Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 139 Flying Tiger and Flying Bear

Chapter 139 Flying Tiger and Flying Bear
The warm sunlight shines on the inside of the winery.

Yan Changqing was sitting on a small bench, holding a large bowl of "bubble skin" soup in his hand. As usual, there was a big steamed bun stuck behind the bowl and between his fingers.

Paopi is fried from pigskin after drying and removing oil. It is golden and almost transparent in color, with small bubbles inside. Even if it is stewed into soup, it tastes crisp, tender and delicious.

In addition to the soaked skin, there are also white tofu, red carrots, and green spinach, which look appetizing.

Of course, meat and vermicelli are indispensable.

People here like meat and vermicelli, and they also put it in stewed winter melon soup, and stewed radish soup.

Sometimes it is simply boiled vegetables, a large pot of various vegetables, but there must be meat and vermicelli.

Rhubarb and Dahei meowed at Yan Changqing's feet, and kept rubbing against his trousers.

But Yan Changqing was unmoved, and turned his eyebrows at the two guys coldly, and muttered: "You are done, you will fall out of favor in the future, don't think about me giving you delicious food again!"

He was a little hurt, not physically, but mentally.

By the way, yesterday he was cuddling two cats and patting them all the time. Suddenly, he had a sudden whim and looked at the two cute and cute little guys. He squinted his eyes as if he was enjoying himself, and he looked lazy and docile. Thinking about making them stronger.

Then he thought that if he improved the skill of a pet training, would he be able to get along with them better in the future, understand their needs better, feed them the food they need more, etc...

Conscience of heaven and earth, he is very satisfied with the two cats. These two guys catch mice and play with them when they have nothing to do, which can be regarded as a lot of credit for him.I really don't think about training them to do anything, just trying to better understand what they mean.

But he never expected that when he saw the pet training skills, there was almost no progress in proficiency at all, and his heart was cold at that time.

He still had a shred of hope, thinking that the proficiency was so low because the range of pets was too wide, so he changed the name of the skill to cat training.

Then, his heart became even colder!

I always thought that I was very powerful, you guys like to pester me so much, whose cat can follow you when you go out, and when I go out, you still know to squat on the wall and wait for me to come back.

I usually give you delicious food, take you out for a walk, and fish for you. I really treat you as good friends and playmates!

I never expected that after getting along for so long, you guys would actually contribute such a little bit of proficiency to me.If it wasn't for pulling the skill bar ten meters away, there would be no progress at all.

So he decided not to treat these two guys so well in the future, starting from today, from now on, even if he saw two guys meowing around his trouser legs, he would turn a blind eye and resolutely refuse to give them meat.

It's decided, I will raise two dogs immediately, and abandon these two little heartless things.

The two little creatures didn't know that they were about to fall out of favor, so they kept meowing, and then looked at the owner with four round eyes, as if wondering, why haven't they eaten yet?
Yan Changqing sneered: "Don't look, soon you will have two more favored companions, they will also watch the door, and the credit will be greater than you in the future, you go, I don't want..."

While muttering, he heard footsteps next to him, his face flushed, he looked up, and said with a smile, "Uncle, what's the matter with you?"

The uncle didn't smile, but looked serious: "You said you wanted two puppies, didn't you have any requirements? I asked, and they will be delivered in the afternoon, two little dogs of three months old, but I heard that they Mom and Dad are not too small, so they are watching the door at the winery, and it will be no problem to help identify strangers at night."

The meaning of helping to recognize a stranger is that you will scream when you see a stranger. Anyway, there are people in the winery at any time, and it is fine to warn the police.

Yan Changqing was very satisfied: "Okay, if you want money, I will give it to others... I will still be there in the afternoon, and I will feed it first when the time comes."

Uncle nodded: "It doesn't cost money, how can you ask for money to send a dog, then I'll go there, there's nothing else to do!"

"It's gone!" Yan Changqing said, pushing away the rhubarb who was trying to climb up his feet, but he didn't increase his proficiency, so the relationship was broken!

Uncle glanced at the two cats under his feet, turned around and left with the bowl in his hand, walked two steps, his shoulders suddenly shook twice, and his steps quickly picked up...


On weekends, the winery suddenly becomes extraordinarily lively.

In the open space in the middle of the winery, a group of brats gathered together, and their noisy voices echoed.

"This is a little yellow dog. You can't call it Xiaotiangou, it should be called Huang Tianhua!" Tie Dan pointed at the little yellow dog on the ground and shouted loudly.

Erwa objected loudly: "No, then why not call him Huang Feihu, Huang Feihu is even more powerful, and Huang Tianhua is his father!"

Listen to the arguments in the mouths of these brats, and you will know what TV series they have watched recently.

Seeing them arguing, Yan Changqing finally made a decision: "Stop arguing, this one is called Feihu. What is the name of the flower that is being discussed now?"

So a timid, chubby-looking little yellow dog under his feet had a majestic name.

The other is a little flowery dog, white occupies a large part of its body, there are a few yellow spots on its back, and even half of its small head is yellow, and now it is frightened by a group of brats and tries to hide at Yan Changqing's feet.

