Chapter 131 Harvest Training
This is the season of harvest for all things.

The sorghum on the side of the road is already holding up the purple-red fruit, showing off to passers-by.

There are also some humble ones, with heavy tassels bending the thin sorghum stalk below, swaying gently in the wind.

There is also a corn field next to it, and as far as the eye can see, there are such large green gauze tents everywhere.

Walking on the path between the green gauze tents, smelling and feeling the breath from the fields, it is really a wonderful enjoyment.

Just walking, Yan Changqing smelled a smell of steaming wine, bah!
My own, forget it, stop scolding!


Yan Changqing went back and forth to the winery school twice, and then came the autumn busy vacation.

No way, the autumn busy holiday is not based on the date, but on the time when the crops mature.The long summer vacation has just ended, and there is a small long vacation less than a week after the start of school, which is also... a very happy thing.

Anyway, most of the students are quite happy.

The bear kids couldn't bear it anymore, and started to harm everything in sight on the way home from school. They dug a sweet potato in the ditch, washed it, gnawed it as they walked, and ate a sweet stalk of corn that didn't grow big enough to eat as sugar cane. .

Some guys even started to burn edamame and baked sweet potatoes.

As soon as the fire was extinguished, he picked up half-baked sweet potatoes and picked up cooked soybeans in the ashes, until his cheeks were black.

As long as there are enough brats, locusts will stay away wherever they pass, otherwise they will inevitably walk on the fire and turn around in their stomachs if they are caught.

Yan Changqing caught a group of brats and took pictures with all his strength, especially the little girls, all of whom had dark faces and smirked happily.

The bear kids don’t take pictures, I don’t know how many pictures they take of them walking the birds, there is no need for this.

After taking the photos, I greeted Erwa and the children who were going to perform, and planned to wait until the weekend before going to the city for a walk—children in the city don’t have this busy autumn, let alone a school for the children of employees.


This time when I went to the city, everyone was more polite.

When I came back last time, Zhu Xiaobin took a lot of toys and snacks from home as gifts for everyone, so these guys prepared their own gifts in advance this time.

The three of Xiaozhi prepared big crabs, which were really big. The largest one was bigger than Erwa's palm. The shell on the back looked a bit uneven, and the color was heavier than other crab shells.

This is the harvest of the three bear children who spent a whole afternoon in the river yesterday. After touching it, they put it on the water. They only pretended it this morning, and they are still alive.

Eating crabs is not popular in the local area now. No one eats this stuff, so it's a bit light on etiquette.If the price of crabs rises after release, these two crabs with their teeth and claws in nets will be regarded as precious gifts.

Tiedan prepares sweet potatoes and corn from home, not random ones. The sweet potatoes are carefully prepared sweet potatoes. There are very few red sweet potatoes grown in rural areas, most of which are white inside, and taste a bit dry. But the yield is high.

His mother asked him to bring the corn, saying that it was not sincere to bring some worthless sweet potatoes as a gift, and he filled half a bag of new corn, and this guy couldn't even carry it.

What Erwa prepared was... stinky crickets.

Now he is in a daze with a bitter face, looking at the glass jar in his hand, feeling very melancholy.

In the past, everyone caught crickets by stringing them with dogtail grass, but now the family is rich, and rural children can afford canned food.

Cans and bottles used to be treasures. They were used as salt shakers and put pickles. They had various uses.But now, when there are too many things, I don’t cherish them so much, and let the children play with them if they want them.

Erwa was going to bring a gift, so she took her treasured canned bottle, caught crickets for a long time yesterday afternoon, and wanted to bring it to a friend today.

As a result, Yan Changqing saw him running over excitedly holding the jar, and looked at the tightly closed lid of the jar, and couldn't help but remind him: "Wouldn't all the crickets inside you be suffocated to death?"

Erwa was startled, took a closer look, and quickly opened it...

Not only is it dead, but it also stinks!

The tractors started, and everyone was waiting to go. Yan Changqing had no choice but to comfort him: "I brought a lot of wine, this is a gift from the two of us."

Erwa pursed her lips, feeling very sad: "Xiao Bin doesn't drink."

Xiaozhi comforted him: "Why don't we lend you some crabs and return them to us when you come back."

