Chapter 138

Yan Changqing felt that uncle was getting more and more tortured!

He didn't even bother to say much about his uncle's idea of ​​delivering drinks to the driver at the gas station.

Although he always felt that his uncle's idea was at least worth a "peanut" - the craftsmanship of a great country, refined and crafted, with excellent quality, pure metal texture, the kind of special peanut eaten with the skull.

But now no one says to drive without drinking and drinking. The driver of the big car is too hard, tired and sleepy on the road, and it is normal to have a drink to refresh yourself.

Even the restaurants serving cart drivers on the side of the road provide alcohol for the drivers to drink!
If you want to explain to him the reason of not drinking while driving now, it will take a lot of effort to make sense.

When there are more cars in the future, and there are a few car accidents caused by drinking and driving, then he will know what to do.

The two people basically reached a consensus from blowing on the mound until they ate.

That is to listen to each other's opinions.

For example, Chen Youliang came here this time for stocks, but now he listened to Yan Changqing's opinion, but he didn't intend to listen to it completely. He felt that he could not go into business, but he wanted to go to Shanghai to have a look.

Yan Changqing listened to his uncle's opinion, but didn't intend to listen to it completely. He thought he might as well not engage in bottling now, and just pull the loose wine over and sell it first.

Since it is loose wine, it doesn't matter how much the price is, just set a profitable price and sell it there.

When the skills reach the full level of skills, the filling equipment will be officially installed, and the price will be high at that time. If it cannot be sold, it will be put on hold, and then it will be advertised.


The two of them squatted in the empty space of the winery in a disfigured manner, each eating eggs and noodles in a small enamel basin.

Chen Youliang also understands why the price of Yan Changqing's wine is high. The cost is indeed a bit high. The workers eat the same as what they have in their hands, which is egg noodles.

That's great, you don't even need to sell the eggs from the chicken farm, you can just bring them over and put them in the kitchen.

He didn't comment until he finished eating: "Is it okay for you to eat like this?"

"Anyway, it's okay now, so I don't think about it so much." Yan Changqing didn't care about it, anyway, he had his own technology to support it. "Workers often have to stay up late, and they can't do without food."

Chen Youliang is also careless, he just mentioned these small issues, and will not say more at the moment.

Yan Changqing didn't plan to do big things anymore, and felt that his mind had calmed down, and he stopped thinking about fishing, and planned to improve his skills step by step.

After eating, Chen Youliang stepped on the motorcycle and disappeared on the country road with a puff of smoke.

Yan Changqing went to check the fermentation status of the grain in each wine cellar.


Unexpectedly, Chen Youliang rattled back on his motorcycle, and Yan Erhe came rattling again on his motorcycle.

Yan Erhe came to send a message: "Qijin, there is a teacher surnamed Li in the city who is calling you."

Yan Changqing was surprised: "Why did he ask me? Did he say something?"

"It seems to be a sports meeting held in the city. This time, people from the province are invited. What kind of martial arts can be graded? Ask the students who performed with you if they want to participate."


Yan Changqing was a little unclear. The martial arts he practiced was only what he claimed to be, and it was different from the routines that could be recognized by others. It could only be regarded as a wild way.And he doesn't know the rules in real sports games, let alone what ratings are.

In his previous life, when he went to high school, there were not many students taking physical education exams in township schools, that is, one and a half majored in running—because he only had legs and didn’t need any external conditions.

Later, it was very rare to have a major in table tennis, but he was transferred from another school.

Therefore, he has never had the opportunity to come into contact with these stylistic majors. For example, what he listened to most later was the tenth grade of piano, and he didn’t hear about it when he was in school. There was no music class in high school, and there was not even a music teacher in the school.

In short, in this environment, if you want to major in sports, music or art, the only way is to rely on cheating like him.

But now he could inquire first, so he immediately got on the motorcycle and went straight to the market to make a phone call.


Physical education teacher Li Dongning didn't even have a phone in his office, so he called the school first and someone called him, and then Yan Changqing got on the phone with him.

Li Dongning explained to Yan Changqing: "Martial arts also have athlete levels. The lowest level is Wutong, and only minors can get the title of Wutong. When you reach the second level of warriors, you can get extra points for taking the college entrance examination. This time I want Zhu Xiaobin to conduct surprise training. Let's take part in the Wutong rating, do you want students from your school to participate?"

Then there are some rules. Don't think about the high-level ones for the time being. The highest qualifications in the city are the second-level warriors. However, there are not enough qualified referees in the city for the time being, so they need to be hired from the province.

But the second-level warrior needs to be sixteen years old, so I don't think about it for the time being.

After Yan Changqing asked a few more questions, he probably understood, and then made a request: "Can you help me inquire about the martial arts routines that can participate in the competition? I will buy them next time and study them."

Li Dongning agreed immediately, and asked him again: "Don't you want the students to participate?"

"Obtaining the lowest level of qualification certificate is of no use except to show off to others!" Yan Changqing was a little sad. "Besides, you've seen it too. The routines I taught don't meet other people's assessment. Let's wait later..."

Even if you want to go, get one that can add points, otherwise it will be really useless to these rural students, and the time spent showing off will be delayed in moving bricks to the construction site.