The two puppies had just arrived at the winery and hadn't gotten used to the new environment yet. As a result, the brats heard about it and came to see it, and they were helpless.

Hearing Yan Changqing's question, Erwa replied without thinking: "Flower fox!"

This time the iron egg objected: "It's a dog, not a mink."

The brat named Shan Peng next to him widened his eyes: "I didn't say he was a mink, it's just a name! The old buffalo is not a real cow either. Brother Qijin just said it was called a flying tiger..."

The old buffalo mentioned here is a longhorn beetle, and I don’t know why people here call it an old buffalo—and the pronunciation of cow here is not niu but ou.

Others also spoke out to echo their favorite names, and the war broke out again.

Yan Changqing hasn't made a decision this time, so he has to wait and see who can come up with a more famous name.

"This one is called Flying Tiger, so this one should be called Flying Leopard..."

"Why is it called a flying leopard? A leopard is not as powerful as a tiger. It must be called a flying lion..."

"Lions are not very powerful, they are called flying elephants, and elephants are the most powerful..."

After listening to Yan Changqing for a while, he gave up, and these guys started discussing which animal is the most powerful, even flying elephants, let's fly!

I still have to think to myself: "Okay, okay, let's call Feixiong!"

Those who react quickly have already switched from animals to characters: "Jiang Ziya is called Fei Xiong, he is not very good, the old man will call people more and bully people less..."

Yan Changqing slapped this bullshit, "Jiang Ziya has a whip to make a list of gods, and he can make other people a god. People are not good, but the backstage is good, you know what a fart!"

The little boy really didn't understand, but he shrank his head and avoided the slap and didn't care about objecting.

Then Yan Changqing picked up the two puppies: "Okay, okay, it's time to let them go back to their nests, have you finished your homework, you won't do your homework for the weekend, right?"

Tie Dan raised his hand: "I finished writing!"

Erwa also raised her hand: "Me's almost over!"

You are indeed almost finished. The benefits of the "pre-school class" that Yan Changqing took at the beginning have been exhausted by this kid, and now the study has begun to slow down.

Yan Changqing is also helpless, as expected, his nature is hard to change, this guy is just like that, why don't he hang out with him all the time!

That's right, why do I hang out with him all the time?
Oh, it seems that the former self when he didn't have a plug-in is similar to him.

No wonder!

Yan Changqing put on a straight face: "Second baby, hurry up and do your homework."

This group of guys sneaked to the winery from a small path after school, fully demonstrating what is the spirit of staying outside the house and not entering the house, and they all brought their schoolbags!

The nest Yan Changqing made for the two puppies was next to the room where he lived, and he put some straw in it. Later, when he heard them barking at night, he thought about it and was worried. The weather was cold, so let’s lay out some old clothes!

The two little guys who have just arrived at the winery are still a little uncomfortable. They were surrounded by a group of people, and now they hide in this familiar place in the nest. Yan Changqing doesn't care, let them get familiar with a small area first. , it will be fine slowly.

But when I came out, I took the two cats out and closed the door.

These two guys who are no longer favored can't be allowed to harass the guy who is about to be favored.

Let them catch mice!


In the evening, an unexpected guest came to the winery, Zhu Xiaobin came.

He took the car from the oil field to the market, and the people from the market drove over to him on a motorcycle.

A group of friends were about to break up and go home for dinner, and they were excited to see him again.

Zhu Xiaobin was more excited than them, and first handed the small package to Yan Changqing: "This is the textbook that Teacher Li asked me to bring to you."

Then he carefully took out a piece of paper from his bosom and showed it to everyone: "I am a Wutong now!"

Immediately someone asked: "What is a Wutong?"

"That's right, that's right, I'm an athlete, proving that I'm a martial arts athlete."

"Me too, why didn't I?"

"Yes, yes, I will too, why didn't anyone send it to me?"

Zhu Xiaobin couldn't get in when he wanted to answer, so he was anxious for a long time before shouting: "I will only give it if I want to participate in the sports meeting. If none of you go, you won't have it. Only when you go."

"Why don't you let us go?"

Zhu Xiaobin was dumbfounded at the time. Is it because I didn't let you go?

Yan Changqing explained: "For those who have to register first, and then go to the city to participate in the competition, you are all in class and have no time to go. If you want to go, you have to wait for the next sports meeting."

"When is the next sports meeting?"

"It is usually held in spring and autumn, either next spring or next autumn."

Erwa thought about it for a while, but she didn't know if she understood it: "Isn't it going to take a long time?"

Yan Changqing was speechless, as if you could have it if you went: "Then you still have to practice. If you don't practice hard, they won't give you a haircut. You have to practice hard."

Tie Dan immediately got excited: "I'll practice when I get back."

"Don't worry!" Yan Changqing said. "We didn't practice well before, you can just ask Xiaobin, you have to practice again. I am learning, and I will teach you when I know it."

It took a lot of effort to persuade a group of brats to hurry home and eat.

(End of this chapter)

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