Chapter 135
People say that good things always come one after another.

In the afternoon, teach a group of friends how not to hit themselves when practicing nunchaku.

Just when Yan Changqing was about to go back, he was found by the principal of the school.

The principal said that this time everyone cooperated and won an award in the performance, which is something worth celebrating.

However, I heard that these children are all from schools in poor areas, so the school decided to donate some materials to Shenmiao Primary School.

Since they are all their own people, they didn't say anything fake.The principal said that anyway, the factory also spends some money every year to organize some similar activities. If so, it can be given to anyone, why not give it to people you know well?

Yan Changqing is from the Propaganda Department, of course he knows about this.He was just thinking about this small project. He thought that he needed to work harder to make it happen, but he didn't expect it to be done now, so he quickly expressed his sincere thanks.

Yes, you can give it to everyone, and you can't even say a sincere thank you if you give it to you.


In the afternoon, he was still driven back by a van. Although he wanted to buy a van, he just thought about it. Next, he felt that he needed to practice his skills with peace of mind, and he would not be able to use them for the time being.

Wait until you need it.

After returning to the market and looking at the gas station under rapid construction, Yan Changqing didn't stay long and continued back to Dayan Village.

It is still more comfortable in a quiet small village.

When they arrived in the village, the little guys started running around the village shouting loudly: "We won the award, we won the award..."

Holding a certificate of merit with only one piece of paper, I was so excited that I wanted to fly into the sky.

All the old men, women, and women in the village ran out to watch the small award—it was originally only one award, and it was shared by everyone.The ones I have in my hands now are temporarily replenished by the factory for personal collection and preservation in order to encourage the children.

Yan Changqing didn't care how happy the brats were, he had to hurry to see his winery.

The autumn harvest is over, and a lot of sorghum can be received. The production of the winery is completely free of raw material pressure, and autumn is also a good time for production. When the temperature is low in winter, the fermentation time of grain will be longer, and the winemaking cycle will naturally be longer. Then grow longer.

I am afraid that medical skills will slow down a bit. Even if you open a clinic yourself, unless you open a small hospital and find a few professional doctors to treat some serious diseases, otherwise there is no good way to improve your medical skills quickly. .

But brewing is not subject to any restrictions, as long as you want, you can keep improving.

Then upgrade the brewing first.


The place where the winery collects grain is the busiest these days.

Before Yan Changqing left, he arranged for someone to go to the east side of the provincial road—in order to make it easier for people to pass, he even had the small wooden bridge repaired again.

Set up a big sorghum purchase sign on the side of the provincial road, and when someone asks, they will introduce it to others. After entering this road and walking about ten miles, they cross a small river, and there is a winery inside, which harvests sorghum.

The price is [-]% higher than the market price, and a bag can give about [-] cents more.

The point is that the distillery is owned by local people, that is, people from the nearby village. The sorghum harvested is not for sale, but for the distillery's own use.

The important point is, don't cheat people, don't owe debts, and give cash.

This kind of condition, how should I put it, is simply unattractive compared with the various activities of the merchants in the future.

But these days, people from tens of miles or even hundreds of miles around can sell sorghum.

Grain trading has not been opened on a large scale these days, and farmers have few options for buying and selling grain.

The key point is that nowadays there is a very powerful word called "playing IOUs".

Farmers are in urgent need of money, so they can only sell the things produced in the field, but there are not many choices for where to buy these things. When you go there, someone will tell you that you have no money now, so send you a note first!

There is a saying that goes like this: "What you buy is expensive, what you sell is cheap, what you ask for is cash, what you give is what you owe."

The problem was even so serious that some peasants in a certain place, in anger, set fire to the cotton they had taken care of for a summer harvest...

Really don't underestimate this white note, it is this white note that prompted the establishment of the Agricultural Development Bank four years later.

However, even so, by the year of 1000, the problem had not been completely resolved. Not only had the losses before September [-] not been absorbed, but an additional [-] billion had been added.

It was not until six years later, in [-], that the head of the Agricultural Development Bank dared to say: "The problem of 'making IOUs' that has plagued governments at all levels and farmers for many years has become history."


So when Yan Changqing came to the winery with rhubarb and big black, he saw the bustling farmers pulling sorghum to sell.

Many people were scrambling to get the first place. Seeing that the scene was quite heated, some even started to argue for a position.

They are afraid that there will be too many people coming, and they will stop buying the winery when they run out of money.

Those who have these worries are people from the east, and the surrounding villages in the west are not worried that they will not be sold, so they will not crowd with them.

So much so that Yan Changqing’s uncle Li Xiujing, who was in charge of collecting food, had to keep shouting loudly: “We have money, we have money, we can collect whatever is brought, and give cash…”

Harvesting sorghum used to be done intermittently. I didn't expect the scene to be so hot now that the autumn harvest was over. The people in the winery didn't even do business, and they couldn't control the scene for a while.

