Chapter 128 Let's Practice

There are still benefits to spending money.

For example, Yan Changqing and Chen Youliang 'spent' a lot of money, while others were very 'calm' when shopping.

He didn't even have any interest in watching the river or the sea, and he looked indifferent about everything, thinking about when he'd spend so much money, when would he come back, and even make a fortune, as Yan Changqing said.

Yan Changqing was very helpless: "You just think that I spend money willfully to buy something fun, anyway, we won't be able to use the money for the time being."

As he said that, he picked up a stock and said nonsense: "Look, it says on it, no matter what, it's still worth 100 yuan, right?"

Right shit!

Now the issue of stocks is a share of paper, like the one Yan Changqing took, which is the stock of Yuyuan Shopping Mall. The face is pink, and the other colors are somewhat similar to the banknotes of this year. It has the signature of the chairman of the company. The face value is one hundred yuan, which was the price when it was first issued.

Of course, the stock is not what Yan Changqing said, and the minimum price is 100 yuan. Now it is no longer the price on the face value, and the price will naturally change in the future.

He just bullied his family who didn't understand, especially his mother.

Anyway, he was talking nonsense, and Chen Youliang, who had just figured out a little way, listened to his words with a wonderful expression on his face.

But it didn't break him.

Chen Youliang was very calm. He really didn't need the money now. Not only did he have his own goods in the market, but he also got more or less a commission every day. He didn't worry that if he lost the money, he wouldn't be able to survive.

He also persuaded everyone: "That is, what are you doing thinking about this all day long? Where did the money come from? He bought it if he wanted to. Even if the money is gone, can your family's life be worse than before? "

Nice words don't sound good, but they work.

Anyway, after playing for the next two days, when I went back, it seemed that the family members had no worries—no wonder!
Yan Changqing didn't care about these things, he said everything he could, and he had to get used to it.Otherwise, Hu spicy soup will cost ten yuan a bowl in the future. If you don’t save more money, you won’t be able to afford Hu spicy soup.


The wind blows the eggshells, and the wealth goes away, and people are happy!
After returning home, Yan Changqing started his life of concentrating on curing diseases, saving lives and brewing wine.

Occasionally, I also work as a part-time teacher to teach and educate people, and I began to think about when to let the bear children rehearse stick skills to prepare for the performance.

Why not rehearse when Zhu Xiaobin is around, because this is the reason, let him come to play next time!

Anyway, it's not complicated, they are all experienced people, it's nothing more than making some small adjustments when the time comes.

But never expected that Zhu Changsheng called the market again, and asked someone to send a message for him to contact.

When Yan Changqing went to the market to make a call, Zhu Changsheng's first words surprised him: "Can Xiaobin teach others about your cudgel technique?"

"Ah?" Yan Changqing was taken aback. "This is what I practiced and played by myself. He can teach whoever he wants to teach. It's okay."

Zhu Changsheng breathed a sigh of relief: "I thought about it, and I decided to transfer Xiaobin back to the school for the children of employees. He caused such a big incident over there, and his studies will probably be affected in the future. The school here is better, and they are all employees' families. It’s still close, and the teachers are also in the same courtyard as us, so we can communicate in time if we have something to do.”

"He's at home these few days, and there are a few children in the neighborhood who come to pester him every day. He goes out with a stick and follows him, watching him practice and wanting to learn from him. I'm afraid there's something inappropriate on your side, Just ask you a question."

Yan Changqing laughed after hearing this: "It's okay, it's really okay. He's been going to school since you arrived in the city, and I don't think there are many friends in this hospital. It's good for him to take this opportunity to make more friends. thing."

After teaching, you have to be able to calm down and practice. For those like Zhu Xiaobin who can continue to practice, there are three or a few children out of ten.

Zhu Changsheng also laughed on the other end of the phone, and then said: "By the way, can you bring a few children from the courtyard with you for that show? If there are more people, the next award won't be the third prize." .”

Yan Changqing didn't even bother to complain about the internal performance. Every time there was no group award and individual award, no matter how good an individual's performance was, he would have no chance to win the award.

After thinking for a while, I should have time recently, and said: "That's no problem, I will go there when I have time, and it will be almost enough to give advice together when the time comes. It's very simple."

Anyway, one sheep is also driven, and two sheep are also driven.

He hadn't planned to bring many children from the village there, and now it doesn't matter if there are more children from the courtyard.

Maybe if you perform better, you can transfer the establishment to the city's machinery factory, and then wait for the next time the unit is allocated a house, and you should have your own set.

Although we are not short of that little money, but it is free, why not?

Excitedly dreaming of picking up a flat for free, Yan Changqing returned to the village and began to gather a few friends to prepare for rehearsal.

On the way, he thought about it. If they all practiced together, it would be more troublesome.

The simple way is that he plays a few routines first, and then puts on a pose to let the people behind him practice according to his own routines.In this way, mistakes in the drill can also be avoided.

