Chapter 132
There is a difference between Zizi School and other schools.

Externally hired teachers, although some benefits and remuneration are not bad, but they are not included in the establishment of the unit.

Still, it's an attractive place.Because the current reality is that being a teacher outside is not as good as here in terms of income or benefits.

At least here you don't have to worry about being owed wages.

Yan Changqing guessed that Mr. Li was eager to make achievements and wanted to obtain an internal establishment as soon as possible.After all, young people are energetic, aggressive, and self-motivated.

When he thought this way, he was completely standing up and talking without pain in his back. The young people were anxious to get married or have children. Unlike him, he was too young for young people, so he didn't need to think about these things at all.

A group of students practiced until dinner time and walked out of the gymnasium exhausted.

Yan Changqing said with a smile: "We are mainly preparing for the performance. The time is relatively tight. In fact, after this period of time, there is no need to work so hard. The parents are watching during the performance. If you don't work hard now, then they don't need to work so hard. Did you wait in vain?"

"Don't think that stick skills are inferior to those of swords and swords. At least our sticks are longer than swords, right? One inch is longer and one inch is stronger. It's not for nothing. And we also have short sticks and nunchakus. .”

As he spoke, he took out the nunchaku and swung it with a whirr.

Not for practicality, but for beauty.

So much so that when Zhu Xiaobin watched, he always felt that although the scene was different, there was a sense of déjà vu.

That's right, when he was still young, when he was still in the third grade of elementary school, he was tricked into being intoxicated by this master with a set of chain legs, and since then he has embarked on the road of practicing martial arts for two years.

Although he is no longer a student in the third or fourth grade of elementary school, and he knows that this little master is using the same routine to attract people, but he is a little moved by watching.

By the way, is there still such a game?

There are really crabs for dinner.

To tell the truth, there are quite a few kids in the village who catch crabs, but they rarely eat crabs in such a formal way.

Arrange all the crabs on a large plate, and there are several kinds of dipping sauces in the small plates prepared next to it. In the village, except for Yan Changqing, sometimes it is troublesome to make dipping sauces, and other brats bring crabs back. Fry them and throw them for themselves to eat.

Because adults basically don't eat it.

As for the legend that the crab is Fahai or something, that's really not the reason, it's purely a matter of habit.

The children were not used to it, but Zhu Xiaobin's mother was very enthusiastic and took good care of the children like her son. Seeing that they were cautious, she took the initiative to help them put crabs in front of them one by one and persuade them to eat.


Zhu Changsheng eats one crab and then eats something else, just try something new, can it really be eaten as a meal?
He asked Yan Changqing while eating: "Asia has always been very popular in the provincial capital, so it doesn't have any impact on your market?"

Asia Asia opened in May last year, and it will be a whole year until May this year. It has been very hot recently, or it has been very hot in the past year, but it has been particularly hot recently. It is said that the annual sales volume is almost [-] million.

But Yan Changqing is not worried at all: "They are customers in the provincial capital, and they will not compete with us for business."

The market is engaged in wholesale, the price is directly purchased from the manufacturer, and the capital is not large, and it is scattered among the people who run the business, which really has no effect.

Zhu Changsheng nodded: "The first few days when the news came out, I was taken aback. Their sales are too scary. No wonder several big shopping malls in the provincial capital are jealous of them. Their competition has no effect on this place, right?"

It's really scary. The per capita income of the provincial capital is just over [-], and the sales of a shopping mall are almost [-] million. No wonder it's not scary!
As for the competition, it was really lively.In May of this year, several other shopping malls in the provincial capital united to say that Asia was engaging in unfair competition.

But Yan Changqing is still very calm: "It's okay, our low-priced wholesale and their high-end retail are not in the same way. They compete with each other to suppress the price, and the market can take the opportunity to go to the provincial capital." It’s a good thing that the goods are going west.”

This is not a fight between snipe and clam for the fisherman's profit, but that the bosses lead the team to fight in a team battle, and the little shrimps follow them to pick up some garbage they don't want.

There are benefits to watching the excitement, of course they don't care, just fight casually, it doesn't matter who wins or loses, we are all happy anyway.

Zhu Changsheng was stunned for a moment, and then laughed: "That's right, anyway, it's good that you don't get affected. But what if they expand? I heard that the boss of Asia is a powerful figure, and he intends to leave the provincial capital and develop outside."

Yan Changqing recalled it carefully, and said casually: "Expansion is dead."

Anyway, he knows very well that Asia has only been popular for a few years. It was very prosperous at first, then it began to expand, and disappeared.

