Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 129 One Daily Persuasion Tip

Chapter 129

Zhu Xiaobin became famous in the first battle, and the impact it caused was quite large.

Others may think that this child is very cruel, and think that he treats his classmates like this, so he will pay back in the future?
But employees and their families don't see it that way.

There is a word called collective sense of honor. The better the treatment, the stronger the sense of honor.

Even if the children in the courtyard go to other schools and beat a group of people, they all think that this kid is really powerful, and some of them think that this kid is quite a face to the courtyard...

This is the difference between treating your own children and treating other people's children.

Once you understand that this child is actually excellent in character and learning, that's even better!

Then he took a few students to practice sticks in the courtyard, and gradually attracted people. Some people who didn't know him before gradually got to know him. You can tell by looking at it that fighting must be fought back after being bullied miserably.

Immediately, a little pity or distress was added to his liking, what a good boy, he was bullied and had no choice but to beat him with a stick, those who bullied him were too bad...

They didn't think about how many people Zhu Xiaobin hit. Anyway, he was bullied to fight back. Does it matter how much he hit?
They are not from our hospital, and they are not good boys, so they deserve to be taught a lesson.

Adults have a good impression, and children will admire and admire it!
In short, there are more and more children like this. They are free during the summer vacation. It is rare to have something new. How can I not participate?

Yan Changqing was thinking about what to do, when Zhu Xiaobin came running out of breath: "I found the key, and I finally found the person."

There is actually an indoor gymnasium in this school, it's hard not to be envious!
As soon as Yan Changqing had this idea, he suddenly realized that something was wrong. He was well-organized. This is our school for the children of employees—it is a good unit after all, not bad.

Bringing a group of children with runny noses into the gymnasium, Yan Changqing found that the gymnasium is not too big, let's make do with it!

And the ground is not a plastic field or anything else, just a simple concrete floor, with a few table tennis tables, it can only be regarded as an indoor activity room at best.

But move the ping-pong table aside, dozens of children must be enough to practice kung fu.

There is no need to move, there is not a small space on the side of the door, as long as they don't practice together, anyway, there are so many children, and most of them will have to walk in two days.

Zhu Xiaobin took the key and continued to walk inside: "The teacher said that there is a blanket in the equipment room, drag it out and put it on it, so as not to hurt it!"


When the blanket was laid, Yan Changqing looked at the time, it was almost time to eat.

Before he came, he had thought about it. To arouse the children's interest, let Erwa and the others show it off!

But now things are beyond his imagination, so he can only do the opposite.

So he picked up the stick in Erwa's hand and walked forward: "I'll give you a simple exercise first, and you can practice it when you go back. I will check it when I come back in the afternoon. It is very difficult to practice Kung Fu." If you want to practice hard, you have to endure hardship even more, not only don’t be afraid of hardship, but also don’t be afraid of pain. Alright, let’s keep an eye on it.”

Demonstrate Monkey King's signature skill, turning the stick.

In fact, some children have already learned from Monkey King.

This is easy if you practice well, just start slowly.

But the brats generally don’t have this patience. Most of them want to turn faster when they just learn it, and then they will inevitably be hit by their own sticks—maybe they won’t come in the afternoon!

But the posture still needs to be done, and it can't be fooled too obviously. A group of young women over there are watching with rounded eyes.

He demonstrated very slowly, and then asked the children to find a place to try first, while he pointed out one by one, and even held hands and taught them how to turn, absolutely making it impossible to tell.

After a rough guide, it's time to eat.

Then he said: "Everyone go back and practice slowly. Don't turn too fast at the beginning, or you will hit yourself. That's it, get out of class is over, just come at two o'clock in the afternoon."

It doesn't matter if you say a few more words of persuasion, anyway, not too many people will listen to persuasion.Maybe there are still children who will have a rebellious mentality, thinking that they are good, and they just want to hurry up!

Sure enough, there were seven or eight missing in the afternoon, and Yan Changqing could already think of a certain scene:
A bear child dubbed himself a voice at home, took a stick and turned the stick into a big windmill, and the next second it hit his head with a bang, and cried loudly, so his mother hurriedly rubbed his head for help: "...Let's not go to school in the afternoon, so as not to be hit by the stick again, this stick is really bad, throw it away!"

Or maybe the stick broke things at home, and the parents refused to let them come in a fit of anger.

Or simply: "It's too early for class, I'm leaving at two o'clock, so don't go..."

Putting aside some messy thoughts, Yan Changqing began to practice seriously with these children.

As for Erba and the others, let them go out to play in the shade under the trees on the playground, otherwise they will play well, and what if some people who want to leave don't?
Zhu Xiaobin can't leave, Yan Changqing will stay for up to three days, use the basic teaching to pick out a few talented people who can continue to practice, and we need to let him continue to teach as a senior brother!
It is said that the foundation is the foundation, first teach how to hold the stick well, after holding it well, put a pose first, and persevere first, the teacher will point out other students, and you count the seconds to see how long you can persist.

A few words of encouragement should be given as appropriate, and we should not blindly attack them.

Anyway, those who have teaching skills have a lot of small routines.

