Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 133 Gas station performance

Chapter 133 Gas station performance
Have you considered it?
Yan Changqing was stunned, is this something I should consider or not?

In this day and age, open a gas station?
How many people dare to think about it!
But he quickly realized that Zhu Changsheng had given him a good idea.

The market really needs a gas station. Refueling is a big problem now. Many vehicles come and go with their own oil cans and drums.

Seeing his expression, Zhu Changsheng laughed: "It's a gas station built by us, but there is still a limit on how much gas we can supply. You can buy less but not more. This is only responsible for supplying fuel. You pay for it. Self-financed."

Isn't this condition free money and convenience?

Yan Changqing nodded again and again: "What preparations are you going to make?"

Zhu Changsheng laughed: "Just prepare the venue and the money, and let me know when you are ready. When the time comes, someone will come over here to guide you on how to build a place to store oil tanks, and learn some safety precautions, and then deliver oil here." In the past, it was that simple."

Well, it is very simple.


When we arrived at the market in the evening, Yan Changqing also imitated Zhu Changsheng, and said lightly: "When you have applied for the land, I will call there again, and then I will pick up people, build according to what they said, and then wait Just oil."

Chen Youliang was not calm at all: "Is it really possible?"

Yan Changqing is very sure: "I wish the director to do things, he will not tell me if he is not sure. It must be agreed. Besides, we still have their name at the beginning. It is the advanced group they support to take the lead in getting rich. Give us Shouldn't it be supported?"

Chen Youliang finally believed it, and immediately said fragrantly: "%#¥%#..."

I can't speak easily when I'm excited, and my mantra is a series of words.

It would be great if it were as simple as Zhu Changsheng said. There are still few formal gas stations these days, and oil depots are still the mainstream. Oil depots are a unique product of this era, responsible for the supply of gasoline and diesel.

There is one in Taoshu Township. People in the village have to go to the oil depot to buy gasoline or diesel.

Entering the gate of the oil depot is a large yard, and then you can see two lids that look like a pair of eyes. When you lift the lid, there is a huge super large oil tank built underground.

Don't get too excited, it's just a decoration. When you actually buy oil, you still use oil barrels to fill it, and you may not have oil when you go there.

The past few years have gotten better, no matter gasoline or diesel, the supply is a bit more.

And many places have begun to have small refueling points, like a few oil barrels.

At this time, the most common ones are these large oil barrels. After they have completed their historical mission, they will become the common sweet potato roasting stoves on the street, and continue to use their waste heat—this is the real use of waste heat. You can feel the warmth.

However, the small refueling point not only does not guarantee the quality of the oil products, but also cannot guarantee the supply. People who go there have to ask first: "Is there any oil today?"

But in the case of large gas stations or oil depots, there is no map navigation to tell you where they are. If people go to places they are not familiar with, they still have to ask.

Well now, the market has its own gas station, and there is no need to ask others: "Is there any gas today?"

Chen Youliang couldn't even wait until dawn, so he picked up the phone and called Township Chief Yang to ask for land.

Yan Changqing's words have already been delivered, so don't worry about specific matters. Just as he was about to get on the tractor and go home, Chen Youliang chased him out again: "Don't go, don't go, you let the children go back first, and you stay for a day. Ming Yang The head of the township will come here, and it is estimated that he will be able to notify the oil field tomorrow..."


The next day, Township Chief Yang came in a hurry and left in a hurry.

What Yan Changqing can do is to remind that the gas station should be farther away from the road, farther than the market.

Because the road will have to be repaired sooner or later, and it will definitely have to be expanded at that time. It will be easy to move the market back, but it will be too much trouble if the gas station is moved.

After Mayor Yang left, Yan Changqing reminded his uncle, in addition to the reminders in his notebook, he also reminded him of the new problems caused by the gas station: "In the future, our gas station should try to sell as little gas as possible! To supply our customers and our own people, it is estimated that the township will also want to come, and people from the county will come, you have to bear it, we can't open the head of credit."

Chen Youliang calmed down immediately, thought for a while and nodded viciously: "What are you afraid of, if we are not in the county and not in the town, the farther away from them will be less troublesome. Anyone who comes is cash, money first, oil later. Great old man Quit it, let's see who is in a hurry!"

This land grant is unprecedentedly fast.

The occupation of the land in the village was also agreed very neatly, and no one from top to bottom did not support it.