However, this is also information. What worries Yan Changqing most now is that he cannot directly search for some information without a smartphone.

There are computers for sale now, but he has no plan to buy them. The expensive ones are so expensive that they are not practical. Thinking about the computers and mobile phones he used to use, and now switching to the computers of this era, it is easy to suffocate himself to death.


Chen Youliang finally couldn't hold back, and ran to Shanghai to watch the excitement.

Of course he didn't go alone, he brought Yan Erhe and Qian Daxi, a close buddy in the town who used to have a good relationship.

He intended to listen to what his nephew said, but he went back and thought about it for himself, but he didn't listen to it all—Yan Changqing said that if you want to go, you can go empty-handed, don't bring anything, and don't bring any money or stocks, otherwise You can't help but want to try trading when you go.

But he didn't believe it, but he always listened to what his nephew said.

Then he began to recall that his nephew seemed to pay special attention to some of these stocks at the beginning, and felt that he was piggybacking on the others. It was like going to the market. Now that they are all here, they have to buy what they need. See if you can bring a little bit with others.

So after careful selection, he still set off with the stocks.

When they arrived, the three brothers were exhausted after sitting in the car all day, and they didn't want to go out for a run. They played cards in the hotel for a while and fell asleep.

After a night's rest, the next day is the opening time of the stock exchange.

The three of them were very active in the morning, and went after breakfast, only to find that the opening was still in preparation.

Chen Youliang was idle and bored, saw someone holding up a camera to take pictures next to him, and thought of his nephew who likes to take pictures everywhere, so he talked to this person: "Comrade, we are from the countryside, and we are here to gain knowledge, can you take a picture for us too? We give you money."

He is really a bit confident now, but he doesn't shy away from things he doesn't know. If we don't know anything, we can still be considered a small businessman, right?

The photographer was taken aback for a moment, then smiled, and looked at the three of them: "Then you wait, I will take a few more pictures for you."

This person took a few more pictures around the gate of the exchange, and really took pictures of them, first took a group photo, and then took a picture of everyone.

When taking pictures, I asked casually: "Comrade, have you ever bought stocks?"

Qian Daxi pointed at Chen Youliang: "He bought some. We are all here for the first time, so we followed him."

Chen Youliang saw that people were enthusiastic about taking pictures of him, so he didn't hide it anymore: "I don't understand, if people say it's good, and it's something supported by the state, it must be right, so I bought some."

"What stocks are you buying?" The cameraman couldn't help being curious.

"I bought everything." Chen Youliang explained after finishing speaking. "It's too troublesome to buy this. I just wait for one and don't know if I can buy it. I buy it anyway, so I just bought some."

"Huh?" The photographer became interested. "Then how much did you buy?"

"I bought...not many." Now Chen Youliang stopped talking.

"Okay!" The photographer smiled. "You decided to buy it because you thought it was a state-sponsored project, right?"

I bought it because my nephew said it, but we don't sell the nephew.

So he nodded: "Yes, it can be wrong, it must be good. What do you say, comrade?"

The person who took the photo smiled and nodded: "Yes, the mayor will be here for the opening ceremony today. By the way, I am Qu Wencai, a reporter from our city newspaper. I am here to wait for the news. I can understand what we said just now. Will it be included in the manuscript as the content of the interview?"

"Let's write, let's write. Anyway, you don't write your name, right?" Chen Youliang was not interviewed before, so he was very calm.

The reporter was happy: "Yes, yes, comrade, what is your surname, I can write Mr. XX, but I can't write my real name."

"Miangui's surname is Chen." Chen Youliang was a little anxious. "How long do we have to wait?"

"It's almost time, it's time..."

really fast.

Immediately, the gate of the exchange opened, and Qu Wen didn't bother to say anything more when he saw the gate opened. He walked forward with his certificate, but Chen Youliang didn't realize it. He was asking whether the trading would still be as troublesome as before after the exchange opened. Seeing people leave, follow them and walk over.

Then Qu Wen walked in as soon as he showed his ID card, Chen Youliang was a little dazed, but there was also a person behind him holding a press card and rushing in, his outstretched arm almost knocked off his glasses.

It was the first time Chen Youliang went to Jiangcheng to buy the glasses, and he was reluctant to change them. At that time, his nephew said that his image was not good. Although he acted calmly, he was actually very shocked.So I bought this pair of glasses. First, it can cover a scar under my eyes, and second, it can also change my unique temperament.

Unexpectedly, the glasses I bought by chance are quite suitable. Now they look a bit old after a long time, but I have never been willing to change them.Now he was almost knocked off by someone, so panicked that he quickly reached out to help his glasses.

After I adjusted my glasses, I took a closer look. It was amazing. It turned out that the hall inside was already full of people!

Yan Erhe and those two in the back were dumbfounded, why did this person go in, what about the two of us?

They couldn't get in because they didn't have any certificates.

A country bumpkin, and the other has a bit of nouveau riche air, neither looks like someone who can go in to attend the opening ceremony.

Unlike the ones just now, they were all journalists or TV stations, and they were all cultural people.

Especially those who wear glasses, a unique culture can be seen at a glance.

 The timing of the release sent the wrong chapter order, please forgive me, trying to figure out a way
(End of this chapter)

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