Seems like a good idea?

Erwa thought about it, but there was no other way for the time being, so she nodded and agreed.

Yan Changqing looked at the crabs with their teeth and claws, and thought for a while, as if he didn't know where Zhu Xiaobin's mother was from, and didn't know if she had eaten crabs...


The tractor went to the market, replaced by a small truck, and continued to send them to the city.

After arriving, Yan Changqing opened a room in the guest house, put his things in it first, and went shopping with a few children.

None of the children had played in the city, they were at school the last time they came, and now they can finally come out to see, all of them are very excited.

In fact, there are not many places to see in Xiyang City now. Don’t expect a few brats to like the cultural relics. After walking around the street, I am interested in comparing more high-rise buildings in the village. Others are purely for watching. After all, here There are many people.

As for the vehicles on the street, Erwa's speech is very representative: "The cars in the city are not as big as the ones in our village, and they can't fit a few people in them."

Bigness is the last word.

Yan Changqing simply took them to watch the train.

Sure enough, seeing the train with my own eyes is completely different from seeing it on TV.

Especially standing on the high railway bridge, looking at the train like a long dragon below, blew the whistle from a distance, and then rumbled past, which shocked a group of children.

The shock is the shock, the meal should be eaten, and the restaurant is going out today.

A group of children came to the restaurant, and the boss turned his head and looked at it again and again, his face was so confused that he couldn't help it: "Children, where is your adult? Do you need to pay for eating here?"

Yan Changqing took out his work card and money: "We have money, boss, hurry up and order, we still have something to do after eating!"

The boss is a bit confused, but as long as he has money, he is not afraid even if the children steal money from the family. After seeing a few children, they are people who are not short of a bowl of noodles in the family. Even if the parents find it, they will give the money.

Don't look at the little ghosts who are all stunned, but it is indeed different from before. The clothes that are usually rolled around in the village and can't see the color, after washing, they are all popular in the city.

Rural elders have a little money and don't know how to discipline their children. They only know that when they find something suitable for their children, they bring it back if they think it can be used.I feel that as long as I buy them the best that I can give, I have fulfilled my responsibility as a parent.

Fortunately, the village is still relatively closed. Even if these ugly children wear dragon robes, they still receive traditional rural education. There is no chance to learn bad things.


Back at the hotel after dinner, a few of them didn't take a lunch break, and chatted vigorously.

Then when the time is almost up, bring a gift and go to wish the director's house.

When Zhu Xiaobin's mother saw the crab gift, Yan Changqing always felt that her expression now seemed familiar.

Recalling carefully, yes, the last time Zhu Xiaobin came back from the village, the moment she called out in surprise.

The expression at that time is very similar to the expression of crabs now.

Yan Changqing had no choice but to remind her: "It's very simple to handle, just steam or cook it, and add some seasonings to dip it in."

In fact, he thinks that it is better to bake it well, so that even the crab claws will become crispy and delicious-it is best to be baked in a brick-fired cave dwelling on a mud wall sealed with bricks, so that it can be roasted most thoroughly.

However, seeing how he was carefully carrying the net bag, Yan Changqing consciously gave up on making more suggestions.

Zhu Xiaobin was very happy. In fact, when he was in the village, he didn’t dare to touch crabs—because touching crabs is to look for small dark holes near the river bank, and you can’t see what’s inside. That’s why it’s called touching crabs. Crab.

It may be a crab, it may be a mouse or a snake!
But now at home, he acted very bravely, took the initiative to take the crab from his mother, and carried it to the kitchen. After a while, there was the sound of receiving water. It seemed that the crab was put into the water.


After a brief chat with Director Zhu, a group of children went straight to the gym.

Zhu Xiaobin gave Yan Changqing a surprise. Last time, he screened too well. Before leaving, there were only eight students left, but now there are four or five more students.

Finally, there is a choice.

Zhu Xiaobin was also very happy, and explained to Yan Changqing: "It turned out that two of those people left, and then a few more came..."

Some of the newcomers were not newcomers, but those who did not persist in the three days, especially those who did not come on the last day. They knew that they would not go, and their performance was very exciting, so they were tempted again.