Make a few fancy moves, and then find a few brats who have been trained in the village, and then the performance will be better than street dance.

In the future, I can really transfer the establishment to the city and allocate houses, so I will buy candy for these bear children.

If we want to buy better candies, we will divide them into two rooms and one living room. Let's buy two catties of white rabbit toffee, and everyone will be happy together.


Gathered a few brats, Yan Changqing said with his hands behind his back, with a serious face: "Brothers, this is your chance! When the National Day comes, I'm going to take a few of you to perform martial arts in the city, and there will be rewards at that time." Yes. Is there anyone who doesn’t want to go?”

Erwa raised her hand: "Brother Qijin, what reward do you have? Can you get me a real gun? Don't shoot rabbits, just an air gun that can shoot birds?"

Yan Changqing's face darkened: "You want to be beaten again, right? You go to one side first. Next!"

Tie Dan raised his hand: "Brother Qijin, can you get me all the comic strips of Monkey King?"

Yan Changqing's face became even darker. The boy's father brought him two volumes of Journey to the West comic strips, one volume 20 and the other volume No.[-].

The key point is that the 23 volumes are not finished yet, who knows how many volumes are left behind!

Forget about the old comics, his dad bought them from all over the place for business, and now he doesn’t remember where he bought them, so where can he get them together?And I don't know if this set is still printed!
This requirement is not as good as the one who bought air guns last time. At least air guns are sold in stores, and you can buy them if you have money.

Yan Changqing waved his hand: "No, next."

When the next brat named Xiaozhi raised his hand, Yan Changqing was smart and asked first, "Would you like to go to the city to perform?"

"Yes!" Xiaozhi nodded expectantly, and was about to continue, when he heard Yan Changqing calling out another one, he opened his mouth and was a little dumbfounded, won't this let me say my wish?
Yan Changqing waved his hand again after shouting the next one: "Forget it, let's practice, it's like this, I'll practice first, you guys follow along, that's it, let's start!"

Tired, I asked them if they wanted to go, but they left here to make a wish for me!

Yanshan Zhi Yanshan friend Yan Shihao, that is, the three who dropped out of school and were later driven to school by Yan Changqing.

After the three went to school, they had less time to practice kung fu, but they learned to be serious.

Not only is it studying, but I also worked hard even when I came back to practice sticks. I don’t know if I enjoyed the comfort of pretending at school, so I decided to work harder and continue pretending!

Several people lined up in order of height, and Yan Changqing started the drill.

It's not too difficult, it's just a routine practiced every day, just rearranged and combined.

After a few trips, everyone will know it, it's that simple.

Then Yan Changqing designed a few cool poses for them, and when they were on stage, they ran up to stand in their own positions, and a few small routines to pose for poses can also increase their momentum, and the key is to look good.

After performing for them, Yan Changqing went to the winery and asked them to practice first.


A few days before school started, Yan Changqing took his martial arts team to the city.

This time I was going to stay for a few days, so I went to the guest house to open two rooms, and settled the people first.

Then he took someone to look for Zhu Changsheng, and before seeing the person, Zhu Xiaobin jumped out: "You guys are here, come quickly..."

Zhu Changsheng smiled: "Wait for you to wait anxiously, if you don't come again, he will want to find you."

After exchanging a few pleasantries, Zhu Xiaobin took a few friends and went out to call for someone.

Zhu Changsheng was a little apologetic: "At first I only wanted to let the children who came to Xiaobin to learn first, but after they practiced and practiced, the other children also came when they saw it. As a result, there were more people. It's okay. Yes, you go back and pick a few who have practiced well..."


Half an hour later, under the shade of trees beside the playground of the children's school, Yan Changqing looked at the forty or so children, big and small, and his face began to turn black.

He finally knew why Zhu Changsheng had an apologetic face when he said it!
He also said that he had some important work and couldn't come with him, so he was ashamed to come, right?

He had forgotten that the village said that there were many brats, but could it be compared with this place?People here have built a school specially for the bear children. Can the number of people be reduced?
The key sticks are very strange, there are two little guys, holding a plastic golden cudgel and a plastic flower gun, most of them were bought from the same stall, and they are quite new.

Some held a stick, but the stick was round, and there was a mark soaked in water for a long time at one end, which looked like a mop stick, and there was a short bamboo stick. Yan Changqing suspected it was a broomstick .

Is that a shovel handle over there?I still use it frequently, the handle is shiny and shiny.

What is that guy doing with a steel pipe? Are you here to fight...

Next to the key, a group of parents followed, all of them women.A group of young women who are flamboyant, Yingyingyanyan, needless to ask, are the kind of employees whose family members don't have to go to work and have a good time.

Yan Changqing can only think of the good, at least there are a few children with real sticks, not bad, not bad, with a very correct attitude.

It's all here, so there's nothing to say.

Little ones, let's practice!
(End of this chapter)

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