Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 136 Donation to Sorghum Brewing

Chapter 136 Donation to Sorghum Brewing
Originally, Yan Changqing thought that the donation was that a few people would pull the things and put them down.

Unexpectedly, the donation from the children's school was quite loud, and three cars came.

Two of the small trucks were loaded with wooden benches, wooden tables and some old books, and some people from the school and the factory, including Director Zhu, also came in a small passenger car.

Hey, the last few people who came down, the man and woman in front, and the man in the back, looked familiar.

The reporter who interviewed last time, my own!
Shenmiao Primary School prepared very thoughtfully, and even found a group of first-grade dolls, and lined up to welcome them—it was the weekend, and there were no students in the school.

Principal Shen brought a few teachers with them, wearing their usual clothes, most of them were Dacron shirts and blue trousers, they all looked clean, but...

Yan Changqing took a closer look, and found that they were indeed ordinary clothes. In fact, because there were few styles of clothes, many clothes were similar, and it was hard to tell them apart.But today, what does it mean that there are obviously patches on it?
Looking at the group of little dolls, none of them wore patched clothes on purpose, but... To be honest, few of them fit well.

Most of them can be seen at a glance. They are obviously made of clothes that are one size larger, and some of them even have half patches or something.

In fact, most of the students, when they are new students, as long as the family conditions are not too bad, the parents will prepare new clothes for the children.

Unless it's really impossible, the only way is not to wear new ones.You can only find some old clothes, maybe even old clothes from other people's homes, and change them into something for your child.

Principal Shen is looking for all the children in the school from extremely poor families this time, right?
Didn't realize that you, Principal Shen, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, still have such a routine?


After a group of people got out of the car, a series of procedures began.

Generally, it is mutual introduction, warm sympathy, on-the-spot inspection, heartbroken, wry smile, donating materials, expressing gratitude and so on.

However, Yan Changqing paid more attention to the two reporters. When the two parties entered and did not need to shoot, seeing that there was no one next to "my own person", Yan Changqing quietly slipped over: "Brother Song, you have worked hard!"

"It's not hard, it's not hard." Song Yunshi smiled happily. "How can you work so hard, lead the students to rehearse the performance, and even make meritorious service to our unit, appearing on TV..."

Wait, why did you mention TV again?
Yan Changqing was taken aback: "On TV?"

"Don't you even read the news?" Song Yunshi was a little surprised. "You really don't know? It's your National Day program. It was broadcast on the evening news. It took you a few seconds! The performance is really good. I used to only know that you are good at playing the erhu, but I didn't expect..."

Yan Changqing was dumbfounded, and this kind of program is still on the TV news?

He didn't doubt whether it was true or not. Song Yunshi didn't need to lie to him, and the villagers really didn't read the news—to be honest, all the capable people in Dayan Village ran out, and some women also went out, and most of the rest were Those who only care about food, rice, oil and salt, who reads the news!

Even if people really watch it, they won’t watch the news of the market station, because it is smelly and long, and the length of the news depends on the mood. When it is broadcast to some conference, it will also broadcast a large section of speech content. People who can stick to it Not many.

Well, it is not surprising that there will be a few seconds or even tens of seconds of performance footage during the show.

Just have yourself?

The broadcast has already been aired, what else can it do, isn't it just the background music and performance content, there is a feeling of being inseparable from each other, it doesn't seem to be... a big problem.

Alas, sure enough, life is always full of surprises and helplessness.

I thought there was only one simple performance, but I didn't expect that there would be a second time.

I thought it would be over completely the second time, but I didn't expect to be watched on TV. I hope the editor of the TV station will be more conscientious!

Now that the news is over, I don’t have to watch it if I want to.

After chatting with Song Yunshi for a while, Yan Changqing turned his eyes aside, and suddenly looked in one direction without moving.

Then he smiled and said to Song Yunshi: "Who is this? She is kind-hearted and beautiful, and the family conditions are probably pretty good. Brother Song, aren't you married? Don't miss this kind of good girl!"

When getting out of the car, the female reporter who got out of the car with Song Yunshi is now over there, pulling a few elementary school students to talk.

Wiping away tears while talking, he kept taking things out of his pockets and stuffing them into the pockets of the elementary school students.A group of children have never seen such a battle. They were timid when they were called by the principal today, but now they retreat again and again.