Some had a sore arm at the time, and felt it was too hard. After returning home, their arm healed and they began to regret it. Seeing Zhu Xiaobin and a few people running to the gym every day after school, they struggled a bit and then came again.

There are also newcomers. Anyway, it's just these few people, and the source is quite complicated.

But it doesn't matter how you come, as long as the important things come.

Yan Changqing thinks it's okay, anyway, they practice every day after school these few days, which is much better than the original scene.

These students can only practice on weekends, and there is not much time, so let's stop gossip and start practicing directly!


In fact, the gap between the two groups is still very obvious.

Except for Zhu Xiaobin, everyone in the children's school is a novice.

After thinking about it, Yan Changqing estimated that the performance would have to be separated by then.

There are no requirements for the performance of the unit at all, as long as the performance is good and everyone is happy.

The little dancing girl was still there, so Yan Changqing designed her dancing moves, which looked more pleasing to the eye.

Probably only a little girl in the first and second grades, she performed a few random performances with a stick, and then made a couple of crisp hehehaha, ensuring constant applause from below.

The other students are also teaching students according to their aptitude based on their observations. Under Zhu Xiaobin’s leadership, some of the movements taught last time have been practiced so well that they can be seen by eye. Let them continue to practice. Don’t be bored. Split Huashan, I tell you that as long as you practice like this, you will be so powerful sooner or later.

If the rest is really not good, then practice your voice.

It doesn't matter if the movements are simple, hehehehaha, the voice must be loud, and shouting with momentum is also a kind of performance!


Make a plan and train step by step.

It doesn't matter if you are boring, Erwa and the others are not very stable temperaments. Give them a chance to show off, and the latecomers can find the motivation to cheer.

Seeing a group of students sweat like rain, Yan Changqing's heart also stabilized.

I get my salary every month while I am still working, and I get benefits during the holidays, and I often get things that are not easy to buy now.

"Hello, is this Master Yan?" While thinking, a voice suddenly came from behind.

Yan Changqing turned around and saw a young man wearing a sports vest, shorts and sneakers looking at him: "Hello, hello. You can't be called Master Yan, I just play with my classmates."

"Hello, Master Yan is modest." The young man smiled and held out his hand. "My name is Li Dongning, and I'm the physical education teacher in this school."

"Yan Changqing." Yan Changqing stretched out his hand and shook it, a little strangely. "Mr. Li is looking for me?"

"That's right, I'm here to learn teaching experience from you." Li Dongning said briskly. "I'm an external teacher. Our school was established late. In the past, we only focused on cultural education. In the past two years, we have begun to take care of other aspects. I only came in last year as a teacher..."

Under Li Dongning's introduction, Yan Changqing probably also understood.

The school has just been established, so I don't care about anything else, it must only focus on the results of cultural subjects.Now that my grades in cultural subjects are almost the same, I start to think more.

For example, in terms of style.

Mr. Li means that his current physical education teacher is not going well. Physical training is a bit too hard and boring for these children from families with superior backgrounds. Except for students who are particularly interested, there are very few students Persist for a long time.

Yan Changqing also expressed his understanding. In fact, everything is like this. Once a hobby becomes a profession, many hobbies will deteriorate.

So Teacher Li came to 'visit and study', wanting to see how Teacher Yan can make a group of students sweat profusely.

Yan Changqing just laughed: "It's really not about my ability. These students can persevere. Firstly, they have role models. Secondly, they can perform on stage immediately, and then they can show their faces in front of their classmates and parents. This is the motivation. "

Teacher Li began to think deeply, and after a while, he slowly said: "We need to set an example, so that they have the motivation to catch up, right? Give them another chance to perform?"

"Sports competition!" Yan Changqing reminded. "You recruit a few students to participate in some youth competitions, and you come back with an award. The parents are happy, the teachers are happy, and the students are envious. Isn't the motivation coming?"

Seeing this teacher Li frowning and thinking hard, Yan Changqing smiled and continued to watch his performance team training.

In fact, it's not that simple. You need to do some small tricks during your usual training. Otherwise, it is rare for teenagers and children to persist in a boring thing.

Otherwise, why in the future, some children will get countless likes and support when they shoot a video, because there are very few people who can do that!

(End of this chapter)

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