Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 137 Why do you want to make a big deal

Chapter 137 Why do you want to make a big deal

In fact, no matter who comes to taste the wine brewed by the winery, it is rare to give any comments.

Don't listen to those who mention it, it's absolutely nonsense, Yan Changqing is so confident in his skills.

Chen Youliang's reaction proved this point. He just took a sip, then sipped it, and drank it in one gulp, feeling it for a while.

Then he slapped his thigh: "This wine is much better than what you started selling. What are you planning to do? If you have this wine, don't sell it, and put it here for ten years of aging?"

"20 yuan a catty, at least 20 yuan. This is much better than those wines that sell for [-] yuan. It's a bit of a loss if you sell it for [-] yuan. But... no matter how high it is, not many people can afford it... "

Yan Changqing was very satisfied with his reaction, and stretched out his hand: "I'm out of money! How much do you have left, bring it!"

Chen Youliang didn't think about it at the time, the eyes behind the glasses were wide open: "It's all spent, don't I give you money every month? It's all spent so quickly?"

Yan Changqing stood up: "Come on, let's see what our money has become."

After taking two steps, he turned back and said, "Don't worry, put on a mask."

Chen Youliang followed him around the winery in a daze, and was very displeased with his trickery: "I just want to see what you want to do!"

As we walked, we came to a big dirt bag next to the winery.

There are several houses next to the soil bag, and next to the house is a gate on the soil bag.

There was someone in the house, and when he saw Yan Changqing coming over, he asked, "Boss, do you want to open the door?"

After Yan Changqing nodded, he immediately took out the key he was carrying and opened the door.

After entering, I saw a wide corridor.

On both sides are rooms separated by earth walls.

The room next to the door is still empty, but if you go inside, there is a large wine tank in the room.

Then it got out of control, every room was neatly placed with wine jars, the front ones were still open empty jars, but walking inside, the room was full of sealed wine jars.

Before reaching the end, Chen Youliang couldn't help asking: "How much wine do you have?"

"Not much, maybe one or two hundred tons!" Yan Changqing said with a smile. "The main reason is that it was delayed. It took a lot of time to build this large wine cellar for storing wine. I originally wanted to dig an underground wine cellar, but it turned out that the project was too large, so I just built one like this."

Chen Youliang wanted to say something at first, but then he didn't know what to think of. Instead, he calmed down and asked, "How much does this ton of wine cost you?"

"If you exclude my technical costs, and only count the venue wages and other costs, it would be more than one catty of wine!" Yan Changqing explained after finishing speaking. "The wages I paid to the workers were a bit high, and it was unrealistic to only use coal or firewood. Now I have raised the price of firewood nearby."

"But now everything is on the right track. There are wine cellars for storing wine, and a steady stream of wine vats are still being shipped. If you buy firewood and coal, you can help me keep an eye on the market. It would be best if you can buy coal in batches Now. Now that I have sorted it out here, it's time for real production."

Chen Youliang lowered his head and calculated: "Then if you bottle it here, you can hold three to 40 bottles of wine? How much more wine do you plan to store?"

"These miscellaneous things in the early stage delayed production. If we can not be limited by fuel and raw materials in the future, we plan to save more than [-] tons!" Yan Changqing was a little regretful after speaking. "But I don't think it will work. It's inconvenient to do anything now!"

I thought I would see my uncle's surprised expression after speaking, but I didn't expect him to take out his pen and Ben to count directly after listening.

After a while, I looked up and asked him: "Then we have to invest all the money in the market in the future, right? If you want to produce faster, it may not be enough."

"Well, let's find a place to sit and talk, I know you must have a big plan, right? Tell me, one person counts the short and the other counts the long, and I will listen to it even if I can't give you any good advice. I can always think of a few…”


So the two simply came to this huge mound.

The wind was a bit chilly, Yan Changqing thought about it and decided to tell the truth.

He was the first to have this idea, and he never thought of anything inappropriate, and he kept thinking about doing big things, but he forgot that he was not the material for doing big things in the first place.

"I'm going to save enough wine. Then I will go to CCTV and find an advertisement for the Spring Festival Gala. When the stock makes money, I will directly buy the advertisement for the Spring Festival Gala. At that time, I will advertise on the Spring Festival Gala and sell it nationwide. It is estimated that I have saved this There’s not enough wine to sell.”

Yan Changqing was very sure of this, very sure.

Before long, the term "Biao Wang" will appear on CCTV.

At that time, even children will use those advertising words of "Biaowang" liquor as a catchphrase, and there is a Qin Chi Wine Club bidding for the bidding king for two consecutive years, because after becoming the bidding king in the first year, the annual sales of one billion, the second In the second year, he simply took more than [-] million yuan and continued to bid successfully.

However, it was later discovered that this winery could not produce that much wine at all. Most of the wine was blended by buying other people's wine, and then it was over.

Chen Youliang frowned and looked at the sun. He was dazzled before he lowered his head, his eyes were completely confused: "Then why don't you sell it now?"

"Selling it now, it can't be sold at a high price! It was advertised on the Spring Festival Gala, and I dared to sell the wine at Maotai's price. If it didn't, how could I sell it at such a high price."

"How do you know you can't sell it if you haven't sold it?"

"An unknown wine, would you pay Maotai's price to buy it?"

