I first walked in, even the mother almost didn't recognize her child!

If you don't leave, do you still want to wait for a living?


After returning home, Yan Changqing was ready to set off with his uncle.

Of course it's not just the two of them, it's two families.

Li Xiuni's experience of going to Shanghai, there is nothing to talk about now, and she needs to "investigate" again to find some new materials.

As for Yan Haihai, his wife and son had already decided on matters, so his opinion became less important.

A few people boarded the train that wasn't running fast, blowing the shaking fans on the train, chatting, falling asleep and eating all the way, and arrived in Shanghai.

This time, Yan Hai and his wife became much calmer, and they should be surprised to become Aunt and Hei Pei Dan.

Chen Youliang was relatively calm, after all, he had been running around for a while.

And he is more emboldened - whoever is carrying a large denim backpack with 150 million banknotes these days will be more emboldened.

But people are different. Yan Dahai, who is next to Chen Youliang, is also carrying a 150 million denim backpack. It looks like a group of people came out to work with their families.

It's just that Yan Haihai's footsteps are a little weak, and he always feels like he can't carry his backpack. Li Xiuni next to him is similar, and he hardly takes his eyes off the backpack.

In fact, it's not that I can't carry it, but that I see too much money.

They used to know that their son was making money, but they never saw him except that he brought the money home at first, and then Yan Changqing deposited all the money in the bank.

So when they heard people whispering how much money their son earned, they were all numbers. They didn’t see it with their own eyes. Even if their son told them that the money they earned was true, they still thought that was the case!

Until this time, when you come out, you have to bring all the money you don't need for the time being.

A 150 million was taken out, and another 150 million was taken out.

Stacks of banknotes were piled up and filled a large backpack.

At that time, I felt that the backpack was heavy, even though Yan Haihai was carrying a bag of more than 100 kilograms of grain at home, he didn't frown.


Yan Changqing was actually a little worried.

Uncle's 200 million is a heavy trust. Not long ago, people who didn't know what stocks were, asked themselves how much money they were going to bring, and when they heard that they were going to bring 150 million, my uncle brought so much without saying a word.

The two are earning more than this amount now, but one of them wants to start a winery, and the other plans to save some money in case there is something in the market.

But it's already quite a lot. After all, Yan Changqing's consideration of buying stocks was based on his memory. He had lost all his stocks in the past.

It was still the familiar hotel. After they settled down, Yan Changqing and Chen Youliang didn't intend to delay any longer. The mother and aunt waited at the hotel with the black leather cousin. The father and uncle Yan Changqing carried the The bag departed.


During the summer vacation of 1990, there was no stock exchange, only securities trading counters.

The place where Yan Changqing took his parents to take pictures last time was the first stock trading counter, which was established during the summer vacation four years ago. It is said that it was transformed from a [-]-square-meter barber shop.

Now you don’t need to open an account to buy stocks, let alone open a special stock account. Just like going to buy vegetables on the street, you only need to bring cash.

However, unlike buying vegetables, there is no way to give you the 'vegetables' immediately, you have to wait for someone to sell them.

Chen Youliang listened to others telling him how to buy and sell stocks with a dazed expression. In order not to show his timidity, he insisted on keeping a serious face and did not ask any questions. He was going to ask his nephew when he went back.

But his nephew is also very confused, he has never done this before!
Otherwise, when he came last time, why did he just inquire about it, and then he thought about it after going back, so he was ready to try it.

After listening for a long time, Yan Changqing carefully thought about the price asked last time and today's stock price, and then recalled the books he had read. It is said that a certain stock god bought at a certain price, and he decided to buy it at a certain price. up.

He asked his uncle to tell the counter: "Then entrust it first! The total is 300 million. Buy any stock you have. The entrustment time is the longest, and you can buy as much as you can. If there are stocks in Yuyuan Shopping Mall, buy that one first." It just so happens that our family is also in the market, so there is fate."

Chen Youliang rubbed his head, with a calm expression on his face, he didn't understand anyway, his nephew talked for a long time on the road, but he still didn't quite understand - mainly because the speaker didn't know much about stock trading before the exchange was established.

Then there are a series of procedures. This is a bank. People have seen a lot of money, just a few million, which is trivial.

However, the number of stocks is very small now. When the trading desk was first established, there were only two stocks. Now there are a little more, and there are only eight.

If there is no accident, at the end of this year, an exchange will be established, and these stocks will be officially listed at that time, and the current ones can only be regarded as transfer transactions.

Yan Changqing once lived in a sweaty working dormitory, full of dreams, to "study" the wealth history of a generation of stock gods. It is said that buying most stocks these days will not lose money.

And Yuyuan, which was mentioned by him, has risen the most. It is said that when issuing stocks, only the value of the mall at that time was considered, and the value of the land of the mall was not calculated, so later, it will rise to the same ceiling as the stock market. sky-high price.

After the procedure is completed, the form is filled out and then reviewed, and finally the entrustment is completed.

Then it is waiting for the transaction to succeed or the order to fail.


When Chen Youliang and Yan Haihai walked away with a stack of papers alone, they were not very calm.

Yan Changqing knew what they wanted to say: "Can people cheat us with that little money here? Don't worry. Let's take a look when we have nothing to do in the future. It's not sure how much we can buy! If we can't buy it, it's still ours. "

But needless to say, these two people, including the two adults who went back to the hotel, probably won't be able to fall asleep these days.

But Yan Changqing didn't recruit, he bought it with his own money, and they wouldn't sell it to him!

(End of this chapter)

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