Now the crops have just been harvested in the farmland, and the land they are using is the village where they were first allowed to do business. They also have a lot of cars now. Whether it is a tractor or a small truck, as long as they use engines, they must use oil.

The mayor Yang has not come back from the county, and there are a few businessmen in the village who have already organized people to help level the land.

Yan Changqing didn't wait until the end. When the village chief Yang came back and got the documents, he made a phone call and left.

According to the current enthusiasm of the people, as long as the efficiency of the oil field is higher, the gas station will be able to open in a short time.

Although he didn't plan to sell much oil outside from the beginning, what if the oil field is more generous?

Soon, the countryside was an endless wilderness.

In some farmlands there are still fallen corn stalks, but some have been cleaned up. Cattle and tractors of all sizes in various villages have all started to move.

The black and yellow land was turned up, just letting the sun bask in it.

When all the land has been plowed, the colors of the land become uniform.

The children in Dayanzhuang and several nearby villages had a lot of new toys and new clothes, but the people who came and went rushed in all directions before the wheat was sown.

While the other little friends were still comparing the things that their father brought back for more fun, Erwa and the other children were practicing hard.

In fact, they don't need to practice at their level, but they went to the city twice, and each time they went, they showed off their skills in front of the children in the city. After they came back, they were full of motivation and would work hard for a while.

But their rare days of hard work and practice are not long, and they will go to the real performance soon.


The day before the National Day, several children put on uniform clothes, which were ordered by the labor service company in the town, and the children in the city also had uniform practice clothes.

It’s the kind of looser clothes that are commonly used in Tai Chi practice, but Yan Changqing requested that the jacket not be so loose, and added a large character “Wu” on the back——I invited an old teacher in the town to write it. , very imposing.

An elastic band is also added to the trousers, so that when turning back and forth, the trousers will not slip back and affect the movement.

Yan Changqing also has them, but both his and Zhu Xiaobin's are black, making black and white stand out.

There are three other red ones—except for the little girl who practiced dancing, there are actually two girls who have persisted.

There are a total of nineteen members of the performing team now.

By the way, this exercise suit is also on the market now, but the word "wu" has been removed.

The sales volume is not bad, but even a few orders have been obtained.It is said that a martial arts school was opened in a certain place, and I just saw that this dress was selected as a school uniform.

The labor service company originally only had corporate orders. Once there was no order, the workers would have to herd sheep. Now that there is work, I am very grateful to Yan Changqing. I took the money he bought for clothes and asked to return it to him, but he didn’t want it. .


No matter what, a month of training will pay off today.

Watching the people on the stage go up and down, it was obvious that Yan Changqing felt that the little ones were getting nervous.

Seeing that they are about to go on stage, this will not work. After thinking about it, Yan Changqing said: "Don't worry, our performance must be the best. Think about it, even if your parents have returned from serving as soldiers, their military status How ugly it is to punch! Does it look good with our tricks?"

The person in charge of the program who was accompanying him laughed. Whoever in the army dares to teach such a fancy thing, is the easiest thing to pull out and shoot!

Yan Changqing is still very serious: "Don't worry, we are all students, even if we make some mistakes, we are not afraid. If you drop the stick, pick it up quickly and continue. Don't worry if you make a mistake, just keep performing. Anyway, we have been rehearsing in the gymnasium all the time. , and not many people saw how we rehearsed."

In fact, I have seen it. If you want to go on stage, someone has to read it first.Although it is an activity within the unit, it can't be too outrageous.

But when I watched it, I didn't formally ask for a performance. I just looked at it roughly and felt that the problem was not too big.

Anyway, I just want to have fun, and the performance is almost enough. What kind of jokes are really made by children, and the atmosphere is more active!

Soon to the martial arts show.

Ding ding dong dong sound of the guzheng gradually sounded, this is the general's order, a tune that people are familiar with.

Amidst the rapid sound of the zither, a little girl with two braids, wearing a red training suit, and holding a golden stick rushed up aggressively.

After going up, there was a side somersault first, and with a hey, he picked up the stick and turned the big windmill.

The effect under the light is quite good, the stick is shining golden, and there are countless afterimages.After the little girl has finished spinning, she performs a few side flips with high legs, and finally does a split-horse, holding the stick horizontally above her head with both hands.

At that time, the applause rang out, especially sensational, and it didn't stop at all—Yan Changqing only recently found out that the little girl's father was a little younger than Director Zhu, and a little bit more capable.