The performance of this female reporter can be seen as the kind that has been staying in the city all the time, and her family conditions are still good. She probably has never traveled far. Otherwise, how could she behave like this when she saw these elementary school students?

After all, there is no camera or anything to shoot her now, so her actions should be from the heart.

Song Yunshi's words confirmed Yan Changqing's guess: "Stop talking, he won't stay here for long, and he will be transferred soon."

Yan Changqing was very cheerful. It was obvious that this guy had thought about it, probably because there was a gap between the two sides and he didn't dare to act.

This opportunity to incite the flames has come: "Then you should seize the opportunity even more! Look at how sad she is now, and she still doesn't go to comfort her. This is a little girl, and she is so caring, hurry up! "


It's a pity that Yan Changqing's idea of ​​watching a youth romance drama didn't work out. Song Yunshi bowed his head in the past and didn't know what to say to persuade him.

It's a pity for Yan Changqing, Lao Song, Lao Song, let you go to comfort people, what are you doing to give people blood, now it's better, people are not sad, and your chance is gone.

However, he soon lost his time watching the excitement, and after all the procedures were completed, he had to move supplies.

The donated books are all donated by the students. They are said to be old books, but in fact many of them are new. It seems that the students of Zidi School are still full of love.

In addition to books and tables and chairs, there are some surprises, such as several new basketballs and other sports equipment, and a large tape recorder.

There is a set of big speakers in the school. I don’t know how Principal Shen came to get them. They are old things, and the speakers are a little deformed.

But it doesn't ring often, because there may not be electricity when it is needed.And when driving, there will be a sharp and piercing chirping sound first, which makes the listener extremely uncomfortable.

If you have a big radio like this, you can play some music in the future.

There are also some clothes, which should have been donated by the students. Finally, Principal Shen's painstaking efforts were not in vain, and everyone is happy.

Of course, in the end, we still need to take various photos and videos, and report back to the news.

But Yan Changqing didn't dislike it, no matter whether it was a routine or not, even if they had a purpose, at least Shenmiao Primary School had benefited.

As for the fact that these things are obviously not worth too much money, why doesn't he do it himself, and he has to go to the trouble, that's purely a personal idea.

If we do everything, don't we look a little too stupid, some people are too incompetent!

We didn't register a company that can be exempted from taxation, and the tax paid so far is enough to build several elementary schools-and everyone knows that such a company can enjoy various preferential benefits and superior treatment.

We have also been providing various opportunities to people around us, whether it is opportunities to do business or work.

If everything around has not changed like this, what else can we do?We can't let us make up for the salaries of Principal Shen and a few teachers for the past few years, and send money to others directly!

I didn't see people making donations, but they were just giving supplies?
Maybe he will have greater ability in the future, and he will do some things, but for now, let's wait and see.


Several cars staggered away after the donation. Principal Shen was so happy that he even had a whim: "Changqing, you said that our school should organize more programs and participate in some activities..."

Yan Changqing was speechless: "Then they have to let you go!"

I don't even look at the origins of the performers who participated in the performance. The performers of which show are not preceded by a series of high-end prefixes. They are a small rural school. If they want to participate, there is really no chance.

After beating Principal Shen, Yan Changqing left quickly, and couldn't bear to see the expression on his dream-shattered expression.

Go back to the winery and continue to watch the brewing, and watch the scene where those who come to sell grain happily count their money.

I also quietly took some photos. In the future, the winery will grow stronger or close down directly. These are also commemorative.


Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, the leaves on the trees become less and less, and the wind is getting colder and colder.

Yan Changqing is not a person who hurts the spring and autumn, but he still feels that in this season, the loess road that has been blown bare by the autumn wind, the bumps on the road surface are smooth and shiny, and there are always some low-lying places. Broken soil foam, and some crushed yellow leaves.

In addition, the trees on both sides are gradually becoming bald, which inevitably gives people a sense of bleakness.

Well, going bald is not the right word, it feels bad.

Forget it, when you have money, hurry up and repair it, at least build a concrete road to make walking more comfortable.

Yan Changqing touched his black and bright crew-cut hair, and walked briskly. The two cats in front always ran a few steps, then turned back, looked up at him, and made meowing greetings.