As soon as Yan Changqing came over, they seemed to have found a backer, and a little girl ran over quickly to ask for help.

This matter is actually simple.

Yan Changqing asked: "How much money is there for the winery to collect grain?"

"You kept a lot, you still have [-] to [-]!" The little girl added after finishing speaking. "Cousin, you are really rich."

This little girl is Yan Changqing's cousin Li Mei, who is in junior high school, and now she is on vacation to help her father, Yan Changqing's uncle, settle accounts.

Yan Changqing looked at the people, there were quite a few of them, but they were all carts, with two or three bags missing, and seven or eight bags more.

It's not a big problem, he said to the little girl: "Sister Xiaomei, go inside and take out all the money."

While talking, he took out a wad of money from his backpack, walked over and stood on the table, waving the money in his hand: "Line in line, if you don't line up, you won't be charged. The winery is mine, and many people should have heard of it. However, I am Yan Changqing. There is a lot of money, so you are not allowed to squeeze in, and you have to line up one by one..."

The legendary name of the reincarnated Little God of Wealth, plus the money in his hand, two-in-one is still very effective. When Li Mei took out all the money in it, Yan Changqing waved the money with both hands and shouted a few more times, and the scene suddenly fell silent .

Otherwise, the mess is really annoying.


Since there is money here that can be collected all the time, people who sell food are not in a hurry.

Seeing that the atmosphere had calmed down, Yan Changqing yelled again: "Everyone, go back and help spread the word. I have harvested sorghum here for a long time, but now I only harvest sorghum. I just saw some people bringing other grains, so I have to wait a while." Pulled back, only harvest sorghum."

It takes about ten li to go from there to a small road, and it is still a dirt road overgrown with weeds, so it is not easy to pull in.

But I can't help it, I can't open my mouth, if I accept this one today, there will be others to try tomorrow, what should I do then?
Once the acquisition is released, the small bridge to the east will be broken in a few days.

It’s better to only harvest sorghum. After all, the winery uses a lot. Even if it can’t be used for a while, it’s okay to store it. It’s nothing more than building a granary.

The arrival of rhubarb and big black means that they have officially entered the winery, and they are also preparing for food storage.

The two guys can continue to play their game of mouse catch here, and it's a bigger place with plenty of room for them to roam around.


The work of harvesting grain was in progress, so Yan Changqing stopped meddling and went to check the situation in other parts of the winery.

The cleanliness of the winery is a must. It cannot be like a rural home where a house is built to raise cattle. A hole is dug in the wall behind the house, and the cow dung is shoveled out from here and piled behind the wall. If it accumulates more, it will be transferred uniformly. Place to retting.

The workers in the factory are all from rural backgrounds, and they don't feel wrong about some commonplace situations, but it's very wrong to put them in a factory that produces alcohol.

But these are trivial matters, and the important thing is technology.

After the inspection, go to withdraw the money and put it in the winery.

I thought it would be fine after two days, but I didn't expect that more and more people came. Some people came in the middle of the night, and I don't know where they came from.

In fact, there is not much sorghum in each household, but there are continuous people rushing here. The winery can only arrange people to work in shifts, and arrange the kitchen to prepare some tea.

To win people's hearts, maybe they will grow more sorghum next year.

After all, this is just the beginning, and the winery will need more sorghum in the future.


As a result, Yan Erhe rode a motorcycle, riding a little fast, and rushed into the winery like the wind: "Seven catties and seven catties, someone from the city called and asked if your school is ready ?”

"What?" Yan Changqing was complacent looking at the full warehouse of red sorghum, but didn't realize it for a while.

"They said they would come to donate to your school, let me say hello to you in advance!"

"Ah this..."

Yan Changqing couldn't care about the food anymore, and trotted onto the motorcycle: "When will you come, let's walk to school, I forgot to tell Principal Shen about this."

When he came back, he still thought about going to tell the principal before the school started, but after getting into the winery, the school had started for a few days now, and he was so busy that he forgot such an important event.

"They told you to call back." Yan Erhe said. "You can forget about those who donate books to the school. What are you busy with every day? The winery is gone without you."

It is true that I can go on as usual without me. The brewing process is not complicated, and the winery separates the process, and is divided into groups to be responsible for each.Even if I am not there, I will not delay production.

But I'm not here, and my skills don't improve!

But there was no way to say the reason, so he didn't say much.

When I arrived at the school and told Principal Shen, the old principal looked calm: "Well, then I will arrange for someone to clean the school. There is a piece of land over there that needs to be re-leveled, the grass at the base of the wall must also be cleaned, and the senior grades must be cleaned up. The students went to carry the sand to spread the playground..."

Muttering to himself, he walked out without lifting his feet when he reached the threshold. Fortunately, Yan Changqing was quick, otherwise the old man's fall would have been hard to say.

(End of this chapter)

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