The applause continued, and the sound of the guzheng continued. Below was a boy in black.

Zhu Xiaobin's stick technique is much better-looking than the little girl, but it's a pity that his tanned face hasn't fully recovered in summer, and no fair-white little girl looks good.

Since the appearance is not as good as it is, it can only rely on strength!
In addition to the stick technique, he is most proficient at the flower boxing and embroidering legs that Yan Changqing taught at the beginning.

That's really crisp and good-looking.

With the rhythm of the guzheng, it seems quite artistic.

The last trick, the Immortal Guiding the Way, was also crisp and neat, and the applause broke out again.

Immediately afterwards, there were two little girls in red clothes. Their movements were neat and their voices were crisp. Although they were just some simple routines, they were still pretty.

There was still applause, but it didn't stop completely anyway.

Amid the applause, Rumble ran up to a group of people.

The formation was quickly set up, the black-clothed leader in the front made a few moves, and the rear followed in an orderly manner.

After several consecutive movements, the boy in black swung his stick, and everyone immediately formed a semicircle, facing the audience.

A scumbag rushed out, doing somersaults on the ground with one hand like a monkey - he didn't dare to flip, after all, he had to be steady and not wave.

After a series of movements, while retreating, the next little monkey also rushed out.

After several solo performances, the big boss finally appeared.


A series of guzheng sounds gradually accelerated, just when they reached the peak.

Yan Changqing took two steps forward and swiped the stick, bang bang bang several times, then swiped the stick and swung left and right. Just when people thought he was going to continue, he unexpectedly returned the carbine.

When the sound of the guzheng slowed down for a while, he turned around and took the stick across the stage, then shook it lightly, and the stick came out like a dragon, and the speed increased instantly, like a squall and rain, and like a wind blowing away.

People walk with sticks, sticks turn with people, a long stick seems to have life in his hands, like a swimming dragon dancing with him.

This is a stick technique that surpasses the limit of ordinary people. It seems to appear anywhere at any time, and it can always disappear in your sight inadvertently.

The intermittent applause had stopped at some point, and only the sound of the guzheng accompanied the figure on the stage.

Not like the world.

The guzheng sound finally slowed down again.

Yan Changqing dragged his stick forward, and there was a sound of throwing the stick, like thunder in autumn.

The action stops here.

One second, two seconds, three seconds...

Yan Changqing got a little anxious about posing, it's time to play collectively now?
Xiaobin?Erba?Iron egg?

What are you doing, why don't you come up?
A few seconds later, Zhu Xiaobin suddenly reacted, shouted loudly, and took a few steps forward with a stick.

Except for Zhu Xiaobin, the students in the back were also awakened by the shouting, and they all put on their poses again.

Yan Changqing heaved a sigh of relief, took advantage of the situation and got up, and led with Zhu Xiaobin in front, the movements began to change into one move, one move, one pause, one move, one haha, let the voice trainer also show off, highlighting an imposing manner, to cover up the tension in the team There are too many newcomers and the movements are not standardized enough.

Hehehahaha, it can really cheer up people, at least when Yan Changqing occasionally turns around and throws sticks, he sees that everyone's movements are basically unified.

At the end of the day, they ended the movement with a stick in the sky. Although Yan Changqing still felt that the practice time was too short, and some students' movements were not agile enough, but at the end, the applause was like the waves of the high tide, and the group of students were completely overwhelmed. submerged.

Because of the strenuous exercise of the performance and a little excitement, the faces of a group of people were all flushed.

Amid the applause, Yan Changqing and Zhu Xiaobin took the lead, reminded the excited students with gestures, thanked the audience, and left the stage.

Waiting until all the people got off the stage, the applause hadn't completely stopped yet!
Yan Changqing, who walked to the back, listened to the applause, and felt satisfied: Although the car almost overturned, it was not bad. At least it contributed a good program, which is more or less worthy, and half of the gas station has been built.

I'm just a little bit sorry, but it's not my fault.He regretted that the song "Being Self-improving as a man" hadn't appeared these days, otherwise he could have used this background music.

Although the general order is also available, the training time is short, and many movements of other people do not match the music.

Fortunately, the applause was more intense, suppressing the sound of the guzheng.

Anyway, it's good when the show is over.

Anyway, there is no need to perform it a second time. After everyone breaks up, no one will ever have the chance to see the mismatch between the movements and the rhythm of the music!
Thanks for the applause!

(End of this chapter)

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