It is also related to Xiyang City. It should be built in Xiyang City in a few years, but it started to lose money from the day it opened, and it continued to lose money until it closed. The so-called expansion finally became a joke.

The provincial capital is at least the provincial capital. Although the average salary is low, it is the provincial capital after all, and there will always be people with money to spend.

But in other places, it is a bit unworkable to continue to pursue high-end retail.

What Yan Changqing said was so sure that Zhu Changsheng was taken aback: "The family is booming, you must be jealous!"

"Hey!" Yan Changqing smiled and said nothing more.

Now Asia is said to be well-known throughout the country. People don’t know the name of the capital of Yudong Province, but they may know Asia. It’s so popular that I can’t say it.

But the fact is that such a popular name suddenly disappeared after waiting for a few years.

It didn't disappear completely, Yan Changqing seemed to remember that he had seen a brand like Asia Barber Shop, or a brand of Asia Beauty Salon, anyway, this was his last memory of the word Asia.

By the way, he quickly took out his small notebook and wrote it down: If Asia Asia opens a shopping mall, if you want to come to get the goods first and then pay back, don't give them credit.

This is to go back and tell my uncle.

He believes that the current small market in Taoshu Township, although it only trades in the tens of millions a year, and the bosses, one big and one small, can only quietly earn a few million, but the vitality must be tenacious than that of Asia. Do not engage in blind expansion.

Zhu Changsheng doesn't care about business matters. He only cares about the market in Taoshu Township. The more prosperous the market, the better. After all, the news has said that the oil field has supported the market...

However, the market is developing so stably now, shouldn't the oil field also come up with something specific?

Thinking about it, he fell into deep thought.


Judging from the second day's training, Yan Changqing's small hands showed yesterday, and the effect is obvious.

Today, these students are obviously as if they have been beaten. After learning that they can learn the nunchaku after the performance, they are all in high spirits, and their moves are a bit more agile than yesterday.

As a result, Yan Changqing had to use his barely qualified medical skills to pay attention to them. When they were too excited and exerted too much force, he quickly pulled them over and kneaded them to prevent them from hurting their bodies.

Speaking of which, it is better to have more skills, and you can also work as a team doctor part-time.

As a result, in the afternoon, Teacher Li who ran over was startled: "Who are you?"

"Give them flexible arms, so as not to leave any trouble." Yan Changqing smiled. "Is Teacher Li not busy?"

"Not busy, I went to the Sports Bureau to ask. There will be a sports meeting after the National Day this year. However, the scale of our sports meeting here is not large, the publicity is not good, and the number of participants is not large...There was no one in our factory before. Participated in..."

Yan Changqing patted the arm in his hand: "You go to practice first, take it easy, don't make your arm hurt anymore."

Then, when the student was far away, he said to Mr. Li: "Just give me a certificate, what else do you want?"

In fact, this is the reality, and many people don't pay attention to these at all.Let alone now, everyone will have a smartphone in the future. If you go to the street and ask someone if there is any sports meeting held in the city recently, most people may not even know.

Unless there are relevant people in the family, or there are students in the family who have just been selected to be cheerleaders.

After listening to Yan Changqing's words, Teacher Li was entangled at first, then hesitated, and finally realized, nodded again: "I understand!"

What do you understand?
Do you understand how to fool students?

But people want to make achievements no matter what.

Yan Changqing thought for a while and said, "Ask the principal and ask him or someone in the factory to say hello in advance, so that you don't even have a certificate of award when you come back with someone."

Anyway, I actively participated in and supported the sports meeting, and I said hello in advance. Even if I really got nothing, there will always be an encouragement award or something.

Anyway, no one will come back empty-handed, otherwise, who will be the escort for future events!

Teacher Li thought for a while, with a sincere smile on his face: "This time I really understand!"


What Yan Changqing didn't expect was that he only advised Mr. Li in the afternoon.

After training in the afternoon, when he was about to take someone home, Zhu Changsheng also gave him an idea.

At the beginning, Zhu Changsheng was complaining: "Your market is not so poor that you can't even afford a car, right? Even if you can't afford a good one, buy a van to take you to and from the personal head office, and let a small truck run around every time. It’s too unsafe to go there.”

It must be safe. The people who drive are all from the village. Sometimes it is Yan Erhe who comes here. They pull the children from their own village and are very careful. They walk slowly all the way and keep an eye on the back.

But it's really a bit too stingy, or just buy a van?

Just as he was thinking about it, Zhu Changsheng said again: "Your place is full of cars now, so it's troublesome to refuel, right? Have you ever considered opening a gas station next to the market, whether it's your own car or outside? Can the truck that comes to pull the goods be more convenient?"

(End of this chapter)

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