There are a few who obviously love to play, and they can spin the stick in the afternoon, so pay a little more attention.

After holding the stick, continue to dance the flower stick, yes, it is still the one taught in the morning.

Find a place alone, just go around like this!
When even those who persisted the most began to slack off, Teacher Yan immediately taught another trick, throwing sticks.

Throw it on the ground, there is a carpet, and it won't damage the concrete floor below.

Highlight a boring one.

One more stick at the end.

It's ok, I taught the stick holding and three basic points in the afternoon, so that the students gradually became familiar with the stick in their hands, and the teaching was very successful.

There were only four or five toilets in the middle of the trip, and I probably fell into it and never came back. It was quite worrying, so I went to have a look after class early.


Eight o'clock the next day is the normal school time, but for the children who are on summer vacation, it is probably a little early.

After looking at it, the number of people is only about [-], which is very good.

First review yesterday's movements, and then do a few basic movements if you are familiar with it.

In yesterday's stick throwing and pointing, some children used too much force, and their hands probably ached when they got home, so let's teach them how to swing a stick today.

Swing left, turn right, turn in circles.

Let's practice first!
You'll be tired after swinging for a while, and then there will be an immortal to guide the way-the golden rooster is independent, holding the end of a stick in one hand, and holding it flat to guide the way.

In this posture, patiently give them instructions one by one, and test their endurance by the way.

Finally, I will teach a parry move, and the time is gone for almost a morning.

Encourage and encourage again: "You practiced well this morning, don't forget to practice yourself when you go back, it's still two o'clock in the afternoon."


In the afternoon, there were indeed a few fewer people.

It’s okay, just stick to it for another day. At that time, there will be about ten or so people left, and it can’t be less, otherwise it will be a bit ugly-whether it’s to perform on stage at that time, or to wish the director’s face now...

As for now, it is better to practice what you have learned first, and practice a simple routine together.

The standard of the routine focuses on simplicity, requires solid movements, the strength should be able to be retracted and released, and it is the best to bring out the sound of wind when waving a stick.

Of course, some requirements are a bit more difficult, just talking about it.

In fact, I didn’t learn anything for more than a day, I can only say that I can swing a stick around - rural children can do it with a stick, and if they encounter a rapeseed field, they can perform supernormally!

Practice a few more basic skills, such as high leg raises, to see everyone's physical fitness.

As a result, a little girl kicked her on the forehead, which startled Yan Changqing, and asked again, he practiced dancing.

Children in the city are really different. Training classes and the like are rare these days. I didn't expect that I would meet someone who was ahead of others.

Let’s talk about a little girl who is learning to dance, can’t she perform a dance on stage?Why come to learn the stick method?It's just off the charts!
Forget about the basic movements, let the little girl take her little flower stick and go to the side to practice what she learned earlier.

After roughly passing one side, today I will teach turning around and throwing sticks, and then I will teach kicking movements, so that those who do not press their legs can move their legs. If they really perform on stage in the future, they will definitely not be able to straighten their legs.

That's basically all, let's start practicing, practice hard, and Teacher Yan will guide you carefully.


On the morning of the third day, there were even fewer people.

I won't teach new things today, I learned it two days ago, and I will do it again.

It is right to practice over and over again. If these basic movements are not practiced well, there is no hope of performing on stage.

The effect is very good, too good.

In the afternoon, Yan Changqing looked at the last eight people and wondered, why are there only eight?

Don't you even have to pick now?
Thinking about it, it seems to be almost the same. The patience of ordinary people is only a few days, and after practicing for a few days, it is estimated that some arms are sore and hands are sore.Seeing that the 'master' has nothing new to teach, I guess that's it, so naturally I'm not interested in coming again.

There are eight more, so it's okay!
But these few don't let them go.

Yan Changqing thought and shouted.

"Second baby, come one!"

Erwa trotted forward with a stick in her hand, first she made a handsome rollover, swung the stick, and the wind whistled...

"Tie Dan, it's your turn!"

Tie Dan stepped forward slowly, put the stick under his feet, then made a horse step, closed his fists together, and then shouted loudly, swinging his arms faster than turning the stick...

"Xiaozhi, go!"

With the stick behind his back, Xiaozhi stepped forward and kicked a series of kicks, kicking forward, kicking back, kicking twice in a row, kicking back and forth...

"Little friend Xiaohao!"

The two brats yelled together and came forward, banging the carpet to make smoke rise up—the carpet was a bit dirty because no one took care of it during the holiday.


Seeing the light in the eyes of the remaining eight children, Yan Changqing was relieved.

I finally attracted you, otherwise it would be a bit ugly if the last few were leaving.

When a few brats happily stood aside with their sticks in hand, they deliberately stood upright with a majestic and high-spirited look.

Yan Changqing nodded with satisfaction: "You see, they are all the same age, some of you are younger than some of your classmates, they can do it, and you can do it after a month of practice. "

It should be about the same, right?

 Thanks to "08a", "Tiandi 99999" and "afrashui" book friends for their rewards, thank you for your support!Thanks!

  Four more sent.

(End of this chapter)

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