Yan Changqing didn't think that these two guys cared about him, they only cared about the fishing rod in his hand.

Today is the reward day. Recently, the skill proficiency has been improved, especially the sorghum brewing skill. With sufficient raw materials, there is no need to worry about anything else. Just focus on production, and the skill proficiency is improving rapidly. It is now more than 80.00%. Going for 90.00%.

That's right, he changed the name of the brewing technique, the narrower the skill range, the faster the improvement.

The main reason is that the amount of wine produced is large, and every day I study every link from grain to distiller's grains, because there is enough grain!
If there is a need in the future, he can add other brewing techniques at any time. Anyway, many things are by analogy, so let's study hard first, and then talk about other things later.

With the improvement of wine-making technology, he has become more and more strict in controlling the various links of wine-making. For example, sometimes even if the grains put into the wine cellar for fermentation at the same time, the wine-making time is different.

And the temperature of the wine is also adjusted at any time.

There is still plenty of sorghum, and he plans to increase his skill proficiency to over 90.00% by the end of the year... In the first half of next year, he will upgrade his brewing technology to the full level.

It's a pity that the rapid improvement in the early stage will no longer be possible. After the proficiency is improved, it will become more and more difficult. If he doesn't leave it for more than half a year, he will not have the confidence to make a breakthrough.

Then, start your next plan, and after you succeed, you can do whatever you want, let alone lie down, at least let nature take its course, and you don’t need to think about making money in this life.

In short, the recent progress made him a little drifting.

Now he doesn't even think about the technology of making wine from sweet potatoes. Sooner or later, we will directly use the corn stalks all over the ground to make wine. This thing costs less than sweet potatoes!

But now, he himself feels that he has been thinking too much recently, and he is going to enrich his spare time life, so he rewards himself by going fishing for a day.

The small river in autumn is the most attractive, and he likes it better.

The water is clearer than in other seasons, and it is not like winter, when there is too little water to see.

Otherwise, why do people always say Wang Qiushui!


Happy fishing days.

Originally, he only planned to reward one day, but because his fishing skills are so good, he can always accurately control the timing of pulling the rod, and harvest all kinds of fish continuously.

How can such a happy day be possible in one day?
So the second day, the third day...

Even when Chen Youliang was looking for him on his motorcycle, he didn't move, but turned his head and asked, "Uncle, why did you come here by yourself?"

Chen Youliang seemed a little out of breath: "Are you still sitting and fishing? Life is so good? The Shanghai city called and said that there seems to be some change in the stocks we bought. I don't quite understand it, probably I want us to go there."

Yan Changqing began to recall what date is today, and Chen Youliang continued: "It's 300 million anyway, don't you care?"

Well, I remembered that the stock exchange in Shanghai has already been established and is about to officially open for business.

300 million customers are not too big, but they can't be said to be small, so the people from the trading office they entrusted sent them a notice.

After thinking about it, Yan Changqing didn't worry: "We don't have the ability to make quick money. After the stock exchange opens, everyone can see the daily price changes directly. Some people have the ability to predict and buy at low prices. Sell ​​high and make money every day.”

"We definitely don't have that ability, so we can only hold it all the time, and sell it when the price is high enough for us to sell it. At that time, how much we earn depends on luck."

Yan Changqing not only has no confidence in himself, but also has no confidence in his uncle.

This person's ability to act is too strong, and he does it when he thinks about it, so he has a good life later.

But his temperament is really not suitable for stock trading. Anyway, in Yan Changqing's memory, he is also a person who has donated money to the stock market.

So I didn't expect the two of them to make any money here at all. They just honestly relied on the prophet's memory to buy a batch of stocks, and waited for a certain inflection point in the memory to make a start-up capital.

This amount of money should be enough to support my next plan.

So he gave his uncle an idea: "I suggest, let's just treat the money as lost and continue doing our business, don't look at it. Otherwise, you can't help it, and when the time comes, you will lose money and earn money, and you will be in trouble." I don’t want to do our market anymore.”

"How stable is our market for making money now? Isn't it uncomfortable to collect money every day? Go for a walk, go back to the winery, and try my new wine."

 I made a mistake, I only set up one chapter, I thought it was all set up, so I will post two more chapters, three more today, and continue tomorrow!
  Thank you book friend "08a" for your reward, thank you for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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