Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 134 The first prize has a video

Chapter 134 The first prize has a video

The friends who came backstage were very excited.

Yan Changqing was relatively calm, not pretending to be anything, the main thing is that there is nothing wrong after the performance.

If there is no accident, I can give a second prize this time - there were two second prizes in the past, but this time there should be one more, making it three second prizes.

Internal activities are like this. When it is said that it is rigid, there are times when it is rigid. The first and second prizes that have been set will not be changed if they are not changed;

Many colleagues have already started to congratulate Yan Changqing. He smiled and expressed his thanks one by one—yes, no matter whether these employees are in their 30s or 60s or [-] or [-], we are all colleagues now.

After the event was over, the host went up to read the list of winners as usual. This was a matter of no suspense, and he didn't even bother to pretend, so he read the first prize first.

However, the host took the list and read out with a smile on her face, "The first prize is...", and then her smile was a little stiff, a little hesitant, and she looked towards some people in the front row of the audience.

Probably because of instructions, her smile returned and she continued to read: "The show that won the first prize is a martial arts performance. The performers are Yan Changqing, Zhu Xiaobin..."

Yan Changqing was stunned, is this different from what was originally agreed?

He subconsciously looked aside, saw a swarthy face, smiled at himself, and pointed to the stage.

Ah this?

Seeing his hesitation, the person next to him pushed him: "Changed temporarily, just now the exploration team said that your program is better, and gave you the first prize. I didn't say it was a surprise for you just now. Hurry up." Click on it."

Yan Changqing didn't have time to express his gratitude to the owner of the original first prize, so he quickly pulled Zhu Xiaobin and ran up with a group of children.

Probably because they ran a little panicked, a few little guys were still looking around suspiciously, and there were some laughter accompanied by applause below.

After receiving the certificates and prizes, Yan Changqing took his team and thanked the audience earnestly.

After getting off the stage, he quickly ran to the dark-faced middle-aged man who was smiling at him just now: "Uncle Zheng, thank you!"

Uncle Zheng belongs to the exploration team. They are always stationed in the wilderness. They may not produce results for half a year, but once they do, it will be something that the entire system needs to celebrate vigorously.

If you don’t understand, just think about what a vast land and abundant resources are. The places where these exploration teams are sometimes stationed, it’s not an exaggeration to say that the birds don’t shit there, it’s a descriptor.

Yan Changqing also complained that the work in the unit is too rigid, and there is no group award for individual awards when holding activities, but he has no objection to others winning the first and second prizes, which are indeed what they deserve.

It's just that this time they gave it to him, and went to take the second prize that was originally given to him.

It's not a big deal to say that Xiaobu is a novel, but he really admires these people, but he can't do anything but write it down.


The end of the award ceremony means the end of the event. Tomorrow is the National Day. People in some irrelevant positions in the factory and the mine are on vacation—for example, those in positions like Yan Changqing.

Then Yan Changqing began to think about how to continue to improve his wine-making technology after returning home. The medical skills are now at the bottleneck. There are no conditions in the small clinic, let alone medical equipment, and even the medicine is not complete. More serious diseases still need to be treated. It is recommended to go to a big hospital.

Just as he was thinking about it, Zhu Changsheng approached him: "What are you still doing here? Why don't you organize yourself and go to the show tomorrow?"

"What show?" Yan Changqing was taken aback.

Zhu Changsheng was even stranger than him: "The first prize went to the performance report in the city! You don't even know this, do you?"

"I know!" Yan Changqing felt something was wrong. "Isn't that scheduled for Uncle Zheng and his team to go?"

"Didn't they give you the first prize? Now you are the first prize, of course you went!" Zhu Changsheng was a little bit dumbfounded. "You took the honor, and let others continue to perform?"

Yan Changqing was also anxious: "No, isn't this just for us to win an award? In fact, everyone knows what's going on, and everyone knows that the first prize should belong to them? Why do you want us to go? "

When he left the stage, he was still thanking the applause. The warm applause covered up the bad parts of the performance. He was still glad that he didn't have to perform a second time anyway, and he was not afraid of others picking out his faults. This... came from retribution so fast?
Seeing that he still wanted to decline, Zhu Changsheng laughed angrily: "Old Zheng is busy there, because they set off for the performance tomorrow morning, they scheduled to leave in the afternoon, but actually the time is a bit tight. Now the award is for you, the performance It's also your business, they can leave tomorrow morning, and the time is more relaxed."

Yan Changqing looked around to find Uncle Zheng.

Zhu Changsheng laughed straight: "Don't look at it, they came here just for a walk, they just left after receiving the prize, and they probably drove back to check the equipment they are going to bring tomorrow."

In fact, Yan Changqing didn't care much about this performance, maybe it was influenced by everyone, anyway, everyone didn't care much.

It’s not a big honor to go, it’s not as good as the joy when receiving the award in the unit’s activities, and it’s not a big deal if you don’t go.

He was just depressed: "We still have problems with our performance. I thought that everyone didn't pay attention to it, and we don't need to perform in the future, so no one will notice our small flaws in our performance!"