"Then have you ever thought about how busy you will be then? Do you have to distribute the goods first? Otherwise, when the customers come to buy wine, can you be busy here? Even if you put it in the market, it is impossible to be busy. "

"Separate it into several places for storage, and set up a few more sales outlets."

Chen Youliang laughed angrily: "How much space do you need to store wine? This wine cellar must not be enough now!"

"There is a place!" Yan Changqing pointed casually. "These places can be used casually."

"Fuck!" Chen Youliang turned around, and was a little stunned at that moment. "Nine hills and eighteen valleys?"

Yan Changqing smiled: "Yes!"

Chen Youliang is still watching!
Although the words of Jiugang and Shibawa have been spread everywhere, not many people come here to see it.

Because it's so remote!

Yan Changqing was not surprised by Chen Youliang's surprise. In his previous life, none of the classmates and friends who came here were not in a daze when they saw it.

It's a pity that it's not a good thing. People here would rather have no ditches and depressions, just like the flat farmland elsewhere.

Because here, small walk-behind tractors usually pull straws, and when they go uphill, they emit black smoke.

So in order to be able to do business with Yan Changqing, Cao Erhu had the audacity to call Brother Changqing even though his sons were older than Yan Changqing...

That's why Zeng Shuangxi drove people to do business with a stick, desperately, and set off at night with a cart and a gun. In order to do business in farther places, he pooled some money and bought the first walking cart. Tractor, then buy a big tractor, buy a big truck...


Chen Youliang came back to his senses and calmed down.

He thought about it carefully for a long time, and then slowly said: "You want to prepare for a big event. When the advertisement is published, the wine from the winery will be sold at a high price, and it will be shipped to all parts of the country. The sales will be astronomical in a year... "

"Then do the math. During this time, you have saved so much wine, how much money has been suppressed, and how much cost has been increased? Why don't you take your time? You reduce these costs, and you also use the money to go to CCTV advertising first. Reduce it, and then you can sell it now, the price is lower, can't you make a word of mouth first?"

"How much are you going to sell a year? With so much wine in stock and so expensive, are you going to sell hundreds of millions a year?"

Yan Changqing couldn't help interjecting: "It's less, about one billion."

The blended wine has a label and sold for one billion!

"I..." Chen Youliang was about to lie down again, but he endured it. "You get a few million for an advertisement?"

"It's less, it's estimated to be tens of millions." Yan Changqing interrupted again, because the first bidding bid cost more than 3000 million in the future, and the highest bidding price was raised to [-] million by Qin Chi.

Now, it will definitely be a little less, but even if it is a little less, a few million is probably not a big deal.

Chen Youliang was speechless for a long time. These were indeed beyond his imagination. Who would have thought that it would be so crazy in the future?

After waiting for a while, he said again: "Then what are you planning to do? Just plan to make a big deal? If we don't have enough money, you can still raise money everywhere. Aren't you tired of tossing around?"

"You start selling now, or you wait a bit, can you improve your skills? If you can, then wait, and wait until you feel that your skills can no longer be improved, can't you start selling? Why do you have to have a Spring Festival Gala? ?”

Yan Changqing said in his heart, my technical improvement is not sure, anyway, I still don't know how high the upper limit is.

Who knows if there is an upper limit!
However, what my uncle said seemed to make sense.

If you toss according to your own plan, you will be a little tired.

If you don't improve your skills first, then start selling wine when your skills are at full level.

Or sell it now, sell it at a low price when the technology is not enough, and gradually increase the price when word of mouth comes out and the technology gets better and better?

But the question about uncle just now?
Yeah, why do I always want to do big things?
Is it because the local turtle who has worked part-time all his life has been aggrieved all his life, so he is unwilling?
Although I want to lie down as soon as possible in my heart, I still want to prove myself?

Seeing that Yan Changqing gradually came back to his senses, Chen Youliang said again: "If you don't go to the market, I will blame you, but you won't forget the market, right? What is our advantage now? It is the market. The town's The labor service company just made the clothes you got, and they can mix up a few orders in the market."

"Now we are around three to five hundred miles away. Have you forgotten how many people you have contacts with? You don't even need to advertise. Just move a tank of your best wine over there. Whoever comes will give a bowl. Word of mouth is not bad. Is there any? Even if they don’t sell it themselves, they can introduce some customers for us, right?”

Yan Changqing was actually shaken, but his mouth did not waver: "My best wine will never be produced, and next month's wine will always be better than last month's!"

Chen Youliang originally wanted to say that this kid didn't know the heights of the heavens and the earth, but then he thought again, it seemed that the person in front of him was different from ordinary people, a child prodigy!
He laughed: "You have such self-confidence, but you still care about advertising! Your biggest cost now is your technology, and you can sell it for a little money. You can continue to produce. When you have more money, you can go wherever you want to advertise. , What a simple matter!"

"We still have gas stations. How many drivers are there? When the time comes, the drivers who come to refuel will give a cup to try. If you like it, you can take some back. Maybe someone has a connection and can take it out to sell. It also slowly increased your reputation..."

No, people come to the market to buy goods, you can just give them a drink, after all, not everyone who buys goods drives by himself.

However, in the gas station, you specially deliver alcohol to the driver?
What do you think?
Who dares to want this word of mouth?

In case the driver in the past had several accidents, my brewed wine can prolong life, no one would dare to drink it, right?
(End of this chapter)

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