Zhu Changsheng was a little puzzled: "The performance was pretty good! At that moment, Xiaobin didn't realize that he was a bit cold. That's nothing, it means that you performed well. Are there other small flaws? Then wait for the video tape to come out. , I have to take a good look..."

Yan Changqing was immediately shocked: "No, there is also the matter of the video tape? No one told me about this? Didn't you just take a few photos before?"

Zhu Changsheng laughed loudly: "The leader mentioned last time that we can only watch some good programs once, so this time we arranged two cameras. I was afraid that everyone would be nervous on stage, so I didn't tell them. It's okay, With this experience, it’s good for everyone to get used to it next time. Don’t you think it’s okay now?”

Is that okay?
Yan Changqing thought about it, and quickly asked Xiaobin to explain to the other students that there will be a performance tomorrow.

Then he asked Zhu Changsheng very politely: "Uncle Zhu, can I take a look at the videotape now?"


Soon Yan Changqing saw the cold scene.

Director Zhu said, "It's okay, isn't it?"

But Yan Changqing felt very awkward, and quickly negotiated the terms: "Uncle Zhu, when the editor is editing, can you cut off these few seconds, so that the program will be more coherent?"

Zhu Changsheng thought for a while, then nodded: "Indeed, it's really not good to have a cold scene. It's a trivial matter, just explain it later."


Yan Changqing let out a sigh of relief, yes, this is good.

It's just a pose, it's actually not that awkward, the embarrassment is in this pose, after a while.

Over time, it is inevitable that people will have associations. For example, this posture is somewhat similar to certain actions in life.

Anyway, Yan Changqing's imagination is so rich, he thinks so.

At that time, he hit the ground with a stick, and the posture he was in was very similar to rushing into the toilet when he had diarrhea, and found that the pit in the toilet was full and dirty. He didn't want to get too close, so he had to raise his buttocks.

After squatting for a long time, my legs felt a little numb, so I stretched out one leg to move around, probably because I was afraid that I would not be able to squat like this, so I held a stick in front of me for support...

Thank goodness it would be nice to be able to cut it out!

Be careful in the future, don't hang a camera around your neck to take pictures of others all day long, and end up taking some "precious" images for others.

Be careful, be careful!

The next day is National Day. This is an event held in the city. Tea parties are popular now!

Yan Changqing suspects that the shows that come to perform are all made up by various units and enterprises. There can only be one word to describe the various performances: lackluster.

Has anyone ever seen a chorus of several programs in a row?
The host's announcements are all, the following is the advanced collective of a certain enterprise, an excellent group of a certain unit, brought by a certain chorus.

Only when everyone puts their energy into their work can they get honors. Whoever has the energy to study songs? Those who can sing neatly are excellent programs.

Not only is it boring, it's simply unbearable to watch.

The only good ones are the Municipal Kindergarten and the Municipal Art Troupe. The children’s performances are very cute, and the art troupe is professional.

Soon came the performance of the oil factory.

Yan Changqing comforted his friends before going on stage: "Don't be afraid, no one here knows how we rehearse, as long as it's like last night's performance. Don't be dazed later, don't let me wait there alone you……"

The little friend remembered the scene last night, couldn't help but cheer up, and suddenly became less nervous.

In fact, what Yan Changqing said was not right, there were still people who knew about them, at least some people had seen their performance yesterday - how could there be fewer people from the oil factory in the city to hold an event.

Needless to say about performances, I have experienced it once, and everyone has made great progress in this performance.

It can only be said that the growth of children is still fast enough.

Yesterday, there were still some small blemishes of stiff movements caused by nervousness or excitement, but today they are basically gone.

In addition to the still existing problem of mismatching music rhythm and action, if you just look at the performance, it is quite a perfect performance.

But it's not a big problem, most of the people below are laymen, they just watch the fun.

Didn't you even hear the applause that has been coping with the matter below, does it sound a bit more serious now?
Then it was time to go backstage and wait for the award.

This kind of award is the same as that in the unit, so don't take it too seriously.

Seeing that the friends were a little nervous, Yan Changqing laughed: "Today's performance was pretty good, much better than last night. Are you not so nervous today? It doesn't matter whether the award is awarded or not, the most important thing is to participate Well!"

Then he took out rewards to fool them: "When I go back later, I will teach everyone nunchakus. Those who don't have nunchucks are fine, just find two wooden sticks and connect them together. We are just learning, and it is easy to hit ourselves. Use the almost It doesn't hurt to hit it with a stick!"

"I really can't think of a way, and it's simple. We're all done with the performance now, and we can keep the stick in our hands if we want to practice in the future. For those who don't want to practice long sticks in the future, one can cut several pieces..."

Crossing the river and demolishing bridges is so fast, just as he stepped off the stage, he was cut off by someone!

No expectation no disappointment.

The performance won a second prize this time, tied with several second prizes.

There is no way, there can't be too many first prizes, only a few more second prizes, it can be called a queuing fruit distribution conference, everyone who comes has a prize, and the worst is the encouragement prize.

But my friends don't know this, anyway, I know the second prize, and I am very happy.

Just be happy.

The picture is a joy!

(End of this chapter)

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